I think @wren-of-the-woods asked about this ages ago, and I don’t think anyone had done it, so. In the spirit of the Ruin anniversary, here you go! 
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Tim likes to keep his civilian, and hero friends apart because Ives knows too-fucking-much about Tim's puppy crush on Dick Grayson era for him to ever think about letting him meet Kon, Bart and Cassie. Tim can never live in peace after Ives helped him plan the entirety of his imaginary wedding to Dick when they were 10.
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vestiges of your childhood
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In my opinion, the butt jokes are incredibly incredibly tired.
So here are several fun facts about Dick that you can use for comedic effects/running jokes instead:
His hatred of Capes. Listen we are talking about Dick wore a yellow cape for 9 to 10 years in universe Grayson. The moment he changed his costume, he straight refused to ever wear a cape again, the only time he had to wear one, it was as Batman and it was very very frustrating for him.
You know that when he watched the Incredibles with Lian and Roy or Damian and Edna Mode came on screen with her hatred of capes, this was his reaction:
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Someone else finally understand him. She instantly became his favorite character.
His tendency to put unknown substances/evidence in his mouth and being able to identify it by taste and his knowledge of what Heroin taste like (yep still not over it).
It's both impressive (the fact that he can actually identify something by taste alone is impressive) and gross and even his closest friends don't understand why he is the way that he is, Do we think it's the Bat training or do we think it's just Dick (tm)... I feel like it has to be just Dick, right ? considering everything in Gotham is a toxin of some kind ? How many heart attack do we think he gave both Bruce and the Titans with that ?
Dick Grayson namer of superhero things: Listen, I just learned that Dick named the Arrowcave and now I just kinda love the idea of a running joke that every time a classic superhero in contact with Robin has a goofy name for something superhero related, it probably comes from the 9 year old superhero who thought it sounded cool.
The Titans are never letting that go and Dick doesn't want to talk about it (but he secretly still really like the names, they were cool when he was 9 and pretty practical when you think about it, thank you very much).
Everyone has a crush on him (tm): Honestly it is pretty funny that everyone and theirs entire family have a crush on Nightwing (and also pretty consistent canon since Raven in ntt). The reaction of the batfam is annoyed because that's gross, it's Dick, theirs brother/son, and the Titans are amused (Donna, Vic, Garth and maybe Wally) or maybe sorta part of the people who have had a crush on him (Kory obviously , Roy, Raven).
You do need to be careful with that, but I think if you do the opposite of what DC is usually doing, you'll be fine.
Also you can also includes the disastrous first date with supergirl in that. She also had a crush on him and they date was so horrible that he considered changing superhero identity because it was so embarrassing (truly one of the greatest plot-point on Superman/batman world finest honestly and this series is genuinely my favorite modern/current series)..
His petty side when he doesn't like someone: Listen, Dick has a petty side, ask Helena circa Outsiders (2003), Talia (always), Jason circa the late 2000s (Morrison era) and Azrael (also always). When he doesn't like people but has to work with them, he is going to be a little shit because they have to know he doesn't like them. it's important. and the comedic potential of Nightwing, one of the most competent, known and admired hero of the community being so petty is excellent. 10 out of 10, I need him to work with someone he hates again just for the fun of it.
The last one is just an headcanon and do not have basis in canon as far as I know:
Sometimes, as an adult, Nightwing says Holy shit in front of a classic superhero and that superhero does a double take because they are so used to him saying Holy goly batman (and that include Batman).
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Dick: You... You had a crush on me??
Tim, extremely annoyed: It was a long time ago
Dick: It really wasn't-
Tim: I was a kid discovering his sexuality!
Dick: I just wouldn't have expected it to be you
Jason: It was also me
Dick, snapping his head towards the other reading in the corner: WHAT??
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"Omg, this companion hasn’t been on the show in years, move on."
Like the whole show isn’t about a sad little idiot who doesn’t know how to move on.
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I was inspired 🔥✂️
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people in the replies of my immortal queer companions monsterfucker post keep pointing out that bills girlfriend is a puddle but listen . bill is an incidental monsterfucker ok. she likes women, if a hot woman happens to be a monster she’ll overlook the monster-ness in favor of the hot woman-ness. jack, clara, and river are, on the other hand, passionate, dedicated and intentional monsterfuckers. woman is hot because she is monster. bill would be like “hey I have a gf named heather :)” and they’d be like “oh, cute.” And then bill would be like “she’s also a puddle! Which is fine i don’t mind” and they’d be like “Oh? She’s What you say?”
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harry realizing he fucked up after peter suddenly grows like 5 inches taller than him
do not let peter's newfound confidence fool you he's still a complete loser
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tweet this was based on ⬇⬇
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Another snippet from a Sirius-raises-Harry AU where Sirius has recently gotten custody of eight-year-old Harry:
Sirius offered his hand to Harry as they left the school building. Harry’s small hand tucked into his, but Sirius hadn’t missed the sidelong, anxious look Harry had given him when he’d arrived at the playground to get him. Sirius tried to engage Harry with a few simple questions about his day as they walked home, but Harry only gave quiet, one-word answers in return. 
They settled into silence instead, which gave Sirius time to think over what the teacher had spoken to him about when he arrived at the school. “Harry is refusing to read out loud in class,” she had said. “He holds the book up to his face to make his classmates laugh. When I tell him to hold the book properly, he puts it down and stares at it without saying a word and the class laughs even harder. This rebelliousness needs to stop, Mr. Black.”
Keep reading
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i feel like theres an untapped well of "Gwaine's bastard child shows up on his door step" kidfics
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arthur, to me, is the most tragic merlin character. he is betrayed by everyone he is close to. his whole family. uther was such a bad father to him, morgana went against him, agravaine was never with him. even merlin lied to him. all he tried to do was his best, yet he constantly felt like he was failing. he felt like he had to push people away, that he couldnt let them in. his life was cut short before he could show people who he was.
yes, merlin lost everyone, but he knew the whole time. he knew what was happening, he was able to try and stop it. arthur didnt know. he wasnt told a lot of things. people kept him out of their decisions.
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merlin is such a compelling character because he's so contradictory. he's a man of mystery who's really bad at lying. you can tell he's lying about something, but his behavior is so odd no one can guess what he could possibly be lying about. basically, every character looks at him and goes 'you're clearly hiding something but im not really sure if I want to get into all that right now.' this is why he's able to tell everyone he's a sorcerer in episode three and no one believes him.
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New unsuspecting sasamiya fan: I wish there was more exploration of Hirano and his roommate's relationship. There just wasn't enough in sasamiya. :(
Hrkg veteran: *slaps an arm around their shoulders* FRIEND, COMRADE, COMPADRE - Would you care to hear about the critically acclaimed masterpiece manga called Hirano to Kagiura?
Ssmy fan: oh? Are they together for real then?
Hrkg vet:
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Merlin: *says something almost flirty as part of their usual banter*
Arthur: Don’t tease, Merlin.
Merlin, still joking around: It’s only a tease if you have feelings, Sire.
Arthur, really not having a good day: …Don’t tease, Merlin,
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One of my favorite Merthur interpretations is Straight!Arthur Bi!Merlin
But Arthur is ALWAYS saying the most out of pocket gay shit.
And Merlins like "Arthur I know you didn't mean to hit on me there so I'm gonna let you explain yourself before I respond"
And Gwen's like "this is why half the castle thinks you guys are sleeping together"
And Leons like "they're not???"
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