wrench-jackie · 23 days
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Happy Mother's Day 2023! Have Jack and his two amazing moms.
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wrench-jackie · 3 months
Jack didn’t go anywhere alone any more. Whether he was staying home, going to the office or just out on the city, he was always escorted. Always under someone’s supervision. It was a change of pace from the empty days back in the labs, and Jack welcomed it.
He liked the constant companionship—having Mister Fontaine’s undivided attention felt special.
It was protective as well, even if he was just with one of the twins. People were always watching him when, out in the city or at the office, sometimes followed up with blinding camera flashes—but they never got too close. Never putting themselves within arm’s reach of him.
Jack heard the whispers behind his back, thinly veiled caution. Knowing that one misstep would leave them in deep trouble with Mister Fontaine.
Good, said the smug voice in his head. It was a nascent feeling in him, but there all the same. They should all be scared of Mister Fontaine, and if that came with the boon of Jack being left alone, he would more than gladly take it.
It was for the same reason Jack like staying in. There was no one in their apartment boring into him with expectant eyes. Watching him as he walked around. It was just him and Mister Fontaine.
Jack woke up with a start, always bleary-eyed—urgently needing to take stock of his surroundings. To make sure there wasn’t danger.
Even with Mister Fontaine’s presence, Jack had to check.
His room was the same as it always was; books neatly on the shelf, dresser tucked in the corner, and the curtain drawn over the window. The lamp on a nightstand is what brightened the room, washing it over in softs oranges.
Jack sat up, giving Mister Fontaine his full attention now that he was sure there wasn’t someone lurking in the shadows of his room.
Preening under the attention, a smile brightened up Jack’s face. “I was gonna wake up!” He didn’t sleep in often, but last night Jack hadn’t gone to sleep when he was tucked in. He’d stayed up by flashlight with a new book he got.
Jack tangled his fingers with Mister Fontaine’s and slid out of the bed. He liked lazy mornings, where the apartment was quiet and the world felt still. Like they were the only two people in the world.
He hoped today would be like that too. Maybe Mister Fontaine would even play one of his records while they played inside the apartment.
Jack paused, looking up at the man in front of him. Wondering if he was getting ahead of himself. “Do we have to go to the office today?”
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The transition from the labs to their home had been a difficult one, not just for his son, but for Francesco, too. Adjusting to a fatherly role hadn't been easy. In some ways, he'd thought it would be. He'd been taking care of the Winters twins since they were teenagers, after all, but this was different. Jack was smaller, younger, more innocent and sheltered from the outside world. It had been a challenge, and continued to be so.
That being said, the criminal didn't regret taking on the responsibility. Not even for a moment. It was so much more than a way to repent for his sins, or to clear his conscience. He adored Jack. Admired him for his strength and resilience. Although, just to look at his small framed son for a mere second caused a weight of guilt to crush him beneath it. The boy could have had a semi-normal life had the con man never been involved. Even if Andrew Ryan didn't want anything to do with him, he would have had a loving mother, someone who would have fought tooth and nail to protect him.
As much as Francesco tried his best, he couldn't help but wonder whether Jack would be better off without being inducted into the Fontaine family. There were a lot of risks that came with associating with him. Could he keep him safe? Would Jack be walking through the city with a target on his back? Could all of them who knew the truth about the boy's origins keep a secret without a slip up? The only way that the father could think of protecting his son from harm was to continue on with his plans; to take Rapture for himself.
That way, nobody would dare to look at his boy without fear of consequence. He'd be safe, because who would dare to stand against the great Frank Fontaine? Everyone knew what he was capable of, and for those who didn't, it would only be a matter of time. He was fine with waiting. It gave him more time with those he loved above all else before things got too hectic.
Quietly, Frank opened the door to his son's room, peering in to see if the boy was awake. A content smile crawled across his lips as he made his way over and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to ruffle up Jack's hair. “Mornin', kid.” The criminal greeted softly, making sure to keep his voice low as to not startle him. “You plannin' on wakin' up any time soon, or are we havin' a lazy day today? Mind you, I ain't complainin' either way.”
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wrench-jackie · 3 months
I need work to stop scheduling me shift by myself. This is a minimum three person job I'm so tired from doing these shifts by myself (I also don't get a lunch break when it's just me 💀)
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wrench-jackie · 6 months
can't wait for it to be janurary so i can be a person again
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wrench-jackie · 7 months
Jack preened under the attention, his smile growing to match his mother’s. Miss Jasmine’s energy was contagious, and it always put Jack at ease. Despite his time away from the labs, Jack was rarely relaxed. But when he was with Mister Fontaine or Miss Jasmine—when he was with people he could trust—the tension drained out of his shoulders.
That’s must come with being a parent; you can make people feel safe with your presence.
Picking at the wrapping revealed the bright colors of the blanket. “Oh,” gently he ran his fingers over the fabric, eyes gleaming over how soft it felt. He turned his eyes back up to Jasmine’s. “These we’re yours? Really?” Jack didn’t know you could take clothes and make them into blankets; that was so cool!
“Could you show me how you did it—next time? Please?” he asked, tugging on her hand. Jack was learning new things every day; whether it was from tutoring or things his family showed him, there was always something he learned. Jack wanted to do the same thing with Jasmine. To sit and observe her. To be more like his mother.
Then maybe he could make blankets for her too.
With a bounce in his step, Jack pulled Jasmine towards the gate of Arcadia. A lesson in sewing would have to wait until another day, the gardens were hardly the best place for it. Jack liked Arcadia, it was more peaceful than the rest of Rapture. Less people, no crowds—only the occasional stare from a passerby.
And Jack liked all the plants. Sometimes in the offices Jack visited with Fontaine there were flowers on tables or ferns in corners. But here in Arcadia there was so much more; flowers came in every color, vegetables came out of the ground, and there were tress bigger than people.
So wildly different from his old life that Jack found here, of all places, it was easier to pretend the labs were just a bad dream.
“What do you want to play?” He asked grinning, “Tag or—or something new?”
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@wrench-jackie cont. from here [x]
Relief quickly washed over her like an ocean wave as her son ran into her arms. She let out a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding, along with a content laugh. “Hello, my darlin' boy!” Jasmine spoke with equal excitement, leaning down to press a kiss against the boy's forehead. She freed one of her hands to smooth Jack's hair back lovingly.
Alfie didn't bother to walk over, not wanting to interrupt the moment between the two. Instead, he offered a wave before the bathysphere closed back up and he descended into the depths below.
“Oh, just look at you.” The woman sighed happily, taking in the sight of her beloved son for a moment. It wasn't something she took for granted. Anything could happen from one day to the next, and she'd be damned if she would waste these precious seconds as they passed. “You're lookin' as cute as a button! So handsome and dapper as always!” She complimented with a grin.
The matriarch looked down at her son with unending adoration; the boy was adorable, to say the least. Jasmine had laughed when Abigail had dropped Jack off a previous time as the secretary told her “he looks so much like you, it's like you spat him out!” The dancer was closer to the other woman than any other member of the Fontaine family, with the exception of Jack. It made her more than happy to know that her son took more from her side than his father's. It filled her with pride.
Her mind wandered briefly. As she looked into the young boy's eyes, it was as though she saw her mother staring back at her for a moment. The same level of unconditional love, the kindness that resided within. It reminded her of home. That was the beauty of family though, wasn't it? Home was not a place. It was not the pillow you rest your head on, or somewhere you visited often. It's the people you surround yourself with, find comfort within, share your life with.
Hopefully, Jasmine could prove the point without having to speak a word on the subject. All she wanted was for her son to be happy and healthy, to live a carefree childhood full of magic and elation, to be educated, to make a life for himself that was fulfilling, with everything he could possibly want. It was what he deserved.
She crouched down to his level as she handed over the gift. “I made it for you out of some old dresses of mine that I ain't able to fit into no more.” Her voice was as soft and gentle as the sentiment behind the gift, as was her smile. “It's a blanket, so there's always a little part of me at home with you.”
If it weren't for the need to stay strong in front of him, she'd have broken down into tears. Her mother had gifted her something similar before she'd left for Rapture. It was still one of her most treasured possessions. Maybe one day, she'd be able to pass it down to him as a kind of heirloom, a reminder of the family he came from.
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wrench-jackie · 7 months
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wrench-jackie · 7 months
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Multi-muse rp blog, both canon and original characters. Fandoms include: BioShock (primary fandom), Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Baldur's Gate 3. Fandomless original characters can also be found here.
NSFW and triggering content will be featured on this blog. Please read guidelines (found here) before interacting.
Penned by Chloe (she/her, they/them)
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wrench-jackie · 7 months
can't believe as soon as I finish all my stuff for the bio.week and have more time for writing i get SICK!!!!!!!!! life is truly just not fair
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wrench-jackie · 8 months
Headcanon + lab
Jack enjoyed his combat training. Despite everything, he thinks guns are cool, and enjoyed learning how they worked and how to upkeep them. Practicing his aim on targets (dead or alive) always left him feeling satisfied.
And the rest of his physical regiment let him move his body. Cooped up in a small room, Jack jumps at the chance to get his anxiousness out. He'll run laps or do push ups--he just wants to do something. The alternative is sitting still in his room, waiting for something to happen. Staying still lets his thoughts run wild, at least when he's when he does push ups he can count them.
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wrench-jackie · 8 months
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wrench-jackie · 8 months
Jack kicked his feet against the bathysphere seat, the soft thump filling the air. Outside the window, the city lights shimmered in the water. Blurring as they moved by. Jack wasn’t wary of the sight anymore, nor the fish out there, but he stayed glued to the bench. He wanted to be on his best behavior, and he’d been trained to sit still with his back straight up.
Even if his fidgeting betrayed how excited he was.
The view of the cityscape was cut off by the metal of the docking pipes, and Jack jumped to his feet. Swift steps bringing him up to the glass window, pressing his face against it.
The curtain of water pulled back, and as Jack peer through the ripples, he could make out a figure waiting by the dock. His face split into a grin, bouncing on the balls of his feet as Alfie opened the door.
Jack crashed into Jasmine, balling the fabric of her clothes in his hands. Her clothes muffled the sound of his voice. “Hi, Miss Jasmine!”
Spending time with Miss Jasmine was at the top of the list for Jack’s favorite things. For so long, the idea of having a mother somewhere was a quiet, little dream. A secret wish to soothe himself on those lonely nights.
Now, arms wrapped around his mother, Jack was glad it was a dream he never gave up on.
He pulled back—just enough to crane his head up at Miss Jasmine—and her warm smile stroked Jack’s confidence, a tinge of pink flushing his face. Jack loved playing in Arcadia. The soft sensation of grass under his fingers, the cool water of the streams, and how sweet the flowers smelled—it was all so amazing.
As his mind raced between thoughts—trying to settle on what game he should propose they play—he finally took note of the wrapped present in Miss Jasmine’s hold. There was a flash of anticipation in Jack’s eyes. Ever since leaving the labs, gifts had become commonplace.
His caretakers always seemed to have something purchased and wrapped up: stuffed animals, books, wooden toys, and little candies in shiny foil. The gifts were strange to Jack at first, reminding him of rewards in the labs. But these presents weren't ones he was to return. They were his forever.
When Jack had been introduced to his mother, she’d been bearing a gift for him just like the others. His chest lifting at the knowledge she cared as much as the rest of his family.
“What’s in it, what’s in it?” the words pour form his mouth, fingers still wound in Miss Jasmine’s clothes. Waiting for her to give him permission to take the gift from her hands. Even if the present was for him, it would be rude to grab from an adult.
Jasmine didn't trust Frank. Even though he'd held up his end of the bargain and allowed her to become a part of her sons life, doubt still lingered heavily. He was a man who was renowned for being selfish, only doing what was beneficial to himself. It never mattered how many other people were hurt in the process, as long as he got what he wanted in the end. Even though he seemed to be a good father to Jack, looks could be deceiving.
After all, she'd believed Andrew Ryan had truly loved her. She believed him to be an upstanding man, a born leader, with morals and ethics, who strived for the best for everyone. It wasn't until he'd beaten her bloody and left her for dead that she finally saw the truth.
It made sense, not just for her own safety, but Jack's too, to keep the con man at arms length. The level of suspicion that the dancer had wasn't uncalled for. There were plenty of men just like him. They were all the same. To be concerned and on high alert was to be safe.
As much as she hated the idea of that bastard having custody of her boy, there was no other option. Nobody else to turn to. It's not as though she could turn to Andrew for help. Besides, as much as she hated to admit it, Jack was happy. He was healthy. Doted on not just by Frank, but by those twins of his. She had no doubts that the Winters twins loved the boy. If anything, she trusted the two of them more than she did Frank.
But all of this didn't stop her heart from racing as she waited in the Arcadia Metro, her eyes fixated on the bathysphere dock as she sat on a nearby bench. Jasmine was so nervous that she could cry, but determined to not show reddened, puffy eyes in front of her darling boy, she fought them back. Jack would be fine. He always was whenever they'd been able to spend time together. Without fail, every single visit went smoothly; nobody backed out of plans last minute, there were no arguments or disagreements, her son never seemed put off or afraid of any of the Fontaine family, and they were never followed.
It was a relief, but the dancer couldn't shake the feeling that it would only be a matter of time before something went wrong. Something had to happen. It always did.
The bubbles that formed in the near freezing water at the dock caused Jasmine to spring up from her seat, grabbing the neatly wrapped present she'd brought with her, and making her way closer, watching anxiously as the bathysphere rose from the depths. It had to be him. She forced a smile as the door opened.
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wrench-jackie · 8 months
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This blog is currently under construction. Info will be updated via the rules doc over time. Muse list is in the rules doc.
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wrench-jackie · 8 months
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what if I did a reading of frank.enstein where I highlighted every quote you could apply to jack bio.shock. what then huh
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wrench-jackie · 8 months
what if I did a reading of frank.enstein where I highlighted every quote you could apply to jack bio.shock. what then huh
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wrench-jackie · 8 months
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wrench-jackie · 9 months
hey kid did your mind control have a worm in it? asking for a friend.
No Ma'am, only the girls got those--but in the stomach not the brain. I just got bad brain juices instead. They were fruit punch red.
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wrench-jackie · 9 months
Jack's sense of individuality is EXTREMELY repressed from his times in the labs. Spending his formative years in an empty white room scarred him and now he doesn't know how to make a space lived in. How to claim it as his own. On the surface his bedroom would be equally empty, and he wouldn't notice. That's just how he's always lived. Making sure his presence didn't leave a mark.
Him decorating would be a big sign of his healing, but if anyone gave him an recommendation on designs Jack would default to them. Simply because he doesn't know what he really wants in his room anyways, he doesn't know how to express himself through decoration.
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