whumperstorm · 18 hours
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whumperstorm · 2 days
The newly escaped whumpee ends up jumping in the car with the first Good Samaritan they encounter. They’re too shell shocked to process what happened, so the Caretaker tries to silently piece together what they can from the bandages and blood.
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whumperstorm · 2 days
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Skye Robinson
- ex-pet whumpee (recaptured at 45)
- was a travelling wasteland hero for almost 15 years
- has an adopted 13 year old daughter
- (from Acacia Aneura)
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whumperstorm · 2 days
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Part 8 :l
If you look closely, you can pinpoint the exact moment at which the hot weather got to me ahahsjdfl
Ecliptica is unlucky enough to have the friend who is the worst hugger alive
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whumperstorm · 2 days
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Part 6 :1
Yeah..so….he is afraid of Alcor for a reason
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whumperstorm · 2 days
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Part 3 :]
Holly discovering the nuclear potential of humanity~
Holly: We have God
Oscar: We have something even better..
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whumperstorm · 4 days
So you know how when you get a new dog you socialize them by having them meet other dogs? its so they dont get freaked out by other dogs being around but anyway I was thinking about that w/ pet whump and then I started thinking about all the other ways we treat dogs (they're not all bad but doing it to a person seems like fun prompts yknow?)
(note that not all of these are ok but they are somewhat common)
Anyways we got
- kennel training
- restaurants that set out a bowl of water for pets on hot days (yknow the ones that look like theyre most slobber than water bc all the pets drink out of the same bowl that doesnt get replaced all day)
- letting random kids pet your pet so they learn to put up w/ bullshit
- hand gesture commands
- only feeding them once or twice a day/forgetting to feed them
- spiked collars
- public washing places in pet stores (like petco)
- pet halloween costumes
- kids being assholes to pets bc they wont get in trouble
- leaving in cars
- outside pets
- flavored treats
- those brain stimulation toys (like you put the treat in the ball and they gotta try and get it out)
- social media accounts for pets
- posts about pranking pets
- *ahem* breeding places
- animal control being called on loose pets
anyways im sure theres more but. i was thinking about these ones
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whumperstorm · 4 days
Let your whumpee beg, let them learn how.
After all... They've been such a defiant one. They had always fought back against it all. The torture, the chains and ropes, the insults and taunts. They've tried to be brave and confident and strong... but had failed. They've always have felt it was so humiliating to beg, but... it was the one thing that could make the pain go away or stop it from happening at all.
They've learned through trial and error how to have that perfect combination of pathetic whining, self degradation and stammering their words with that sweet fearful tremble in their voice. They've learned how to sink to their knees, how to keep their head low, how to avoid eye contact and when to make eye contact. They learned when to flinch away and when to keep still. They've learned it all so well. And now, with a body covered with marks of the times of lessons and learning, it didn't matter how pathetic they seemed, how humiliating it was. It was a small chance to avoid pain and they'd take it as they couldn't take much more. Broken at last.
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whumperstorm · 4 days
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NOT missing mermay this time. first meeting between martin and siren jon 🐟
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whumperstorm · 5 days
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whumperstorm · 5 days
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got possessed. drew this. bon appetit
dont tag as ship!
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whumperstorm · 5 days
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[03.14.2023] Falchion Ind. ultimate performance improvement plan - automatically providing all physical need so employee can focus only on the work
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whumperstorm · 6 days
I was just scrolling around ao3 and accidentally clicked the "graphic descriptions of violence" warning and then absolutely lost my entire shit imagining the hypothetical person who does that on purpose. imagine the guy who goes on ao3 to read fanfiction of absolutely anything at all as long as it has Graphic Descriptions Of Violence. things he likes in his fanfiction: 1. violence described graphically 2. any other thing, who cares
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whumperstorm · 6 days
Happy rainbow logo corpo month
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It's ok to choose to be closeted for your own safety. It's ok to not doing big reveal come out if you don't feel like it. It's ok to be different. It's ok to exists.
Watch out for evil corpo that using people's identity for marketing scheme
One reason there are lot of non-het pair in SI is because I think it's normal and I feel like it. Maybe self insert too.
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whumperstorm · 6 days
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Inktober + goretober day 3; Surgery
Long time no ink wash, I’m really rusty haha…
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whumperstorm · 7 days
“Your cruelty is unnecessary, the captive is willing to speak without it.”
“Yeah, but it’s so fun.”
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whumperstorm · 9 days
this or that - whump tropes (22)
character is up for some fun times with these torture methods
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