i am ace and tired
reblog if you are also ace and tired
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i want cuddles so bad i’m so touch starved i need affection just fucking lie down on top of me and hug me and pet my hair and cuddle with me until we fall asleep
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13 Reasons Why I Dislike the Show “13 Reasons Why”:
1. The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention has specific guidelines on how to safely portray suicide without inadvertently causing more deaths, and the series blatantly disregards those guidelines in graphically showing Hannah slitting her wrists. This could literally result in more deaths by suicide, which is NOT OKAY.
2. It glorifies suicide by making it seem like killing oneself and leaving tapes/a note/etc is the only way to effectively send a message to the world, when in fact, the opposite is true – the most effective way to send a message is to survive, thrive and tell one’s story.
3. It simplifies suicide by making it seem like it is a direct result of bullying, sexual assault, etc. when in reality the issue is far more complex.
4. It conveys other characters as unhelpful and unsupportive when Hannah tries to reach out, which could discourage viewers from seeking help themselves.
5. It does not effectively address the subject of mental illness, which is a major component in the issue of suicide.
6. Hannah essentially blames others for her death, when in reality suicide is a choice made by those who commit it. Yes, things such as bullying and sexual assault can be a main factor in suicidal ideation and mental illness, but the decision to commit suicide is solely in the hands of the individual.
7. One of the characters justifies her self harm by saying “it’s what you do instead of killing yourself”, which simplifies and glorifies self harm by making it seem like a good “compromise” instead of suicide.
8. The show provides no resources for those struggling with similar issues to Hannah, which again goes against the specific guidelines of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. It is not that hard to do research and find these guidelines, so it is clear that the creators of the show had little to no interest in taking advice from professionals or considering the potential negative impact they could have, which is honestly just disgusting.
9. The school counselor Hannah speaks to brushes off the clear signs of her being a suicide risk, which is literally against the law and not something any qualified professional would do.
10. It is highly offensive to many people struggling with mental illness and suicidal ideation because it never really delves into Hannah’s character, or portrays her as having mental illness (a major factor in most suicides) - it just makes her seem dramatic and attention-seeking, which perpetuates stereotypes.
11. It does not offer a healthy solution or way of coping with traumas such as bullying and assault - the only “solution” it offers is suicide, which, as mentioned previously, the show glamorizes and simplifies.
12. Hannah makes other people like Clay feel irreparably guilty for her death, which is cruel and inconsiderate, and not something most people who commit suicide would actually do. The show treats suicide as “the perfect revenge”, when in reality suicide is about feeling hopeless and sad and is a very personal decision.
13. As someone who has personally attempted suicide and knows the stories of countless others who have, I do not feel that the show accurately and fairly portrays the issue, or adequately addresses the main factors in suicide. To me and many others I have spoken to, it is downright offensive, lacking in research, and overall poorly done.
And that’s all I have to say about that.
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R.I.P Chester Bennington. Thanks for all of the great music.
We lost another legend R.I.P. Chester Bennington of (linkin park) prayers up for the family, so sad!
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Democrats are wrong on strategy, Republicans are wrong on substance.
Rachel Maddow (via carrljj)
she said this in 2014, but it could easily still be true today, tomorrow and for the last 30-40 years
(via wilwheaton)
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x-men’s inherent flaw in its storytelling is that it always has mutants with useful powers telling mutants with actual curses to be proud of their powers 
“you should embrace your gifts” says Orgasm Dude, the dude with the power to give anyone an orgasm
“yeah thanks” says Will Explode If He Gets A Boner Man 
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Let’s goooooooooooo!!!!!!
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homophobes are SHAKING
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Hello once again readers! We are going into Week 6 for the PBL and once again we’ve had our match early in the week. We played against the Bloomington Brelooms for a knock-down drag-out match. BTown was so confident as to bet that I would go undefeated in my non-division matches so if I won, his prediction stayed true and if he won, his record benefits. We did a lot of prep for this match and it payed off in the end, now let’s get to the analysis!.
Prep: BTown has a very formidable team with a lot of bulky pokemon which can also dish out moderate damage as well. The main frights being Mega-Venusaur and Slowbro. And then there was his wide array of team members who could come in and go to town with their attacks, such as Galvantula and Garchomp. Galvantula was pretty much a guarantee because of its access to Sticky Webs so that it may severely hinder my team. Looking across the whole of his team, I noticed that I had two team members who could run house through BTown’s team under the right conditions. I decided to bring Nidoking(Macbeth) with Life Orb and Sheer Force to dish out major damage whenever he was on the field. And Mega-Alakazam(Mystra) came once more due to her high speed and massive damage output. In testing I found out that by setting up a Charge Beam on the Blissey and packing Psyshock, she could run rampant across most of BTown’s team. To further continue my contingency plans for Galvantula and the Webs, I brought Infernape(Firestorm) once again to try and dispatch Galvantula before it could create the webs. The risky part here is that Firestorm could be speed tied with Galvantula in the event of them both being max speed. The next step of team building was finding who could take hits all around, and it turned out that it was once more Suicune(Lawrence), as well as Registeel(Otto). I took this opportunity to dedicate each to a certain task. Lawrence would be my go to for discovering any choice items with Protect, and Otto would set up Stealth Rocks and spread around paralysis with Thunder Wave. Finally I needed a back-up plan to get rid of the Sticky Webs in the event that Firestorm did not dispatch the Galvantula in time. For that I reluctantly brought Dragonite(Korak) with Defog. The thing that made me uneasy was that for this to work, I would not be able to have Multiscale as his ability. So I decided upon a bulky set meant to take hits and regain health with Roost.
The Match: At the team preview things were looking in my favor. Offensive threats such as Emboar and Lucario were not present and Venusaur was not around to be a wall. The match started out well enough, getting a free switch from Firestorm into Macbeth via U-Turn. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to accurately assess the risk to Macbeth with the battle calculator because I was not able  adjust the level of the automatic Palossand set from 50 to 100. Thus not letting me see how much damage I would take or dish out. I decided the risk was greater than the reward and while he almost took out Palossand, Palossand quickly dispatched Macbeth. I was very peeved about this event but tried my best to not let it affect how I played. After that it was all about playing safe until I had the opportunity to send Mystra in on Blissey and enacted my master plan. Luckily I got the Sp. Attack boost after one Charge Beam and was able to scare out Blissey with one Psyshock. Then I was capable of swiftly dispatching Slowbro with a single Shadow Ball. When the Garchomp entered the fray, I was suspect of a choice scarf and decided to make the safe play by switching into Lawrence. A few safe plays later I was locked in the first round of a stall contest between Korak and Mandibuzz. And with what I assume was a sacking of Palossand, the dragons met face to face. After dealing a satisfying amount of damage to Garchomp, it was time to play safe once again. When Korak met Garchomp on the field of battle once more, it was time to go on the attack once again. Garchomp was easily taken care of. Then round two of the stall contest began. I knew Korak could not go toe-to-toe at this point in the match so I brought out Lawrence to have his turn at Mandibuzz. Lawrence would eventually go down and it was time for Korak to pick up where his comrade left off. After a long slugfest between the two pokemon, Mandibuzz finally went down on turn 63. At this point it was just Galvantula and being afraid of an HP Ice, I switched out into Firestorm and my son went down to a Thunderbolt. It was at that point safe for Korak to end the match. It was as simple as Roosting to a safe point of HP and clicking Dragon Claw. BTown revealed on the last turn that he was indeed not choice scarfed by clicking a cheeky Sucker Punch which did almost no damage.
Retrospect: After a long and stressful match, it was all over and my win streak continues. In the future, I’ll make sure that there are sets for all of my opponent’s team in the damage calculator at level 100. Thanks go out to BTown for a fantastic match! And here’s to continued success next week against Nyancatninja and the Toronto Tyrantrums!
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I know Spider-Man just came out and it was fantastic but I AM SO READY FOR RAGNAROK
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Me and my bro. #ragnorok Don’t make us angry.
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Money spell! Reblog to charge it with your intent; the more people see it, the more powerful it becomes. Magic should be fun!
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They deserve this great opportunity, please help out!
Signal Boost: Help Bring Asexual Artists to NWSA
Hi everyone!
I’ve recently been offered an exciting opportunity to bring Asexual Artists to the National Women’s Studies Association Conference in Baltimore. While I’ve been given a $250 travel grant, I really need some help with travel expenses. Money is incredibly tight (I’ve had a rough few months, which I might write about eventually). I’ve started a fundraiser to help offset the various travel costs.
Here’s the link to the fundraiser: https://www.youcaring.com/laurenjankowski-878223
I need to raise $570 by November. All the information can be found at the link. Every little bit helps and I appreciate whatever you can spare. If you can’t afford to donate, than please share. This is such a phenomenal opportunity and I am very excited about it.
I might reblog this every now and again until November.
Thank you! :)
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Asexuality by Tiny Dinosaur :)!
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this is really shitty but i literally made it in five minutes just appreciate the meme
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I found this on facebook and it is THE BEST THING
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I feel like I'm ace, because I don't really feel attraction, but at same time I also find girls hotter than guys (I'm female). Though the thought of "doing things" with either gender is generally gross to me. Is there such a thing as bi-ace? (TMI alert: I have "gotten off" with a male before, though never actually had penetrative sex, and sometimes jill-off if I'm bored or need to sleep, does that make me less ace?) I'm kinda confused as to what I am anymore.
Hey anon! First of all, there is absolutely a thing as bi ace. You can be ace and anything else. Asexuality is a spectrum, which means it’s possible to feel some sexual attraction, but so little that you’re still asexual. On top of that, some people identify with a different romantic orientation and may call themselves “bi ace” if they are bi-romantic asexual. 
Having gotten off with or without someone is totally okay and does not make you less ace. Asexuality is about how you feel and experience sexual attraction.. not about your sexual behaviors. A lot of ace people like to have sex with people despite their lack of sexual attraction. A lot of ace people masturbate. It’s all totally fine and normal and doesn’t make anyone less ace.
- Zizi Zoe Leo
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hey reply to this with your dipping sauce of choice
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