yasseyasse · 4 years
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yasseyasse · 4 years
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yasseyasse · 5 years
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Moderation. Book of Cash.
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yasseyasse · 6 years
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yasseyasse · 6 years
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Art by IG: @eddieputera Instagram: @artwoonz
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yasseyasse · 6 years
أهم 50 كتاب..الأوسع إنتشاراً وتأثيراً في العالم
1- جمهورية أفلاطون 
 2- فنّ الحرب
3 - «ألف ليلة وليلة»
4- «دون كيشوت»
5- كتاب «الأغاني»
6- «رباعيات الخيام»
7- «هاملت»
8- الديكاميرون
9- «المريض الوهمي»
10- «مدام بوفاري»
11-«الجريمة والعقاب»
12- رواية «البؤساء»
13- «آلام فرتر»
14- «جنى الثمار»
15- أزهار الشر 
16- «دافيد كوبرفيلد»
17- مقالات إمرسون -السلسلة الأولى والثانية رالف والدو إمرسون 
18- الإلياذة - هوميروس -
19- «الكوميديا الإنسانية»
20- «الأحمر والأسود»
21- «آنا كارنينا»
 22- «العقد الإجتماعي»
23- «كانديد»
24- فاوست - جيته -
25- «الكونت دي مونت كريستو» 
26- موبي ديك - هرمان ملفل -
27- «السيدة دالاوي»
28- رحلات جلفر - جوناثان سويفت -
29  «الغريب»
30- رواية«1984»
 31- «في انتظار جودو»
32- «لوليتا»
33- «مئة عام من العزلة»
34- «السيميائي» 
35- «اللؤلؤة»
36- «رأس المال»
37- «تفسير الأحلام»
38- «إعترافات»
39- «قصة تجاربي مع الحياة»
40- «كفاحي»
41- «مدخل إلى النظرية النسبية»
42- «هكذا تكلّم زرادشت» 
43- «أصل الأنواع» لداروين
44- الكوميديا الإلهية-دانتي اليجييري
 45- الجبل السحري
46- «نساء صغيرات»
74- «أولاد حارتنا»
48- نساء عاشقات
49- «المحاكمة»
50- الحرب والسلم - ليو تولستوي
(via superwarda)
(via mahmadwwww)
(via mahmadwwww)
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yasseyasse · 6 years
When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.
Abraham Joshua Heschel (via quotemadness)
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yasseyasse · 6 years
Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.
Pierce Brown (via quotemadness)
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yasseyasse · 7 years
stereotypes among the german states
Bavaria: They only drink beer and eat Bavarian veal sausage, Dirndl and Lederhosen, no one can understand their weird accent, yodelling, very wild and proud but also rather “not-so-smart” people, conservative
Hamburg: filthy rich, arrogant, cold, pretty hard to get to know them better because they don’t open up to just anyone, very beautiful women, Fischköpfe (fish heads), tolerant and open-minded
Hesse: they talk a lot, down-to-earth and boring, they drink Appelwoi
North Rhine-Westphalia: loud, sociable, straighforeard, they work in coal mines, weird accent, they absolutely love Fasching, crowded with people, cities everywhere
Berlin: rude af, terrible accent, gruff, working class people,  they have a dry sense of humour, are socialist, and hipsters
Saxony: they speak by far the worst german, they have a big ego and are squarrelsome, plain
Thuringia: hillbillies and tree huggers, sluggish and lazy, boring
Bremen: they’re bad at football but they still love it, sympathetic people who can laugh at themselves, nice humour, Werder Bremen sucks though
Saarland: narrow-minded, german but also french it’s really confusing???, they like eating and talking  (at the same time), smol and they once had a football match against Germany
Baden-Wuerttemberg: a young state, they hate their Bavarian neighbors, Spätzle, stingy but also hardworking and intelligent, yellow feet?
Brandenburg: they act like the people in Berlin but they fail at it, poor and lazy, not many foreigners but all the more neo-nazis, nice sausages, chav
Saxony-Anhalt: the void, it also looks like texas but in smol, silent
Lower Saxony: business-like and down-to-earth, they don’t like fun and fuss, conservative and stubborn
Rhineland-Palatinate: hoggish, very mysterious state no one knows shit about them wow
Mecklenburg-Hither Pomerania: laid-back, farms with horses and cows, they have the Baltic Sea
Schleswig-Holstein: proud and don’t talk much, they have the North Sea, direct neighbor of denmark and just as weird as them, they basically behave like Scandinavians
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yasseyasse · 7 years
Why do people think being with someone is the answer to everything?
Elizabeth Scott (via quotemadness)
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yasseyasse · 7 years
The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself.
Maya Angelou (via quotemadness)
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