wrathofthealmighty · 11 months
one day i’ll be consistently active here instead of just Saying i’ll be active n then completely forgetting to be here,,,
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
Hurt Starters
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down! You don't want to get even more hurt, do you?" "Tell me where it hurts." "Whoa, that's purple… It looks like your shoulder is dislocated." "Oh my god. Are you okay?" "You're bleeding… You're bleeding bad…" "This is gonna hurt…" "Holy crap! I may not know much about human anatomy, but legs don't bend that way!" "It's all swollen up…" "You have a black eye. Were you fighting with someone?" "Okay… Okay, hospital. Hospital, now." "I think you have a concussion." "Calm down! Calm down! Your ankle is sprained, okay?" "Here, lean on me." "I'm gonna need more bandaids…" "What the hell happened to you!?" "Here, I need to clean you up. This might sting a bit…" "We need to get the bullet out…" "Oh my god, you've been shot!" "Did… did you get beat up!?" "Just hold on. You're gonna be fine…" "Look out for that car!" "Wake up! Oh god, please wake up!" "You're alive! Oh, thank god!" "I'm no doctor, but you should have that looked at. It's bleeding a lot…" "What is that? Are there bandages under your shirt?" "Why is your arm wrapped up like that? And are those blood stains!?" "You must have hit the back of your head really hard." "Look at me. Just look at me and stay awake. Can you do that?"
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
i’m In My Thoughts abt the song Son Of A Gun and how v Loki it is and i have a post drafted trying to explain how each of the lyrics make me feel a little insane in different ways but i can’t get my thoughts Coherent enough to post it but. know that i am Thinking. 
he was literally created for destruction and he wants to be so much more than that but it’s written in his bones and the veins of the feathers in his wings - it was his Only purpose for so so long. he doesn’t know how to Connect but gods does he want to. he wants to so bad and he’s terrified. 
it’s so easy for loki to push people away when he feels himself getting Close to them because he couldn’t handle it if he lashed out and Hurt them. what if he lets himself get close and comfortable and lets them in and then something triggers that Violence that’s written in his dna and he Hurts them and  it’s Easier to push them away. for both parties, whether the other person Understands that or not. he Ruins things - he Destroys. he doesn’t Trust himself
anyway here’s a few lyrics that make me go kinda bonkers abt this:
“––i’ve frequently been told, frequently been told, frequently been told / my hand is hard to hold, real but hard to hold, really hard to hold / get close and / i run”
“––i think a chamber’s cracked, think a chamber’s cracked, think a chamber’s cracked / ‘cause i can’t feel, i react; yeah i just react; can’t feel, i react / when you hold me tight, hold me really tight, hold me crazy tight / i’ll panic and i’ll bite, freak out and i’ll fight, lash out and ignite”
“––and i wish my trigger could withstand/ the pressure of a gentle, hopeful hand/ but even the most mild clutch is much too much and such a touch could detonate explosions right on cue/ and that’s just what i do/ and that’s a frightenin’ thought/ that’s what i was taught.”
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
“that’s a real deep question there, bud.” loki hummed. “i dunno if i’m the right guy to ask.” the truth was, loki hadn’t had any contact with the divine in centuries - he didn’t have access to the knowledge julien sought even if he had, his banishment saw to that. “sounds like what you need is one of those cool self-discovery montages set to a bitchin’ ‘80′s track from one’a those teen coming-of-age movies.” he joked, trying to lighten the mood with humor. 
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@wrathofthealmighty || liked.
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»» ──────ஓ๑⚜๑ஓ ────── «« ❝ ɪ'ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ god, a saint, or a teacher ... so then, what even AM i? ❞
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
“do  you  have  your  costume  ready?” 
“i  don’t  know  what  to  be  this  year.” 
“should  we  do  a  couple’s  costume?” 
“my  costume  is  literally  going  to  kill.” 
“aren’t  you  a  little  young  to  be  trick  or  treating  alone?” 
“aren’t  you  too  old  to  be  trick  or  treating?” 
“help  yourself  to  the  candy  and  leave.” 
“oh!  what  a  great  costume,  here,  you  can  have  double  candy!” 
“i  don’t  like  candy,  can  i  have  money  instead?” 
“who  want’s  to  care  the  pumpkin?” 
“who  wants  to  go  apple  picking?” 
“candy  apples  are  my  favorite.” 
“let’s  bob  for  apples,  loser  takes  a  shot!” 
“i’m  going  home  with  jack  skellington,  don’t  wait  up!” 
“don’t  go  in  there,  it’s  haunted!” 
“i’m  not  afraid  of  ghosts!”  
“haunted  houses  are  so  lame.   AGGHH!!” 
“BOO!  haha,  i  scared  you!”  
“why  do  spiders  have  to  be  all ….  halloweeny?  i  hate  spiders!” 
“the  decorations  look  great!” 
“these  decorations  are  so  bad.” 
“just  because  i’m  dressed  as  a  sexy  pumpkin  doesn’t  mean  you  don’t  have  to  buy  me  a  drink  first.” 
“vampires  turn  me  on.”  
“wait!  -  did  you  hear  that?” 
“[name]?  are  you  in  here?” 
“have  you  seen  [name]  i  haven’t  seen  them  all  night,  i’m  worried.” 
“you’re  never  too  old  for  candy  corn.” 
“my  wings  broken,  guess  i’m  a  fallen  angel!” 
“is  that  real  blood?” 
“you  can’t  take  a  real  knife, you’ll  get  arrested!” 
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
having . a Time™️ today folks hksjsk might queue up a bunch of askmemes for funsies tho !! feel free to browse my open rp/open starter tags or like the joe iconis lyric starter post too if u’re interested !! :3
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
“i  am  going  to  defeat  you  with  the  power  of  friendship!” 
“goodnight  moon,  goodnight  tree.  goodnight  ghosts  only  i  can  see.”
“you  think  i  really  give  a  fuck?  i  can’t  even  read!” 
“you  wanna  see  how  hardcore  i  am?”   *punches  wall*  “…  take  me  to  the  hospital?” 
“if  you  can’t  beat  them,  dress  better  than  them.” 
“i’ve  come  to  a  point  in  my  life  where  i  need  a  stronger  word  than  fuck.” 
“i  identify  as  a  fucking  threat.” 
“so  apparently  the  ‘bad  vibes’  i’ve  been  feeling  are  actually  severe  psychological  distress.” 
“i  was  born  for  politics.  i  have  great  hair  and  i  love  lying.” 
“all  these  ghosts  and  i  still  can’t  find  a  boo. “
“fool  me  once,  i’m  gonna  kill  you.” 
“with  great  power  comes  a  great  need  to  take  a  nap.  wake  me  up  later.” 
“ha!  nice  try,  jackass.  next  time  give  it  your  a  game.” 
“you  seem  familar.  have  i  threatened  you  before?”  
“you’ll  have  a  hard  time  believing  this  because  it  never  happens.  but  i  made  a  mistake.” 
“some  of  you  may  die.  but  that’s  a  sacrifice  i’m  willing  to  make.” 
“you  can  de-escalate  any  situation  by  saying  ‘are  we  about  to  kiss?’” 
“oh  no…  (muse  name)  in  b -  flat.  you’re  disappointed.” 
“my  face  is  on  fire!” 
“i  became  more  evil  if  you’re  curious.” 
“i  slept  for  almost  twelve  hours.  but  i  might  still  be  tired.  let’s  go  for  twelve  more  just  incase.” 
“are  you  okay  with  constructive  criticism?  i  don’t  want  to  sound  mean.” 
“violence  isn’t  the  answer.  violence  is  the  question.  the  answer  is  yes.” 
“three  words,  say  them  and  i’m  yours.” 
“i  have  a  black  belt.  not  in  karate.  it’s  gucci.” 
“in  light  of  what  you  did  for  me,  you  can  hug  me  for  four  to  five  seconds.” 
“why  did  you  draw  a  pentagram  on  the  floor?” 
“i’m  ten  times  funnier  and  sexier  than  you.” 
“you  have  to  acceot  that  swear  words  are  necessary  sometimes.” 
“it’s  dark  in  here.” 
“i  prevented  a  murder  today,  using  the  power  of  self  control.” 
“is  letting  someone  win  in  chess  sapiosexual  bottoming?” 
“don’t  worry,  i  have  a  few  knives  up  my  sleeve.” 
“good  morning.  what  the  fuck  is  wrong  with  you?” 
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
“it’s  all  just  a  bunch  of  hocus  pocus.” 
“i  had  to  wait  three  hundred  years  for  a  virgin  to  light  a  candle.”
“it’s  a  full  moon  tonight,  that’s  why  all  the  weirdo’s  are  out.” 
“oh  look,  another  glorious  morning.  makes  me  sick.”
“i  put  a  spell  on  you.  and  now  you’re  mine.” 
“goodbye  cruel  world.” 
“why  was  i  cursed  with  such  idiot  sisters?” 
“it  doesn’t  matter  how  young  or  old  you  are,  you  sold  your  soul.” 
“you’re  the  ugliest  thing  that  ever  lived  and  you  know  it!” 
“you  know, i’ve  always  wanted  a  child.” 
“wench!  trollop!  you  bucktoothed, mop  riding,  firefly  from  hell!” 
damn, damn, damn.  double  damn!” 
“i  love  you,  jerkface.” 
“dead  man’s  toe,  dead  man’s  toe.  dead,  dead,  dead!”
“sister’s,  we’ve  been  gone  300  years.” 
“i  am  beautiful,  boys  will  love  me!” 
“it  reeks  of  children.” 
“bubble,  bubble.  i’m  in  trouble.” 
“oh  cheese  and  crust!” 
“he’s  lost  his  head!” 
“tis  firm,  tis  firm  as  stone.” 
“i  need  one  of  those  instant  ice  packs.” 
“you  girls/boys  are  giving  me  a  fever!” 
“don’t  get  your  knickers  in  a  twist!” 
“it’s  the  chocolate  covered  finger  of  a  man  named  clark.” 
“i  killed  you  once!” 
“i  shall  kill  you  again!” 
“say  what  you  want,  just  don’t  breathe  on  me.” 
“welcome  to  high  school  hell.”
“they’re  very  health  conscious  in  los  angeles.” 
“he’s  a  good  zombie.” 
“you  want  to  smash  some  pumpkins?” 
“please  don’t  be  sad  for  me.” 
“well,  i  don’t  know.  cat’s  got  my  tongue.” 
“i  shall  always  be  with  you.” 
“well,  it  says  to  form  a  circle  of  salt  to  protect  from  zombies,  witches  and  old  boyfriends/girlfriends. 
“fine.  but  everyone  here  knows  that  halloween  was  made  up  by  the  candy  companies!” 
“it’s  a  conspiracy!” 
“shove  it,  satan!” 
“it’s  a  prison  for  children.” 
“we’ll  be  younger  in  the  morning.” 
“come,  we  fly!” 
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
having . a Time™️ today folks hksjsk might queue up a bunch of askmemes for funsies tho !! feel free to browse my open rp/open starter tags or like the joe iconis lyric starter post too if u’re interested !! :3
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
also thinking abt loki’s relationship (or lack thereof?) w God and the way that he feels about Her still. the way being Cast Out felt. the way he still feels the need to stay in Her good graces despite not seeing Her or being on Her radar in eons. how not being In Her Presence makes him Ache somewhere deep in his chest. how he eases that ache by visiting churches bc that’s the only place that he can think of to talk to Her where She might actually listen. not that he’d Know if She did or not, but. a fallen angel can Hope.
gods, he Misses Her. he misses being among Her most favored. sure, he was a vessel for Her divine wrath and he carried out incredible atrocities in Her name but She loved him and it felt like warm sunlight in his chest. he’d do anything to feel that again. 
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
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“You’re telling me.. life is definitely not going how I wanted it to.. I had a plan.. my whole life was going to go a certain way.. then suddenly everything changed- and there wasn’t anything that I could have done to change it…”
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“Fate is a funny thing, isn’t it?” Hazel eyes lifted to look at the other. “You can’t fight it… you just have to accept it, and survive…”
“fate’s a bitch.” loki huffed. although he wasn’t really one to talk - he’d carried out god’s divine plan for centuries before he’d ever thought to question it. and even then, it had gotten him banished. “but the fact that we persevere and survive despite that has to count for something.” and then, with a shrug, “or whatever. i dunno. i just feel like all the bullshit’s gotta be worth somethin’ in the end or what’s the fuckin’ point, y’know?”
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
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Dogma (1999) dir. Kevin Smith
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
open starter !!
grimacing, loki shifted his weight. the bandages he'd wrapped around his back and midsection earlier had started to itch. the wounds where his wings had once been had been healing up rather nicely but it was an incredibly slow process, if you asked him. he knew god had her reasons - he knew this was his penance for defying her and following bartleby so blindly ( there was a tug in his chest at the thought of his best friend that he did his best to ignore ) - but that didn't mean he couldn't complain about it a little.
“this fuckin' sucks." he grumbled, lips forming a half-pout. "being human fuckin' sucks." he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and the shift of movement caused a stab of pain in his back. "i took pain meds like half an hour ago and my back still hurts. and these bandages are itchy. this is stupid."
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
@familyxforged​ liked for a joe iconis lyric starter !!
“life is complicated, things don’t go as planned,” loki admitted, fingers carding through his hair and pushing a few stray pieces out of his face. “people act in ways that i don’t understand. it all came crashin’ down through no fault of my own.” which wasn’t entirely true but then again, loki was never really one to admit fault easily when the stakes weren’t high.
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wrathofthealmighty · 1 year
Send me    “ what happened to you? “    for your muse to find mine bandaging up a wound. 
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