wrathfulmercy · 3 hours
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYBODY ! let’s take this as a reminder that no matter what you identify as, no matter if you’re out of the closet or not, no matter if you’re still questioning, all of you are incredibly loved and i am so damn proud of you.
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wrathfulmercy · 1 day
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Andrew Lincoln - The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live
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wrathfulmercy · 2 days
//sweethearts, just a little update since I’m so silent here. The construction noises calmed down for a week which was nice to catch up with sleep but then it started again this week and I’m more than annoyed I tell you that -_- as mentioned before atm I have too many amazing hobbies and social activities that don’t allow me to write much and that’s why I try to just post some things here and there until HOTD season 2 will start and daemon will wake again (and probably swallow me 🤣). Next week it’s my birthday though so I’ll spent the days with friends and get visit so consider this as a hiatus announcement for next week (3rd-9th). I’ll try to be here a bit this weekend though and then disappear for a week until I come back 💕 I don’t ignore you please never think that I’m just very busy and stressed atm so my head is not really often in writing mood. If you wanna talk to me outside of tumblr just catch me on discord or in my streams (also the ones wanting to play dbd just hit me up 🥰). Thank you all for the patience I love you all so much 💕
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wrathfulmercy · 3 days
rick doodles :]
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wrathfulmercy · 4 days
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BELLY CONKLIN & CONRAD FISHER — The Summer I Turned Pretty | 2.01, Love Lost
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wrathfulmercy · 4 days
What was she even talking about? Sometimes Rick wondered if they even spoke the same language, cause in moments like these where his mind had been empty, he couldn’t process all the emotions that flooded him when he looked into her gorgeous eyes. The heartbreak he found in them was terrifying and nervously Rick started to fiddle with his fingers while a frown appeared on his forehead. Did she really want this to go that way?
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“Let you go? What the fuck are you even talking about?” Well maybe he indeed had felt it, the way she evaded his gaze and flinched away from him like she wanted to protect herself from the painful connection they developed. Rick was well aware that most of this was his fault alone cause Eloise had never been unclear about her feelings it was just him that couldn’t handle them and feared them like nothing else in the world. Even now standing in front of her and in her reach it felt like she slipped away and the pain this caused on his heart was definitely one he couldn’t bear again. “Don’t, Eloise. You really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Why couldn’t she understand his inner struggles? Why couldn’t she see in the way he cherished her, in the way he touched and pleased her, hold her in his arms that loving her had never been the question. Rick was sure that he fell for her right away in fact but he just didn’t dare to word it after all these years of constant loss and pain. “You don’t accuse me of something that’s utter rubbish. A story you made up in your mind about me just to have a reason to hate me. Just to make it easier to leave.” His hand slipped away from the door, instead he rested them on his hips when he raised his brow at her. Was she really painting him as the bad guy here just to have a reason to go?
“I understand that this is hard for you but did it ever occur to you that it’s not even quite easy for myself? Do you even know how fucking hard it is for me to love you? To love you so much that I lose my sleep in worries about losing you and the constant fear of rejection if I just do another mistake? If anything I might love you too much cause it fucking drives me insane. Do you even know how much it burdens me to love someone more than the rest of them without showing it? What guilt it brings to me? That is my burden, not you. It seems that you’re not getting that into your pretty head, do you? And yes, that makes you a fool indeed.” A disparaging scoff escaped his lips before he approached her, his index finger pointed at her chest. “You can accuse me of anything Eloise and it wouldn’t change a thing. But accusing me of not loving you… well, that’s something I didn’t expect from you and it fucking hurts. Just for your info.”
Angrily he turnt away, unable to face her further unless he wanted to reveal his tears to her. “I’m gonna start the fire. The sooner we get out of here the better.” Without looking back Rick wiped his knuckles over his eyes to push away the tears and went downstairs again to find the needed material for the fire while the snow kept falling outside of the dirty windows. If Eloise really decided to leave him as soon as they stepped out of here, then this fucking weather would be the last of his problems, that much was clear. And maybe he even wished for the snow to fall harder, just to make him have her a little longer. He couldn’t lose her.
don't look back
[x] continued from here
Eloise never considered herself a reckless person despite one to claim a heart of dramatics. She was cautious, thoughtful and steadfast and perhaps that's what drew the two together. Stubborn and firm in beliefs that could result in survival in this world. But whatever fool fell abandon at the entrance Rick Grimes had in her life. The very sight of him leaves her heart beating at a rate much faster than even walkers assume. She has fallen head over heels and rushed at the sight of comfort, desire and humanity. A vulnerability that only two people share ever so closely at the mere touch of a whisper. But now the look leaves her to sit in the guilt of loving someone who cannot love back. There is no blame per se, but it cannot take away her hurt or anger.
So, she attempts distraction in a rushed break upstairs with notably little regard for possible dangers to be hand. It's stupid and perhaps it goes deeper in the harsh weakness she carries with trust. Something that was taken away and dwindled for a long time since Terminus but was found and resurrected in her time with Rick. Tears threaten to burn quickly turns into an empty bedroom and searches for that very distraction in a closet. If she had declined his help or left earlier, perhaps they wouldn't be in this mess. But then there's the reality if she were alone, trapped and snowed in for who knows how long. And if no one knew where she was or any promise of a return. Would the group just write it off as a mistake and wait it out or forget altogether. This isn't a world that graces the right to be remembered.
But, it's those footsteps, ones she could recognize in a crowd, and the voice searching for that nearly causes her to hunch over in defeat. 'There you are' as if he was truly looking for, as if he sought for her, worried about her, or even cared. The flux of anger returns as she does as she's told, dropping the blanket and standing up to face him--look him in the eyes. "Like this? Is this what you want?" The look he is met is one of heartbreak, fighting back tears and a quivering lip. "I didn't ask you to come. I didn't ask for this. But I'm just a fucking fool, right?" Her arms rise and fall, hitting her thighs. "It's actually too painful...to look at you. Especially like that...I don't want your pity. I don't want us to be like this? But, I can't...turn off the way that I feel about you. But I also can't look at the man who knows that I love him but doesn't love me back. Not after all we've done."
And if she were brutally honest, she was planning to leave. Without much of a word or goodbye. There'd be a note left at his bedside but that's it. She wanted to rid of him of his burden. To longer be forced to deal with whatever weakness she may have been for him. It wasn't fair for either of him, so this was supposed be their way out. But then he found her leaving, asked where she was going and when she said a supply run, he insisted on coming with. And now, they were trapped once again. Did he know what he was stopping?
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"You should've let me go. So, I could rid you of this burden."
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wrathfulmercy · 5 days
we are on borrowed time, choose people who choose you. most importantly people who give you their time and genuinely love you. let go and let everyone else be.
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wrathfulmercy · 5 days
It was nearly impossible to calm down from this and still Rick tried so hard since he knew she deserved that respect from him. Alana should never think lowly of him, never expect him to only want her for his own lust. It was always about her and she deserved to feel that seen and wanted even if it meant for him to hold back when it was the hardest. The way she spoke though, the way she longed for his touch even after her climax made him thoughtless and when her warm breath brushed along his neck his fingers in her hair couldn’t help to tug the strains on the back of her head lightly.
“Alana…” As if he wanted to exhort her he whispered, but in fact the tone of his voice should tell her how much he actually adored the way she asked for this and wanted it to happen. “We shouldn’t do that.” he murmured with a serious glare to her eyes that now looked right back at him. Just for a second he stared, finding his lips parted and so damn close to her own that a whimper left his mouth when she turnt, fearing that he would lose that utter devotion the next second when in fact she lost herself further into it. “Alana…” he moaned weakly in her ear as if he fought back against his desire, but blindly his palm had already slipped from her chest to her waistband so he could help her force her pants down.
“God I want you so bad.” Like the decision was already made he sank his lips to her shoulder to kiss her flesh there before his hand started fiddling with his own pants only to free his hardened cock enough to be able to press between her cheeks. “I’m gonna be so deep and slow, I just need you to stay quiet.” Rick was well aware of the fact that they could be heard anytime. If he would fuck her fast the others would notice by the sounds that would fill the room and the same would happen if he would kiss her in the rough ways he wanted to. Keeping her quiet with his palm over her mouth might be easy, but what about his own moans? Where would he hide all that pleasure when he was inside of her?
It didn’t matter. None of it did really matter as soon as she rubbed herself back against his cock and begged him to fuck her. Like in an unstoppable hunger he grabbed her hip tightly, nails digging into her flesh when he pulled her wet core right over his hardened length that was already dripping by the ecstasy. The way her walls stretched around him perfectly always made him speechless, but in this moment it felt so intense that he could swear he was never as deep before inside of her. “Fuck…” a cuss muffled against her neck escaped him when he hold so close to her, fingertips digging deeper into her cheeks as if he was desperately trying to keep them both quiet. “Say it again.” he whispered lowly, slipping out of her in a rush just to leave her with that empty feeling and beg for more while he could catch his breath. “Say it again baby. Or I’m just gonna stop it now.” Even if he knew he wasn’t able to.
Rick’s eyes closed as he felt her clinging to his hair, as her delicate fingers brushed through his curls and tugged them when the rest of her body squirmed under his touch. There was no denial that he loved any second of it in the way his hips moved against hers, imagining to be inside of her fully instead of just his digits teasing her the way he did. God how much he wished he could take her, to feel her walls clench around his cock when she came for him and even when she bit into his hand there was nothing else but a pleased smirk on his lips cause he thrived from the pleasure she felt through him.
Alana had become his obsession so easily and Rick still couldn’t describe what it was that made him so devoted to her. If it was her smell or the way her eyes always looked up at him with adoration. If it was her devotion and her complete utter trust that made him feel so powerful when he was able to protect her, but what was clear to him was that his power over her was something that turnt him on just like it did in this moment when she was so desperately giving in to him as if he was the only person on this world for her.
The movement of his fingers slowed down when he felt her core swallowing him and his hand around her mouth loosened its grip to hear her soft moan and drown into it, knowing that it was him who made her feel this way. His tips stroked along her face while he let his other palm wander up flatly along her stomach until he reached her breast again, now spreading her inner liquid on her still hardened nipples to make her feel how wet she had become for him. “God… the ways I’d want to fuck you now.” he whispered against her head, his hand slipping from her mouth to bring his arm around her instead. Her breaths were still heavy and he loved that aftermath of her cause it was so easy to imagine how she would lose her breath when he would now enter her after her climax to ruin her even more and leave her sore. “Drive with me tomorrow, will you? I’ll just need five more minutes when I look back to this moment.”
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wrathfulmercy · 6 days
shower:     for our muses to share a shower together. (Sam)
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Sunday themed prompts from here @mettleborn
It wouldn’t have been the first time to wake without him. Their missions often required them to get up early, to travel around the world and catch the next flight. It wasn’t even something Rick was disappointed about anymore since he was well aware that he often found himself in the same struggle: leaving Sam early in the morning, maybe even during the night without a last kiss, without a last embrace. What they had could barely be seen as a relationship since they both kept quiet about their feelings, unable to word them but definitely showing them through their actions or so Rick wanted to believe.
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That morning when he woke up early and found the other side of his bed empty didn’t leave him in surprise. In fact the sadness he felt sometimes when reaching out to where Sam laid before wasn’t present in this moment, instead he got up still half asleep and didn’t even notice that Sam’s bag was still resting on the ground. Rick entered his little bathroom to wash his face and then he noticed the noises, assuming they were coming from upstairs. Still sleep drunken he turnt his head and finally realized that in fact Sam was standing under his shower. He stayed?
Confusion shifted into an amused chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief about his own thought that the man he wanted to stay so much had left him again when he was still there, enjoying Rick’s quarters in the way only someone feeling at home would do. But did he really feel at home with him? Without further hesitation Rick pulled down his boxers and opened the shower curtain where Sam was facing the wall, the water beautifully running down his naked skin Rick would never stop to admire. A clean canvas Rick was supposed to mark with his eager touch, only the little scar of his missed shot carved into the man’s arm. Rick couldn’t help to always feel guilty when he saw it, but another part of him was somehow proud that there was at least one inch of Sam that would always belong to him even if he would have to let him go one day.
Gently he leaned in, his arms wrapping around the man from behind while he placed a kiss on that scar, mumbling softly “You’re still here.” to make him understand how flattering it felt to him. “I thought you left me again.” There was no blame in his voice since he knew they were both guilty about leaving the same way, but what indeed laid behind his touch was pure affection that couldn’t stop him from bringing his mouth to Sam’s neck where he placed another greedy kiss with his tongue licking along that tiny spot he just caressed.
“Mind to share this with me?” He allowed the man to turn so he could take a clearer look at him, his wet strains of hair clinging to his face Rick always adored in silence but screamed about with his eyes. “Careful, we don’t wanna get used to this do we?” The truth was that Rick couldn’t wish for anything else than having this every morning. To wake with him and feel him when the sun rises. To have him by his side instead of withering from the hole he left in his heart whenever he was apart. But that wasn’t something they would say, would they? Instead they made their little jokes, smiled about it and fell into a kiss that soon led their hands between their loins just to feel the others hardness within their palms.
What Rick wanted in that moment wasn’t a simple fuck, instead he craved for the intimate pleasure in the morning. The one you only share with a partner not a secret affair like they claimed to be for each other. Turning him around wasn’t something he did to fuck him, it was to press him tightly against the tiles to feel him, one hand on his length while the other kept Sam’s head up to swallow the flesh of his neck. “Have breakfast with me.” he begged into his ear while their bodies were rolling against each other in waves to make sure the friction between them would bring them both over the edge. Rick didn’t want him to come undone before he would approve though, cause even if his question was such a simple one, it had so much hidden meaning behind it to share something so casual with him, that their sexual relief should only underline the meaning of saying yes. They never showed themselves outside for something like a dinner they would share. They never went to a cafe or had brunch outside of a hotel room, but today after Sam stayed at Rick’s place to use his shower so casually instead of leaving early, it felt like this was just the next step Rick wanted to go with him and that made his question more romantic than it sounded at the start. “I know a nice place close to here. Do you think you’re able to give me two more hours Sam? Two more hours before I have to miss you again.”
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wrathfulmercy · 6 days
Somehow he adored it: the way she was showing off her doubts and weaker side. Rick knew exactly how hard it was for her to crumble. How hard it was for them to admit their feelings in a world where rules and order had been the only thing mattering to stay alive. What they had was against all these rules and no matter how much they both liked structure, it wouldn’t stop them to go for it despite all the circumstances. That was what mattered and what brought them here and if he had to do it all over again, he definitely would without a doubt.
“We’re intimidating. But the only people we really scare are our enemies.” His gaze wandered from her hands back to her face and with a tilted head he sent her the softest smile he knew, the one he always had when he looked at her and was able to give her comfort as a safe harbor. “Even if I admit that you can be scary for me sometimes.” There was a chuckle leaving his lips cause she should know what he was referring to. Their fights in the crm had been cruel sometimes and even if he never expected her to cut his throat out of anger, he was scared in these moments to lose her. A fear that was much more horrible than anything he had faced before.
“What if we find a new routine for you in here, hm? Maybe you didn’t find your role here yet but I know you Eris. I know that you’re admirable in adjusting to circumstances and I’m certain that you’ll find that place and it won’t just be the one by my side. You’re more than I could ever be without you.” Her head against his chest reminded him of their first nights where soft gestures like these were rare. Like a forbidden proof of affection they wouldn’t admit at first and now it seemed so natural. Something he would always cherish and made him kiss the top of her head like in an automatism.
“Mhm?” She mentioned the stars and of course she was right when he lifted his head and noticed the way they glowed up there. “They are indeed beautiful.” But there was something else he would always prefer to look at as long as it was present. “But I know something much more beautiful than that.” In a caring way he stroked over her cheeks, softly with a heartbreaking smile he leaned in to place another kiss on her forehead. “You’re right. And I think I know exactly what we’re gonna do about that.” Rick cleared his throat and stepped back, his hands shoved into his pockets before he looked over his shoulder back to his house.
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“What if… I go back to bed just like I should and you…” With his head he gestured at her wearing his jacket still over her shoulders. “You bring me back my jacket. I’ll wait there for you. Like I always did since we met.” Without another word he turnt, sending her a last smitten glance over his shoulder mouthing a “good night” like he always did in the crm even if they long knew they would meet later on.
The way she lightly swung in his arms reminded him of their times in the crm. Those secret nights on missions where they sneaked out of their tent to spend some time together. Secret whispers of affection and intimate touches for no one else to see. Touches that sometimes went further than they actually planned. Since they stepped inside of these walls it felt the same way. As if they both hold back out of respect or maybe even fear. Rick had seen Michonnes reaction but that one wasn’t surprising regarding the circumstances. But she wasn’t the only one glancing suspiciously at Eris like they always would with someone new. This was their family, their home after all and everyone entering was first and foremost an intruder since they had learnt over the years to trust no one anymore.
Rick thought it just needed time and he wanted to give Eris something back. Make up for the lost time with her daughter and so he didn’t immediately offer her to move in with him but to stay with Emily instead. Was that a mistake? Did he make her doubt what they had with his actions that only were intending something good? Did he throw her to Steve’s feet by that and made her feel small and helpless again? God he prayed he was wrong. “Eris.” he murmured firmly with a serious tone before releasing his arm to step in front of her instead so he could look at her face and make sure she would listen.
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“You could never mess anything up. Not for me. Not for Emily.” He was sure of that and he wouldn’t get tired to remind her of it with every last breath. “You are her mum.” he said with both hands now resting on her upper arms, the suede leather of his jacket beneath his fingers. “And you are just as impressive as you always have been for me. Don’t you think that strong presence of you or me could feel intimidating? Like even I’m not sure if all of these people just smile at me cause of who I am in here or because it’s real. The more people we have in here, the harder it is to trust. But what can we do besides giving them the benefit of a doubt?”
Softly he smiled at her before bringing one hand to her face, gently stroking along her long waves and admiring the way they sparkled even in the moonlight. “You’re not insane. I think we just underestimated how mad this love will make us feel in a world that seeks control and order so very deeply.” What they felt wasn’t something to control. It wasn’t something they could plan how it would work out. They both had to go with the flow and see where time took them even if that was barely bearable for two control freaks like they were.
“I know exactly who you are. I know exactly where I want you to stand.” Eyes lowered down to her hands and with a pure hint of a smile he took both of them to stripe his fingers along hers, exactly there where he would want her to wear that ring. “I know exactly who I want you to be.” As if he was embarrassed he scoffed that thought away and wrapped both of his arms around her slim body to press her against his chest and shield her through this cold, a kiss placed on her head. “You know… you can still sneak into my room at night. Maybe I had a good reason for not making you move in right away.”
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wrathfulmercy · 6 days
// Hi baby! I hope you’re doing okay! Just checking in on you 🥰
Awww thank you love 💕 just had such tough weeks without sleep and now that the noise is calming I just need to find back to a normal sleeping schedule so my pains calm again. So sorry for being so silent here but I hope it gets better soon 💕 sending you love and thank you for checking in 🥰
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wrathfulmercy · 7 days
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wrathfulmercy · 7 days
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wrathfulmercy · 7 days
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rick grimes ♡ favorite scenes [2/?]
I know we'll never get things back to the way they used to be. I only clung to that for you - for Judith. Now she's... gone. And you? You're a man, Carl. You're a man. I'm sorry.
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wrathfulmercy · 7 days
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HUSTLING (2011-2014)
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wrathfulmercy · 7 days
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Five songs to describe Rick Grimes
Warm shadow - Fink
Never let me go - Florence + the machine
Arsonists lullaby - hozier
Paint it black - Hidden Citizens, Rånya
How villains are made - madalen duke
Tagged by: @theirmadness
Tagging: everyone who wants
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wrathfulmercy · 7 days
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