yahikonann · 1 month
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Yahiko surprising Konan with a bouquet of roses. There really isn't any special reason for this, I just wanted to do this as a little story.
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yahikonann · 4 months
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Happy birthday 💕 🎂 20/2
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yahikonann · 4 months
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commissions | da tip jar
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yahikonann · 4 months
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so about that draw your ship meme on twitter rn (pic credits: koteri on twitter)
commissions | da tip jar
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yahikonann · 4 months
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Konan fanart by me!
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yahikonann · 5 months
The Bra
Pairing : Nagato x Reader
Yahiko x Konan
P.S: I've been writing this for a looooong time! But it's still not finished so this is part 1.
Summary: You and Konan want to attract your boys and Koran suggest to buy a bra too seduce them😈
Please note: slight fluff, sweet Nagato, self restraing Yakiko and smut ( a little this part)
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"do you think he has feelings for me?"
Konan asked you anxiously. You two were on your way to Amegakure to buy some things for your small house that were in the middle of nowhere. You two did this every 2 weeks and sometimes Yahiko and Nagato came.
" I think yes" Konan, "he stares at you differently, you know? That kind of look."
She bit her lips, pissed off.
"then why doesn't he make a move? I've been waiting so long to be with him. I can't take it anymore."
She said angrily, moving her hands in space.
You giggled. You knew Konan loved Yahiko and knew Yahiko loved her too, but it was a question for you too. Why didn't Yahiko make a move?
" I understand Nagato, he's so shy to make a move on you but Yahiko's not like him, ughhh."
You blushed as you heard Nagatos name.
"he doesn't like me like that, you know."
You put your head down as you whispered.
You loved the redhead boy but you were too shy to show or tell him.
And he was so shy too.
And so out of confidence.
But you still loved him.
"pfff don't say that to me! I see him every day how he eats you with his eyes! He wants you so damn much."
Konan pitted on your shoulder while talking like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Your stomach flattered, thinking about Nagato liking you back. But then why didn't he make a move too?
" it doesn't matter if he doesn't make a move on me! I'm tired of these one-sided feelings too, Konan."
Konan sighed and then looked at the sky.
"Then maybe we should make a move."
You nodded as you arrived at one special store you both needed to buy things every 3 months.
Konan smirked and entered the shop first.
The young girl behind the counter smiled.
"hello beautiful ladies, how may I help you?"
Both of you needed a bra, panties and underwear for the boys.
Konan leaned against the counter, whispering sexily.
"give us the sexiest bra you have darling. I need to make someone shake as they saw my boobs."
The girl smiled deviously and you shivered.
Poor Yahiko.
And Nagato.
" we're back boys!"
You said loudly as you and konan entered your small house.
The boys were playing a card game on the table. Yahiko looked at you.
" finally! Why this late? You two never come back this late! "
Konan put her hand around your neck, smiling innocently at him.
"the store we buy underwear has got really beautiful bras! It was so hard for us to choose, that's why... Oh by way, we bought you boxers too!"
Then she put a small pack on the table and laughed nervously.
"they had only this model... I hope it will be good for you both! Oh and Nagato!"
The redhead boy looking at her innocently
Konan giggled the whispered deviously.
"Y/N bought you purple since you loveee purple."
He blushed and looked down.
"oh, thank you Y/N."
You bit your lips, looking at him saying you're welcome.
But he didn't turn up his head to look at you.
Konan smirked.
" Y/N bought a skirt too. They had really pretty clothes today, from lingeries to other things. I wish I could buy them all."
She sight. Yahiko frowned, then firmly said.
"we don't need this stuff. We should save money for our future."
Konan stared at him.
" yeah I know cuz I don't have a boyfriend to wear those for him! "
She said bitterly then walked away, going out. The room went silent. You took a deep breath.
"we are girls Yahiko. We love this stuff. You shouldn't have told her that. We just bought fantasy clothes."
"I didn't mean it like that... It's just.. I..."
He put his head down, regretting his words.
Suddenly something sparkles in your head. You didn't know what would Konan's reaction be  but this wouldn't hurt.
You gulped.
"in town, someone asked her out."
Nagato and Yahiko shouted at the same time.
"Shhhh! She doesn't know I'm telling you this! So don't make it obvious in front of her!"
You saw Yahiko fisted his hand.
Looked like the plan was going to work.
You wore your skirt when the three were out. Taking a look in the mirror you cursed Konan. This was so short! Your thighs were showing off sexily and a bent was enough to show your ass.
Damn you Konan!
" but it's too short Konan, I can't wear this!"
Konan grabbed your hand firmly.
" you want Nagato or not?" You nodded quickly. " Then pay attention to what he loves! He stares at your legs whenever you show off some skin! He has a thing for thighs and ass , exactly opposite of Yahiko who love tits!"
You bit your lips
" ok then. I'll buy it."
But maybe you shouldn't. You couldn't wear this in front of him. What would he even think? It was purple, his favourite colour. Still, you couldn't deny, you looked sexy as hell.
"I'm back! Is anyon-"
Your head immediately turned toward his voice. Nagato was there. Stood by the door, his mouth open as he stares at your skirt.
Your milky legs.
"N-Nagato, I thought y-you were in town."
You said, trying to pull your skirt down maybe to cover yourself more.
Nagato gulped, closed the door without breaking his stare from your legs.
"yeah, but remembered I left something home so I came back."
He came closer and in each step you took a step back. Until you reached the wooden wall. Nagato stood closely in front of you.
"I didn't know you have skirts."
His voice was low, like a whisper that was only for you to hear.
You shrank as you fist your hand unconsciously.
" I-I didn't. I just bought this. Told you so that day. "
This was what you always wanted. Him paying attention to you. But now you got so embarrassed to do something.
"oh? With Konan? Did you buy a bra too?"
Your face flushed. When did he get this confident?
You nodded slowly. You wore that today before you put on your skirt.
Nagato took a step back to take a look at you head to toe.
- you are wearing it now, don't you?
Your eyes winded as you look into his eyes. How did he...?
- it shows off your breasts so nicely, besides that skirt.
You felt your gaze become blurred. Was he humiliating you? Was he that sweet Nagato you liked?
Before a drop fall from your eyes, you pushed him hard to run to the room but he was quicker, hugging you from behind.
- Y/N -
- let me GO!
You cried out, trying to break free.
- I didn't mean it l-like that..
He said lowly, unconfident like how he is always. You calmed down in his arms then sniffed.
- y-you look really beautiful, you know? I was so shocked at first, that's why I react like that.
You bit your lips.
Yeah, that's why you got out of your mind and acted manly and flirted with me!
And how I ruined it...
"don't be mad at me, please."
And how could you, when he was this sweet.
- I'm not, it was new to me too, wearing these things..."
You said shyly and pulled away from his grip.
But maybe you could still fix this and get with him. You just needed a little more confidence now.
- so is it pretty?
You said innocently, spin on your kneel.
Then you saw it again in his eyes.
The way he looked at your legs. You gulped as you felt yourself turning on under his glare.
He came a step closer, trying to act courageously.
- very, especially in this colour.
You smirked. In his favourite colour.
- then maybe I should wear skirts more.
He reached to you and you felt the wooden wall again behind you. His hand shifted on your hips, touching the hem of your skirt.
- oh no. you can't.
Deep down you knew why but wanted to continue this game.
You rubbed your legs in way he got aware.
- but why? I want to look beautiful Nagato.
Again you tried to talk as innocent as possible.
You felt his hands moving under your skirt, touching your bare smooth skin.
You shivered and he smirked.
- you must wear this for your man only.
He whispered in your ear, his voice huskier than anytime you heard. You choked as he nibbled gently on your earlobe.
- b-but I don't have a m-man...
You suppressed your moan when he started to plant chaste kisses on your neck.
- you have now.
Before you could do something, he kissed you. At first he was shy but you kissed him back quickly to give him more confidence.
He finally kissed you. You eagerly opend your mouth, moaning as you deepen the kiss. He pushed you against the wall kissing you hungrily, sudden showing all the intentions he had kept inside.
"N-Nagato..." he kissed your neck slowly,  each kiss like rooting a new seed. Your body Shivered and a sudden loud moan escaped your mouth. "So this is what they call weak spot" he whispered as he kissed that spot, sucking hard enough to leave a bruise. You clutched his hair, pulling him closer. " it'll leave a mark..." You whispered in his ear. He licked the Hickey he just made, hands grabbing your ass, squeezing softly. " you're going to be marked constantly from today" he kissed you again, hugging you and laying you on the mattress.
To be continue.....😈
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yahikonann · 5 months
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They were everything to me...
One of the most touching trio of Naruto Shippuden.
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yahikonann · 5 months
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"The hidden rain village"
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yahikonann · 5 months
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They always deserved a Merry Christmas!
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yahikonann · 6 months
The Art Of Connection Ch 2
As much as I wish I could say I slept well that first night in the dorms, I can’t. With any tiny sound that Yahiko made, I’d stir. 
I couldn’t help it. 
Sleep has been a liability for me for as long as I can remember. 
When I was younger, there were the short-term foster “fathers” with their lingering glances and just-long-enough-to-be-weird shoulder touches. Even when I was young, I knew of the danger because the older girls at the halfway houses and orphanages ensured my education. As I grew older, that threat didn’t disappear, but new ones arose to make things more stressful, like being smothered or robbed in my sleep. 
Thankfully, Yahiko didn’t mention it. Maybe he didn’t notice, but it's more likely that he did and just didn’t care. As much as I’d like to befriend the person I’ll be rooming with for an entire school year, I consider myself lucky that at least he hasn’t tried anything inappropriate. That was my main concern upon learning my bunkmate was a man. 
“Hey, sorry if I was wondering if I could take a picture of you.”
My spine straightened, and I turned in my seat to see two redheaded women. Though they were easily distinguishable, it was immediately evident that they were related, likely sisters. One had tanned skin and brown eyes, while the other had reddish-colored eyes and pale skin. Their noses and mouths were the same. 
That said, the one with red eyes seemed to be the one who’d asked, so I met her stare with guarded surprise, “Excuse me?” 
She waved a dismissive hand, the other holding an expensive-looking camera, “Oh, shit. I should’ve probably led with something else.” She offered her free hand and a smile, “My name’s Karin. This is my twin sister, Tayuya. We’re both fashion majors here and like your style, so I want to take a photo to use as inspiration, if that’s okay.” 
Shaking her hand, I stood from the table in the school’s courtyard, where I’d been absently sketching and enjoying the fresh air and sun, “You like my clothes? But they’re-” “Super unique, I know! We totally dig the girly-punk, grungy, semi-emo look you’re going for. Very artistic! So, can I? Take a photo, that is.”  
I looked down at my worn, ripped jean shorts, combat boots, and purple shirt that had marker covering up what used to be a band logo. It was one of the ones my old roommates ruined that I managed to salvage. At least now I know the look was believable, “...I see. Um, I guess it wouldn’t hurt then.” 
Tayuya smirked, brown eyes bright in the sun, “Cool, thanks! You don’t have to pose or anything. We’ll keep your face out of the picture, ‘kay?” 
Soon, the photo was taken, and my social anxiety meter was off the charts. After, I nervously offered, “Oh, my name is-” “Konan, right? We know. You’re the scholarship kid this year.” 
The pair helped themselves to sit at my table; Karin’s gaze focused on the camera’s little screen while Tayuya explained how they had knowledge of me. My face must’ve shown my surprise clearly. 
“It’s common knowledge even to those who don’t attend school here that the scholarship students always flunk out before the end of their first year.” Her sister elbowed her ribs, widening her eyes as she waved a dismissive hand, “Not that we’re saying you will or anything! That’s just the rumor.” 
Is that true? So, everyone I meet will automatically assume I’m doomed to fail, then? How encouraging. 
“I had no idea. Thanks for letting me know, I guess,” I tried to come off casual, but inside I panicked. Do these two girls think I’m a loser, too?
Karin scoffed, rolling her eyes after turning off her camera and finally looking up at me, “Don’t let it get to you. It’s just another way for these snobs to psych out talented people they see as competition. You’ll be fine so long as you study.” 
After sharing a little bit of our backgrounds with one another, I felt more relaxed around the two girls. It turns out they’re from here, Amegakure. Their mother is a famous fashion photographer, which is how they were introduced to the world of clothing. They’re both freshmen, just like me, but they planned to go to this college from the time they were in middle school, so they’re much more mentally prepared than I am. 
When they asked where I was from, I panicked. It made me feel like an awful person, but I instinctually lied, saying I moved around a lot because of my parents’ jobs. It was too late to return once the words left my mouth, so I ran with it. After a few hours of hanging out, the two women and I ambled back to the dorm building. 
“Fuck, you’re so skinny! Look how small your waist is! What’s your secret?” Karin gushed, groaning while grabbing at the non-existent fat upon her own stomach. 
Malnourishment, my dear friend. One meal a day for a decade will do that to you.
“I don’t know. I don’t work out or anything, but I don’t eat too much, either.” 
Tayuya snickered, “Don’t let her make you feel guilty. She has a thing about her weight because this guy called her fat a whole bunch sophomore year in high school.” 
My brow furrowed angrily, “Are you serious? What an asshole.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ve almost reached my goal weight, and then I’ll find that piece of shit and show him what a hottie he missed out on!” Tayuya and I shared an amused look as Karin angrily vowed. 
She soon calmed, laughing sheepishly, “Speaking of guys, have you seen any good-looking ones on campus yet? I hope there are at least a few pretty things to look at this year.” How she spoke showed that she was only joking about referring to men as things and not people. 
Shaking my head, I averted my gaze to the sidewalk, “I’ve only seen my roommate. He’s pretty hot, but he already hates my guts, so I’m not even gonna try.” 
“Your roommate’s a dude? Lucky! We’re stuck together!” 
I scoffed, a smirk tugging at my lips when they asked his name. “Yahiko. I’m not sure of his family name. He’s not much of a talker, but he’s super clean, so I can’t complain.” 
“You’re kidding! Yahiko, like, orange-haired, tall, handsome, and covered in piercings?” 
My gaze darted over to see both sisters had paled, and I nodded, “Um, yeah. That sounds like him. Why? You know him?” 
They shared a look before Karin lowered her voice to a hiss as though someone might overhear, “He went to the other high school in town, but everyone in our class knew of him. His nickname is “The Silent Monster” because he’s so quiet, but he apparently beat up anyone who annoyed him, even girls.” 
I frowned, “Sounds like just another rumor to me.” 
Tayuya nodded but said, “That’s what we thought, too, but we actually found a newspaper article about him and a group of guys getting into a big fight. It was so bad, the police had to break it up.”
Violence of that capacity is something I’ve encountered through the years, and it’s not something I’m eager to witness again. That said, I can’t just place Yahiko in a box because of what others have said. Until I verify on my own what his nature’s like, I’ll play it safe and be cautious. 
“I still don’t know, though. There are always two sides to a story.” When I realized the twins were concerned, I waved a dismissive hand, “He doesn’t like me anyway, so you have nothing to worry about. We completely ignore each other at the dorm.” 
The two redheaded women went toward their room once inside the large housing building, and I headed toward mine. 
Hugging my sketching supplies to my front with one arm, I dug into my back pocket for the room key as I approached, only to slow when I lifted my eyes to see Yahiko sitting against the closed door. His gaze met mine in a glare. His unwarranted irritation annoyed me, so I narrowed my eyes, “What’re you doing out here?” 
The statuesque man came to a stand, gesturing for me to unlock the door while stepping aside, “Locked out.” 
After opening the dorm, I held the door open for him to pass, frowning as he did, “What happened to your key?” 
“I thought you were inside, so I didn’t bring it,” he said quietly. 
I locked up before crossing the room to place my supplies on my desk, asking absently, “Did you not bother looking slightly to the left to see that I wasn’t there?” Then I gritted my teeth because I’d come off as more sarcastic than intended, something with which I often struggle. 
As expected, Yahiko’s voice came more steadily, clearly annoyed by my question, “It’s like I’m alone in here even when you’re around, so, no, I didn’t check.” 
Turning to face him, I leaned against my desk with crossed arms, trying not to show how shaken I was that he was standing before me looking angry, “You didn’t exactly roll out the welcome wagon yesterday, so pardon me if starting a game of twenty questions to get to know each other better felt like a poor decision.” 
The man scoffed but pulled out his phone, angry eyes on its screen, “That’s obviously not what I meant. Tell me your number so we can contact one another if this happens again.” 
Officially unsettled by his argumentative nature, I shook my head, “I don’t have a phone, and even if I did, I wouldn’t give you my number because you’ve been nothing but rude to me since we met.” 
Brown eyes locked onto mine, daring me to repeat what I just said. 
Straightening my spine, I held my ground, “It’s not my fault you locked yourself out, but here we are, arguing like it is.” 
Yahiko’s glare narrowed further as we stared one another down in silence. Then, he wordlessly turned and sat heavily at his desk with his back turned to me. 
Did he just ignore me? What the hell! 
I added one last retort, sounding almost awkward, “If you want to apologize, you know where I’ll be.”  
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yahikonann · 6 months
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One door shut and another one flew open!
ShiKonan may not have won but Yahikonan always will for me! So i drew them, Nagato, their siblings, and Nagato for my warmups this week 🍊🫐✨
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yahikonann · 8 months
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"And perish."
A Quiet Thunder by @renaerys
Art by @hallous
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yahikonann · 8 months
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I wanna have his baby so bad😭👉👈
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yahikonann · 8 months
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yahikonann · 9 months
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[MODERN AU] Here’s Akatsuki Bar 😎
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yahikonann · 9 months
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Jonin Itachi catches rogue Shisui, but...
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yahikonann · 9 months
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commissions | da tip jar
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