wixhavenwizes · 2 months
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GLEN POWELL, BISEXUAL, CISMALE + HE/HIM →» LIAM WHITEHALL? they’re known to be the broom crafting/flying professor of wixhaven. i hear they’re 41, and have been employed at wixhaven for 0 YEARS. They’re originally from SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. liam is gifted in OCCLUMENCY, NONVERBAL, WANDLESS MAGIC, APPARATION/DISAPPARATION. they seem to be upbeat & patient & charismatic, but also absentminded & overly trusting & competative.
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wixhavenwizes · 2 months
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NICHOLAS GALITZINE, HOMOSEXUAL, CISMALE + HE/HIM →» ASHER BEAUMONT? they’ve been spotted around the LOVECRAFT common room. i hear they’re 27, and a FIFTH YEAR at wixhaven, with an interest in INTERSPECIES REALTIONS & MAGI POLITICAL THEORY. they’re originally from BIRMINGHAM, UK. asher is gifted in LEGILIMENCY, OCCLUMENCY, NONVERBAL, WANDLESS MAGIC, APPARATION/DISAPPARAATION. they seem to be intuitive & loyal & strong willed, but also temperamental & petty & proud.
name: Asher Beaumont nicknames: No. date of birth: July 24th age: twenty-seven height: 6 foot dominant hand: Right education level: Masters occupation: Student
parents: Winston Beaumon, Olivia Beaumont siblings: N/A pets: Pearl - white cat
astrological sign: can do sun, moon, rising if you wish. positive traits: tenacious, ambitious, charismatic, honest negative traits: honest, moody, petty, chaotic habits: quirks: hates being or feeling dirty, and will always groom himself, no matter where he is, is a terrible liar, pet peeves: Being dirty, people interrupting him, jokes that aren't funny hobbies: fencing, dueling, reading, playing various instruments
clothing style: STYLE, STYLE, STYLE. Asher drowns in the splendor of his family's money, most importantly their style. He dresses in the most expensive clothes, working to make himself seen. prominent features: A strong jawline, an earring placed on his left ear, it's all geared to the you.
Asher's life has been mapped out for him since the day his parents were married. He hadn't even been a twinkle in his father's eye when the trajectory of his future had been mapped out. The Beaumonts were and still are one of the most prominent pureblooded families in all of England. His father, a council member of The Cabal, had always had expectations. The Cabal, to most people, both mundane and not, is just a concept. A fairytale. To those who know better, they know The Cabal is a group, a working concept that controls and dictates magic as a whole.
It was always expected of Asher to don the roll of his father. With elite breeding, excessive wealth, and an above average grasp on his studies, the world should be his oyster. He was sent to Wixhaven has a political move. Send the "shining star" of the UK to the promising liberal magic school in states.
It's not to say that Asher was an all together shining student when he attended Hogwarts. It's his blood that caught the attention of the faculty at Wixhaven. His father's will, his family's reputation. The money they provided, those are possibly what got his good lodging, single bed in his dormitory. While full on magic and spell craft has always been difficult, people skills, reading the room and manipulating opinions has always been his strength.
As the son of the most prominent members of The Cabal, Asher is considered part of the Novus Ordo. The New Order, a leader in the next generation of wizards, men of his age that are expected to guide the trajectory of magic. Truth be told his parents are damn near classist, and their goals are problematic at best. At this point Asher is trying to juggle his relationships with some of the wizards, and also be a leader of a group he's not sure he believes in.
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wixhavenwizes · 2 months
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JAN LUIS CASTELLANOS, HOMOSEXUAL, CISMALE + HE/HIM →» RAFAEL CRUZ? they’ve been spotted around the CROSS common room. i hear they’re 24, and a THIRD YEAR at wixhaven, with an interest in SPELLCRAFTING AND MAGI TECHNOLOGY. they’re originally from PHOENIX, ARIZONA. rafael is gifted in ANIMAGUS, LEGILIMENCY, OCCLUMENCY, WANDLESS, NONVERBAL MAGIC, APPARATION/DISAPPARATION. they seem to be creative & intelligent & idealistic, but also impulsive & proud & vindictive.
name: Rafael Cruz nicknames: Rafe or Rafa date of birth: December 3rd height: 5'11 dominant hand: Right
parents: Sophia Cruz (mother), Gabriel Valencia (father) siblings: ---- cruz pets: Mirabel (Mimi) Owl
astrological sign: sagitarius (sun), libra (moon), gemini (ascending) positive traits: adventurous, nurturing, loyal, courageous negative traits: chaotic, brash, self-centered, spiteful habits: Cracks his knuckles when he's deep in thought or anxious, eats incredibly fast, will try to pet every dog or cat he comes across, bounces on the balls of his feet when he's feeling impatient or anxious. quirks: Has a very short attention span if he's not directly engaged, makes inappropriate jokes to ease tension, takes on more jobs and responsibilities than he can handle, hates saying no to people when they ask for help. The way to his heart is absolutely his belly, you cook for or feed him and he will be your #1 fan. Because of a broom accident when he was 14, he's terrified of heights, and can't fly on a broom for shit. pet peeves: People saying or insinuating he isn't capable of doing something. Having to be vulnerable or "weak" in front of people. Being pitied or coddled. hobbies: Reading, Hiking, watching Quidditch, Partying, scamming poor sweet 1st years, slaying. animagus: black cat sexuality: homosexual position: bottom verse
clothing style: He tends to lean more toward the sporty side, gym shorts, sweatpants, hoodies, tank tops. If he's dressing up, he tends to lean toward fitted button ups with a few buttons undone up top, skinny slacks (if they aren't too tight around the ass, then what's the point?). If he's really feeling himself, he will bust out the tailored three pieced suit. prominent features: His very prominent jawline, his nose, and his big brown eyes. Bio:
In any other world, Rafe should not be at Wixhaven. Born in a lower class non-magical family, or at least what he assumed was non-magical, he had always figured he was destined for mediocrity at best. His father was out of the picture before he was even born, and his mother, with two kids, was... not meant to be a mother. Her chronic drug abuse made caring for herself, let alone her family next to impossible. Needless to say, him and his brother entered the foster care system at a very young age, and if it wasn't for the letter inviting him to magic school, he probably would have been stuck.
Being introduced to magic as a kid was what fundamentally changed Rafe's life. He'd always been surprisingly bright given his roots. School came so easy to him it actually bored him, so when he was asked to leave a mundane school to become a wizard, it was as if he'd won the lottery.
As easy and normal school had been for Rafe, magic school seemed to come just as naturally. The difference was, he found himself actually passionate about it. Learning about charms, potions, spells to transform objects and even himself into other things, was fascinating to him. Granted, he did garner a reputation at his school for abusing his affinity for spells. Sneaking off campus, sneaking into other boys' dormitories passed curfew, breaking into other houses common rooms to prank them, figuring out how to concoct potions to inebriate you without needing to use or obtain alcohol. Yeah he was incredibly smart, but had knack for being problematically chaotic. It had gotten to the point where he'd almost gotten himself and his friends expelled from school for trying to steal an artifact from his headmaster's office. Luckily he was given grace by the professor who caught him, and was only punished through chores and school labor.
As great as magic school was, it was only nine months out of the year. Every summer, after school, Rafe was forced to go back to the mundane world, and since he had no blood family to take him, he was always forced into another foster home, another family to "care" for him while he waited to return to his real life. As either a blessing or a curse, he very rarely returned to the same home twice, and as time went by it only solidified his attachment to the people he knew in the wizarding world. Even still, he tried to hide the fact that he was essentially homeless from his friends at school. He didn't want them to pity him, or to think that magic was his only means of survival. Still, despite his insecurities, his friends from school were his family, his brother was his everything, and as time went on he only felt connected to those people even more.
Graduating from school was not so much of an accomplishment as it was a right of passage. He was a wizard as far as society saw it, but he wanted more. He needed more. He couldn't go back to the mundane world knowing what he knew. When he was given the opportunity to go further with his education, when Wixhaven invited him to study, of course he accepted on the spot. The first few years have been a blur for him. He's still found a love for spell work, for arcane deconstruction and then reconstruction. That being said, he's still as chaotic as he was as a teenager at times, and just wants to have fun.
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