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women-are-the-best420 · 6 months
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He has a lot of testimonials attesting to his effectiveness.
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women-are-the-best420 · 7 months
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207K notes · View notes
women-are-the-best420 · 7 months
I don't even know... They're a fruity lil gang on the way to ruin your day
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hey netizens! i'm not sure how many people are aware, but youtube's been slowly rolling out a new anti-adblock policy that can't be bypassed with the usual software like uBlock Origin and Pi-Hole out of the gate
BUT, if you're a uBlock Origin user (or use an adblocker with a similar cosmetics modifier), you can add these commands in the uBlock dashboard to get rid of it!
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
reblog to help keep the internet less annoying and to tell corporations that try shit like this to go fuck themselves <3
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510K notes · View notes
The devil works hard but that zipper working harder 😂🤩
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Hey. Large chest people that want it to be smaller and flatter. I have a tip for you.
I am a trans man. I have an h cup chest. That is not a typo, not a brag, and not an invitation to sexually harass me. This means I have about 4 pounds of breast. This means that binders do not work for me. There’s not enough structure in the compression to keep that much weight in place.
I wore a sports bra under my binder, for a time- it kept things in place, and the binder flattened. This isn’t really safe and I recommend against it. It also never actually got me looking masc- I tended to look like I had between a c or b cup. TransTape I discarded too- it’s just not sturdy enough.
Enter Enell. Specifically, the Enell Sport High Impact Bra.
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I want you to look at the construction of that sports bra. It clasps in the front. This flattens the chest. And since it’s a sports bra designed for busty people, it LOCKS everything in place. When I wear my Enell sports bra, I do not bounce. It also gets me looking like I have an a cup at worst- and at best, when I layer, I actually look masc.
Admittedly, they’re not cheap. That one’s 66$. But I’ve tried even custom binders, and they don’t work as well as Enell. I was actually contemplating a custom built corset before I found Enell. Enell is also much, much safer than layering compression, since it is being used as intended (sort of). As a bonus, you can actually exercise in it- it’s a sports bra!
I will note that they use their own sizing system, so you will have to measure yourself.
Happy binding!
112K notes · View notes
142K notes · View notes
I swear I’m going to go feral with the Keese eye arrow. Imma hoe so many lizalfos it’s not even funny. Let’s see how your speed matches up to my homing shot, bitch. I’m about to repay all the pain I experienced in the zora domain back in full.
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i will be going on an unhinged rant later about how dutch does not like women beyond how they make him appear and that annabelle was murdered before dutch could inevitably get bored of her and now uses her death as a justification for his ongoing fued against colm, when the real reason is he just wants revenge for the sake of coming out victorious.
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57K notes · View notes
why the FUCK are weekends only 2 days long do you really think that's enough to recover from the horrors of the work week. really.
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[ID: Six animated Daredevil GIFs. 1. Matt Murdock, wearing a suit and tie, smirks and reaches back, pulling on his Daredevil costume. He twirls his bully club and brings it down to strike. 2. Stick stands on a moonlit rooftop, his staff over one shoulder. Young Matt flips down onto the rooftop next to him and twirls his own staff. 3. Important images from DD history: Bullseye stabbing Elektra, Matt mourning at Karen’s grave, Matt reading a book next to Foggy’s hospital bed, Matt wearing his red “I’m not Daredevil” shirt, Daredevil in front of a full moon, flanked by Hand ninja. 4. Daredevil stands in front of a group of villains: Hand ninja, Mr. Fear, Bullseye, Typhoid Mary, and the Owl. DD makes a fist and the group changes to allies: Spider-Man, Blindspot, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Kirsten McDuffie, the Punisher, and Foggy Nelson. 5. Daredevil is in a hand-to-hand fight with the Kingpin. DD kicks him out of frame. 6. Daredevil swings down out of a moonlit night with the Manhattan skyline in the background. The red Daredevil logo appears in the sky.]
Get to know Matt Murdock, AKA Daredevil, AKA the Man Without Fear! (A short primer.)
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the mandalorian season 3 episode 4: the foundling has no reason to be as funny as it is 😭😭 like come on
din djarin accidentally makes bo-katan join his weird cult
din djarin saying “next challenger” and then setting down the smallest little 1 foot tall child to fight a child who is at least 4 feet tall AND ALSO PAZ VIZSLA’S KID???
din djarin sassing said 4 foot tall kid
grogu absolutely destroying that kid by backflipping over him multiple times and then winning the training darts thing after literally being taught how to do it 30 seconds beforehand
grogu’s oversized chestplate 😭😭😭
all the mandalorians’ jetpacks running out of fuel and them grunting and panting as they try to scale the mountain
all of the mandalorians suddenly just getting up and dispersing to eat in private because what else are they supposed to do
the fact that, as you get a new piece of armour, you just have to sit in the armourer’s little lair as she makes your pieces like 🧍🧍
anyways the mandalorian is silly as hell bro 😭😭
4K notes · View notes
52 Days Until Tears of the Kingdom Release. Have funny video that has forever changed how I hear the Vah Naboris theme.
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i need to know what everyone named their horses in rdr2. i was actually serious for some reason and named my first playthrough horse “juno” (it was the black shire hosea wanted to get rid of ,, )
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