whumpyauthortm · 1 month
small appreciation post for collapsing while still conscious
ok as much as i love a good faint im also a huge sucker for when a character collapses but is still conscious, maybe just dizzy or weak
stumbling or tripping on something and falling to their knees, too weak to stand up again
weak from fever or low blood sugar and failing to get out of a chair, lying on their back or side while the dizziness subsides (i actually had a fic planned for this at one point)
slumping into a chair because they cant stand anymore
reaching out to a table or wall for support and sliding to the floor (!!!)
sitting on the floor already but they slump to the side out of exhaustion
that thing where they throw their arm across their eyes out of exhaustion or dizziness (honestly one of my favorites)
there are probably a lot more im missing rn so feel free to add on!!
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whumpyauthortm · 3 months
‘the point of fiction is to build the world we want to see!’ respectfully. No It Is Not.
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whumpyauthortm · 3 months
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whumpyauthortm · 4 months
With Valentine's Day around the corner...
Give me your best whumpy pick-up lines! 👀
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whumpyauthortm · 4 months
if you are unable to donate financially to help palestine, you can donate your time by protesting, boycotting, and putting up posters!
if all you have is your device and internet access, you can put your clicks to good use on arab.org. they use the advertising revenue generated by your clicks to help good causes.
and i would urge those able to spare a few dollars to donate to one or more of the following organizations:
eSims for Gaza
Direct aid for Gaza
Care for Gaza
Women for Women International
Institute for Middle East Understanding
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Palestine Children Relief Fund
Muslim Aid USA
Direct Aid for Gaza
Palestinian American Medical Association
Urgent support for medical professionals in Gaza
Emergency Relief for Gaza
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whumpyauthortm · 4 months
When a Whumper angrily trips/shoves Whumpee by the stairs and they just
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All the way down to the landing and then just
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At the bottom.
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whumpyauthortm · 4 months
Me whenever I make a new OC/found a new blorbo:
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whumpyauthortm · 4 months
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every whump writer ever
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whumpyauthortm · 4 months
I know this is extremely specific, but the little flail that a prisoner or ex-prisoner does when someone walks in on them and they scramble from laying down to a defensive position
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whumpyauthortm · 4 months
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whumpyauthortm · 5 months
Listen, I understand the appeal of “strong character forced to get medical care” and “hiding injuries from teammates” and such, but I really love a particularly under-utilized trope, “I trust you enough that I am asking for care and no one’s going to make a big deal out of it”. There’s something about calmly recognizing your part in this narrative, knowing that this has happened before, that you might as well not make it worse. That someone will help you. Think:
Heroes shrugging off a jacket to let the medic stitch them up without pausing their conversation.
“I think I broke a rib but you can look at it later. You know me, I don’t lie if I’m not OK.“
Gesturing for a friend to help them walk.
Waving the medic over right before they lose consciousness.
Undressing or moving their hair or laying down on the exam table without being asked.
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whumpyauthortm · 5 months
Rando's first whump prompt list
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I don't know how these work so please tell me if I did something wrong
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whumpyauthortm · 5 months
Don't we just love it when a whumpee insult's whumper or goes off on them and the moment whumper moves to hit them, they shut the fuck up, flinch back, and close their eyes?
Not so tough now, are you?
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whumpyauthortm · 6 months
Don't mind me, just thinking about how when I was a child my favorite scene in the entirety of Tangled was when Rapunzel was gagged and chained up and Eugene got stabbed. 8 year old me went feral everytime that scene played. I loved it.
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whumpyauthortm · 6 months
we all know the “vampire whumper” or the “vampire whumpee” tropes, but we never think about the Werewolf whumper/whumpee’s.
- werewolf whumpee = pet whump??? them being called a “tamed beast”?? collars???? yes please!!
- werewolf whumper = animalistic rage?? batting whumpee around like a toy because they’re strong and powerful and they can do whatever they want?? absolutely!!
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whumpyauthortm · 6 months
tw lashing out, anger as a trauma response, past trauma
It was one of those days.
Whumpee had been slamming things, screaming and crying about how life was unfair and nothing ever worked out in their favour. How Whumper had stolen years even of this shitty life, how they couldn’t even have this, how they could never have anything. They had told Caretaker to fuck off and leave them alone.
“Stop,” Caretaker said, grabbing Whumpee by the wrists. Their grip was firm, but it didn’t hurt unless Whumpee tried to pull against it. And oh, they tried. “It’s enough.”
“The fuck you mean enough?” They tugged on their hands again, but Caretaker didn’t let go. It was infuriating how much stronger they were. “Let me go!”
“Whumpee, stop.” Their tone wasn’t any harsher than before, and Whumpee tried to get away a third time, still unsuccessfully.
“Let me go,” they asked again, weaker. “I told you– I told you already, I want nothing to do with you right now–”
Whumpee finally went quiet, their tears still falling freely. They wanted to keep yelling. What else was there, if they stopped that? Weeping and misery. They would come across pathetic.
“There,” Caretaker murmured, slowly letting go of their hands and cupping their face instead. “It’s okay. You’ve had your time to be angry. You’ve had your time to scream at me.” They wiped away a tear, and Whumpee thought they’d go mad with just how compassionate they looked. “Now let’s just calm down, hm?”
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whumpyauthortm · 6 months
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If you watch the interview, you'll know that the girl here and another one sat in their tank and shelled kibbutz for 17 hours straight, and yet they're being hailed as heroes.
From the beginning, we knew Israeli forces were firing at their own people. We knew that Hamas doesn't have the weaponry to result the destruction we've seen. But since nobody believed, now the truth keeps unfolding about Oct 7.
Watch the interview with Yasmin Porat who was at one of the kibbutz's. She said Hamas treated them humanely, she said they were scared but they [hamas] didn't abuse them. The interviewer was taken aback. The interviewer asks if "terrorists" killed all the bodies lying in the ground but she said: "NO, it was UNDOUBTEDLY our forces." Her exact words. Google her name and listen to the interview.
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