weird-fish-thingy · 3 months
Logged here to this dead account and i feel bad for my old self for walking on eggshells between Tumblr's dramatically sensitive & toxic ppl
Welp now my mind changed i don't think i will stay, byes
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
I just realized today is his birthday 🥭🎂🥭
I find it very important to post this last thing then leave my blog
Tumblr media
If no one celebrated it in his tag ill do it myself
Happy birthday Chakie Chak, my golden ass Egypt god looking stinky bastard fuck you
Ill be forever devoted to my Chak religion
May you come back to life, amen
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
Alright, im leaving this place
I moved to another blog, but im uncomfortable to share it here
Whoever wants dm me or ask me in comments then ill give you the username
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
Might permanently move to another account
Will update about this
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
How can i be so fixated on a boss with 0 content whom I can't even play the game on my potato PC to fight him 💀
Its been 2 months 😭😭😭
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
Shifters i need advice about how to deal with nightmares
Im the type who gets them a lot when im focusing in my journey
(im either having no dreams or get nightmare in general it's not caused by shifting)
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
*casually logs out now*
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
Sometimes Idk anymore how to tag posts, as a former Instagram user, i keep tagging like its a insta post lmao
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
Wondering how ppl go their days without imagining fictional character love & comfort them
Are they aliens or something????
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
rb to gently place something on your f/o's head while they're distracted
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
Letting y'all shifter folks know
On my study break i was just affirming its all real im in control and i already exist in many realities n im not tied here and i can shift in any moment
Then i started to feel sensations, as if i was feeling my desired reality's touch sensations a bit
Since shifting realities while with open eyes is possible , i didn't freak out i just let myself feel this symptom or whatever it is curiously
It felt like tingles on my thigh, then slowly became touch , then felt like a hand on my thigh, just holding my leg
Then i focused to feel sensations on my arm, then it all just slowly faded instead, *shrugs*
But dayum what a interesting thing i just experienced
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
*logs out now*
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
I feel mentally better when im not in Tumblr
Even if im not facing anything bad im still feeling better without a social app
From now on ill be logging out after posting
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
*cracks fingers*
*plays heavy metal*
*smacks the demons in my head away*
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
There's a saying that "You can't imagine something which doesn't exist or which your mind hasn't seen".
Which simply means that if you want something, if you desire something c'mon it's real and IS POSSIBLE, it CAN be materialised ! If you can imagine it, you can have it! That's why people are able to shift to Marvel, twilight, and what not.....
So just relax.....all your desires are possible and well you have them ? Okay just be aware of the things which you want to have in your reality. And you got it! don't acknowledge, or focus on what you don't want ... (Unless it's about your mental health and you need sm venting) . Want blue eyes? Just be
AWARE... Of it.
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weird-fish-thingy · 5 months
It’s not your fault you’re struggling, you were brainwashed by society
(A lil inspired rant)
The capitalist society we live in is based around one thing: selling. I’ve taken marketing classes before and one of the first things they’ll teach you is the basic formula for advertising: Problem - Agitation - Solution.
Explained in simple terms:
Problem: Figure out what problems people have. They also call this “pain points”. In other words, figure out what’s causing people pain, what’s making them anxious/depressed/etc and focus on those problems.
Agitation: This means making the problem worse for people. Rub it in their faces that they’re struggling and suffering. Make their pain worse so they feel like they really need a solution.
Solution: Your product, obviously. Now you’ve gotten your target audience super upset about themselves, you give them the answer, in the form of spending money to buy whatever you’re offering.
Master this and you’ll become a fantastic salesperson - and a shitty human. Yet this is how society operates. Literally EVERYTHING is built to exploit our pain.
Now, this is problematic in many many ways, but specifically:
It’s causing you to focus on your problems, identifying with a state of lack, making you feel not good enough as you are right now.
It’s causing you to look outside yourself for answers, hoping that whatever the thing is will be the magic solution to all your problems, and keeping you in a deferred state (not having it yet).
Being born into this society means you’ve been exposed to these limiting beliefs your whole life. Parents, teachers, the media, advertising etc have constantly repeated the same stories of “you’re not good enough right now, “you need someone else to tell you what to do”, “you’ll be happy once you have this thing”, etc (in various different words)
It’s all BS created to make us feel powerless. It’s brainwashing, plain and simple. It’s also proof that the law of assumption works, “for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.”
So if you’re struggling right now, it’s not your fault, and you’re not alone. You were brainwashed into believing you are powerless and miserable. But now you know the law, it’s time to take your power back.
The real truth is: You are the creator. You are in control of your reality. You don’t need anyone else to tell you what to do. You don’t need to buy anything or consume any more info. You are powerful and you already have everything you need right now!
Persist in your new assumptions and your new story. They may feel uncomfortable and untrue at first, because your whole life you have been taught the opposite. Like when you get a new pair of shoes, it might take some time to break them in and make them feel natural, but eventually they will mold to your body and be so comfortable you won’t even notice.
Sending so much love ❤️
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