waitlifted · 2 months
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(( sooooo, I'm not dead ))
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waitlifted · 8 months
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"But seeing and doing nothing isn't the worst thing," Hera had said. "The worst thing is to see and not to care."
indie hera syndulla of star wars. established 2016, rebooted 2023. read rules before interacting.
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waitlifted · 10 months
(( someone convince me to finish up my eugene jacket ))
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waitlifted · 10 months
(( sooooo, with ahsoka coming out in *checks notes* two days oh god, I should let you all know that I am gearing up to switch back into star wars mode, and am indeed bringing back my beloved star wars muse... none other than the famed general hera syndulla! <3
tumblr has currently locked me out of her old blog :T so I'm going to remake, but I'm also in the midst of contacting them so I can archive the old one and give the URL to the new one. either way I will absolutely be poofing from here, and tbh... I'm only a little sorry, bc hera is my beloved and I've yearned for the day I can return to writing her <3 and the star wars brain worms have got their hooks in me bad already. I will be posting the promo here when it's ready. but figure I better all let you know ))
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waitlifted · 10 months
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(( first time logging onto the dash on desktop in a while and what the fuck did they do to the layout ))
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waitlifted · 10 months
Nimona Starters !
Taken from the Netflix movie, Nimona! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! There may be some light spoilers for the movie!
“If you want a happily ever after, you can never let your guard down, because the monsters are always out there.”
“I’m not brooding. I’m just— I’m thinking. This is my thinking face.”
“Wait, what do you mean? You think I’m their favorite?”
“Some of us don’t get the happily ever after we’re looking for…”
“The garbage and the smell of sadness really pull the whole thing together.”
“This one. This guy looks extremely punchable.”
“What? Are you disappointed that I’m not a murderer?”
“They only see you one way, no matter how hard you try.”
“The “old something, something, something, we win.” Terrible plan.”
“Did you see the way they looked at me?”
“Evil Larry. That’s a great villain name! You should totally change your name-“
“I think what you’re trying to say is, “Thanks for saving my life.” Three times, if you’re keeping score.”
“Where’s the drama? The screams of terror?”
“We’re villains. Embrace it!”
“Are you kidding? Does it even matter? It but me!”
“I mean, easier if you looked human.”
“Oh, no…. Let me go ahead and pass this problem onto someone else.”
“I hate to say it, but you make a pretty good bad guy.”
“So nice to hear you guys bonding. Ah, it’s such a shame I have to go. Let me go.”
“Who would protect (Name)?”
“(Name) set me up. They killed (Name).”
“Oh, hey buddy. I’m sorry for kidnapping you.”
“Arm chopping is not a love language!”
“Okay, fine. But when things go south, I’m breaking stuff.”
“It doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t need proof. You know I’m not a murderer!”
“Did I ever mean anything to you? Or was it all just a lie?”
“You believe that?! Then you never knew me at all.”
“They grew up thinking they could be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different. And I’m the monster?”
“I don’t know what’s scarier. The fact that everyone in this place wants to run a sword through my heart or that sometimes… I just wanna let them.”
“No matter what we do, we can’t change the way people see us.”
“I like it here. Let’s live here forever.”
“I’m sorry. I see you, (Name). And you’re not alone.”
“And what if we’re wrong? What if we’ve always been wrong?”
“Come back. Please come back.”
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waitlifted · 10 months
(( someone kick my ass into actually posting replies tomorrow ))
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waitlifted · 10 months
(( psst anyone got their thumb on the pulse of the nimona rpc who can tell me which characters are most played and which are most wanted? bc I'm in the mood to go a little crazy and set up a new muse perhaps ))
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waitlifted · 10 months
nimona verse because I have brainworms
minor spoilers for nimona under the cut
cassandra, in a way, was a lot like ballister. she was a commoner who dreamed of being a knight and protecting her kingdom. unlike ballister, however, a dream was all it ever was, all she ever expected it to be. she so thoroughly believed in the system, she never even thought to question why she couldn't be one. it simply wasn't fated to be.
until, that is, ballister's rise created a spark of hope for her. if this commoner could beat a thousand years of precedent, maybe he could even set a new precedent. and then she could follow in those footsteps and train as a knight herself.
and so, when the queen was killed... she was in mourning like the rest of the kingdom, but not for the queen. in one fell swoop, he had taken everything away, proven everyone right that a commoner could never become a knight. and so, she was furious. knight or not, if she ever got her hands on that queen killer, that dream killer, she'd serve him with her own form of justice.
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waitlifted · 11 months
(( girl help nimona is genuinely making me reconsider pursuing my dream of a career in animation ))
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waitlifted · 11 months
(( hi i watched nimona today and *heavy breathing* I'm fine
curious who you guys will guess was the character I latched onto this time ))
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waitlifted · 11 months
(( hi so I took (and passed!) my math final today
I am hesitant to declare it without checking this time (those with strong memories may recall I was premature in celebrating my degree previously 😬) but hopefully this means I actually did earn my AA degree super for reals no take backsies this time!
I guess that means job hunting soon... can anyone put in a good word with the mouse for me *bats eyelashes*, ))
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waitlifted · 11 months
(( I've mentioned before how since the moonstone was killing her and replacing her strength with its own, if she held onto it much longer she'd essentially become a zombie
and then I realized that since this is tangled, if you then took the moonstone away from her at that point, she'd probably crumble to dust just like gothel— both using magic to tether them to this earth long past their expiration date, but because of that, both unable to live without it anymore ))
(( thinking about rapunzel seeing cass for the first time since she took the moonstone, noticing her deathly pale complexion, maybe even somehow feeling how cold and clammy her skin is when they come face to face, and realizing the moonstone is not just damaging her mental health but her physical health as well ))
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waitlifted · 11 months
(( thinking about rapunzel seeing cass for the first time since she took the moonstone, noticing her deathly pale complexion, maybe even somehow feeling how cold and clammy her skin is when they come face to face, and realizing the moonstone is not just damaging her mental health but her physical health as well ))
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waitlifted · 11 months
(( soooo now that I've got my drafts done... *cups hands around mouth*
if we don't have anything going at the moment but you'd like to, like this post and I'll come IM you to set up a thread! :D ))
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waitlifted · 11 months
Esmeralda's words flummoxed her perhaps even more than the kiss had. Cassandra blushed a deep crimson, looking away and fighting the urge to hide her face in her hands. "Stop— stop that, I'm not. I'm not any of those things."
Powerful, maybe. Dutiful, sure. But beautiful? No, not her. That was a word for women like Esmeralda herself, with her mesmerizing eyes and her colorful dresses, the kind of woman who immediately drew the eyes of everyone around; not for frumpy Cassandra, with her icy skin and bowl cut, who blended into the background like any other.
No, she wasn't much of a catch, she knew; and yet Esmeralda chose her anyways. That thought sent a shiver of something completely unfamiliar through her mind, and Cassandra didn't know how to process it besides just continuing to squeeze her hands, as if she could convey her feelings through touch alone.
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"I'm the lucky one."
Esmeralda completely disregarded how the woman must have been feeling. This was Cassandra and overwhelming her was the last thing she wanted to do. She was just completely on cloud nine and never wanted to leave. 
As soon as the woman pulled back, the dancer breathed heavily until her breath was caught. She wiped some of the leftover saliva from the corners of her lips. Her olive skin on her cheeks turned into a dark red color. Her smile stretched a mile wide and rocked back and forth on her feet.
Wow was the perfect word for what just happened. 
She didn’t know the dancer felt that way? She thought she sent her many signs, but perhaps it wasn’t enough. 
“I just want to show you how I feel about you… How I always felt about you…” 
The way Cassandra looked at her, made her feel some sort of way. The feeling of wanting to kiss her again was creeping up. She squeezed her hands as more of a distraction. 
“I’m a lucky woman to be able to kiss and embrace such a beautiful, attractive woman such as yourself.”
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waitlifted · 11 months
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Figurines, huh? She remembered one of the stands she passed last time had some. (They hadn't been very good figurines, in her opinion, but that was besides the point.) She let out a breath. "Alright. Got your money? Let's go." At least the shop Jasmine wanted to visit was on the way to the ones she was headed to anyways.
Her unusual attitude did not go unnoticed and it was just a matter of time when she’d bring it up. “I’m certain one of the merchant stands sells them. I’m looking for figurines.”
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