wyhimchan · 6 years
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[180924] Ahreum’s Instagram Update with Himchan ( @wyhimchan )
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wyhimchan · 6 years
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Yeong-chan aka Him-chan moodboard
 “  Oh, you’re still here ? Why ?  “
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wyhimchan · 6 years
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wyhimchan · 6 years
Hoseok’s anxiety levels are through the roof. He wishes he could make coffee at home, but he worries his foster parents will get mad at him. Why? Maybe because of the noise or simply because he is touching things in their kitchen. It’s irrational – they are loving people and would never scold him for helping himself to food or drinks. But he can’t get over that fear. Besides, his morning coffee walks force him to go out and get some fresh air, despite his head screaming at him to turn around and run straight back home.
‘Could you just tell me what you want? I don’t have all day.’ The tone of the barista jars him – he’s spent at least a full minute trying to point out a coffee on the menu, but the barista appears to pretend he doesn’t understand. Why did people always expect everyone to be able to SPEAK? ‘If you’re not going to talk, I can’t help you. Next customer, please.’ His jaw clenches and he obediently steps aside so the person in line behind him can get their order in, his eyes cast to the floor as he starts to shuffle back towards the door.
He can’t deal with this today – nor any other day, really. Being treated as if he’s just being rude or difficult shouldn’t be something he’s used to; not when he always makes sure to follow the rules and keep out of trouble. He’s always been sensitive and obedient; his parents only had to explain something once and he made sure to live by that, even if he maybe took things too literally sometimes. Surely he doesn’t deserve to be treated like he’s doing this on purpose.
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He sighs as he sips his coffee at the high top, thoughts on his full schedule because there’s too much to do, too much. Though, his brother refused to help him so, that can be crossed off the list, not that it’s exactly a positive. He scowls into his reflection.
It would have been easy to ignore the small ruckus behind him, the sounds, the pointing at the board, irritated reply back. He glances over his shoulder and it’s barely something that would normally draw his attention but he takes a long pause. Attention snagged by the expression and mannerisms that strike some kind of interest, a cord plucked that brings him to a sentimental place.
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He stands from the chair, coffee in hand with a sigh. He should have ignored this. It isn’t like him to interrupt- but he does. Steps in with coffee in hand and his hat pulled a little low. “That’s a piss poor way to talk to your customers. Are you asking to be fired, or just ignorant?” His tone is cold, turns his attention to the stranger who looks lost, sad. There was something about the mannerisms he spotted, what few there were. It ignited something and he looks up and down. “It was that one right?” He asks, then turns his head up to the board. He saw the pointing just a moment before he arrived but he didn’t have a good angle so he wanted to be sure. He holds his fingers up to point to indicate that it was a perfectly acceptable gesture, not wanting to call it out.
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wyhimchan · 6 years
▪ ▪ ▪ A kindred spirit, Tao could tell the other wanted to just walk off. Hell, Tao wouldn’t have approached him originally. But sometimes the goddess nudged you for a reason.. he’d just have to find out what that reason was. ❝Neither, the shrine doesn’t hold my gods. I simply came to pay my respects to them.❞ A hand lifts, rubs the back of his neck in an almost sheepish manner. 
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The corners of his lips move into a small grin. There’s something in that expression that causes him to relax. A nod as he leans against the post. “That’s wholesome. Do they ever answer?” He’s teasing, it’s not something most people tease about but he can’t help himself.
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"In my experience- doesn’t matter where you are or how much respect you have, they treat everyone the same.” A bit of his joking tone recedes as he thinks of his brother and his family. 
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wyhimchan · 6 years
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wyhimchan · 6 years
♠ : › A scoff breaks from her throat his words abuse and his palms push, dislocates her and she stumbles with a piercing glare. There are people in this world, countless, who’s life would be cut short to scorn her or push her so. She gives him a layered sneer, less scorn than she intends and more upward curl than downward. He’s a man with no fear, that much has always been clear.
“People don’t talk to me that way, they’re afraid of me, usually” she raises a brow at him, a witches brew of emotions in her chest because Yeong-chan always brought out the best and worst in her, simultaneously. “Who pissed in your orange juice and why are you taking it out on me, Chanie? I don’t recall doing a damn thing to earn your scorn lately,” she frowns, brows pinch, lips wobble and then the door she was leaning against gives way and she tilts backwards into his apartment, stumbles two steps before grunting out frustration, “you don’t get to act this way when I’ve done nothing but be there for you. Have some damn shame,” she brushes her hair out of her face.
“I don’t care how much money you gave me, or what I owe you, keep pushing me and I’ll lose my patience. Don’t you know how to be civil? No wonder your reputation is in the fucking garbage.” A step too far, she knows immediately, especially to be cornered in his apartment with no immediate escape through his door, no gun on hand but that’s fine just as well. Chan won’t hurt her, she doesn’t want to harm him, but the prospect of irreparable damage to their shoddy business relationship ( friendship wasn’t a word she had used to describe what she had with Chan in years ) was practically guaranteed.
“Come on, Oppa, we’re suppose to be in this together, I watch your back, you pay me and take off some of what I owe.” She steps forward with a finger pointed at his chest intending to play cute, rewind a tape or slap wallpaper over ugly chipped paint.
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He understands why people are scared of her, in spite of being fearless himself. She isn’t someone he should fear but she’s a fearsome woman. Hate like hers is a poison. He’s aware of that,even as he stares at her building scorn with a raised eyebrow and deadpan look. When she falls into his apartment he doesn’t fear.
But he does feel the pinch of anger when she turns on him. Anger that builds as he steps in, kicks the door shut behind him and throws his bag across past her and onto the ground with a loud slam.
Not until she says those words does he flinch. Reputation? He scoffs, sneers. “Don’t you know how to shut up? Like an angry dog, always yapping. If you’re going to go back on our deal and kill me- do it, I’d rather that than listen to your bitching and complaining.”
She steps forward and he eyes her up and down, blandly, tired. A big step forward until her finger indents into his abs and he’s staring down at her. “I already paid you, Ha-eun. You’re still doing your job, right?” 
Years between them as friends and yet there was still something missing. “When will you stop running your mouth?” He says dangerous words but there’s an affection to his tone he can’t hide.
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wyhimchan · 6 years
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“Stop roaming around and getting me angry”- Dongman
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wyhimchan · 6 years
Childish. Of all things to call her, he called her childish. He knew all of this since the beginning. While he got pissed off at the smallest things, she did them more. She always was the one to push his buttons. Why was he bringing this up now like it was the main issue? “I am childish. But haven’t you known that all along? Don’t try to make it look like I’m the only one that’s the problem here.” Even with the number of times he had called her Ahrie that morning, it doesn’t make her feel any better. Instead, it only fueled her to act more like a brat. She may be childish and a brat, but she’s one of the few people who can tolerate Chan’s anger issues. 
“You’re acting like a prude. You’re making a big deal out of something so small. I didn’t force you to do this and I’m not guilt-tripping you either. My point here is that you’re saying last night was a mistake. Why? What did I do wrong? Did you not enjoy yourself? Are you repulsed by the fact that I’m not a virgin? Surprise! Too late? Well, sorry about not announcing that in our friendship early on. Frankly, I don’t fucking understand! Why can’t you relax one bit and just enjoy the little things in life!?” 
And there she goes, ending the conversation with a bang. Sipping on the coffee, Ahreum usually takes time drinking caffeine and hot drinks, but with one which is both, in her hands, she drinks it all away in one shot like a liquor. It burned her tongue and her throat but she holds back on the pain. She should be taking her anger out on him. He deserves it anyway, but instead of doing just that, she’s forcing herself to understand him. But she can’t. God, what did she ever do wrong for him to always treat her like shit? Even more, what was wrong with last night? Didn’t he have his way with her? He held her tightly, kissed her till she was breathless and sleep was the only escape to rest her body from his touch. 
“Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?” Ahreum asks in return, facing him this time. “Stop acting like this is your first time sleeping with a woman.” Wasn’t it better than sleeping with a stranger? Did she lack anything? Didn’t she give him the same amount of pleasure? “Honestly, the only one bringing out the worst of us because of this is you. Don’t try to deny it.” Resolution? She offered one already, didn’t she? They need to be mature about this and move on from it, but he’s acting like the asshole that he is and between them, she’s more exhausted than he thinks. 
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“I’m taking my pride, my sexy ass, and this mug with me when I walk out of that door and when I do, trust me, you’re going to regret it so much more. Push me some more and I’ll show you just how much of a bitch I can be.”
“Childish, stupid and annoying,” he looks her dead in the eye, “you really are talented as they say.” Damn it, he’s reaching a maximum limit, she should have left when he told her to get out earlier that morning. She’s starting to build and build and build like water pressure. He stands up from the couch to get away from her, paces to the middle of the room and stands there with his eyes away from her.
“Yeah, alright- I’m an asshole and a prude and you’re an annoying bitch, Ah-r-ie, are you finished?” He doesn’t want to look at her.
He doesn't want to look into her eyes and see the pain, sadness and annoyance, giving him a look like he’s the biggest jerk in the world because right now he already feels too much. Besides, in this case, she’s right, more or less.
“Stop acting like this is your first time sleeping with a woman.” She says.
He sneers, shoves a hand through his hair and takes another step back from her like he’s still too close. “It’s not my first time sleeping with a woman, we both know that. But it’s my first time sleeping with one I don’t like,” he says it slow and intentionally low. “You’re right, I am bringing out the worst in us. I’m saying too much and doing too much- you’re always making me do things I don’t want to. Why do I let you get to me when it will just end up like this?” He laughs, dry, humorless.
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“One more thing to regret, I’ll add it to the list.” He looks at the hall, at the door to leave his apartment expectantly. “Then go. Get out of my apartment, I’m sick of you standing here. And go ahead, be a bitch, say something you’ll regret. Right now you think only I’m the one who will suffer- go ahead and do something stupid again, you’re good at that Ah-r-ie, just like me.” They’re definitely both the best at being total fucking idiots.
He wants to reach out and touch her, strangely, like seeing a leak breaking through the hull of a boat, if he doesn’t plug the hole they’ll sink. He doesn’t want to drown in hatred for her. Not when she could have left, let him think and get himself set right. Instead she agitated him, doesn’t she know how stupid he get’s when he’s angry? Irrational? Stupid. Fucking stupid.
“Get lost, Ah-reum.”
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wyhimchan · 6 years
( @wyxahreum​ )
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You always do things and say it’s nothing.
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wyhimchan · 6 years
▪ ▪ ▪ A bow was given to the tree- people were starting to filter through and he looked enough like a weirdo as is. But he wasn’t going to stop his own worship just because he’d look crazy. Not when Mother Earth gave them everything. Tao turns, fingertips brushing through his hair just as he sees someone staring. His lips curve up and he waves. They were staring, so why not. Without thinking, his feet carry him to the other. ❝Do you come here to worship or to just people watch?❞
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He almost considers being a total ass and turning around to walk off without saying a word. But then he remembers where he is and his manners come with the realization. “I come here because this place runs in my family,” the sentence is vague and his tone is curt but it’s true, “do you come here to pray or talk to people?” He counters back.
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wyhimchan · 6 years
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THANK U, NEXT ; ( ft. @wyahnjong , @wycheolsu , @wyhimchan )
Now, I’m so amazing Say I’ve loved and I’ve lost But that’s not what I see So, look what I got Look what you taught me And for that, I say 
Thank you, next
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wyhimchan · 6 years
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Yeong-chan Dev - Day 2 - (wardrobe)
He can’t be bothered by fashion, usually jeans, t-shirt, flannels or jackets, sneakers or boots. Don’t @ him if you see him in public looking like he just woke up and only has 12 dollars to his name living paycheck to paycheck. He’ll just sneer at you.
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wyhimchan · 6 years
@wycheonsa​  ━━ /
He pockets his keys into his thick winter coat pocket, thankful for the cold as an excuse to keep his face mask in place so that he won’t have to talk to anyone or be recognized. His face doesn’t have the same draw now that he’s second-rate, but it’s annoying when he is recognized. He would rather spend his time with his bro at peace, rather than telling fans he’s just a guy out trying to have Chinese food after a long day.
Looking both ways before crossing the street he gives Cheon-sa a glance, his best friend without a doubt, the two of them didn’t get as much time together as Chan wanted. One good reason they were on the way back from the clinic right now. Multi-tasking at it’s finest.
“So what gives- how many did you catch? Definitely a few--” he smirks beneath his mask as he holds the door open to the restaurant for Cheon-sa, “meal is on me if it’s more than one, it’s the least I can do since you’re a just walking germ now. Just as long as you don’t touch me.”
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wyhimchan · 6 years
Yeong-chan Headcanons/Development dump -
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Chan considers loyalty and honesty the most important things.
His strongest asset is probably his reliability and determination, closely followed by his ambition.
Things he needs: someone to protect, to be needed, companionable silence.
He grew up protecting his siblings, especially his little brother and he’s developed a bit of a complex for being in control and prying open things for people. So to speak.
A battering ram in relationships: he likes to try to dismantle problems for his loved ones.
He’s afraid of wasps...
He has an incredibly short fuse, easy to anger and be annoyed.
Doesn’t like to repeat himself !!!!
Takes everything to heart, he’s very serious and very honest with his emotions and what he means and feels.
A try-hard, from the very bottom of his raging soul.
Extremely competitive.
A bit aggressive, easy to egg on, pushing buttons will get results.
Goes above and beyond when something is asked of him.
Never forgets birthdays or important dates.
Doesn’t like skinship or people in his personal space unless he’s comfortable with them.
Bull-headed, once his mind is made up it will rarely shift.
Takes everything too seriously, like everything. Even takes others seriously for them in their place. 
Grumpy, seriously, he’s a little bit of a cynic in a lot of ways, but weirdly, optimistic in others.
Thinks it’s stupid to search for love, he thinks love will find you when it’s ‘time’.
Isn’t spiritual at all but he feels a big respect for spiritual or religious people.
The taste of tea calms him down...
He listens to basically only trot music, seriously he is really out of date when it comes to musicians and Todays-hits.
He is demi-sexual !!!! He does not consider sex important until he has a relationship with someone, he does not sleep around.
Doesn’t like to be misunderstood, in fact it’s a pet peeve.
Worries about his perception too often, always thinking about what people are thinking of him.
He does not watch tv, he spends his free time training, playing games, outdoors, working out, things like that. He only owns a television because it was given to him as a house warming gift.
Doesn’t get along with his mother’s side of the family at all. Barely has a functioning relationship with his father’s side. With the exception of his brother and sister.
An excellent swimmer. He likes to surf a lot, one of his favorite pastimes.
Fluent in KSL (Korean Sign Language)-- in order to better communicate with his brother (and his father).
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wyhimchan · 6 years
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Security Warning ; AHREUM x CHAN ( @wyhimchan )
Are you sure you want to catch feelings? 
                                    [  YES  ]                 [  NO  ]
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wyhimchan · 6 years
♠ : › “Did anyone ever tell you, that you’re an annoying asshole?” 
Propped against the door like a fallen tree to block his path, Haeun cuts eyes up to the man, tall and broad, stern and cold. He was a great many things, lacking in ornament but not details. Haeun had come to recognize his face well in these years, years that she knew him and in all of those years, he had never gotten easier.
› ›  Not easier to read, not easier to see, never warmer nor simpler. At a point in her life, she’d found that extravagant, something to be treasured like unearthing a trove were she an archaeologist. Bones with curves, intents, divots to explore that told stories. Something timeless, something interesting.
Now, she knows the truth of him. Yeong-chan, @wyhimchan, he’s just › cold.
He’s a bitter, desolate tundra, not fit for anyone who isn’t well-equip. Who doesn’t carry a coldness of their own in their hearts, who didn’t grow up in that frigid, ungodly place that he did.
Haeun is nothing but flame, hatred and claws. So, it should stand to reason, that there’s no reason, in sticking near him. It’s as though she’s choosing to freeze herself, he doesn’t have a speck of warmth available, bashing two rocks together for a single spark even if it were to die immediately. He can’t even manage that little thing for her.
What a hateful man. Her arms are crossed over her chest. “Don’t you know how to answer a call? If I didn’t know better, I would think that you were avoiding me.”
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Of course. Like he needs to swat a fly, he thinks he should one day swat her. She’s not a fly, she’s a damn parasite.
He spins his keys around his middle finger as he spots here there leaned against his door. He wishes she didn’t know where he lived, but she knew everything. Unfortunately, a lot of it was his own fault. First and foremost that he didn’t actually hate Ha-eun, as much as he did, he didn’t.
“People have called me a lot of things, how many times have you been called a bitch in this week? Not enough, I’m sure.” He doesn’t hesitate to walk to his door, uses a hand to push her out of his way just enough so that he can reach the keys to his door. 
She’s annoying, but he’s learned that she’s harmless. In the years, as much as she had threatened him, it hadn’t amounted to anything. Maybe some would disagree but to him, Ha-eun is a necessary evil. A person he can call on when he needs a favor of the worst kind.
“It’s funny because, I thought you did know better. Was there ever confusion?” He turns the key and opens the door, not caring if she moved aside or folded inside or not. He stands there and stares, a flat expression. “Why are you here? Do you need something, because I’ve had a long day Ha-eun. I’m not in the mood for your headache. I thought I made that clear all the times I sent you to voicemail this last week.”
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