wanderer-noob · 2 years
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they weren’t (wanted them to stay in their calm poses from re1)
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
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バイオ詰め | らえ [pixiv]
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
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Thank you for DbD.
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
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Old request from Patreon, young Chris and Jill chilling with the squad after work. ✨
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
Jill and Chris snowball fight???
Hey love! Sorry this took me a while to get to but hope you enjoy it nother the less! 
Pairing: Chris x JillWords: 800Genre: Fluff
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In his twenty-four years of life, Chris had never seen snow. Well, not in person at least. He tried to argue that the fake snow they would spray at this make-shift skiing place his parents would take him to when he was five was snow, but Jill would not have it.
She spent weeks leading up to December compulsive checking the temperatures, trying to gauge the best times to visit her Pap back in France. Jill had called so much in the first week, desperate but not trying to seem too eager, that he joked about her becoming the clingy little six years old she was back in her childhood. At first, she fought back against the teasing, she had grown out of that phase a long time ago, but at the first mention of ‘il neige à Paris’ from her father, she was shoving Chris’ ass on a plane.
It was a lot colder than she had remembered France being, not having visited since her late teens. Nothing had settled yet, but as they stepped out the car and were greeted by her Pap white trails of breath lingered in the air. Frost struck her lungs and it was a lot harder to pretend the cold didn’t bother her much when her hands shook in her coat pockets.
Chris looked ecstatic regardless of there being snow or not. Having spent most of his time in the South, the smallest things seemed to excite him. Something so insignificant like how the ice hung off the branches of life-less trees or the lacy patterns replacing old cobwebs kept his attention for far too long. 
But she didn’t rush him, happily standing by his side as he examined every last detail before hearing her Pap laughing ahead of them, yelling at them to ‘dépêche-toi’ or they’d be late to whatever sight-seeing adventure he had planned for his daughter and her fiancé.
Snow came later than expected much to Jill’s displeasure, but when it did come, it came down hard. The two had woken up one morning to a blinding light glistening outside the window. She watched eagerly as Chris threw back the curtains, his face lighting up at the blanc landscape before him.
He had never seen so much joy on a grown man’s face than when he stepped out into the snow for the first time. For a while, he stood by the backdoor watching as flakes fell from the sky like a sprinkling of sugar that got caught in his dark hair.
It took a hefty push to finally get him walking and even then they didn’t make it far. For someone of his dexterity, Jill wouldn’t have thought he’d slip as soon as he did, but that didn’t stop her from laughing at his downfall.
Face bright red, Chris sat stunned, surrounded by crisp untouched snow. He could barely make out Jill beneath her hat and scarf, but he knew there were tears running down her face with how hard she was trying to catch her breath.
Every time she was close to finishing, she would catch a glimpse of Chris’ shocked face or how the snow had morphed to create giant-sized-human shape where he had landed and it would start back up again.
It was too good of an opportunity for him not to take it.
Forming a snowball was a lot harder than they made it out to be on TV. Chris got the hang of it quick, patting a lump of snow together to make somewhat of a round shape. His hands shook too much to make an accurate throw, but he still managed to smack her square in the back.
Jill froze, no more sound, and her back straightened in fright. The smile that had found its way to Chris’ cracking lips had disappeared just as fast as it came when he saw the dead-straight look on his fiancée’s face.
He thought about running, or at least rolling, away from the scene but there was no time to react. With much more skilled hands Jill reached down, scooping up a giant wad of snow and expertly forming it into a perfect sphere before he could even think to beg for mercy.
There was no air, just ice spreading tingles across his skin so strong he could barely peel his eyes open to blink away the water. The snow melted quickly leaving his skin burning hotter than any Virginian sun.
This happened again and again, three times in total before his brain kicked back into gear. On impulse he leapt to his feet, wiping away the leftover damp from his eyes and nose only to make out the blurry shape of Jill through his own frost stricken tears, standing before him with a fresh snowball in her risen hand, slowly melting and he knew their little fight was far from over.
Kofi for paid commissions, longer fanfictions or to tip the writerRequest headcanons or small fics
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
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Chris and Jill. Happy Holidays
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
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I woke up one morning with this image clear in my head, that was all the Valenfield shipper’s energy calling for me to create Valenfield content, I’m sure of it!
I took this as an opportunity to also try different ideas in terms of drawing itself, trying to get close to the type of linework I use in my traditional sketches and desaturated colors as it seems like I can’t get out of the saturated ones no matter how hard I try.
I hope all the Valenfield shippers enjoy (as I ship them too so freaking much!).
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wanderer-noob · 3 years
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Valenfield shippers, I heard you!
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wanderer-noob · 4 years
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Young Jill and Chris as promised because I bought Re Remake for my Switch and they are so beautiful!
I’m so happy of the result of this illustration to be honest with you guys. It’s nice from time to time to leave behind the artist’s curse of always being disappointed with their own art.
Thank you Valenfield!
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wanderer-noob · 4 years
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She’s the one 💪💗😳
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wanderer-noob · 4 years
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So… what’s now?
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wanderer-noob · 4 years
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I had to post this. I mean come on, I can’t be the only Resident Evil fanatic out there who thinks that Jill and Chris would make a great couple. I mean, they’ve known each other for just about a decade and they’ve always had eachothers back. Chris risked his life to prove that Jill was still alive, and as we all know, his efforts to rescue her paid off. 
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wanderer-noob · 4 years
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Happy pocky day💙💚
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wanderer-noob · 4 years
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Jill & Chris - Fan Art by Kuzuyu
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wanderer-noob · 4 years
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R E S I D E N T   E V I L   C H A L L E N G E  : 2  Heart-warming Scenes.
2/2 - Jill and Chris are reunited.
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