wrxckings · 1 year
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“You make it so easy for me to dismiss you,” Mira retorts with a nonchalant shrug. She lets Faith’s words sink in, wondering just how many people have left spyhood behind since graduation. She could count the number of people she kept in touch with and had chosen to work in that field on one hand, probably. Her cousins, Scott, maybe that was it. Faith had not been on that list for Mira’s own self-preservation. “Good for you.” She’ll applaud anyone who manages to leave that life behind. “I’d say it took you a little too long to come to your senses, but you were always stubborn.” Another shrug. It’s hard not to transported back to the night she ended things with her over this. “Though, I was right, as usual.”
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" Why would I waste any energy if you're going to dismiss me anyway ? " She quips, knowing that if there was one thing she learned by getting to know Mira was that she was a wall of cement that was basically impossible to chip at whenever she had her mind set on something. That didn't stop Faith in most scenarios but some things were just like trying to escape a prison with a fucking spoon. "It's been good," she seems to admit, her eyes fading through the crowd before they turn back on her. "And let's be real, I was FUCKING good at it," she boasts, unnecessary but self-flattery wasn't a new concept for Rush. "You were lucky, as usual," she corrects, a bit of mirth in her tone because she definitely wasn't going to give her that.
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wrxckings · 1 year
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“That’s what a childish person who say. You need to take a good look in the mirror, sweetheart.” Though they don’t have much faith in him actually seeing the truth, people like him are not only delusional, but also obnoxious and cocky. It’s a bad combination. They’re not surprised when he insults her back, it’s how their conversations have been going, a not-so-silent back and forth match of throwing insults. Celine doesn’t care, he can insult her all he wants, all she’ll do is laugh, instead of dignify his words with an equally frustrated response. He can go fuck himself, for all she cares. “Mhm, sure it has nothing to do with me. You can lie to everyone, but me. I already know you’re a liar.” She rolls her eyes lightly. “Oh no, it’s not an assumption if I’m merely stating facts.” They’re aware they’re pressing all his buttons, but it all happens so fast, him standing right of front of them. They maintain their ground, looking up at him with defiance. Who does he think he is? He’s nothing. A smile, one that is neither kind nor friendly, only dripping with poison, curves up her lips. “You can’t get a reaction out of me no matter how hard you try. Now step aside before I do something you won’t enjoy.” He should know it’s not an empty threat.
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"I only see how handsome I am," he nuses with a tilt of his head. She's not too far off, he's always been childish but it's always been his way of defying the harshness of this world. Everything seemed to be a little easier, if you just took it as that. Besides that, she hated it whenever he was being childish so that was even more reason for him to enjoy it. Liar ?! What was she on about now ? His pants certainly weren't on fire ! He cocked a brow, a small huff passing by his lips. There he was again, losing his patience. "I didn't lie about shit." At least nothing she seems to be referring to. He needs to calm down but something feels like he's already too far beyond it. "You don't know me." - Anymore at least. Though, has he changed all that much ? He can't tell, not like there was anything wrong with that. " OH - so you'll do something ? I'll consider that as an reaction. " He knows he's playing with fire right now but he's already come to a point where he's accepted the incoming burns.
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wrxckings · 1 year
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A very small part of Valeria was nervous about this as it is their first celebrating Thanksgiving together alone, especially after everything. There are still some unanswered questions, but the blonde is perfectly okay with how things are progressing, slowly and smoothly. She trusted what they had and trusted its growth. She beams at the sight of him in mittens, thinking it’s probably the most adorable thing on earth. She puts the sides on the kitchen counter, turning to look up at him. “The cutest master chef. I love those mittens,” she says with a soft giggle. “I don’t think that’s what they mean by chef’s kiss,” she teases for a moment, but she’s already wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning up to plant a kiss to his lips. “You deserve more than one.” She gives him another, and another, and another. “I’m happy we’re celebrating Thanksgiving together. Do you need any help with the rest of the food?”
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David has always had troubles with feeling secure, pretty much in every aspect of his life. That's why he often jumped from place to place, it just felt easier to not even try to build a foundation anywhere but Valeria gave him that feeling, probably more than she was aware of. It's why he felt conflicted so often, chasing what he's used to - maybe it's also just escapism. He's not sure and right now, with her smiling up at him, he also doesn't care. This feels right, possibly righter than anything he's done before. "Guess I should wear them more often," he snickers, before leaning down to receive not one, but three kisses. As much as he'd like to just remain there, there was a chicken to be taken care of ! "No, I think I've got it in bag - I mean it's already in the oven - should be ready about now, it's why I'm mittened up." He raises his hands again to showcase them once more before he leans down once again to peck her forehead before turning to the oven in hopes it's not going to go array as he turns down the heat in order to open the oven door, bracing himself because honestly this thing is heavier than a pizza. " Is there such a thing as chef's luck ? "
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wrxckings · 1 year
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“I could’ve kept on sleeping if you hadn’t incessantly knocked,” he points out with a quirk in his eyebrow, moving to rub his face and moving his fingers in his already unkempt hair. Fuck, his head hurts. He needed to get something in his system and take some aspirin and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. He looks down at the bags in her arms, and damn does the food smell great. It’s what he needs, but it’s too early for Luana. “None taken,” he deadpans. “I’m sure you have someone else to get these for, no? Your friends?” 
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" You can't just sleep through the entire day ! " She exclaims, smile growing on her face as the glances up at his messy hair. Does he always look this dreamy when he wakes up ? She doesn't realize she's staring before he replies, shaking her head in response to his question. " You don't actually think your door was the first one I knocked on, Mr. Chang ? " She raises her eyebrow playfully before stepping over to his messy table to set the bag down and pulling out the opened pack of aspirin. "You'll need these as much as I did."
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wrxckings · 2 years
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As cocky as he was to invite Valeria over to Thanksgiving, he literally had no fucking clue what he was doing. As someone who traveled across europe, he would argue that people over there just didn't care about the holiday and that's why he had to rewatch the turkey stuffing tutorial seven times - but truth was, he just never really bothered to celebrate it by himself. The closest he got to it was ruining one of his shelter homes mashed potato with apple juice. And that's why he asked Valeria to prepare the sides. " Did you know I'm secretly a master chef ? " He told her after having invited her inside, hands stuffed in mittens he literally just bought for frozen pizza coming down on Valeria's shoulders with a proud grin plastered on his face. " You know how they say CHEFS KISS ? I deserve one. " / @wcnderlxnd​
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wrxckings · 2 years
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“Your memory must be so delusional to think that. God, I’m getting secondhand embarrassment.” She scrunches her nose. Does he really think he’s won every single one of them? The audacity! He made her blood boil, which only served as motivation to make his own blood boil, something she knows she has achieved, too. It was a never ending and vicious cycle at this stage, Celine was aware. Not that it would make her stop. She always had to have the last word. “We’re having this conversation because you’re an idiot.” She folds her arms, quirking an eyebrow at him. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you, baby. Glad I could make you laugh. I really do bring every single emotion out there out of you—good and bad. My power.” A slow smile curves up the brunette’s lips. “Tut-tut, I never said I slept around. Assuming things isn’t a good quality.” She feigns disappointment. She doesn’t care what he thinks or how he views her. Those days were long, long gone. “That’s exactly what I think. You can’t lay a finger on me.” She’s not sure if she’s provoking him or just proving a point. It doesn’t matter. “Oh god. You’re insufferable.”
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"I'm not surprised. You should be embarrassed of your childish behavior," he comments casually, once again disregarding what she had actually intended to hit him with. He knew he wasn't winning all of this, honestly he couldn't even keep track of anything because his brain was simply occupied with spiting her. It has apparently become this trips goal but it felt like it was the only way he'd have a somewhat enjoyable vacation without her trying to get on his nutsack. "Mhm, no I'm pretty sure it's because you're a bitch." If she stoops this low, so can he ! "That's called having a personality and it has nothing to do with you - honestly, you should try it." His head cocks to the side, shrugging. "Like you don't assume the ABSOLUTE worst about me, Cel. Come on, no need to lie to your ex like that," he hums with a grin of his own. And there it is again, the annoying challenging gaze on her that makes his jaw tense up and his fingers curl up in annoyance. It's enough to make him act up on his emotions and before he can think a single reasonable thought ( he doesn't have many of those anyway ) - he's directly in front of her, hands clenched on the surface of the kitchen counter on either side of her figure as he glances down at her. "I don't even need a finger to get a reaction out of you."
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wrxckings · 2 years
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“Whatever floats your boat, Rush.” She’s not going to dignify her response with anything more than a dismissal. Arguing with Faith often got he nowhere. They’re both too stubborn for their own good, but while Faith probably didn’t care if she argued till morning come, Mira didn’t have that energy. “You can say whatever you want, I never stopped you.” But also, no one could stop her. She doesn’t let it show, but it is surprising to her that she thinks it’s nice to see her, given how badly things had ended between them. “Leaving G would’ve done anyone well.” But not everyone was smart enough to take that decision, as far as she’s concerned. “You look good,” she adds, the words slipping out of her lips casually. She always looked good, no matter the circumstances. She rolls her eyes at her response. “I didn’t say that. I was asking if it was a legitimate thing.” She can hardly ask her if she left her spy career for this so publicly. Faith can read between the lines, can’t she? 
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Her dismissal earns an eye roll from Faith. It's not surprising whatsoever but somehow it doesn't totally rub her the wrong way. It's always been a challenge not immediately getting what she wants but she's come to realize that Mira had been worth it - and not much has been in her life. "You enjoy dismissing me so I figured I'd ask first," she answers a bit sarcastically but she means it. As hurt and disappointed she felt when Mira ended things, she didn't feel any of those things when she was looking at her now. Rejection was something she rarely experienced but she was too confident to let it sink her anymore. Not when she knew that what she felt was genuine .. even if that was somehow really gross to think about. But that genuine feeling resurfaced just for a moment at the compliment. "Thank you, Sutton." Of course she didn't pick this short dress for nothing. "Legitimate. I moved away from all of that after a year. Had to do something - I don't know, healthier for me, I guess." She's far from that, actually.
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wrxckings · 2 years
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“You kinda beat them to it,” he points out, giving her a quick wink. It’s only a matter of moments before more cheerleaders surrounded him. They always did. He folds his arms, a smile plastered on his lips. It doesn’t go unnoticed to him that she approached him pretty quickly post game, and the first one to do so as well. She’s a cute one. “Us guys on the team are very grateful indeed.” He holds her eye contact at her words bold words. He welcomes them with open arms, of course. “Yeah? And who’s lucky enough to witness the private cheering?”
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"They just didn't try hard enough," she proudly muses, shoulders raising in an innocent shrug despite definitely having taken initiative. Adam's popular, it was definitely something to work for. Nevertheless, she knows how to use her female charm. " I believe the game wouldn't be all that interesting if it weren't for all of us. I think it works just swellingly ! " The life of a cheerleader definitely suited her, she did crave the attention and it kept her in a pretty decent position status-wise. "If you give me your number I could probably arrange a little session for you.
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wrxckings · 2 years
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Did Luana have fun yesterday? Probably. Truth was, she didn't remember much - or anything besides knowing she had one drink after another .. or was it shots ? Either way, she didn't feel great when she woke up but she knew how to ! Some aspirin, a cold shower and a short trip to the closest burger place were necessary. She probably didn't look all too put together when she knocked against Rhys' door with her foot, but she had the spirit down. " SORRY - I didn't want to wake you up from your nap - or did you sleep until now ? " She echoes with a small giggle, shoulders shrugging with the bags of greasy food in her arms. " I got THE hangover cure. No offense, but you look like you need it ! "
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Was he imagining a knock on the door or was it the hangover headache playing tricks on him? Either way, Rhys was going to ignore it and go back to sleep. That was always his hangover cure. Except the knocking wouldn’t stop and it was getting on his every nerve. Eyes begrudgingly open and he rubs his eyes, awaiting a few seconds for his vision to focus and for his brain to actually wake up before he realizes someone was actually disturbing his sleep and it wasn’t all in his head. “For fuck’s sake,” he says to himself as he gets up in sweatpants to open the door. Luana. The sight of her floods his head with memories of the previous night—ones he’d like nothing more than to forget. I like you, I always have. She was probably too drunk for her to say things like that. “It’s too fuckin’ early, Luana.” Is it? He has no idea. || @wrxckings​​
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wrxckings · 2 years
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“ IT’S OKAY, ”   the sniffs, taking a look around the place as well. roxanne’s cleaned a few houses before this one in the short time she’s had this job, and between all of them, this one is definitely not the worst. everything about it just screams bachelor pad, other than maybe the pillows and obvious girl clothes left hanging around. it’s the kind of place you’d think patrick bateman living in—not exactly a warm, lived in environment.   “ it’s a little cold, ”   she comments, and the dig isn’t meant to be spiteful, just honest.   “ nope, not listening to you. ”   hell will freeze over before she lets mae boss her around  ( outside of the bedroom ) .   roxie moves to grab the vacuum, in case she needs to drown out whatever she says. but she can’t help but sneak a peak at the redhead as she fixes her hair in the mirror, and there’s that tug of pain again. that’s not me anymore. as if she needed to point it out ;   it was like looking at a complete stranger.   “ like hell i would’ve, ”   she scoffs, plugging in the vacuum.   “ say what you want about me, but i was nothing but loyal. that makes ONE of us. ”
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"Yeah, I'm trying to work on that," she agrees a bit sheepishly. She doesn't love it, on some days she doesn't even LIKE it but it gives her everything she needs and that's more than she had with Roxanne back then. Not that she liked to compare, not when being with her was definitely warmer than everything she felt since then. It was something she drowned out but now that she was hear, it was becoming annoyingly obvious. Probably because it was easier to push away until the person stood right in front of you. She wants to roll her eyes at her words but she glimps at her through the mirror instead, catching her gaze for a short moment. "I needed to do what was best for me - I would've wanted the same for you if the roles were reversed." Sure, either way one of them would've gotten the short side of the straw and she feels GUILTY she let her down like this now things were irreversible - she wasn't going to think about whether she'd change things now if she could. "UGH, I need a drink," she mumbles, figuring the other won't hear her anyway as she's about to vacuum as she walks straight towards the fridge to pull out a bottle of wine. Was it for a date night ? Probably, but she didn't care right now.
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wrxckings · 2 years
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ADAM DOES KIND OF WANT TO SEE HER JEALOUS, ACTUALLY. jealousy usually stems from strong emotions for another person, and it wouldn’t be the worst thing to know that faith likes him enough to be jealous. but he himself rarely finds himself jealous of anyone, and it’s not like they’ve known each other for more than a few hours, so he doesn’t expect much.  for a second he thinks she’s upset at his shitty driving, so there’s only a second of panicking before he can tell she’s trying to mask her laughter, smirking a little as he focuses on the road.   “ might be for the best. but you’re gonna have to DEFINITELY show me your pole room next time i’m over. ”   he has a lot of questions about that pole room, actually. pulling into the restaurant, adam isn’t surprised to find that there’s a valet  ( when’s the last time he went somewhere with a valet ? ) ,  though it hurts to have to hand the keys over to some pimply-faced teenager.   “ treat her well, ”   he tells the boy, giving the car one last pet on the hood before looking over at faith. adam offers her his arm.   “ shall we ? ”
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"Not just anyone gets to go there so you better be good tonight," she playfully remarks, her eyes scanning the place he was taking her out in. It was NICE, almost concerningly nice. Was he able to afford this ? She isn't going to object but she almost feels a little bad that he feels like she's so high class that he has to go all the way. "Though, I already told you about it so I'd say your chances are pretty high." A smile curves up her lips at his comment towards the valet, her arm snaking around his as she raises herself on her toes to whisper. " Are you on a date with me or my car ? " She asks playfully before her hand gently grabs at his arm for to pull him inside. " Can we get a seat by the window ? I love a view while I eat. "
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wrxckings · 2 years
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CADEN ARCHES AN EYEBROW IN HER DIRECTION, moving to sit at the edge of the bed. now she has his attention.   “ don’t tease me, rush. ”   he highly doubts anything close to what he’s imagining right now will happen between them ;   they’ve been living together for years, and never strayed past the platonic friends mark. still, you can’t blame a man for his mind wandering.   “ you and your rules, ”   his eyes roll playfully, taking another long swig.   “ aren’t you tired of your rules ?   do you have a rule about going in a hot tub in your underwear ? ”   since they hadn’t exactly packed for the night, but it’s not like either of them to be modest. 
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"It's NO FUN if I don't get to tease you just a little," the brunette pouts. Honestly, she wouldn't be Faith Rush if she didn't use this opportunity to make him suffer a bit. She wasn't planning on anything - after all this guy is her best friend in the whole world. Still, she remembers just how attracted to him she was before they got to know each other the way they did now and it wasn't like Caden didn't age well. She'll just enjoy their time together, like always. " That would just ruin your night - wouldn't it ? " She laughs before she spins 180 degrees so her back is towards him. "You'll have to help me get out of this thing though."
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wrxckings · 2 years
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Mira looks at her dumbfounded, just trying to figure out the way this made sense in Faith’s head. That’s her first mistake. She should’ve remembered this would get her nowhere. Even back at Gallagher, she stopped trying to understand how Faith Rush thinks and just took whatever she said as is. “This makes zero sense. I don’t need to run into you to block any weirdo’s advances,” she deadpans.
Another thing she hasn’t forgotten about was Faith’s shamelessness and straight forwardness, and if Mira wanted to be honest with herself, she’ll admit it’s that what had them become a thing, whatever that ‘thing’ was; something that started and ended without ever being defined. “No, I want to know how long we’ll be in the same area. We don’t have a reason to see each other, do we, Rush?” She quirks an eyebrow at her, as if challenging her. They ended months ago, what was she doing, flirting with Mira? “A fashion job?” Now this catches her off guard. “Like, an actual, legitimate fashion job?” Or was she working undercover? That sounded stupid though, why would she have such a mission? 
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"But you did," she simply responds and she'll take it as a lucky coincidence. Finding another way to talk to her would've made it awkward or difficult - or look like she was here intentionally. She might let that out one day, that's seeing if this was going to lead anywhere. She couldn't see that far into the future, but she didn't come here for nothing. "Well, since we're already here I don't think we NEED a reason," she adds casually. It's almost as back when they just started to getting to know each other. Mira remained cold and distant for 80 percent of the time knowing her but there was still something pulling her towards the other. " Can I at least say that it's nice to see you ? Leaving G did you well. " And she's genuine about that because really, she looked as ' happy ' as Mira Sutton could probably look. She's almost amused at the way her face shifts at her words - it'd probably just be a lot funnier if she hadn't been lying. " What ? You think I couldn't have made it in the fashion business ? " She's just lucky she's actually doing something of the like on the side.
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wrxckings · 2 years
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“Actually it does work in my favor. You’ll lose every single argument we’ll ever have because you lack the brain cells for it,” she reasons, taking a look at her nail polish and making a mental reminder that she needs to change the color today. She’s bored of blue. If he thinks they’re mad at him for that, then he’s way denser than they thought. Coming to think about it, they shouldn’t be surprised about it. “Eh, it was a long time ago, so it’s irrelevant.” Despite the lie, her tone’s very nonchalant. If it were really irrelevant, she wouldn’t be trashing him and picking fights with him every chance she got. “Yeah, literally always. You’re just a pile of insecurities and you’re just projecting instead of dealing with them.” There’s nothing more unattractive than a guy with baggage. Gross. “Is that your indirect way of asking if I’ve been with anyone recently? Breaking up with you did me wonders. You were like… a hindrance to my personal growth.” She lets out a dramatic sigh. “If anything, it’s you who wants to grab me again since it’s your only way to get your hands on me.” She shrugs. “Card trick? What are you, twelve?”
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"Your memory must be really shit considering I've won every single one so far." That probably wasn't entirely true, especially when he was the one who lost control over his temper the last time. He's able to be good fun for a while but the fuse is still fairly short. "If it'd really be THAT irrelevant, I don't we'd be having this conversation." If that's even what he could call it or if both were even able to speak to each other without any nasty remarks. " And you're trying to tell me you're flawless, Celine ? You're making me laugh. " Like she even knew him anymore, or what he has to deal with back home. Either way, she's not going to be the one pointing out his baggage when she was the one arriving here with the biggest suitcase of them all. "It's cute how you call sleeping around personal growth. I think the only thing that actually did grow was your ego," he adds with a tilt of his head, though he has to gulp at the thought of just how many people she had been with after him. He doesn't really want to know. "You think I wouldn't find a way to touch you if I wanted to ? Damn, you really lost your faith in me." He's just trying to make a point, it definitely wasn't his intention. "Twelve and talented."
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wrxckings · 2 years
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“Me? I wouldn’t. I’m innocent, you know that.” She doesn’t stop playing with his fingers, keeping her eyes there because if she looks at him, her faux serious demeanor will falter in 0.2 seconds. “Truly! I’ve been here my whole life and there’s so many places I haven’t yet had the chance to check out. We should go together.” Now she looks up at him with curious eyes, wanting to see if he’d be down for that. At this stage, she really just wants to hang out with him all the damn time. She doesn’t want to stay away. It’s cheesy and cliché, but they’ve already lost ten years’ worth of time together, she just wants to make up for lost time. “Globs of goo with tentacles?!” She starts to laugh so hard she struggles to stop. It brings tears to her eyes. When he guides her hand to the scar, she softly traces it. “It doesn’t hurt, right?” she asks softly, eyes wide. It softens her expression by a tenfold when he kisses the hand that touches his cheek. “You sorta don’t mind? Well, I sorta don’t mind spending it with you.” She wants a more direct answer, but that’ll do. She’s patient with him, and will move at the pacing he feels most comfortable with.
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"Yeah, TOTALLY," he sarcastically confirms, keeping his eyes on her despite her not really focusing on him all that much. Either way, both of them know she's just bullshitting him. Still, he'll go with it to see how long she'll want to to keep it up. "I'll go anywhere with you," he hums with a lazy smile because truly, he doesn't care all that much where they go. Despite not liking New York all that much, it had some nice and decent corners here and there. It was difficult for him to feel home barely anywhere but as long as he had his pup and - now Valeria, it was beginning to feel sort of close to it. A proud grin makes its way on his face when she begins laughing before his gaze falls on the scar and where her hand was touching it. "Not anymore, no but it's SO bad in the beginning. Enough to make a grown man cry," he explains, eyes squinting a bit as he thinks back to it. Of course though, he didn't cry. " Yeah ? Lucky me then. " He'll have to learn how to make thanksgiving food fairly soon then.
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wrxckings · 2 years
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     the eye contact makes landon’s heart skip a beat, and he doesn’t even say anything. this feels weirdly intimate now, especially since this is just a chance meeting, even if landon’s made sure to stop here a few times a week. that’s not creepy, is it? but as grey continues, landon snaps out of it, realizing that he shouldn’t blow the one chance he has to talk to grey. he knows it’s not a lot, but for now, it’s enough. “they’re working you pretty hard then?” landon asks, and he’s not surprised. grey’s good at what he does, they’d be stupid to not use him. “just using every last minute of my lunch break. not that i don’t like my job, but i like to get a nice break.”
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"Eh, I volunteer," he responds with a short shrug. "It's WEIRD not being able to fill my time with studying so I sort of replace it with work." He liked staying in his dorm back in Gallagher but now that he had a place just for himself, the lonliness was starting to become quite apparant. " What do you do ? " He's curious if Landon did apply for something spy related - though he doubts it, with his record and knowing his boy - uh ex-boyfriend. " Have you tried the gingerbread cookies here ? They're legit." He isn't going to ask him out for actual lunch, even though his mind does sort of wander to it.
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wrxckings · 2 years
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     shit. now what? he had thought of getting grey’s attention ( and hoped for it ), but now that he has it, he isn’t sure what to do. thankfully, grey’s the first one to speak, and his voice still has the same effect on him as it did the last time he was here. “working with the people i work with was enough to make me start liking it,” landon admits with a laugh, and it’s just so nice to see grey, even if it’s taking all self control to not reach out and touch grey. “are you on lunch break or something?” landon won’t come out and just invite grey to sit with him because he doesn’t know if that’s something he would want to do. 
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" Colleagues do that to you, don't they ? " He scoffs with a light laugh and it's incredibly difficult to break the eye contact as soon as it's established, the corner of his mouth twitching up as he turns to look at someone passing just to not STARE. "Almost, I'm off early today. I have too many hours overtime and decided to use it for once." He usually likes working, likes the schedule and distracting himself but since seeing Landon - he can't really remain concentrated in the slightest. Here he thought an afternoon off would help .. " And you ? " He almost asks reluctantly, not wanting to hear the possible truth of Landon being on another date.
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