windtraces · 1 day
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windtraces · 1 day
you know what ive turned around on google ai search i think it's kind of awesome to make you scroll through the dedicated Lies and Deceivers section to get to your real answers it adds a sort of mythopoetic arc that search engines have traditionally lacked
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windtraces · 1 day
what's your favourite yaoi
house md
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windtraces · 1 day
happy june everybody i hope you get fucked and/or sucked this month
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windtraces · 1 day
My tasks for the day could be like take a nap in the sun and I’m still like fuckkkkkkkk
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windtraces · 2 days
thats my url i just realized i really need to be better about specifying. thats my url
also im not bothering to log into my own blog gale can suck it. unless im stuck here. in which case systemfaker will be BACK babeyyyyy but well have to see after work idk
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windtraces · 2 days
also im not bothering to log into my own blog gale can suck it. unless im stuck here. in which case systemfaker will be BACK babeyyyyy but well have to see after work idk
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windtraces · 2 days
“Can you explain this gap in your employment?” I must confess I dilly-dallied. Did a bit of this and that. Yes, I lived an ungoverned life of leisure throughout my youth. But I’m a changed man, I’m to be married and my prospective mother-in-law insists I have an annual income of £500,000 or more if I’m to wed her daughter. Rummy luck. My paltry stipend from my father is a mere £40,000 a month. I am attempting to make up the difference by seeking gainful employment for the first time in my life. This sunglass shack is the only establishment that graced me with a callback.
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windtraces · 2 days
"dont smoke around your pets" okay well i dont even smoke im asthmatic. my dog smokes bc she needs to fucking chill sometimes and Yeah i light them for her Obviously bc she cant use a lighter. i dont get anyrhing out of this arrangment and i resent the implication. in fact shes giving ME secondhand smoke. so my question is why are you so hateful and jugemental and acting like an asshole to me making presumptions and shit about my life.
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windtraces · 2 days
im psychic im literally psychic i can see the future. there are NO COINCIDENCES only me being able to literally see into the future
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windtraces · 2 days
I say this as a black immigrant from a third world dictatorial country that has faced genocide and is actively facing ethnic cleansing, stop tokenizing people’s traumas and oppression.
these are actual people facing traumas that you cannot begin to conceptualize, stop using their existence and/or deaths as morality tokens on the internet. it’s becoming less about the literal genocides taking place in various countries and more about morality competition.
posting/using people’s deaths as a talking point is disingenuous. stop weaponizing the traumas of the oppressed to feel morally superior than strangers on the internet, these are actual human beings, they are not talking points.
anyways, here’s is a master list on how you can educate yourselves and provide resources to people in Palestine. Additionally you can follow @LetsTalkPalestine on instagram and join their broadcast channel to stay informed and updated.
this is a link to assist in humanitarian efforts in Haiti
link to assist with humanitarian efforts in the Democratic of Congo
link to assist with humanitarian in Sudan
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windtraces · 2 days
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aurora 💞 buy a wallpaper or leave a tip / twitter / instagram / shop 
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windtraces · 2 days
charlotte is one of the most popular and influential bloggers of the last several years on this site. she's been consistently putting out nothing but good vibes, to the extent that i'd credit her with changing the site's culture a bit. part of the broader trend away from constant negativity. there's literally no excuse for deleting her account
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windtraces · 2 days
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it came to me in a moment of clarity
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windtraces · 2 days
"Intersex" means "someone born with sexual characteristics that don't fit quite well in the male/female sex binary."
"Intersex" is not synonymous to "non-binary". In fact, being intersex has nothing to do with gender at all. Intersex and trans people have many struggles in common, but if you're talking about trans-specific issues you really don't need to say "intersex and trans people".
Intersex people can be trans. Intersex people can also be cis. Intersex people, in the majority of countries, are assigned a gender at birth just like everyone else.
"Intersex" doesn't necessarily relate to genitals. When I say "sexual characteristics" it can also mean secondary sexual characteristics, hormone levels, chromosomes, and probably a bunch of other shit I forgot about. Please stop reducing intersex people to their genitals.
(On that note, having both working sets of genitals is at best extremely rare and at worst physically impossible. Sorry, intersex people can't fulfill your futa fantasies. Please stop tagging futa shit as intersex. The two are unrelated.)
Please. This pride month remember that intersex people like. Exist. Intersex folks are not hypotheticals they're not "that one letter we gotta tack at the end of every queer post and never think about any further" they're. People. Remember that they exist. Every year I have to make a post like this one where I explain the very basic things you can learn by reading the intersex wikipedia page because people see "intersex" and make assumptions as to what the word means without actually reading the dictionary definition. Please remember that intersex people exist, I looked up "intersex pride" on tumblr and half the posts I saw were a variation of "happy pride to people of all genders and sexualities!" when being intersex has nothing to do with either gender or sexuality. Please. I understand that you guys don't mean any ill, but I am very tired of making basic posts over and over.
And inb4 someone tries to strike dumb discourse on this post: I live in a country where it is legal and encouraged to perform surgery on intersex infants. Looking up "intersex athlete controversy" returned to me like three different cases of athletes who were coerced into surgery without being informed of all the risks and having to lead with lifelong consequences for it. When I say "remember intersex people" I don't mean "uwu intersex people are valid" I mean they're a demographic whose literal human rights are constantly spit upon. I don't give a shit if you think intersex people belong or not under the queer umbrella or what you think are the proper qualifications to identify as intersex literally everytime I talk to an intersex person I hear a variation of "my doctor straight-up lied to me to get me to undergo medical procedures to make me normal without my consent or input" I think people should be aware of that actually I think it's more important than arguing over labels.
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windtraces · 2 days
The moment a residential tower was targeted in the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza City
Covering events is not an easy job. We are exposed to difficult situations while reporting the news to you
You can donate for my family
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windtraces · 3 days
Remember, being kind is punk rock. Being overly polite due to anxiety is prog rock. A hug is alt rock unless it goes on too long then it's folk rock. Empathy is third wave ska. Being mean, though, is not punk rock. Bc being mean is pop punk
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