vulune · 17 days
over to @amourem !
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vulune · 17 days
over to @amourem !
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vulune · 20 days
hello everyone! just an fyi - i will be remaking this blog under a new url over the weekend probably. it needs to be... cleaned up and im a firm believer in fresh starts so i'll drop it here when it looks more neat. thanks for your patience! mwah.
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vulune · 28 days
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2.2 got me like
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vulune · 1 month
I for one am convinced topaz is constantly giving aven tips on how to care for his little cat cakes and numby often warps over to play
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vulune · 1 month
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immediately shows you all the beautiful icon border @mythkiss made yet AGAIN
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vulune · 1 month
here is a little sam skill animation at this link. like firefly genuinely serving as best character in penacony and say this as a sun.day and aven enthusiast. A DUAL SWORD WIELDING CUNTY ROBOT...
firefly/sam leaks below the cut! i'm-
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vulune · 1 month
firefly/sam leaks below the cut! i'm-
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vulune · 1 month
this fuckin jade lc LORD HEAVENS
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vulune · 1 month
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a little spoiler of my future work ehe~
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vulune · 1 month
jingles keys at wanderer pspspspsps
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ㅤㅤㅤhisses,   puffs   up   like   a   cat   and   bites   his   ankles   !!!
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vulune · 1 month
me wanting to just be silly and hear the latest gossip but layla telling me she doesn't think i want to know like .... damn was she right because someone hold me on a leash for real. still, hear me out .......
this is for my fellow women lovers, women enjoyers and ESPECIALLY women writers. don't you EVER fucking stop writing women. don't you EVER dare to let anyone intimitate you into erasing queer women. sapphic women exist. bisexual women exist. trans women exist. queer women exist. poc women exist. all kinds of women exist. WE FUCKING EXIST and good fucking lord am i sick of people pretending we fucking don't.
women already have criminally few spaces in this day and age where they can feel safe without anyone sexualizing, fetishizing or generally just degrading them in some shape or form. that goes double for those of us identifying themselves as sapphic, bisexual or queer in general. as a bisexual poc (particularly half-asian haha.......) woman myself, i have dealt with shit like this countless of times studying & working in a male-dominated industry.
needless to say, creative works & writing on here in particularly is one of the very few outlets i have where i can fully embrace this side — my love for women — of myself without fear of retaliation of some kind and i know for a fact that i'm not alone in this. it genuinely breaks my fucking heart to see passionate writers lose the light they find in writing their favourite fictional women just because some white cishet guy can't keep it in his fucking pants. or for others to be afraid of not even attempting to write women in the first place because of reasons like that.
i'm not saying that's not valid, because it very fucking is. writing women without having to deal with at least ONE fucking person not reducing them to nothing but a sexualized fantasy for themselves to get off of is nearly impossible. to consistently write female characters is not for the faint of heart.
but that's also why i am begging everyone to not give up on any of these wonderful characters that you have invested so much time and love in. i'm begging everyone who's interested in genuinely writing and diving into a female presenting character to do so. and if you're afraid of it because of any of the reasons i was just complaining about, i'm asking you to do it anyway. if you're genuinely interested in writing and figuring out any kind of character — it's obvious.
i know writing a female character is hard. i know interactions may be lacking in comparison to male characters. i know you have to work twice as hard for them to get the same amount of attention male muses get. i know that for female ocs in particular, you often feel like you're doing a sales pitch instead of practicing a hobby you enjoy. but i am still asking you to do it and please hold your precious female muses. keep writing them. keep developing them. keep advocating for them. because if we don't do it, no one will.
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vulune · 1 month
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The prophecy that you have been fretting over should now be in full swing.
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vulune · 1 month
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opera of false notes
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vulune · 1 month
ㅤㅤㅤ𝐢𝐧  𝐚𝐥𝐥  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬,  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬  𝐰𝐚𝐬  𝐚𝐬  𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬  as  she  was  fastidious  -  as  calculating  as  she  was  cold,  and  as  clever  as  she  was  duplicitous.  solitary  by  nature,  it  was  such  a  rarity  for  her  to  bring  in  another  on  her  research,  something  so  statistically  out  of  the  norm,  that  even  the  mere  prospect  of  it  had  set  screwllum  whirring  with  alarm  and  herta  nearly  choking  on  her  tea.  for  what  strange  repose  could  ever  lend  for  the  great  ruan  mei  to  need  any  assistance  at  all?  her  genius,  though  cruel  -  was  not  outwardly  mean  to  others.  what  lab  assistants  she  did  utilize  were...  treated  well,  but  inevitably  altered  in  some  way  shape  of  form.  and  though  all  walked  away  with  limbs  and  faculties  intact,  encounters  with  ruan  mei  could  be  harrowing.  life-changing.  universe-altering.  it  was  just  one  of  the  many  reasons  she  had  chosen  veritas  ratio:  he  could  withstand  her.  
ㅤㅤㅤultimately,  this  entire  project  had  not  been  a  ruse  for  the  little  secondary  experiment  she'd  begun  conducting.  no  -  she  really  did  want  his  assistance,  for  ruan  mei  was  no  fool  to  the  intelligence  of  those  around  her.  it  was  just...  being  around  him  for  so  long,  becoming  privy  to  his  habits,  the  innerworkings  of  his  unfathomable  mind  on  this  chilly,  backwater  planet  -  well.  she  didn't  do  things  by  halves.  ruan  mei's  motivations  were  unclear,  even  to  her.  she  was  not  a  fool.  she  knew  herself  to  be  painfully  beautiful  and  feminine,  difficult  to  resist  for  most  men  until  they  caught  the  ice  and  morbid  curiosity  in  her  stare.  in  truth  she  probably  could  have  achieved  similar  results  without  the  use  of  biological  tricks,  but...  as  loathe  as  she  was  to  think  it:  where  was  the  fun  in  that?
ㅤㅤㅤit  had  taken  her  longer  than  she'd  thought  for  them  to  get  here  -  for  veritas  ratio  was  not  a  weak  man  -  but  ruan  mei  supposed  that  without  the  permeating  aromas  of  the  flora  in  the  back  laboratory  to  mask  her  own  personal  concoction  in  the  evening  hours,  he  was  bound  to  fall  prey  at  some  point.  thusly  -  she  peers  up  at  him,  small  when  pressed  against  the  strong  sinew  of  his  frame  -  and  lets  dark  lashes  flutter  over  the  deep  pool  of  blue  -  green  eyes.  
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝  you  were  -  are  -  the  prime  candidate.  ❞    is  all  she  says,  sweet  voice  filling  the  silence  between  them  alongside  the  crackling  fire  like  kindling  to  desire.  it's  such  a  clinical  statement  -  but  ruan  mei  is  not  unaffected.  he  fills  her  senses  -  the  masculine  size  of  him,  the  scent  of  chalk  and  books  and  a  chemist's  lab  worth  of  bath  products.  she  is  not  immune  -  leaning  into  calloused  digits  and  ensuring  with  ease  that  her  body  language  is  as  it  should  be:  open,  inviting,  temptuous.  ruan  mei  knows  that  despite  her  cravings  of  aeonhood,  she  is  still  just  as  human  as  he  is,  and  just  as  subject  to  her  urges.  sometimes,  higher  thinking  wasn't  much  higher  at  all. 
ㅤㅤㅤshe  searches  his  dawn-bright  gaze,  ready  to  question  how  he  feels  mostly  for  curiosities  sake,  only  to  be  swept  into  the  warmth  of  a  kiss.  there  is  hesitance  then  -  just  a  modicum  of  it.  at  what  -  it  is  hard  to  say.  perhaps  it  is  simply  surprise  that  he  has  made  the  first  move  -  but  ruan  mei  knows  deep  down  that  it  is  because  the  one  variable  she  had  not  accounted  for,  was  ratio's  sheer  intensity  and  the  lust  that  lanced  through  her  like  livewire  to  skin.  
ㅤㅤㅤshe  leans  into  that  kiss  like  a  plant  turns  towards  the  sun  -  elegant  and  slow,  but  not  without  yearning.  one  hand,  previously  holding  embroidery,  drops  the  project  in  favor  of  grasping  his  tunic,  as  the  other  flutters  over  the  strong  line  of  his  arm.  head  tilts,  and  the  petals  of  perfect  lips  seek  succor  against  his  own,  parting  beneath  him  like  an  unfurling  bud.  she  is  painfully  sweet  -  as  always,  and  absurdly  perfect...  the  soft  contours  of  her  body  melding  flush  with  his,  rising  to  her  tip-toes  in  elegant  heels  to  seek  more,  a  bit  more...  as  if  she  is  as  greedy  for  this,  as  she  is  for  her  personal  ambitions.
ㅤㅤㅤonly  when  her  mortal  frame  calls  for  air  does  she  part,  doing  so  with  a  delicate  noise  and  resplendent  flush  upon  pale  cheeks.    ❝  hate  me  all  you  want.  ❞    her  voice  -  the  same  sound  of  wind  chimes  in  a  spring  breeze,  the  caress  of  silken  sheets  across  bare  legs  most  sumptuous,  the  yearning  call  of  desire...    ❝  but  my  methodology  only  hurried  along  the  results  that  were  already  there,  veritas.  ❞    oh  how  wonderous,  oh  how  lovely  -  to  be  woven  betwixt  her  fingers  like  fine  silk,  and  caressed  with  the  same,  unending  reverence.  though  she  does  not  say  it,  the  statement  lingers  in  the  air:  simple  biology.
@vulune said : tilt. you take the sender's chin in your hand and make them meet your gaze. // okay ruan mei for ratio i couldn't be stopped ↬ ⭒˚。🖁‧₊˚ 〖 down these mean streets . . . 〗
      ��       ❝   tell   me   one   thing   ,   miss   ruan   mei.   are   the   others   aware   of   your   true   intentions   ?   ❞
  proximity   had   long   dissolved   when   the   genius   had   an   idea   in   mind.   one   consisting   of   depriving   the   scholar   of   his   personal   space   ,   moving   to   reduce   their   distance   from   inches   to   millimetres.   where   soon   ,   not   even   the   smallest   unit   of   measurement   ,   could   account   for   the   gap   between   them.
  he   grits   teeth   ,   once   attention   draws   to   the   disobeyer   of   natural   law   ,   identifying   the   closeness   she   adopts   towards   his   grand   frame.   though   ,   physically   —   an   indifferent   observer   might   determine   the   inferiority   of   her   stature   ,   it   is   the   immensity   of   her   status   and   aura   that   threatens   to   devour   him   whole.
  but   the   vicinity   she   slithers   into   ,   is   deliberate.   aimed   to   conduct   her   true   experiment   ,   guised   behind   the   growth   that   spans   their   lodging.
  perhaps   ,   veritas   had   known   all   along   about   the   truth   behind   ruan   mei’s   research   —   as   a   commoner   does   when   his   or   her   gut   sensation   strikes   them.   for   he   is   still   one   of   the   mediocres   ,   and   in   this   moment   ,   his   placement   on   the   hierarchical   ladder   is   glaringly   obvious.    
  ❛   what   an   unconventional   method   ❜   ,   he   must   say.   unorthodox   to   every   degree   ,   when   he   is   swarmed   by   a   concoction   of   chemical   means.   offering   his   logical   framework   a   morsel   of   information   to   work   with   ,   before   his   physiology   overrides   rationality.   a   calculated   step   ,   that   entices   his   make   to   search   for   the   source.
  still   ,   with   what   little   autonomy   he   possesses   for   the   time   being   ,   a   hand   clasps   the   delicate   structure   that   forms   her   jaw.   tilting   the   pursuer   of   aeonhood   ,   into   the   contemptuous   scowl   of   humanity.
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  ❝   to   make   me   consign   to   being   a   subject   rather   than   an   assistant   .   .   .   for   your   little   ,   passion   project.   ❞
  she   had   accounted   for   it   ,   that   sway   that   flawed   mortality   —   providing   the   scaffold   to   dissect.   to   quantify.   or   in   his   case   ,   to   observe.   whilst   she   ,   the   controlling   variable   ,   tampers   to   elicit   her   desired   reaction.
  an   anticipated   response   that   manifests   in   a   further   angle   of   her   graceful   features   ,   glimpsing   past   her   disposition   —   to   lean   into   the   planted   waft   that   clutches   to   his   receptors.   magnetised   by   its   composition.
  ❝   you   are   no   better   than   the   blight   that   rots   the   core   of   our   world.   ❞
  but   the   ferocity   in   his   words   ,   and   the   flames   that   seek   to   sear   —   are   all   in   vain   when   lips   press   to   an   unblemished   canvas.   surrendering   to   the   stimuli   that   dulls   his   restraint.
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vulune · 1 month
good morning i woke up at 1:30 am and all i can think of is HER....
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vulune · 1 month
i wanted to get some writing done but i actually think i may be getting sick so if you need me, i'll be schlumped in bed.
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