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this year while we all celebrate pride month and celebrate ourselves as well as those who came before us and paved the way for us to do so, we must also think of those in gaza, queer or not, who live every day under a brutal occupation and don’t have that same privilege. happy pride, and may we see a free palestine in this lifetime.
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"What makes you think that might have changed?"
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Rati Saxena, ed. by Kate Rogers and Viki Holmes, from Not a Muse: The Inner Lives of Women: A World Poetry Anthology; "Mountain nights"
[Text ID: “Last night / there was a dream / And / In the dream? You / You / You / And / Only you”]
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Anaïs Nin, A Spy in the House of Love
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this is just my unprofessional opinion but fuck all that shit
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25-35 is such a weird fucking age because you’re 100% a bread-and-butter Standard Edition Millennial but the cool teens are like “ok boomer” because you have a Real Job but the actual Boomers at your job are like “I’m not going to listen to a literal fucking child” as they download 16 self-replicating viruses and meanwhile the Gen Xers are telling you to refinance a mortgage for a house you don’t have and you’re sitting there at the Adults Table with the pretty tasty casserole you cooked because you’ve finally figured out how to do that now but everyone is eating the Boomer’s store-bought macaroni instead and admittedly they do sort of taste similar so it probably wasn’t worth all the trouble of cooking from scratch and you’re trying to comfort the freshly-graduated sobbing 22-year-old next to you because she just woke up here and doesn’t know where she is but you have like maybe 5k dollars in a savings account labelled RETIREMENT that grows approx. twelve cents a year and you keep eating dry macaroni while smiling incomprehensibly and periodically blacking out like ??????????
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- Chris Mc Geown
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ok im really curious do you guys have books you consider your "white whale"? as in books you keep telling yourself oh yeah i really want to read that, but you keep not reading it?
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Me and my friends are going are going on a mission that is important and could change a lot of stuff, and I feel like something bad is gonna happen. There's doom on the horizon. But I still think it's right that we're going. (for @overnighttosunflowers)
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One thing I love about the way Sam plays is he’s not precious about his characters. He does what’s right for the story and for his character regardless of whether or not that puts his ability to continue with that character at risk.
So many DnD players are so hesitant to play their back up characters but Sam isn’t making choices out of a sense of character preservation unless that’s what makes sense for the character. So often adventurers set off to be legendary heroes and to some extent a martyr complex has to go with that.
The thing is that very few people are willing to lean into it because it’s so hard to let go of something you’ve put so much time and effort into. Sam is the kind of person to roll with it and sometimes even enjoy it, though I don’t know that that was the case this week. He likes to tell a story with more consequences than some of the others. It’s why he never used halfling luck, it’s why he he gives most of his characters families and something to lose. For Sam, the consequences make the game which makes him the perfect player for a late game (probably permanent) death. It’s what the story called for and Sam is the perfect player to field that kind of complication.
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F.C.G. || Fresh Cut Grass || Faithful Care Giver
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still thinking about the imagery of the changebringer coin embedded in the wall after the blast, pointing bells hells toward the exit. the final piece of divine guidance from their cleric, who just saved all their lives, pointing them on a path up toward hope
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I'm alive because they made me alive.
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