Many patients who have had bariatric surgery report improvements in their quality of life, social interactions, psychological well-being, employment opportunities, and economic condition. Best Bariatric Surgery in Delhi NCR
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Compared with other weight loss methods, such as dieting, surgery provides the longest period of sustained weight loss in patients for whom all other therapies have failed. It has also been shown to improve many obesity-related health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Best Bariatric Surgery Center in  India
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Over the last decade, weight loss surgery has been continually refined to improve results and minimize risks. Today, bariatric surgeons have access to a substantial body of clinical data that supports the use of surgery as a safe and effective weight loss treatment when other methods have failed Best Bariatric Surgery Center in Delhi NCR
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The small intestine is about 15 to 20 feet long and is where the majority of absorption of the nutrients from food takes place. The small intestine is made up of three sections: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. Best Bariatric Surgeon in India
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The pylorus is a small, round muscle located at the outlet of the stomach and the entrance to the small intestine. It closes the stomach outlet while food is being digested into a more easily absorbed form. When food is properly digested, the pylorus opens and allows the contents of the stomach into the first portion of the small intestine. Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi NCR
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The stomach, situated at the top of the abdomen, normally holds just over 3 pints (about 1500 mL) of food from a single meal. Here, the food is mixed with an acid that is produced to assist in digestion. In the stomach, acid and other digestive juices are added to the ingested food to facilitate breakdown of complex proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into small, more absorbable units. Bariatric Surgery For Weight Lose in India
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Bariatric Surgery is mostly performed on the person who has obesity and wants to lose weight. It is the procedure that causes weight loss by the restriction of the amount of food that can hold by the stomach. This surgery is recommended to those who have a BMI of at least 40, or a BMI of at least 35 with some medical conditions like diabetes. Bariatric Surgery for weight lose  in Delhi NCR
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Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique used in a wide variety of general surgeries, including bariatric surgery. Many bariatric surgeons have received the necessary training to perform laparoscopic bariatric surgeries and offer patients this less invasive surgical option.
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Over the last decade, weight loss surgery has been continually refined to improve results and minimize risks. Today, bariatric surgeons have access to a substantial body of clinical data that supports the use of surgery as a safe and effective weight loss treatment when other methods have failed  Weight Lose Surgery in Delhi NCR
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The small intestine is about 15 to 20 feet long and is where the majority of absorption of the nutrients from food takes place. The small intestine is made up of three sections: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. Bariatric Surgery for Weight Lose in Delhi
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During preoperative counseling and your hospital stay you have been counseled above your post-operative diet at home and you have also gone through the Bariatric Bible. However to reiterate please read the following instructions  Weight Lose Surgeon in India
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Surgery is a serious decision. Taking certain steps in the right order can help ensure you get all the necessary information to identify the most effective treatment. With these steps you’ll know how to get started and what to do next. The goal is to have everything in place to feel confident with your decision to achieve and maintain a healthier weight.  Weight Lose Surgeon in Delhi NCR
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A sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive procedure that limits the amount of food you can eat by reducing the size of your stomach. During this procedure a thin vertical sleeve of stomach is created using a stapling device. This sleeve will typically hold between 50 to 150 mL, and is about the size of a banana. The excised portion of the stomach is removed.  Best Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery in Delhi NCR
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Weight loss surgery is a life-altering, stressful process and procedure that requires careful thought, considerable awareness, and adjustment. Changes occur both emotionally and physically. Weight loss surgery is not a “cure-all”. Instead, it is a tool to help you achieve a healthier weight. We want you to be a successful as you can with weight loss surgery!  Best Weight Lose Surgeon in Delhi NCR | Weight Lose Clinic | Dr. Tarun Mittal
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Surgery is a serious decision. Taking certain steps in the right order can help ensure you get all the necessary information to identify the most effective treatment. With these steps you’ll know how to get started and what to do next. The goal is to have everything in place to feel confident with your decision to achieve and maintain a healthier weight. Best Weight Lose Surgery in India
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Dr. Tarun Mittal is an obesity surgeon in India, bariatric surgeon in India, minimal access surgeon and laparoscopic surgeon in India. He is an expert in Laparoscopic and Obesity Surgery in India and has performed Several Thousand of These Surgeries With Almost 100% Success Rate On Local As Well As Overseas Patients till date. Best Weight Lose Surgery in Delhi NCR
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Many patients who have had bariatric surgery report improvements in their quality of life, social interactions, psychological well-being, employment opportunities, and economic condition.Best Weight Lose Surgeon in India
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