winnienora14 · 2 hours
I always come up with unnecessary lore for smutshots lmao I’ve somehow included most of not all marauders characters just for Remus to get bent over a motorbike
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winnienora14 · 2 hours
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winnienora14 · 2 hours
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winnienora14 · 2 hours
Jegulus is so “I love you” “It’ll pass” coded
prove me wrong I dare you
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winnienora14 · 2 hours
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winnienora14 · 2 hours
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For trader_joes_iced_tea (prompt number 209) Wolfstar shopping for David Bowies Heroes, 1977. They really were heroes, I hope you like it :)
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winnienora14 · 2 hours
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winnienora14 · 2 hours
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
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Every Omen in the Valley — chapter 8
I updated everybody clap
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
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i can't remember if this actually happened or not
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
@wolfstarmicrofic | Word count: 308
"Relax, Moony. Remember; it's not real, it's just a boggart." Sirius' voice, warm and soothing, whispered close to Remus' ear, sending shivers down his spine. They were practicing for their DATDA test for tomorrow, but Remus couldn't quite manage to transform the boggart into anything other than the full moon—the terrifying full moon.
Remus stared at the luminous orb, his heart pounding in his chest. "I- I can't do it, Sirius. I can't." Sweat trickled down his forehead, and he was sure that if Sirius hadn't been holding him, his legs would have given out long ago. "It's not working; it's not changing."
Sirius tightened his grip around Remus' shoulders, his voice filled with unwavering confidence. "You just need to imagine. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your favorite place, with your favorite person in the world. You can do it, Moony. You've always been the best of all of us."
Taking a deep breath, Remus closed his eyes, letting Sirius' words wash over him. He didn't have to imagine anything, because he was already in his favorite place, with his favorite person in the world. The warmth of Sirius' body pressed against his back, the gentle rhythm of his breathing—it was all he needed to feel safe and strong.
"Riddikulus!" he shouted, his voice steady and firm. The full moon began to shimmer and shift, transforming into a bouncing ball that made the funniest noises as it hit the ground. Laughter bubbled up inside Remus, and he couldn't help but smile proudly. "I did it!"
Sirius turned him around, his eyes shining with pride and something deeper, something that made Remus' heart flutter. "You've always been the best of us, after all."
But as Remus gazed into Sirius' eyes, he couldn't help but think that the best of them had always been Sirius himself.
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
stay - @jegulus-microfic - words: 658
The black cat shows up on James’s doorstep one winter’s night. It’s snowing that night. There’s tiny little paw prints interspersed with droplets of blood dotted across James’s lawn, and the black cat is laying in the corner of the veranda shivering, twitching, grey eyes blinking suspiciously at James. It’s a small thing, delicate and lithe in the way that most cats are. No collar to speak of, but too well-kept to be a stray.
So, James supposes, a neglectful owner, perhaps?
James tugs his robe tighter around him and kneels down, and creeps over. The cat’s fur—long and black and silky—is matted with blood, long gashes like claw marks across its body. It’s managed to get itself into a fight, James reckons, with someone bigger and tougher and nastier than itself. The cat (a boy, James notes) meows and swipes at James, disgruntled at being manhandled against his will.
‘Come on,’ James says gently. ‘You’ll catch your death out here. It’s warm inside, I have a fire going.’ 
James calls the cat Dew Claw for his tendency to swipe angrily at James as he walks past. He learns quickly that Dew Claw is a spicy little creature with a nasty attitude and a proclivity for sitting on his makeshift bed, judging James with an intensity that’s almost human. It’s the way he watches James, tracking James’s movements across the room, meowing disparagingly every time James does so much as anything.
Almost two days pass before the Dew Claw is up and about, awkwardly so with healing wounds, and this is where the real problems begin. With the freedom to move comes free-reign of the house, and with free-reign of the house comes a tiny little invader getting into every room, nook and cranny. James starts to find black hair on all of his clothes, t-shirts with holes chewed into them, little glass ornaments and photo frames and figurines shoved off shelves. 
By the second week of Dew Claw’s residence in James Potter’s home, Dew Claw’s wounds have mostly healed. And James finds himself with a nightly companion. True to his nature, Dew Claw sleeps directly in the centre of his bed, forcing James to try and position himself so as to not crush the cat. On the first night, James sleeps so awkwardly he tumbles out of bed (an event Dew Claw peacefully sleeps through). By the second night, James figures out his sleeping position (curved into almost a U-shape), but he wakes up with a sore neck and a sore back that doesn’t go away for days.
They fall into a lovely little rhythm, James and Dew Claw. Though Dew Claw remains a spicy little creature, he seems to come to trust James more. James learns that Dew Claw loves to be stroked, but must instigate it for the contact to be acceptable (he gained many scratches learning this lesson). He learns that Dew Claw loves bread (many loaves were sacrificed to this lesson) but hates jam with a passion. He learns that Dew Claw seems to have this bizarre ability to read. This learning, James cannot seem to explain or reason away. Even for a magical cat.
They have a comfortable little life together. James buys fish from the local market and fries it up, because Dew Claw is suspicious of anything raw. They read together; sometimes novels, sometimes poetry, often the Daily Prophet, particularly the quidditch section. Dew Claw sleeps on his pillow now, by James head, sometimes tucked under the covers by James’s stomach and James fears rolling over and accidentally crushing his little body.
‘You live with me now,’ James whispers to the cat one night while he’s curled up by the fireplace, Dew Claw sleeping on his lap, kneading his thigh and purring almost aggressively.
When James wakes up on the third morning of the fourth week, he wakes up next to one Regulus Black, and suddenly, everything changes.
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
barty and evan fake-proposing to each other in bars to get free drinks, until one day they get too drunk and end up overcommitting to the “bit”, which leads to them accidentally eloping in the shitty church next door with the bartender as a witness.
they’re still “just friends”, and they have their first kiss togther at their wedding ceremony.
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
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The real part 2 to celebrate 7k notes on the remus ass post 🥳🥳🥳
funnily enough, I didn't even focus on that while drawing but then every reblog and comment was about it 💀
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
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winnienora14 · 3 hours
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