weekly-beejmeej · 1 month
today BJs undead horrible grandmother insinuated that she and mj are a lesbian couple and blackjack didnt even throw up a little bit. Also MJ had to fly her over the water of niagra falls to a little island and they were doing like a face to face koala hug airborne missionary situation so she was about 30% chubbed (blackjack was throbbing rock solid 1000%) and then mj watched blackjack punch someone in the face so hard they started having a seizure and then flew her back off the island. Safe to say we are making massive strides
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 months
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weekly-beejmeej · 4 months
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weekly-beejmeej · 6 months
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Beejmeej for Bobby @cdfreak!!! BJ belongs to Bobby, and MJ belongs to Ezra @hopelesscalico
(Text + no text)
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
we are FUCKING back baby. beejmeej got gay last night they did indeed. mj got put in fake jail for like a scene at a comic con thing and blackjack was so sad she was like putting her hand up against the glass and looking into her eyes. also blackjack almost called mj "my" something so like ... ok lesbian
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
jammy and i are coping with the michisino hiatus by ruining our lives with tupperbot
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
sorry this is so late i was putting it off to emotionally recover and then i forgot oops lol. ANYWAY im very very sorry beejmeej nation theres been several setbacks. ill lead with the good news - the party has a house together! and beejmeej share a room and bed <3 but also unfortunately mj's ex fwb/unofficial girlfriend named nicki has appeared and kissed mj on the lips and told blackjack "i was here first" and blackjack is probably going to throw herself off a bridge or something idk. but also the guy selling them the house was named tom and hes really nice and good with the kids and blackjack is texting him all flirtatiousally now. basically bj and mj are rebounding from each other for no reason. i hate them. OH ALSO blackjack has accepted that she likes women and she came out to her mom and kind of sort of her sister YAYYY peace and love on earth ^_^
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
FRI, May 13
The gang went to hell. Sad! Each person had their own personal hell and blackjack's was being married to a man and having a baby with him and like living that normal nuclear life. which i think is going to make her realize things soon. shes definitely going to start officially #questioning either next session or the one after that. a step forward B] also 7 said that the team is a family so that was like beautiful and stunning and amazing and life is perfect
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
ok bad news beejmeej made like net zero progress today. mj had to help blackjack try on dresses which was beautiful but then mj did cocaine in front of 7 and blackjack is PISSED about that and also blackjack got 2 guys phone numbers
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
know your herstory
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
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beejmeej got engaged :)
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
one of our players was missing and we did a non-canon session so no Real beejmeej progress was made BUT the filler session we did was entirely centered around ana and 7 forcing bj and mj to admit that theyre in love with each other and it was like several hours of them being locked in a bathroom together talking about their feelings for each other and they kissed and it was beautiful
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
WED, Apr 20
Not much beejmeej progress honestly this session was like 2 seconds long. Blackjack helped kill MJ’s evil gross parents who are going to hell which was a slay. She also like held her while 7 boiled her dad alive which wwas beautiful. MJ’s little sister now lives in the van as well which is epic she can probably do something about beejmeej
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
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beejmeej comp <3
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
some fridge magnet beejmeej poetry i threw together in 10 minutes bc this blog has felt a little dry lately
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[ID: a photo of a fridge with magnets stuck to it. each magnet is white with one word/symbol typed on it. the magnets read "she wrote home anywhere with a kiss/war" the words kiss and war are arranged on top of each other, with a question mark between and after them. end ID]
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[ID: the same fridge with similar magnets. the magnets read "need her like hate/being human/a vulgar love" with the phrases "being human" "hate" and "a vulgar love" all arranged underneath the phrase "need her like" in a way that implies they are separate options for the end of the sentence. end ID]
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weekly-beejmeej · 2 years
Blackjack talked to another gay elf and may be closer to accepting being a lesbian, Blackjack called MJ's real name pretty and MJ had to like turn around and blush, MJ and Blackjack showered at the YMCA so idk MJ probably saw Blackjack be in a towel and got gay with it, Blackjack called MJ's monster features "nice" again, Blackjack was visited by an evil vengeful god who told her everything she hates about herself and called her a coward for not coming out and so idk thats probably going to spur her to do some introspection once she wakes up (she is unconcious right now because her adopted 7 year old daughter tried to kill her but thats not beejmeej related so its unimportant), and Blackjack also accidentally killed MJ's ex girlfriend which is honestly kind of a win like less competiton idk
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