void-soulwhisper · 2 months
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Most nights, Leonar came home late. It wasn't always obvious why, or at what hour he even arrived back in his fiancé's home. Some nights, when it was more clear, he came back a mere hour or two after the sun had set, dressed in his more roguish attire, blade bloodied, and a pouch of gold coins or trinkets in his pocket. But other nights, even if Yanahan stayed up as late as he could waiting for the elf, he didn't make an appearance until anyone and everyone in the abode was asleep. Tonight was one such night.
At close to nearly three in the morning, a small black raven flew down quietly - as silently as its wings would allow it - to land on the back porch. It was Leonar. Old habits died hard and he had once again found himself using a form of void magic transmutation to change his form into that of a bird. All so that he could fly around the city and neighbouring forests, free. In those moments, nothing tethered him to the world anymore. His upcoming wedding? His fiancé? His daughter? His father? Stepfather? Uncle? None of it was of any concern to him. Not even the humans, of whose city he flew over and of whose laws he had broken many times over, were of concern.
But he had to come back to reality eventually. He wasn't going to let himself slip, both mentally and physically, again. So, at that late hour of the night, he came back and dispelled his own illusion. In a quiet flash of purple smoke and magic, ever so briefly illuminating his surroundings, he found himself once more in his elven form.
After quietly stepping through a rift to inside the home so as to not wake anyone with the sound of rattling keys or opening doors, Leonar sat down on the bedside, right beside Yanahan. He watched the druid sleep for a moment, small smile on his face, before he leant down to kiss him softly on the head.
"Sleep well, my deer." He uttered quietly as he picked some stray leaves from the others hair.
He spent a few moments longer, just sweetly watching, before he got back up and head to the living room. The ren'dorei wasn't yet for sleep himself. He had something else on his mind. Something he hadn't done in a long time - write in his journal. It was something so simple, yet he hadn't done so in over a year. It was time to change that. To get into the habit of keeping notes of his life once more.
But when he found himself sat in front of his journal, candle nearby to make more visible the pages, ready to write, Leonar found himself not writing, but staring at that blank page. A damning realization washed over him. He knew the words - not just of his native tongue, but of several languages - but he no longer knew how to transcribe those words onto the parchment. What funny little symbols went were, and what sounds each one represented, he couldn't recall.
He used to know. The words on the other pages gave that much away. But even as he flipped through his journal, trying to assure himself of his past memories of writing, he couldn't make out what any of the symbols meant. It didn't make sense. He picked up the quill once more, flipping back to the blank page, preparing to write as if simple muscle memory would kick in and render him able to write once more. But it didn't.
The months spent living as a wild raven, even though it was just a spell and not a true transformation, had done far more harm to the mind of the ren'dorei than even himself or Yanahan had realized. Those connections in his brain, the ones in which were utilized to comprehend the written word, had been lost - unknowingly exacerbated by his semiregular secret midnight raven outings.
Much like a druid who had lost parts of himself to a wildshape, key aspects of Leonar were gone. And there was no telling when or if they would ever return.
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void-soulwhisper · 5 months
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― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
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void-soulwhisper · 5 months
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void-soulwhisper · 7 months
In the Pursuit of Freedom
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Freedom was all Leonar had ever really wanted. For as long as he could remember, even as a child, it was his driving force behind most anything he did. All the riches and fame in Azeroth were useless in his mind if they hindered his ability to act upon his free will.
As a child growing up in Grizzly Hills, he wanted freedom. Freedom from the log cabin his mother and himself called home. He wasn’t dare allowed out - at least not for any length of time and certainly not alone - for the risk of nature doing away with him. Be it the icy waters of the nearby rivers or the bears for so which the area was named after, nature posed its risks to the young elf and so he was denied his freedoms. 
Even before that, as a wee babe just starting to show his magical prowess, he had set fire to his cot for being told to sleep rather than play at inopportune times. The bars of that cot kept him confined and safe, but he never saw it that way. 
As he grew, he wanted freedom from his past. Freedom from his family name. Freedom from his father and all the man associated with. Freedom from the law. Freedom from societal standards. Free from from all of it. And he never truly found it, until now.
Although he had taken to sparking magical fires from an early age, it had quickly become evident that Leonar was gifted in another area - arcane transmutation. It is the arcane school in which a mage practices the manipulation of time and space. From slowing time to creating portals, Leonar practiced it all. But the skill in which he found the most use was polymorph. 
At first it was just polymorphing small objects here and there, getting a knack for the skill at a basic and fundamental level. Then it was studying what he looked like. Every freckle. Every hair. Every line in his face. He had to have a precise memory of each little detail of himself. Not only to make copies of himself, a skill that came in handy rather often, but to wilfully alter his own appearance to that of something else unfamiliar. 
Initially it was just changing himself to look like those he knew. His uncle and step-father were certainly not immune from his impersonations. But, with practice, he began to change his appearance to that of strangers and the purely imaginary. Many, in fact, came to know him solely in these forms, never knowing it was a façade. Sara, Raukkis, Kren, and Fey were just a few of the many aliases and false lives he led. They provided freedom, in their own right, but still not enough. 
It was only towards the later years of his magical studies, long after he had succumbed to the void and its whispers, that he found true contentment and, with it, freedom in a form that came from an unlikely source - his pets. Just as he studied himself and others around him, he studied his ravens. Not only their appearance but how they moved and behaved. Everything had to be perfect. And, eventually, it was.
Leonar stood atop a roof of one of the many buildings in Booty Bay. Although a wanted man and an outlaw, not a single person within the bustling city paid him any mind. And why would they? He looked nothing like himself. Instead of the usual elf one would expect to see, he stood there atop that building as nothing more than a black raven. Everything down to the last detail was perfect. Not a feather nor talon out of place. The only thing that gave him away, to some, was the blue of his eyes. That much he couldn’t hide. Some, perhaps, could also potentially see the void magic he used in place of arcane to perform this polymorph of the self. But for all intents and purposes, he was a raven just like any other. 
There was no hesitation from the ren’dorei turned raven as he spread his wings and took to the skies. He had done this hundreds of times before. And each time was just as exhilarating as the first. He felt the wind pass by each one of his feathers as if it were a delicate whisper. Each flap of his wings sent him soaring further into the sky until the world below became little more than a patchwork of colors and shapes broken up by the clouds between himself and the ocean below. 
The sheer joy of flight consumed him. In this form, he no longer felt trapped. In this form, he was no longer disabled. Two wings. Two legs. All there. All feeling the wind currents as much as any real body could. The constraints and worries of his life melted away as he reveled in the freedom which eluded him in his eleven form.
 And, along with them, his mind began to slip. Why return to a life of hiding and being on the run when he could feel like this? When he could BE this? He may not have been a druid, but his mental state was slowly slipping into something similar of one that never quite returned from their more animalistic tendencies. He was playing a dangerous game, one in which the consequences he had not yet fully realized. 
With each passing day, Leonar embraced more of his raven form, relishing the joy of a life untethered. But he also lost bits of himself, forgetting who he was. The void magic, fueling his transformation, sang in tune with the winds which passed him by, both combining to create a lullaby that only lured him further into this sense of newfound freedom. 
In truth, it was anything but. His mental state was rapidly deteriorating. He was forgetting more and more of who he was. Soon, there wouldn’t be much left of himself left. He was dangerously close to the point of no return. And having not been seen in months, he was perhaps already past it.
Art by Slugdog on Twitter
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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Citadel of mushrooms
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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Weeks had gone by since Leonar had last been seen. He hadn't yet made a reappearance at ⁠his camp nor had he returned to ⁠Yanahan's home. There wasn't an explanation as to why he was gone. Nothing. Not even so much as a note by Yan's door. All that was certain was the fact he was indeed missing. Intentional or otherwise, who was to say. Most people would have at least said something. Anything. But not him. In fairness, he had warned Yanahan that this was something he did. It was inevitable that, eventually, he would vanish for some time. Perhaps Yanahan didn't think it would happen this way. Perhaps he didn't think it would happen at all. Regardless, it had happened and Leonar was nowhere to be found. Well, almost nowhere.
Leonar and substance abuse had always been very good friends and now was certainly not an exception to that. His usual habit of the use of strange white and brown tinted powders had not gone astray. But they were now accompanied by the use of something else. Something that had unintentionally let himself be found. Sporadically, sometimes days at a time and sometimes not at all, the lone ren'dorei could be found within the Dream thanks to a herbal mix, and a potent one at that, which had in no small part been influenced by his partners druidic nature. Here, he didn't look much like the ren'dorei that those around him had come to know. He looked younger, leaner, all limbs still in tact, and with not even so much of a glint of graying hair. He looked almost like he did back when he was around nineteen or so. Almost. In truth it was how he would have looked in this day and age had things perhaps turned out brighter for him - a youthful elf with nary a sour moment in his life having passed him. All of him looked this way save for his eyes which still held his hardened and bitter distrust of the world. The perceived youthfulness was likely the main reason Leonar came to the Dream, even while in hiding. It was the one place he could act as how he thought things could have been. How they should have. He used what ever he had on hand around him in order to get his more usual high before coming here, evident even here as he lay in a mossy outcrop, staring up into the sky with both hands twisted around the vines which grew nearby. Although he his eyes gazed upwards, upon further inspection any creature or passer-by within the Dream could have certainly mistaken him for dead. There was a glazed over and numb expression to them, too high to think or care. He stared upwards at both nothing and everything all at once. Anyone who had seen the ren'dorei use before would certainly know the look. But here? Most creatures passed him by without a second look. A child of the void certainly didn't belong here. Yet, here he was. Calm. Content. And, of course, more stoned than a biblical whore.
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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Jefferson Sees
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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Total Solar Eclipse
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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Strange how old dusty libraries and stained pages of books makes you feel alive and fresh as new.
| pagesofjasmine
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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Expecting some heavy showers today, so I’m feeling this cozy rain aesthetic 🌧️🍂
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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photo credits to pinterest.
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void-soulwhisper · 8 months
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。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. September will bring blessings.
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void-soulwhisper · 9 months
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Comet Nishimura Credit: Peter Kennett
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void-soulwhisper · 9 months
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Name: Leonar Soulwhisper
Age: 30′s but looks far older
Race: Ren’dorei, though formerly quel’dorei
Gender: Male (He / Him)
Sexuality: RP to find out! (LGBTQI+ Friendly)
Marital Status: Divorced
Faction: Considers himself factionless
Hair: Straight, black, and some white streaking near his bangs.
Eyes: Turquoise
Height: 6′ 2″
Build: Athletic.
Distinguishing Marks: He is missing his right arm from the elbow down and right leg from the thigh down - though both have reformed with void. Freckles lightly across his cheeks and splattered over his body. There is a prominent moth tattoo across his chest.
Common Accessories: Wears black almost exclusively these days, sometimes with white undershirts. He is never without his bow, nor his daggers.
Character Art: https://thembiemoth.carrd.co/#ocart
Profession: Outlaw, though he also studies and practices the void. 
Hobbies: Baking, reading, writing, caring for his daughter.
Languages: Thalassian, Orcish, Draconic, Darnassian, Sindassi, & Common.
Residence: Transient 
Birthplace: Twinsun Manor, Silvermoon City.
Fears & Dislikes: Certain textures, sudden or loud sounds, the Kirin Tor, aggressive behavior, hot weather, lack of routine, goblins, death, necromancy, alcohol.
Pets & Companions: A large white dog, Luno. A black raven, Shano (deceased). A leucistic raven, Esther. Way too many chickens and a rooster by the name of Lenny. A black mare with a white blaze, Thera.
Spouse: None
Children: Xynaria “Soulwhisper”, Finnlios “Soulwhisper” (deceased).
Parents: Valkyran Twinsun (deceased), Jon Andorthal, Claudelin Goldenglade ( @bardtimes​ ).
Siblings: “Muffet” Goldenglade (deceased).
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: No. Drugs: Yes. Very regularly and is more often high than he is sober. Alcohol: Yes, but rarely.
-  The guard, SI:7, bounty hunters, and similar, may recognize him as being a wanted outlaw.
- He is also a known associate of several criminal organizations with blood ties to at least one.
- Being a wanted man doesn’t deter him from still taking up job offers - legal or otherwise.
-  Travels a lot and can sometimes be found out in his camp with his young daughter.
- Was a Horde soldier during part of the Third War near Icecrown.
- Briefly trained in Dalaran as a mage, although not with the Kirin Tor.
- Has stolen from many people and ships over the years.
- Was a known drug user & distributor; got into plenty of debts over it.
-  Used to work as a mortician in Duskwood & Stormwind
Likes to be Called: Easiest just to call me ‘Moth’.
Gender: Nonbinary (He/They)
Things you should know about me:
Please be over the age of 21 if you wish to write with me as some of the themes and stories I involve myself in are not suitable for minors. I will usually try to write a few paragraphs but, more often than not, I find myself mirroring what the other has written. I am based in Australia so the times I am on may vary.
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void-soulwhisper · 9 months
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void-soulwhisper · 9 months
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