watheft · 6 years
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hey  i  haven’t  really  been  active  ic  -  wise  ,  but  before  i  pick  up  my  pace  on  my  three  blogs  again  ,  i   have  smth  to  say  .  this  is  gonna  be  disgustingly  sappy  so  just  a  heads  up  !
hey  @sahuka​  /  @wespeak​  !!  the  first  time  we  talked  was  last  year  ,  after  a  former  ‘friend’  of  ours  dragged  me  into  the  tew  server  .  i  was  anxious  as  fuck  but  you  (  amongst  some  others  )  were  so  warm  and  welcoming  right  off  the  bat  ,  and  eventhough  i  was  incredibly  scared  of  you  (  given  you  were  like  the  only  seb  blog  at  that  time  )  we  talked  a  little  !  i  then  made  my  tatiana  blog  and  everything  just  kickstarted  from  there  tbh  .  given  the  fact  we  spent  a  lot  of  time  plotting  ,  we  also  got  to  talk  a  lot  and  i  wouldn’t  want  to  miss  any  of  it  -  however  awkward  out  first  conversations  were  !!  i  don’t  doubt  we’d  have  met  without  that  ex  -  friend  of  ours  ,  we  just  met  earlier  through  him  and  i’m  glad  we  did  meet  so  early  because  we  kind  of  clicked  right  away  . 
but  aside  from  the  (  kind  of  funny  )  way  we  actually  met  :  in  the  year  we’ve  known  eachother  ,  we  went  through  ups  and  downs  .  we’ve  faced  a  lot  of  hardship  together  -  may  it  be  shared  issues  or  individual  issues  .  you  were  always  there  for  me  even  on  the  days  where  i  was  my  worst  self  .  you  always  helped  me  back  up  .  you  always  supported  me  and  i’m  so  incredibly  thankful  for  it  .  i’m  so  incredibly  thankful  for  you  .  i  consider  you  a  very  close  friend  -  one  of  my  best  ones  ,  even  !! 
we  never  lost  eachother  even  when  we  weren’t  in  the  same  communities  .  that’s  not  really  something  that  happens  a  lot  with  tumblr  friendships  .  i  mean  we  met  again  in  different  communities  ,  but  it  was  never  really  intentional  (  safe  for  you  dragging  me  into  deus  ex  and  yugioh  )  .  but  those  are  also  things  i’m  thankful  for  !  you  introduced  me  to  two  muses  i’d  live  and  die  for  now  (  i.e.  kaiba  and  václav  )  .  what  i  mean  with  this  is  that  we  never  really  needed  to  be  doing  related  things  on  the  internet  to  have  some  basis  for  a  conversation  .  sure  there  were  times  we  didn’t  talk  as  much  as  we  did  way  back  or  nowdays  ,  but  we  always  did  keep  some  kind  of  contact  .  which  is  nice  !  again  ,  about  the  times  we  didn’t  really  talk  .  even  if  we  didn’t  talk  for  a  week  or  two  ,  we  could  always  (  and  still  can  )  talk  about  everything  at  any  given  time  ?  i  love  you  for  that  .  it  still  amazes  me  how  you  go  out  of  your  way  to  give  me  that  open  ear  or  shoulder  ,  whenever  i  need  it  -  if  you  know  what  i’m  talking  about  or  not  .  same  goes  for  you  ,  though  .  i’m  always  here  for  you  and  you  know  it  .
there’s  a  lot  more  i  love  you  for  but  it’s  late  and  i  don’t  want  to  annoy  my  dash  too  much  !!  what  i’m  basically  trying  to  say  is  :  i  love  you  so  very  much  and  i  wouldn’t  wanna  miss  a  single  moment  of  our  friendship  -  no  matter  if  we  were  having  a  good  time  or  not  .  i  know  you’re  not  only  here  for  my  good  days  and  times  .  you’re  here  for  my  bad  days  as  well  and  you’re  always  so  ready  to  support  me  at  any  given  moment  .  i’m  eternally  greatful  for  this  .  for  you  .  for  your  love  .  
anyway  .  love  ya  .  have  a  good  night  ,  kyria  !!
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watheft · 6 years
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should  i  make  kamui  woods  a  sideblog  or  give  him  his  own  blog .....................  hm
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watheft · 6 years
u like boys or girls?
doesn’t matter cos no one likes me back
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watheft · 6 years
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watheft · 6 years
name one more iconic bi gal than umiko . her skin/hair color pallet is literally the bi flag
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watheft · 6 years
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          ❛     if you’re scared , you can just hold my hand . i don’t mind - if it makes you feel safer  !!     ❜      
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watheft · 6 years
help me decide
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watheft · 6 years
✰ * º ❛ even more popular text posts ask meme. ❜
‘  my kink is getting some fuckin sleep.  ’ ‘  omg here goes your lil crybaby ass.  ’ ‘  the beatles wouldn’t even fucking exist if big time rush hadn’t paved the path for them so shut the fuck up.  ’ ‘  don’t start buddy. don’t you dare.  ’ ‘  gay rights? true, as a gay, i am always right.  ’ ‘  not to vent, but: fuck.  ’ ‘  the worst pain is to make small talk with someone you once told everything to.  ’ ‘  i think i accidentally break my own heart a lot.  ’ ‘  sometimes ‘brb’ stands for ‘be ready bitch’ so you have to be careful.  ’ ‘  i want to kiss you in a way that makes you not want to kiss anyone else ever again.  ’ ‘  shout out to the people who are still friends with me even though i’m a fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  it’s safe to assume that at any given moment i want to go back to bed.  ’ ‘  i’m a big fan of anything that will help me chill the fuck out.  ’ ‘  i don’t go through people’s pictures on their phone cause i wasn’t raised in the jungle.  ’ ‘  i think we, as a people, just need to have a glass of water.  ’ ‘  i don’t have enough black clothes.  ’ ‘  sweetie, i could sleep for ten years and i’d still be tired.  ’ ‘  i would sleep so much better with your arms wrapped around me.  ’ ‘  me??? tired??? sleepy??? yes, constantly.  ’ ‘  i’m pb&j – petty, bitter, and jealous.  ’ ‘  the fact that sloths aren’t extinct somehow proves that if you go at your own pace and mind your own fucking business you too can succeed.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be the person i want to be, but i’m too tired.  ’ ‘  i always look sleep deprived. is that hot?  ’ ‘  just because there’s always room for improvement doesn’t mean you’ll never be good enough.  ’ ‘  my heart is a soft and sensitive mess.  ’ ‘  all i want is a big garden and no responsibilities.  ’ ‘  honestly someone not liking beyonce is a deal breaker and not for any political reasons, but just like you’re probably, definitely really boring.  ’ ‘  hey guys, i’m a huge fan of genuine love and affection.  ’ ‘  now i’m falling asleep and she’s calling a crab and he’s having a smoke and she’s kissing the crab.  ’ ‘  i’ve been ever since i heard ‘lonely’ by akon at 9 years-old.  ’ ‘  my new years resolution is to stop.  ’ ‘  i’m irritated cause i’m not lovable in a romantic soulmate way.  ’ ‘  i hate knowing that people that ruined parts of me still live and function like nothing ever happened.  ’ ‘  i know i’m cute, but you can remind me.  ’ ‘  hey, just wondering, but are you fucking kidding me????  ’ ‘  i can’t wait to be in love with someone who is also deepfuck in love with me and we love each other forever n’ ever.  ’ ‘  me? clingy? yes. please don’t leave me.  ’ ‘  girlfriend application compatibility question: do you keep your depression pile on the bed or on the floor?  ’ ‘  anything heart shaped is automatically 200% better. this is a fact.  ’ ‘  today’s agenda: screaming into the abyss.  ’ ‘  going from ‘today is a good day’ to ‘i hate my life’ takes me approximately 2.6 seconds.  ’ ‘  everyone needs to wash their face and go to bed.  ’ ‘  i’m worth so much more than the ways i’ve been treated.  ’ ‘  hey, can i claim you guys as dependents on my taxes?  ’ ‘  i really just ignore phone calls. like leave a message. i don’t check those either but like  ’ ‘  i honestly just want to pack my bags and go travel the world and see and explore everything possible.  ’ ‘  remember being little and thinking dandelions were fun or a pretty color or something and every adult in an 80 mile radius wouldn’t let you say that without screaming IT’S A WEED.  ’ ‘  why did we just accept catdog?  ’ ‘  my ‘stay in bed all day’ game’s too strong.  ’ ‘  you deserve to be loved without having to hide the parts of yourself that you think are unlovable.  ’ ‘  i always forget that i literally don’t owe anyone anything!  ’ ‘  i wonder what it feels like to know what the fuck is going on.  ’ ‘  honestly… us girls? us women? we always out here, knowin.  ’ ‘  would an alien think i’m pretty?  ’ ‘  i love boys, but only as a concept.  ’ ‘  why do parents get mad when you sleep in all day? like i’m staying out of trouble and i’m not spending your money like what’s the issue here????  ’ ‘  i identify as an inconvenience to the world.  ’ ‘  i seriously regret telling anyone, anything, ever lmao  ’ ‘  dating me is like dating a five year-old. i need all of your attention and i’m cranky if i haven’t had a nap.  ’ ‘  i’m literally tired of myself.  ’ ‘  don’t introduce me to ur parents unless you plan on marrying me because they’re going to love me and ask about me for the rest of your life lol  ’ ‘  what the hell is a straight person? only straight thing i know about is the edge of my beloved sword.  ’ ‘  i highly recommend never having feelings.  ’ ‘  self care is going into a cornfield at night to get abducted by aliens.  ’ ‘  staying up late with another human is such a weird thing like you get this special bond and a what-is-this feeling  ’ ‘  do u ever feel like ur not even friends with ur friends?  ’ ‘  um no offense but whom’st’ve going to loveth me?  ’ ‘  date a girl who fucks everything up.  ’ ‘  not all who mcfreakin wander are mcfreakin lost.  ’ ‘  i may legally be an adult but don’t be fooled. i have no idea what i’m doing.  ’ ‘  a fun and interesting fact about me is that i’m a fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  you can start again anytime!  ’ ‘  all you can do is learn your lesson. there’s no point in wishing you had did differently. the past is the past.  ’ ‘  i can’t believe an angel like me has to suffer so much.  ’ ‘  you’re all so obsessed with love and being loved. what about just going to sleep?  ’ ‘  i’m smart, but i do dumb shit anyway.  ’ ‘  tbh i never deal with my emotions. i just let them ravage my body and then go to bed and then i wake up and do it all over again.  ’ ‘  first of all: i don’t know shit, so jot that down.  ’ ‘  i’ll just ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ my way through life.  ’ ‘  i’m tired of things costing money.  ’ ‘  don’t you hate it when you’re dead inside and run out of apps to refresh?  ’ ‘  who cares? do better, move on.  ’ ‘  i don’t need a significant other. just a significant income.  ’ ‘  appreciation for everyone who’s ever talked to me bc i’m annoying and dumb.  ’ ‘  thnks fr th mntl llnss.  ’ ‘  what  hasn’t killed me has just made me overly sensitive and defensive.  ’ ‘  i don’t know shit ya’ll!!!!! i’m just out here.  ’ ‘  binge-watching is great until you run out of the show and have to start watching it weekly like some sort of medieval peasant.  ’ ‘  i’m in the wrong realm and i think everyone can tell.  ’ ‘  this might come as a shock but I’m Not Feelin too good my dudes.  ’ ‘  i’m alive, but only ironically.  ’ ‘  there she goes again being over dramatic and by she, i mean me.  ’ ‘  do you ever feel like have tried Too Hard to a friend and now you have become That Obnoxious Weirdo?  ’ ‘  lgbt: lasagna! garfield’s beloved treat.  ’ ‘  my favorite phrase in the english language is ‘i shit you not.’  ’ ‘  i’m a real boring bitch! a snoozer!  ’ ‘  i honestly look so good lounging in an oversized t-shirt and no pants. when will someone experience the blessing of domestic living w/ me?  ’ ‘  you don’t understand how hard it is to take a selfie when you’re ugly.  ’ ‘  you son of a mumford!  ’ ‘  hi, i’m here to ruin everything.  ’ ‘  you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their hands. for example, if it’s a skeleton hand then they’re dead.  ’ ‘  the year is 2020 and i am found guilty of treason against the united states for vague blogging that i hate someone and donald trump thought it was about him.  ’ ‘  everybody calm down, we’re going to be fine! :))) we’ve weathered worse than this! :) :) :) :) really all this panic just seems like a huge overreaction imho   ’ ‘  no beta readers. we publish our crap writing like men.  ’ ‘  i need $$$$$ not feelings.  ’ ‘  ‘idk imma see’ = i ain’t coming, never was coming, never considered it, never gave it a single thought, only remembered cause you asked again.  ’ ‘  oops, i don’t care lol  ’ ‘  why girls always crop the halo out of their selfies? stop being so modest. we know the truth.  ’ ‘  maurice, you’re not gonna fucking believe this,  ’ ‘  i always get told i look like a bitch bc i’m always glaring while i walk, but i’m not glaring, i’m squinting. i have sensitive eyes. they’re watering.  ’ ‘  concept: it’s 3 am. candle lit room. a record is spinning. you’re kissing me. we have no worries in the world. we’re warm and content.  ’ ‘  i need to go into the forest and scream for an hour and a half.  ’ ‘  pls kill all men who yell at girls from cars.  ’ ‘  life really isn’t what i expected it to be. less quicksand. almost no quicksand to be honest. lots of metaphorical quicksand tho.  ’ ‘  i have a question for u: like are u done… like is it over?  ’ ‘  we all have that one person who ruins your day by being alive.  ’ ‘  we all have that one person who ruins your day by being alive. for me, it’s myself.  ’ ‘  whenever i see police i always try not to act suspicious and fail internally even though i never did anything wrong.  ’ ‘  new years resolution: less bitter, more glitter.  ’
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watheft · 6 years
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          ❛     if you're scared , you can just hold my hand . i don't mind - if it makes you feel safer  !!     ❜      
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watheft · 6 years
help me decide
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watheft · 6 years
me ? making a blog for ? kamui woods ????? likely
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watheft · 6 years
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when  she  curses  you  but  also  calls  you  babe  in  the  same  sentence
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watheft · 6 years
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how could you forget about these treasures
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watheft · 6 years
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@sahuka and i are watching yugioh season 0 and i am living
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watheft · 6 years
i love cam
i love cam and i would die for cam
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watheft · 6 years
My kink is people underestimating me and ending up wrong and embarrassed
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watheft · 6 years
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Your time of judgement has come.
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