witch-tips · 3 years
Whew!!!! 🥵🥵🔥 Your "myths about tarot and astro" blew my mind and clarified so many things for me. I'm still digesting some of them but can I kindly request the same post for spells? Your blog's the best! Have a rocking awesome weekend, lady diana! 🤘🤘🤘🎸
Top 20 Myths About Spellcasting
1) All spells are genuine and powerful.
2) Blood magic is archaic and disgusting.
3) There are two kinds of magic: black and white.
4) Vengeance spells are black magic.
5) White magic will not cost you a thing.
6) A spell will last as long as it says in the book.
7) Any concoction any witch makes is a potion.
8) Store-bought talismans will work automatically.
9) Anything inside your house can be used for magic.
10) You can tweak any spell and it will still work.
11) Casting for others is just like casting for yourself.
12) Any witch’s pet is automatically a familiar.
13) Any notebook with spells in it is a grimoire.
14) Any published spell book is real and trustworthy.
15) You should perform spells as often as you like.
16) Only women can excel in witchcraft.
17) Devotees have no advantage over others.
18) Witches having long hair is just a literary trope.
19) Anyone who sets their mind to it can do it.
20) Anyone who says they can do it, can really do it.
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witch-tips · 3 years
WhAt DoEs iT MEaN?!
I keep seeing so many post on Facebook and tumblr by new witches who find a feather and want to know what it means, or someone’s candle burned a certain way, or they keep seeing 11:11 on the clock.
My theory is that when you decide to be a witch you a deciding to see the world a different way. You notice things you would not have noticed before. You move through the world differently and see things differently. Sometimes you are attuning you clever and pattern driven mind to see new patterns. Sometimes you are seeing where the world is more malleable and where you can affect change.
Our brains are marvelous things always running in the background trying to piece together what we are experiencing with sight, sound, smell, and touch. Being a witch is like a new program plugged into the old program. Sometimes that seeing number on a clock or you brain seeing plants and automatically thinking of their magical use.
It’s synchronicity. Synchronicity isn’t the world “trying to tell you something” it’s your brain telling the world that you see it.
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witch-tips · 3 years
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How to fix the vibes!
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witch-tips · 3 years
Pendulums are so underrated as a method of divination!
I know that tarot cards get the most attention, but especially if you want quick and decisive answers, pendulums are really the way to go. Plus, they're easier to study and really learn about. When I first started learning tarot 3 years ago, it was such a learning curve trying to derive the meanings of each suit, card, etc-- pendulums are much easier to understand and a way for beginners to learn, connect, and get answers.
However, please be safe!! Cleanse, protect, and always be smart! Research before you use and do anything
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witch-tips · 3 years
Why Your Spells Don’t Work
1. They just haven’t worked yet. The universe can be kind of tricky. Sometimes people expect immediate results without specifically asking for immediate results. A personal example - when I was seven, I did a spell to make the person I had a crush on kiss me. (I was not the most ethical childwitch.) That, of course, never actually came to happen in elementary school and I forgot entirely about it… until I randomly ended up kissing that person through a series of bizarre events at my 5-year high school reunion. There’s nothing that says a spell expires, or has to work on the timeline you are imagining. 2. They have worked, just not in the way that you expected. Sometimes people say that their spell “backfired” when actually their spell worked perfectly - just not how they imagined it would work. You might do a spell to get a lot of money, and then someone close to you dies and leaves you an inheritance. That didn’t “backfire”, it’s just a tragic manifestation. In seventh grade (I continued to do stupid spells in middle school), I did a spell to get someone to ask me to a dance. The person asked me to the dance, but as friends, and then their family moved away before the dance even happened so we didn’t actually go to the dance together. The spell worked perfectly - this person did ask me to the dance after all - I just wasn’t specific enough about what I actually wanted to happen and so was disappointed by the result.  3. You are not taking the non-magical actions necessary for your spell to work. Imagine that you do a spell to win the lottery, but you never buy a lottery ticket. Or you do a spell to protect you while traveling, and then you never leave the house. Can the magic still work? Those examples are pretty clear to understand, but this also goes for more abstract spells. If you cast a spell to attract friendship? You need to actually act on those friendship opportunities when they arise. If you cast a spell for self-love, don’t reject the positive things other people say about you. You have to work with the magic, it can’t override you sabotaging your own spell. 4. The problem is stronger than your magic can handle. Problems exist at different scales. You probably can’t do magic to solve world hunger, or to drain the ocean, or to unleash a demon to crush Tokyo… or whatever you’re into. The amount of energy it would take to do those things are just beyond the energy that one person can manage or control. You can contribute to big efforts, particularly if you can break these things down into smaller and more manageable pieces. Even smaller scale problems can be too big for your magic - because magic requires practice. It’s like any other skill - learning to draw, learning to play the violin, etc. The complexity of your output is dependent on your skill level. 5. Your stipulations were overly specific. I know that I said earlier that spells might seem like they didn’t work because you weren’t specific enough - but the solution often isn’t to be more specific. A lot of witchcraft is accepting chaos and working with it, rather than trying to wrangle chaos. If you try to create a spell to find exactly $5,689.70 on Tuesday at 2:02 pm under your bed in an orange plastic bag… you are going to have a tough time seeing that come true. In the world of magic, specificity is a form of scale - so the more exact details you are asking for, the more energy needed to manifest each facet of that. There’s a sweet goldilocks spot with this stuff - not so broad that it will manifest in some wacky way, but no so specific that the energy will fizzle out trying to control every detail. 
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witch-tips · 3 years
Dearest Lady Diana, I'm afraid this question will sound stupid to you because your a naturally intuitive person. But what do you mean when you say pay close attention to your dreams? Is there an extra step needed other than just remembering the things that happened in the dream? Thank you from your biggest fan from Italy. 💖
Your dreams are connected.
Like episodes in a TV series or installments in a film franchise. You have to interpret them side by side.
In a dream of mine, one of my uncles put some balm on my forehead and told me it would work in nine hours. Which is weird because a witch’s balms work instantly.
The next night, I dreamt it was my high school graduation. I was eighth in the honor roll. Which is weird, because I was actually number one. I graduated Valedictorian.
The night after, I dreamt I was in a queue at the airport. There were seven people in front of me. It was weird because I was not wearing a mask. Everyone else was.
And it went on and on. Different nights, different dreams, different situations. But they were all part of a countdown. Next, I witnessed the number 6, then 5, 4, 3, 2… and finally, 1.
In that dream, I saw a female stranger. She raised one finger towards me and said, “Take care of them.”
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was some lawyer. He said that a distant relative, estranged from “the family”, passed away the night before. She left me a little chest of jewels. They needed to be delivered to me in person.
My nine dreams all had different stories and involved different people. But because I connected the numbers, I knew something big would happen in my life in nine days’ time. And it did. I inherited priceless talismans.
That is what it means to pay close attention to your dreams.
Look for patterns — in numbers, colors, letters, words. There is always a hidden message waiting to be deciphered.
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witch-tips · 3 years
Reblog if you’re a witch 🔮🌏☀️🎃🌲🍁🌝✨🌈 I’ll follow!
(Reboots only!!) I want to follow as many witch blogs as possible!! A follow to me would be great as well!
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witch-tips · 4 years
I just can't think of anyone who reads as beautifully [and accurately] as you. I'm just so amazed cause after I binged your older pick a card readings, there were 4 readings that always had the same 2 cards, but you read them differently each time! And you explained the meanings so beautifully too. I wonder if you're willing to share how you're so original and diverse in how you read the cards? Thank you so much, darling Diana! You are greatly loved and appreciated!
10 Ways to Read a 5-Card Tarot Spread
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What does one glimpse tell you?
No one looks happy in this spread. The man in the Nine of Wands is worried. The heart in the Three of Swords is hurt. The guy in the Seven of Swords is cautious. The royal in the Four of Pentacles is tense. The boy in the Four of Cups is bored. So whatever the question is, the answer is not good.
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Read the cards from left to right.
You are currently grieving (Five of Cups). But with the help of a feminine figure (Queen of Cups), passion will enter your life once more (Ace of Wands), and you will have something to celebrate (Three of Cups). Your broken heart will not be so broken anymore (Three of Swords reversed).
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Observe which arcana dominates.
Four out of five belong to the Major Arcana. One Major and one Minor combine to create negativity (The Tower + Nine of Swords). But the three other Majors have beautiful energy. Three trumps two. And more importantly, Major trumps Minor. So whatever sadness there is right now will be replaced with “major” joy.
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See which suit is present and which is not.
Wands and Pentacles share prominence with two each. A Cups card is there too. There are no Swords, which represent our thoughts. Thus, this situation has a lot of passion (Wands) and stability (Pentacles), as well as a bit of emotion (Cups). Even better, there is no anxiety and overthinking (Swords) involved.
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Use color psychology.
This spread is dominated by blacks and grays. Even though the Five of Swords says “Keep fighting” and the last two cards are positive (Four of Swords + Three of Pentacles = harmonious relationships), there is a darkness and a dullness that surround this situation.
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Use numerology.
You have one zero, two Aces, and two Twos. Zero means a new start. This is reinforced by the Aces, which are equivalent to the number one – a symbol of beginnings. And number two represents partnerships. Therefore, a new partnership with a new person is predicted to come into your life.
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Look at the symbols on the cards.
That is Apollo on his chariot (The Chariot), ruler of the Sun (The Sun), which in turn rules Leo, who is represented by Strength. Leo’s symbol, the lion, even appears in the last two cards – bottom right in the Wheel of Fortune, and on top in the Two of Cups. Obviously, a Leo will play a huge role in your life.
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Use the cards’ astrological associations.
The Emperor and the Queen of Wands both represent Aries. The Tower is Mars, ruler of Aries. The Hierophant and the King of Pentacles both represent Taurus. Therefore, this spread is speaking of a connection between an Aries and a Taurus, or just one person who is on the cusp of these signs.
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See where the cards are facing.
Four out of five are looking towards The Devil. The King of Cups, The World, The Hermit and The Fool are all observing him. So you are being warned against an abusive person or an oppressive situation. Or perhaps you are simply being told that your soulmate is a Capricorn, the sign associated with this card.
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Listen to what your gut is telling you.
If you asked the cards if someone is in love with you, and you know a guy who always wears a red shirt, like the figures in the Eight of Cups, Justice, The Emperor and the Three of Wands, then it is probably him. Especially if his name is Michael, because that is Archangel Michael depicted in Temperance.
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witch-tips · 4 years
Broom Closet Witch Tip
Put all your witchy apps on one page of your home screen, and then intersperse games with them.
Make sure that the apps that are more obviously games are smack dab in the center and upper part, this helps promote the assumption that these are just mobile games.
And if you don't have that much games, then add social media apps, and it just looks like a "Recreation" page.
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witch-tips · 4 years
Hi Diana! Recently I got in touch with someone who can provide wild/organic honey at a friendly price. I enjoy putting it in my tea, but I was wondering if you can share any spell/ritual that involves honey? I would appreciate it very much~ More power to you and I hope you and your loved ones stay safe despite the chaos going on in the world. <3
1) To Ensure Peace Between You and Another
There are times when you simply need to get along with someone you despise, or someone who despises you. Perhaps because you could lose your job or fail a class if you do not. However, if your personalities are naturally clashing, achieving harmony is easier said than done.
So take a photograph of the two of you together, with no one else in the background. If that is not possible, find a piece of paper that contains your handwriting and theirs — and no one else’s. Then place it inside a mason jar filled with honey.
Right before you close the lid, command the honey to sweeten your connection by whispering: Edrasum embagne egubaria.
Finally, place the jar in the freezer.
Once the honey has hardened, your relationship will have softened.
2) To Discover If Someone is Being Dishonest
Acquire a small amount of raw, unfiltered honey. Around 30 ml will do. Make sure it is tightly sealed in a jar or in another container. Preferably made of glass.
Go to your sacred space, or any private place where you will be undisturbed. Dim the lights and have a gray or black candle in front of you. Take deep breaths to prepare yourself for the truth.
Then say: I call upon Pytho, Belial and Xezbeth, Princes of the Spirits of Deceit. I offer you this earthly treat if you reveal to me what I need.
Proceed by explaining your situation. “A former flame wants back in my life. Does she really love me like she says, or is that another lie?”
When the candlelight starts moving frantically, it means your answer is ready. Open the jar and inhale the scent. If the honey smells sweet, the person is sincere. If it smells rotten, the person is lying.
3) To Dull the Pain of a Broken Heart
Bake yourself some sweets. Cookies. Cupcakes. Brownies. Whatever your heart desires.
Mix at least a spoonful of honey in the batter. But more is better. As you do this, say out loud: Irion khirion eser khuder.
Make sure you memorize the words. Just reading them will not work.
Then finish baking, and eat your treat. By the time you have digested your sweets, your heart’s pain will have begun to heal.
But this spell only works if the other person is the reason you are hurting. That is, if you are not the one who ruined the relationship. Because the above words are meant to bond with honey, and suck away a monster’s rabies.
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witch-tips · 4 years
Thank you, Lady D for being the best and highest source of divination learning and practices. May I ask about both sides of the different divination techniques? What's the best and worst parts about them please?
BEST: It has the richest vocabulary and emotional capacity to answer any and every question.
WORST: Years of studying it might prove entirely useless if your intuition is not naturally strong.
BEST: It hands you a clear map of your destiny throughout your current, past and future lives.
WORST: Most available sources for it do not recognize its sanctity, rendering it useless for many.
BEST: It lets you confront yourself with the most difficult questions to help you thrive in life.
WORST: It cannot answer very specific queries, such as those about someone’s age and appearance.
BEST: It empowers you to see into the minds of deities, entities and mortals – dead and alive.
WORST: Unless your will is very strong, you will only ever see random, meaningless visions.
BEST: It not only shows you a glimpse of the past or the future. It actually takes you there.
WORST: It is impossible for most to differentiate between psychological and prophetic dreams.
BEST: It is like astrology and tarot combined. A map of your destiny told creatively.
WORST: Actual practice, not just generalized lessons and diagrams, is required to truly learn it.
BEST: It is a lot like scrying. It allows you to see and hear beyond what your eyes and ears can.
WORST: It makes it easy for you to fool yourself. As the saying goes, “We see what we want to see.”
BEST: As the earliest method of fortunetelling, it is among the most sacred forms of divination.
WORST: Since fire is involved, it can be very dangerous for yourself and your surroundings.
BEST: It is the simplest and easiest form of divination. Anyone can throw and read random trinkets.
WORST: It is arguably so far removed from its true origins that it is closer to a game than to actual divination.
BEST: It causes minimal to zero confusion, since it is the most straightforward method of divination.
WORST: It requires a logical state of mind, yet heavy emotions are inherent in most questions.
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witch-tips · 4 years
💞 hi witchy pals! 💞
i have a witchy discord called “wholesome witches” that i’m trying to revive and get more active again! 💞💕
there’s space for witches of all kinds, including those who are just starting and need guidance or advice! we are inclusive of genders, races, and types of magic!
we also have channels to chat about other hobbies and interests as well! i want it to be a safe place to not only ask for advice, share breakthroughs, show off your favorite things, but a place to make friends and feel comfortable being yourself! 💞💕
my only ask is that you are 18+!
please dm me for a link and any questions you may have 💞💕 thanks for reading friends 💞🥺
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witch-tips · 4 years
Magick can be in everything 🖤
Magick does not have to be a full ritual/spell every time you use it.
Do you shower? Bathe? You can use that as a meditative time to cleanse yourself of negative energies.
Drinking coffee, tea, or even just water? Perfect time for visualization. As you drink, imagine filling yourself with what you want to take in. Afterwards, exhale what you want to release.
Doing your hair, makeup, getting dressed, or otherwise just getting ready? Reflect on what your goal is for the day/night, and use that getting ready process to manifest.
Listening to music? Use the energy of the song - whether that's the beat, the lyrics, the way it makes you feel, or whatever else - to connect with your own energy. Can be anything from hyping yourself up to helping you heal or process grief.
You can connect with your inner power in so, so many ways in your everyday life. These are only a few examples. Self care can be magickal if you let it be.
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witch-tips · 4 years
A Quick Way To Reduce Anxiety With Candles
1. A sigil made for reducing anxiety 
2. a candle (preferably a blue one that is big enough to wrap your hands around)
3. something to light the candle
1. take a deep breath
2. focus on your intention, feel it take root in your body
3. burn your sigil to activate it
4. wrap your hands around the candle and take deep breaths while reciting your intention in your head (for example: “i am calm, I am calm, I am calm...”)
do step 4 until you can feel your anxiety melting away 🖤
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witch-tips · 4 years
Witch Tip #44
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Stones do not have to be colorful and crystalline to have a place in your home. You can meditate using the typical stones you find in forests and streams. Decorate your altar with them to bring a little more nature into your home. You can even paint them with symbols of your craft or deity.  
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witch-tips · 4 years
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witch-tips · 4 years
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