xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
So what I’m hearing is you’re completely on board? Great!
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“What changed your mind?” he asks, watching you lock the door behind you.
“You did.” You smile at him, feeling emboldened by the way his eyes look you up and down slowly. “I convinced myself you weren’t serious about it, about us,” you admit. “You proved me wrong though.” 
“Next time you could just take my word for it,” he jokes. “Could have saved us a couple months of wasted time.” Your smile widens as you walk around his desk.
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time.” He spins in his chair to face you and you sit down onto his thighs, throwing your arms around his neck. “Should probably make up for those wasted months.”
“Damn right.” He flashes you his own smile before leaning in to kiss you.
I just have one thing to say....
✨Coach Finecock✨
And I just have one thing to say….
✨ No ✨
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
12 with peter hale maybe?
12. “You don’t have to like me, you just need to pretend you do.”
“This is stupid,” you say for probably the twentieth time tonight. “This will never work.” It had been determined the best way to research this specific case was to do an undercover mission. It had also been determined the best undercover mission was to play fiancés. It had then somehow been determined the best two people to play the part, out of everyone else in the freaking town, were you and Peter.
“It will work if you sit down and shut up about it,” he scolds, rolling his eyes from his place on the hotel bed. The only bed in the room. Because as Stiles had unhelpfully pointed out what if they check your reservations and see two beds?
“Oh yeah, that’s such a loving way to speak to your future wife,” you snip at him, pausing your nervous pacing for the moment.  
“Why are you so jittery about this?” he asks, squeezing his brow together as he analyzes you.
“How is anyone going to believe you and I are a couple?” You wave your hands between the two of you a little erratically. “We hate each other.” You say it as though he’s forgotten. Or you’ve forgotten. Like it’s not the most obvious thing when you both walk into a room. He chuckles at you.
“You don’t have to like me,” he reminds you, putting his hands behind him and leaning back on the mattress a little. “You just need to pretend you do.”  
You roll your eyes and stomp away to the bathroom. What Peter doesn’t know, at least you’re pretty damn sure he doesn’t know, is that you don’t have to pretend to like him. That ship sailed months ago. Somewhere between late night research sessions and fights where you spent more time defending each other than yourselves, that hate you’re so adamant about disappeared without your permission.  
You’re not afraid of someone not believing you’re a couple. No. You’re afraid you’re going to end up forgetting that you’re not.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
If you're still taking request, what about 13 with Stiles? Thank you
13. “You know we’re not actually dating, so why did you propose to me in front of my family?” “I’m sorry, I panicked.”
You consider yourself a decent actress. Really, you do. But it took everything you had not to break when Stiles did that. The idiot had gotten down on one knee and proposed to you. Without a ring. Without prompting. Without reason. And you had to somehow play along.
It’s not until the end of the night, when you’re in the jeep and well down the road from his aunt’s house when you finally turn on him.
“What the hell was that?” You ask, finally letting out the completely flabbergasted emotion pour out. Stiles cringes as he drives. “You know we’re not actually dating,” you remind him. Sure, you had agreed to tell everyone you were, but, as you painfully had to tell yourself every time he held your hand, it wasn’t true. “So why did you propose to me in front of your whole family?” His scrunches his face and starts waving one hand around.
“I’m sorry! I panicked!” he shouts. “It was like they were expecting it or something. They all just kept looking at me and I didn’t know what else to do!”  
“Not propose would have been a good start!”  
“I know, I know,” he concedes. You throw your face into your hands and groan.
“What are we going to do now? They’re going to expect a wedding.” Stiles chuckles nervously and chances a look at you.
“We could just get married?” You glare at him through your fingers and he drops his cautious smile. “Sorry,” he offers and focusing back on the road.
“You’re lucky I love you, Stilinski.” You mean it in a friendly way of course, but because you’re too busy looking out the window and trying to find a good way out of this mess, you miss the way Stiles smiles softly and the blush rising onto his cheeks.
Such a Stiles move. I love it.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
For the dialog prompts, can I please request either #10 or #19 with Peter Hale? Please, and thank you! (I had to rewrite this about 3 times so it didn't sound like I was trying to order a Big Mac. Lol)
19. “Have you seen my-…nevermind, it looks better on you anyways.”
Peter comes around the corner into the kitchen, eyes searching the table before he even has a chance to look at you standing over the eggs on the stove.
“Have you seen my-” he starts to ask, but cuts himself off when he finally notices you. There’s a slight smirk on your lips as you casually stir the eggs for breakfast. You don’t look at him, but can feel the way his eyes trace up your body. You’re wear his favorite grey v-neck shirt and little else. “Nevermind,” he says, coming up behind your and putting his hands on your waist. The shirt comes down just enough to barely cover the curve of your ass. “It looks better on you anyways.” He bends his head to kiss at your neck and you can’t hold in your giggle, his stuble tickling you.
“I’m trying to cook us food,” you gently scold him, turning your body and pulling away from him with very little enthusiasm. He holds you firm and keeps kissing your neck before reaching out in front of you and switching off the stove.
“I think it can wait.”
This is totally something that would happen in You Know Better!
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
I’ll take these for Teen Wolf too guys!
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Hello my darlings! It’s been a minute, I know. I’m trying to get back into the swing of writing and I absolutely love doing little prompts. 
So if you don’t know the drill; send me a number and a character. I���m not limiting fandoms/characters for this one. It does not have to be a fandom or someone I’ve written for either. Can’t guarantee I’ll be able to do anything, but it never hurts to ask right?
I’ll likely close this around 8:30 tonight, but we’ll see. Request away!
“Please tell me that is not your blood.”
“Where does all the blood come from?”
“You’re not okay. They hurt you and I will make them pay. That I promise you.”  
“I’ve had worse and lived.”
“Each time you go on a mission I’m not sure you’ll come back. And then you like that. Bleeding. And I’m just supposed to accept that?”
“We can’t be friends. I can not just be your friend.”
“Even if you don’t feel the same… I just wanted to tell you.”
“Aww, you’re blushing. I like that look on you.”
“I think you lost your underwear somewhere.”
“I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist.”
“You’re saying that you’re only attracted to someone’s brain, but I totally caught you checking out my ass.”
“You don’t have to like me, you just need to pretend you do.”
“You know we’re not actually dating, so why did you propose to me in front of my family?” “I’m sorry, I panicked.”
“You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.”
“You look good all soaking wet.”
“The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“You’re lucky I’m so nice. Anyone else would’ve done something horrible, by now.”
“Have you seen my-…nevermind, it looks better on you anyways.”
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
Coach ✨Finecock✨
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I should write for him again. I love him.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
Hey @totallygroovyllama, looks like you’ve been hacked FYI.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
Alright the masterlist is as good as it’s gonna get. It’s fucked up on mobile which sucks but it works on a desktop for the moment. I will say however, if at any point, you can’t access a story you want, let me know. I’ll give you the direct link.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
Found a work around in the meantime!
that shows all of them!
The adult preferences #3 #4 #5 aren't working. When I click on those it takes me to the new years eve kiss preference. Thank you for trying though!
You’re right... And I can’t even find them when I search my blog. This will take some time.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
The adult preferences #3 #4 #5 aren't working. When I click on those it takes me to the new years eve kiss preference. Thank you for trying though!
You’re right... And I can’t even find them when I search my blog. This will take some time.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
I tried rereading your masterlist but some of the links don't work, I doesn't take you to the right fic if that makes sense? I wanted to read the adults only fics but it doesn't go to the right fics
Trying to fix it now because I know both Peter and Chris’s lists have been fucked up forever. But the Adults Only Preferences appear to be working? 
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
Hi! So in mew to the teen wolf fandom, super late to the party but I stumbled across your blog and I'm IN LOVE! I love how you write for Peter, Chris, Parrish especially as not many people feel comfortable doing so! I did wonder are you still active on this blog? I'd love to read more of your work!
Yes, but active is a very loose word. I don’t write much for Teen Wolf unfortunately but on the rare occasion something comes to mind and I get it out here. It’s such an amazing fandom and late or not, you’re always welcome!
I’m more focused on two stories on my other blog but I still play around with an interactive Chris Argent imagine I’ve had drafted for literally years. I still hope one day to finish it and post it.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 3 years
And yet... I’m 99.9% sure I didn’t write such a thing. I definitely haven’t written for Deucalion and I don’t think I’ve ever done anything where the bed breaks. 
Anyone got any ideas?
Sergeantangel is an idiot.
I lost a teen wolf imagine. Pretty sure it was a reblog and I don’t know how old it is but I saw it yesterday and apparently forgot to like it. I think it was either Peter or Deucalion and it in loved breaking the bed, there was a gif of a hand breaking a wooden headboard.
Probably a long shot but tagging @xteenwolfwritingsx and @snipsnsnailsnwerewolftales because I was definitely going through their blogs
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 4 years
A Change – Derek Hale
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(gif source unknown)
Ashley’s 2020 December Prompts
Prompt: Hot Chocolate
Warnings/Labels: Fluff. It’s the very beginning of a friends-to-lovers tale.
Appox. Word Count: 1,000
A/N: Hey all! If you follow me on my other tumblr you know I’m doing a December prompts list of one prompt per day. But guess what!? Since this is (and always will be) my Teen Wolf blog, you get my Teen Wolf prompt stories ahead of time! (They’ll be reblogged to the other blog the day of their “release” so to say.) Hope you guys enjoy!
He could smell it before you knocked. It smelled sweet and chocolatey and warm and he could only hope it was headed his way. Sure enough, he heard you knock on his apartment door not a few moments later. Your knock was short and abrupt and more of a bang which as a little confusing, but when he opens the door to see you standing there wearing oven mitts and holding a sauce pan in each hand, the sound made more sense having clearly come from you kicking the door, not knocking.
He cocks an eyebrow at you as you stand there in the hallway. You widen your eyes and point with your chin.
“Gonna let me in?” He barely blinks or changes his expression, but he does step back to make room for you and still hold the door open.
“Most people bring mugs of hot chocolate, not pots of it.” You’re already walking to his kitchen, not even bothered to throw a pointed look over your shoulder at him. He follows behind and goes to a drawer to pull out a couple of flat pot holders. After he’s set them on the counter, you put one pot on each.
“Most people aren’t me,” you finally respond, shaking off your mittens and tossing them on the counter. “I tried two new flavors this time. I need my favorite werewolf taste tester.” You catch the way his lips tease up into a whisper of a smile. You know that despite the fact that he never said anything, he enjoys how often you come by with food. It’s the base of your entire friendship.
“Caramel and…” He leans over the second pot, taking a deep inhale of it and trying to decipher the smells. “Chili?” He squints at you, confused by your proud smile.
“It’s Aztec Hot Chocolate; spicy and different.” You spin on your heels and help yourself into his cabinet with the cups.
“What’s wrong with your regular hot chocolate?” he asks, taking a mug from you. It’s actually your mug that’s just managed to find its home in his cabinet.
“Nothing,” you say. “What’s wrong with trying something new?” you counter, cocking your eyebrow at him in imitation of the way he always does to you. He silently scolds you as he retrieves a ladle and hands it your way.
“I know what I like.” He shrugs, watching you scoop out one mug of each hot chocolate.
“Well, you need to branch out.” You hand him the Aztec filled mug while keeping the caramel for yourself. He takes it without argument and even holds it out to clink together with yours. “Cheers.”
Derek’s eyes widen and nearly bulge out of his head at the first sip. After swallowing the small taste, he sets the mug down as he stumbles into a coughing fit complete with watering eyes. He pats his chest a few times and grips the edge of the counter with his other hand.
“Too strong?” you ask, trying desperately to keep the laughter off your face. He glares at you.
“Just a little,” he growls. You roll your eyes.
“Oh I think you’re just being a big baby.” It doesn’t smell nearly as strong as he’s playing it up to be. No way it tastes that bad.
“By all means!” he nudges the mug along the counter towards you. You gladly snatch it and take a full drink. About halfway through the swallow, you realize that Derek was, in fact, correct. You open your mouth that is currently burning and cough heavily, fanning yourself with your hand.
“Oh my god,” you choke out, running to the sink and gulping water straight from the faucet. Derek points harshly at you.
“You deserve that,” he tells you. “Don’t make that again and don’t serve it to anyone ever.” He’s completely unfazed when you flip him your middle finger.
“My measurements have to be wrong,” you defend, trying to remember what you put in it. It clearly went wrong somewhere.
“This is why I don’t like change,” he tells you with another pointed finger. You brush him off and wipe away the water dribbling down your chin.
“You know there was a time you didn’t know me, I didn’t live next door, and I didn’t bring you food all the time. I was a change in your life. Change is good sometimes!” He rolls his eyes, but you catch the little tip of his lips again. “Now you get delicious foods brought to you weekly.” He raises his eyebrow at you again. “Okay, mostly delicious foods,” you correct. He finally lets the smile out. You’ve yet to find something as contagious as Derek Hale’s smile. Seeing him happy just makes everything better.
“You are good,” he admits. You come to stand beside him, both of you resting your backs against the counter. You feel a bit warm and fluttery, something you blame on the strong drink. “The food is decent. That hot chocolate is terrible.” You bump your shoulder into his as you both laugh and that fluttery feeling increases when he leans back against you and stays pressed against you.
There’s this moment where he turns to look down at you and smiles and out of nowhere you feel flushed and awkward. His smile makes you catch your breath and you never want that pressure on your shoulder to go away. You know those feelings all too well. They’re telltale signs of a crush. But this is Derek. You don’t have a crush on Derek. So what in the hell was your body doing acting all a flutter over him?
“Want to watch a movie?” he asks softly. You have a hard time keeping your eyes off his lips as he speaks.
“Sure,” you reply dumbly, trying to shake yourself out of whatever it is that’s come over you. “I’ll even let you pick since I tried to burn your mouth.” He smiles again and pushes off the counter, leading the way to his living room.
You take a deep breath to steady yourself before following.
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 4 years
Look. I warned you I’m bad at titles. This is just what you get. 
Coming up with titles with @xteenwolfwritingsx (or rather trying to) and she comes up with this gem:
"Stay with Me"
"Call my Name"
"Meant to Be"
"Sappy Sappy Love Story"
Fuck everyone and everything
This is what it’s like to be a writer. 😂
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 4 years
I know I like... vanished from here and then pop back in once in a while. So just thought I’d share where you can find me more regularly!
@xfandomwritingsx is the writing blog I’m using most right now. I write for all sorts of nonsense over there.
@slytherinmage is my personal account where I reblog all the stuff I love/makes me laugh/makes me cry, etc. I’m also starting to post moodboards here.
My AO3 where all of my work goes. https://archiveofourown.org/users/xfandomwritingsx/works
My Ko-Fi if you ever feel like buying me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/writerashley
My new Instagram where you will start to find the moodboards I make, writing excerpts, and various other things. https://www.instagram.com/thatfandomwriter/
I can’t thank you all enough for supporting me over the years in which I wrote exclusively for Teen Wolf. You guys are the very best people. I love you all, my darlings!
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 4 years
Just wanted to send you some love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Awwwww! Thank you!!
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