wadehq-blog · 7 years
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burning liquid continued sliding down cash’s throat for the entire night – nothing new. sore fists from a fight he won’t remember, a missing shoe from hopping that fence – nothing new. the wild antics that were included in an average night with cash went the through motions easily, but when the night ended, that’s when he noticed something was missing.
he looked around at the others with him as the clock stroke 5am; everyone was heading back home, exhausted – but cash was still looking for the calm after the storm. a blunt, shitty movies, meaningless yet comfortable chatter until sleep fell inevitable. wade was nowhere to be seen - as of yet.
with the bits of alcohol and mixed drugs lingering in his system, cash trudged his way to the familiar home to make amends for that thing that happened between them a few weeks ago that cash has practically suppressed. he wanted to ignore the past; that’s what he usually tried to do to allow things to normalize ( whatever that meant ).
“wade, dude, bro,” he repeated in a voice that didn’t even resemble a whisper, probably waking up the neighborhood at dawn. cash found the nearest item on the ground to really get the other’s attention - a small gardening shovel - and threw it to wade’s window, wincing at the bang of the metal hitting glass. a small, stupid, smile appeared across his face, knowing that had to do the trick to wake his ( once ) friend up.
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the night had only offered misfortune, restless sleep shifting from tossing and turning to staring at the stark white ceilings of his room. what felt like countless hours had been spent staring into the oblivion, negative thoughts manifesting themselves into fear, doubt, guilt, and blame - the echos that he’d never be good enough, that he’d never amount to anything plaguing his conscious.  it’s only as dawn began to break outside his window that wade realized how little sleep he’d actually gotten, a pitiful groan parting his lips. the thought of a steaming cup of coffee was his sole motivation to stumble out of bed, but before he could make it half way to the door, a sudden crash had him jumping out of his skin. he swallowed, peeking outside of his bedroom door in the hopes that somehow, someway his parents hadn’t heard the unknown object flying THROUGH wade’s window. 
upon realizing the coast is clear, he’s fixing the window with a glare - the other’s voice causing fists to clench at his side. “what a fuckin’ idiot.” the shovel sat discarded in the middle of a pile of glass - and though he’d likely have to explain the situation sometime today, he’d really rather not have to think about that now. a hand runs over his face, before he’s retreating downstairs and out the front door. “what the fuck do you think you’re doin?” he kept his voice to a minimum, whisper yelling across the yard with the assumption that he, much like cash, looked like a fucking idiot. “you just fuckin’ broke my window! wasn’t it a red flag when the shovel didn’t fall back down?” he assessed the other, before pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “SHIT .. how fucked up are you, right now?”
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
something came up, and i need to go?? i drafted everything, and will get to it tomorrow.
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
adriana: which makes me think it's even more people
adriana: i'm hardly there they don't know me
adriana: i can buy tons of tickets easier than most people so yes
wade: i'd say ten, idk ive never counted
wade: eh, its nothing new for elden. they judge everybody and everything with next to nothing to back it
wade: ah .. right, that makes sense
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
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“very.” she stated, nodding in agreement. “favorite?” she questioned, she wasn’t quiet sure how math could be a favorite for anyone but when he said he could try to help, she perked up. “that’d be great actually. we only have to do the even numbers so i’m almost done but i’m just frustrated.” she rambled. “i’m not… bad at history. well, i remember the interesting stuff but what’s it about?”
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“yeah. art and math go hand in hand, so i’ve learned to appreciate the latter.” he nodded thoughtfully, glancing back over at his abandoned textbook. “some, ridiculous bullshit about the french .. revolution. i think?” history had always been his weakness, and likely the only subject he’d never be able to grasp. “it .. doesn’t matter.” a shrug, “back to your issue, what’s the first equation?”
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
adriana: okay taking that as more than three
adriana: i'd say i always have a good chance at winning the lottery
wade: it's a big school.
wade: really?
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
adriana: so three?
adriana: they don't say it to my face which i don't like
wade: never rlly cared enough to estimate an actual number, but yah .. sure, three sounds right enough
wade: u think theyre just gonna tell you they think ur a bitch? you'd have better luck winning the lottery then getting these assholes to stop hiding in the shadows
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
adriana: so the entire day?
adriana: how many people exactly is your some?
wade: yeah, for the most part
wade: ehh .. it's no big deal. just, a few.
wade: im guessing u dont like that tho?
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
“I never liked Harry he was way to cocky and honestly there wasn’t even that much to his character like each character was known for something or well supposed to be and I mean I get he’s like the chosen one and shit like that-wait, did you see the conspiracy theory that Neville is the true chosen one. I watched an eleven minute video on it and honestly completely behind the theory. I mean voldemort killed both of his parents as well and Neville’s birthday is in July as well-but that doesn’t really have anything to do with anything. Also most badass scene ever was in deathly hallows when Ron and Hermione were about to die from the Nagini the snake horcux and Neville swung in with a sword and killed it. I guess I’m just Neville Longbotton trash, what can I say?” She said with a light shrug and leaned backwards taking in all that she’d painted and deciding what color to add next. “I mean I didn’t mind Hermione at the begining I actually liked her I just find more compelling characters elsewhere.” She said moving her head and dipping her brush in the red. “Yes, do you watch doctor who or agents of shield because there side characters and one hundred times better than the actual main ones.” She said nodding her head eyes never meeting his but the two could carry out a conversation for hours.
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Wade’s eyes lit up at the mention of a ‘conspiracy theory’ - interest never waning as he listened intently to her speak. “I’ve read it once -- or twice.” His attention drifted. “I’m not sure it’s TRUE, but I wouldn’t write it off either.” He makes a few adjustments to his painting, teeth pressed to his bottom lip. “It sucks that a lot of the good characters tend to be cast off to the side. It’s like they’re only good enough when everybody else needs them.” He grumbled, “I’d read an entire spin-off series on Harry Potter just focused on the side characters if given the chance. Hell, I’d even read one focused on Draco, maybe it’d give me a reason to like him more.” He nodded, “I’ve never .. seen either of those. I wanted to watch Doctor Who, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.” A shrug, “I’ll take your word for it, though.”
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
adriana: i do the work at home while you're all needing to listen to them complain
adriana: it's really a win win
adriana: ice queen???
wade: that's fair
wade: tho i tend to just tune the bs out
wade: it's what /some/ ppl call u, i dont see it tho
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
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audrey’s head was close to banging on the table when she heard the squeak of a chair. lifting up quickly, she looked up to the boy who was speaking. he had a familiar face but she couldn’t quiet remember his name. “other than a headache and a strong hatred for math, not really. do you know anything about algebra two?” she admitted, looking down at her paper and sighing. “what are you working on?” she asked him, leaning her elbows on the table. she would much rather be distracting herself than looking at that paper. 
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wade tilted his head to the side, “sounds .. stressful.” helping people wasn’t normally the blond’s specialty, but much like her - he’d rather be distracted by something he enjoyed rather than a subject he deemed pointless. “algebra two was one of my favorite classes last year.” he rubbed at the back of his neck, “i could .. try to help you.”  his nose wrinkled at her question, “history.”
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
adriana: i'm set on being a slacker all year
adriana: i'll still hand in work i just won't do it in class
wade: that's .. productive
wade: but doesn't doin the work at home, leave less time to be the ice queen?
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
staring down at the textbook and back at her notes, she let out a frustrated sigh. with her leg bouncing a mile a minute and her pencil tapping against the table, she couldn’t help but feel frustrated. she didn’t understand why she needed to know what a quadratic equation was or how to do it. if there’s one thing audrey loathed, it was math. everything was fine until they started bringing in formulas and as soon as she got the hang of one, they went to the next one and she was confused all over again. “how the fuck am i supposed to know if it’s fucking discriminant is positive?” she whispered to herself. dropping her pencil, she let her hands go to her face only to slide down dramatically. “go to school, they said. it’ll be fun, they said.” she mocked under her breath. 
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wade sat at the table adjacent to the brunette, feet propped up on a chair to his left, and a rather heavy textbook lying over his lap. there’s a subtle interest toward it, but really, wade would rather read about anything else. a moment or two passes, his attention shifting enough that he had to read the same paragraph twice to comprehend it, before he’s letting out a frustrated sigh and doodling a frowny face complete with angry brows at the top of the page. “fuck you, mr. briar.” he mumbled beneath his breath, before turning to the other obviously frustrated person in the room. his brows raised at her complaint, a small thud echoing through the room as he sets the textbook down, followed by a squeak as he pushes his chair closer to his class mate. “do you have anything? or are you completely clueless?”
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
as she sat in the quad of the school, ciara scribbles mindlessly in her notebook. the muse for her writing was slowly fading and as she watched people walk by, she’d narrowly describe each person to attempt to get an idea in her head of them. one person in particular went too fast and before she caught herself she says, “slow down!” and quickly refrains from speaking anymore, considering she was already caught in a pickle for accidentally yet awkwardly yelling at them. “sorry, ignore me, um… walking really fast there, just um… continue on.” she speaks brashly, only to nose her way back into her notebook and absently continues writing.
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at the girl’s outburst, wade’s actions stilled - an expression of immediate distaste filtering over his features. “do i even WANT to ask?” his brows furrow, nimble digits tugging through his hair. “let me guess, i was over the speed limit.”
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
adriana: not exactly
adriana: but i'd rather not get a detention
adriana: teachers out of school are even more boring
wade: nah.
wade: the first day's a fuck-ton of useless shit anyways
wade: i'll grab u a copy of the syllabus tho if ur dead set on being a slacker
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
Brynn wasn’t quite sure why she found herself in the art room during lunch but she sure as hell wasn’t complaining. Granted, Wade’s company was far from ideal but she couldn’t find it in herself to handle the chaos that was the cafeteria. The last thing she wanted to do was sit by some wannabe freshmen. It didn’t take long for her to notice how chatty the blond was getting. A stark difference compared to their usual encounters. “Honestly, I’d say Padma Patil. Sure, she was barely in the book but there was always something about her story that intrigued me. But I’m pretty sure Blaise Zambini comes as a close second.”
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Wade had always felt most at home within the art room, and the choice between it and a cafeteria milling with people he could care less about - was an EASY one. His gaze held intent frustration, lips twitching downward at the inability to place his idea to paper, an all to common issue for the artist. “Padma and Blaise?” His brows raised, “I’m surprised.” He had expected an answer far more generic, or possibly for the question to be brushed off all together. “So, you agree that the side characters in the book are infinitely more interesting than the main one’s?”
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
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Lara crossed her arms as she looked at the boy in front of her, “Clearly you don’t know me then.” She rolled her eyes, “Drama is like my middle name and also no, they know what is best for them with making sure I have something to spend.” She shrugged. “I know not all of us can be as lucky as me.” 
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“You’re right .. I don’t.” The Elden Prep ego practically radiated off of Lara, and Wade immediately regretted even attempting conversation. “And, what? You’re gonna continue to rely on them to buy you Prada purses until you’re sixty?” 
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wadehq-blog · 7 years
“I can’t believe you. Next your going to tell me you like Harry who is without a doubt my least favorite character as well as Hermione and Ron. Honestly, there is no growth whatsoever to there characters whereas Snapes actually cared for Harry protecting him from afar. Draco…he is full of growth, he’d been through so much family shit but in the end he actually helped Harry. He didn’t ask to be a death eater. Harry is the prick. Hermione is a know it all and Ron is supposed to be there for comic relief but actually sucks and isn’t funny. The side characters are where it’s really at….Neville he’s had tremendous growth going from that clumsy shy kid into a badass hero who saved Ron and Hermione in the last movie.” She said glancing over at Wade every so often to make sure he was still listening before moving her brush in light loose movements. “A man who won the lottery and is using it do make right with all the bad shit he’s done.”
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“.. Yeah, no.” Wade scoffed, “Harry’s a dick, too. For the first fourteen years of my life, I thought it was a British thing. Can’t say I was entirely wrong, but then I realized -- It’s a people thing.” He shrugged absentmindedly, as if his observations didn’t mean much. “Hermione’s -- eh, a little high strung but I liked her. She’s smart, resourceful, knows what the hell she’s talkin’ about. If you suddenly found out you were a wizard, wouldn’t you want to absorb all the information you possibly could?” There’s a pause in his speech, before he slowly lowered his hand, settling the paintbrush on the stool. “I still think that Hermione and Ron were a strange match, though.” He silently scrutinized the piece in front of him, growing frustrated by his inability to figure out what the piece lacked. A deep sigh parted his lips, before he cautiously plucked the paintbrush back up, dragging it through a rich emerald green. “I agree. The side characters packed the most punch. Whether that’s because we only saw the sides of them that the author wanted us to see is .. up for questioning, but they’re definitely far more compelling than the actual characters.” It dawned on him that he’d been speaking FAR TOO MUCH, and he visibly winced. “That’s .. interesting.”
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