wrongsofpower · 2 years
Surviving a volcano eruption is pretty neat and possible even for elves
Bronwyn gets speared by arrows and bleeding out but during a very long moment in which cockney orcs would definitely have busted in, her demon kid saves the day by quarterising mummy with a log and by the next day shes positively glowing!!
While I'm at it what a move to make episode 6 so horrendously gruesome?? I'm all for violence but that was rank
Whoever halbrand is I love that they've chucked all that sexual tension in with galadriel! It's really compelling. King of the dead? Hot get that ghost pussy girl. Sauron? Oo forbidden fruit is the sweetest! Your husband's dead? Get it gurrrrlll! What's life without a sexy guy to flirt with anyway 😘💅
I think by everything anyone says not making any sense the only way for it to make sense is if they're all just lying to eachother about stuff the whole time to .. double bluff? Is the series gonna end with all the double bluffs coming out in one episode like an absolute U-turn mess or are they gonna keep the bluffs going into next season meaning I have to spend a year thinking there's a possibility that Amazon is actually trying to push the ideas that celeborn is dead, the elves are all in peril and mithril is the only thing that can save them, and that it was made by an elf and a balrog fighting over a tree? Why all the lies or is this legit what you've come up with Amazon???
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
Lol I love seeing posts of people defending rings of power. Love seeing people try to justify the multitude of changes by referencing the Peter Jackson films and the changes involved in those! Like yeah, they skipped out some stuff that doesn't work on screen or can't be squeezed into an already 4-hour long film. But this .... You would think that with at least 45 hours of screentime you could add in every detail possible, and what a weird flex to instead change everything you can about the characters and the events and make them all much worse????
BuT tHEy dIDnT hAVe tHe RigHTs tO eVEryThIng!!!
No but I'm pretty sure you don't need the rights to the ~~vibe~~ of the whole thing. Friendship, wholesomeness, long journeys with friends, hope, inner strength, you know, the core themes that make lord of the rings true escapism and actual entertainment.
What did we get instead, a predictable love/hate romance (halbrand get away from her she is a married woman), lots of arguing, no good vibes except maybe with durin, some people talking about hope but not actually getting any real sense of it, no intelligent writing. As I reread the lord of the rings I experience so many emotions deeply in my heart, and watching this there is nothing but emptiness in my soul (and frustration at the CONSTANT plot holes - how did they all survive a volcano explosion?? Oh their skin is not ripped off? Not gonna explain that one? Ok.)
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
Lol I love seeing posts of people defending rings of power. Love seeing people try to justify the multitude of changes by referencing the Peter Jackson films and the changes involved in those! Like yeah, they skipped out some stuff that doesn't work on screen or can't be squeezed into an already 4-hour long film. But this .... You would think that with at least 45 hours of screentime you could add in every detail possible, and what a weird flex to instead change everything you can about the characters and the events and make them all much worse????
BuT tHEy dIDnT hAVe tHe RigHTs tO eVEryThIng!!!
No but I'm pretty sure you don't need the rights to the ~~vibe~~ of the whole thing. Friendship, wholesomeness, long journeys with friends, hope, inner strength, you know, the core themes that make lord of the rings true escapism and actual entertainment.
What did we get instead, a predictable love/hate romance (halbrand get away from her she is a married woman), lots of arguing, no good vibes except maybe with durin, some people talking about hope but not actually getting any real sense of it, no intelligent writing. As I reread the lord of the rings I experience so many emotions deeply in my heart, and watching this there is nothing but emptiness in my soul (and frustration at the CONSTANT plot holes - how did they all survive a volcano explosion?? Oh their skin is not ripped off? Not gonna explain that one? Ok.)
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
"Why are people so upset about Rings of Power??? I thought it was fine! It looked so good!!" Look at me. Please imagine someone said they were making you a chocolate cake. It's you're favorite kind of cake, so you're like 'Yeah, that sounds good.' They say 'But it won't be just ANY chocolate cake! This is gonna be the chocolate cake to end all chocolate cakes. The ultimate chocolate cake. A chocolate cake so good it'll blow your damn socks off. Trust us, you'll love it!' You're like 'Sounds like a big promise but ok, thrill me.' The day arrives, with much trepidation and wild promises. You see the cake. It's a beautiful tiered confection of frosting and fondant, the whole nine yards. You cut into it. You take a bite. And discover that instead of flour they used sawdust. You say 'Hey, wtf? This is awful.' They say 'What do you mean? It's got sugar. It's got cocoa powder. It's a chocolate cake! Just like we promised! You want to have five more just like it don't you?' You say 'Hell no, this cake sucks.' They say 'But all these reviews say it's a good cake!' You say 'But it's awful, it's made with sawdust.' They say 'But some of the chefs who worked on it are women! And some are black! We pride ourselves on the diversity of our kitchen!' You say 'Ok, that's cool, but it still doesn't taste good.' They say 'That's very bigoted of you not to like our cake you know.' You say 'I was promised a chocolate cake, I just wanted a fucking chocolate cake!' They say 'It is a chocolate cake, what are you so unhappy about you creepy racist?!'
And that is why Tolkien fans are upset about Rings of Power.
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
Why would you watch bad LOTR fanfiction when you could instead watch good LOTR fanfiction
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
Do you ever think about how Tolkien’s vision of the greatest evil in the universe was something he referred to as “The Machine” which was his way of talking about accelerated industrialism and mass surveillance and he wrote multiple books where the main villains were a dragon who sits on a huge pile of treasure that he never intends to use but incinerates anyone who comes near it, a man in a giant tower who’s wrecking the environment with his factories, and an evil being who uses what’s essentially a listening device to control the citizens of middle earth. And now Amazon is making a Tolkien show. Do you ever think about that.
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
If the meteor man is gandalf: I was initially annoyed but now I'm too tired to care
If the meteor man is sauron: that's a weird and badly played game you're playing bro
If the meteor man is Tom bombadil: he was there from before the trees guys it's not Tom bombadil
Please be a blue wizard!!!! It's the only thing that fits 🥴🙄
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
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Rings of Power Ep.3 Spoiler Out of Context
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
My rings of power midpoint review:
Initially I liked it, the sets and visuals were good and there was some potential, but 4 episodes in I don't even know what's going on. Why is nothing clear? It feels like everything is just a hint and a mystery so that people will speculate on social media. It is a story that was written years ago so we are supposed to know what happens but the timeline has been so screwed up that none of it makes sense. I referred to Tolkien and all the numenor stuff is such a mess. Al pharazon was king in SA3000+ and this is set in the beginning of the second age so why is he there? Miriel was around the same time, isildur shouldn't be there for ages and don't get me started on galadriel's whole thing. We know that sauron is around so why not just establish the character instead of trying to trick people into speculating who he could be?
The writing is shocking, the acting is possibly worse. Why not get some classic actors in there? Where exactly did the biggest TV show budget of all time get spent?? Why don't the elves seem in any way ethereal?!
They claimed they weren't making a TV show but a 'new viewing experience', if they actually wanted to do that why not create a 8 hour film perfectly choreographed and then chop it up into episodes. It's already slow so do it properly and let it build. They have thrown every character and storyline at the wall and rushed it all so much that you don't care about what happens or understand how it all links. It is literally a worse made and written version of game of thrones in every aspect, the title sequence is boring and there is no action, just poor dialogue.
Tolkien had some incredible values woven into his work and such unique and high level themes, and none of them are apparent. Oh, arondir said a few words to a tree before chopping it down, theyre referencing Tolkiens respect for nature! Great, why not actually centre the show around the themes of the books instead of chuck one reference in and then job done. It's like no one making this actually thought about what they should be bringing to the table. Elves are beautiful and wise and beyond any perfection we could imagine, but let's just put some ears on a bloke and say he's an elf. Let's make galadriel, one of the most wise and respected beings in middle earth, hateful and wreckless and tactless and lets give her the most thirsty wig imaginable. Her hair is literally one of the greatest beauties of middle earth but we dont need to worry about that detail. Uuuggghhhh.
Every aspect is like that; just a total squandering of potential. Galadriel is known for being tall, so why is halbrand taller than her? Please god directors just put her on a box or something, please just think for a second about the details!!! Make the characters do cool stuff, give us some actual lore that we have been waiting years to see.
Oh man and the harfoots and their Irish accents. Please hire some Irish actors. Why are they all Irish anyway? Do they start off primitive and Irish and then as they become civilised they turn west country? They are all ethnically different, a mix of white, black, asian etc etc but they all speak with the same accent? Make it make sense Amazon.
I could go on for days but who has the time. I'm bored, disappointed and can't get that fucking image of galadriel on the horse out of my brain.
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
Amazon resorting to deleting negative reviews of Rings of Power on IMDB just cause they own it is super fucking humiliating for them but also demonstrates the problem that if like 4 companies own most of the internet that means they own both the media and all the sites that critique said media and you can say goodbye to any reliable consumer reviews of products on the internet
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
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Please share and repost this anywhere you want.
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
If Amazon successfully buys the Roomba company then they will own one product that lets them spy on your front door and another product which creates scans of the inside of your house. Probably nothing to worry about
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power stars: Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Trystan Gravelle, Owain Arthur, Daniel Weyman, Charles Edwards, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Maxim Baldry, Ema Horvath, Megan Richards, Sara Zwangobani, and Robert Aramayo.
(📷: Gizelle Hernandez for EW)
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wrongsofpower · 2 years
According to Know Your Meme, on August 18th, 2005, Erwin Beekveld brought forth this work into the world. HAPPY TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY, THEY’RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD.
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