They meet in first year on the Hogwarts express. Percy's holding a giant book on third year divination. While this makes him a less attractive friend in the eyes of others', it's what brings Oliver Wood to the same train car as him. They introduce themselves and shake hands.
In second year, Oliver makes the Quidditch team as their keeper. Percy still spends the majority of his time indoors, but he goes to Ollie's practices and games every once in a while. After one specific game, Oliver comes back to the dorm with his breath cut short and with tears in his eyes. He stops breathing and the world goes spinning between each of his eyes; a panic attack, madame Pomphrey later describes it. The crowd triggered it.
Percy comforts him, sits on the same floor as him, rubbing the boy's back, repeating reassurance: "you're safe here,"
"You were good out there, really."
"I'll sit with you for as long as it takes."
Oliver comes to with his head on Percy's shoulder.
In third year, Percy goes to every practice and every game. He rubs Oliver's back when he returns to the dorm. When he loses for the first time, Percy has to chase him to stop him from running away, never to be found again.
"Hey, listen," Percy says, out of breath from the running. He doesn't understand how Oliver's barely breaking a sweat. "Tell me, okay? What went wrong out there?"
He gives Oliver a minute to pause and think.
Oliver gathers his thoughts and his breath. The sweat dripping down his neck fuels him, gives him energy. It clouds his head. He needs to calm down.
"I slipped on my broom." He says finally. "I wasn't planted on it properly."
"Good. What are you gonna do to fix it?" Percy replies, breathing better.
"I'll improve my grip."
The two of them stand there, just breathing.
In fourth year, they have the Yule Ball. Both of them are fifteen. Their year mates are out and about minging, asking each other out. The two of them stay where they are. They don't speak of the ball.
They go to the dance together, as friends of course. Percy keeps adjusting the collar to his hand-me-down dress robes. Oliver assures him that his attire is charming.
He sighs.
"If you had to wear these, I guarantee you'd understand me." Percy says. Over the summer his voice has changed. It's deeper and richer. Oliver loves it. Wishes he could taste it. Wishes these thoughts would go away. He grins and laughs Percy off.
When it's time to dance, they run away to a balcony that Percy didn't even know existed. They laugh and chat, making jokes at the dancers' expenses. Percy's had a bit to drink, (had he known the punch was alcoholic, he wouldn't have gone near it) and his face is flushed deep red.
"AND- and then when the-" he howls laughter. Oliver has to stop him from falling over himself.
Oliver thinks... He can't think at all. Suddenly. The two of them are so close together. He's got his arm around Percy's back and Percy's leaning against him, hands on Oliver's chest, still laughing. When he stops and catches his breath, though, the two of them seem to freeze. Oliver's heart skips a beat when he can physically feel Percy tensing up.
He kisses him.
Very awkwardly.
He made little action with his lips, just gently brushing his against the other boy's. The boy in question grins. Now it's Oliver's turn to flush deep red.
"ha-HA! No, wait, no, Oliver, wait."
Percy pulls Oliver back towards him by the arm. They're tangled with each other again, Oliver giving in to the urge to smile, just a bit, even after being embarrassed.
They kiss. Properly this time. It's the best thing Oliver's felt in his life. When they pull away, he whispers,
"Are you my boyfriend now?"
Percy smiles.
In fifth year, nightmares attack. O.W.Ls. Percy never sleeps anymore.
Oliver has to drag him away from his work table and force him onto his bed. When that bed later becomes repurposed for more studies, Oliver forces him onto his own bed. They sleep together and their dorm mates start getting suspicious.
Oliver sleeps in pajama bottoms and nothing else. Percy sleeps in a sweater and boxers. They spoon and Oliver rests his arm in front of Percy's only exit to stop him from crawling out of bed to study. Little does he know, Percy would never dare leave.
During the waking hours, Oliver drags Percy to other important places, such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The outdoors. Interaction with other human beings. It's a tough life out here for him.
When the exams finally start approaching, they do not stop making out. It's the only thing that gets Percy's mind off things. Only because there's nothing more distracting than Oliver's mouth.
To his own surprise and nobody else's, Percy passes his O.W.Ls with flying colours. Oliver passes alright despite not studying.
In sixth year it's the same for their N.E.W.Ts.
Something changes in the relationship between Percy and the rest of the student body, especially the girls. Oliver knows he's gotten taller. And his freckles have cleared enough for his gorgeous face to be visible. His voice is still as beautiful as it was in fourth year. He's started rolling up the sleeves of his sweaters, and the halls seem to swoon rapidly when they spot his forearms. Oliver always knew that Percy could have this power over people; he'd been subject to it himself. But it annoys him. And what's even worse is that Percy doesnt seem to notice when he's being flirted with.
He gets into the habit of writing on Oliver with pens, a strange Muggle device that's actually pretty nifty. Some mornings, Oliver wakes up with markings he doesn't even remember. Percy writes on his chest a lot. Draws on his collarbone. The most repeated word is Percy's name.
Oliver looks in the mirror one day, at his shirtless body.
It says this all over his torso.
He grins. No one's stealing Percy from him anytime soon.
They pass their N.E.W.Ts.
The Summer Before Seventh Year
France is a gorgeous place, Oliver realises. Filled with gorgeous girls, too. He's lounging at the beach when one of them asks him out. He's put on the spot and exposed, wearing nothing but his swimming shorts and sunglasses. He fumbles over his words.
"Err, I mean, no..." The girl frowns. She has gorgeous eyes. "I mean, yes, sure. Is Friday at 7 PM okay with you?"
It doesn't even occur to him that she's a Muggle.
Immediately after he's uttered these words, he regrets it. But he can't stand her up. And she's already walking away. Merlin, Percy's gonna kill him.
It's just one date and Oliver doesn't even enjoy. They don't touch each other at all; they don't even hold hands. But Oliver knows what he's done, and he knows what he has to do.
He writes a letter.
I love you. I'm sorry. I couldn't live with myself if I kept it secret.
He sends it away with his black owl.
At the Burrow, Percy receives two letters back to back on his birthday. The first is from Hogwarts, confirmation that he's this year's Head Boy. He jumps around the kitchen, all dignity forgotten, and hugs his mother with an enormous grin on his face.
The second is from Oliver.
How quickly Percy's face turns sour. Mrs Weasley asks if he's okay.
Tears sting his eyes. Outside, he tells his mother everything.
One day before the start of the school year, the Weasley's are staying at the Leakey Cauldron overnight. Percy hears pebbles being thrown at his window and goes to see who it is.
Oliver Wood. Merlin.
Percy goes downstairs, striding towards his partner. Punches him in the face and immediately feels bad, but doesn't let that stop him. His voice is somewhere between a whisper and a yell and a sob,
"How could you?"
"I'm so sorry, Percy."
"Why did you do it?"
"We didn't do anything. Didn't touch her. I remember what you wrote on me."
Percy breathes in deep.
"I wasn't talking about just your body, Oliver. I was talking about you. All of you." He exhales, trying to hold himself together.
"I wouldn't think twice about rejecting some Muggle girl for you. You think I didn't notice when the whole female population at school suddenly wanted to date me? Just because of my body? I resisted them for you, Oliver. Because I love you. Why couldn't you do that for me?"
"I don't know. I'm so, so sorry."
They decide to take a break from their relationship. When they start attending school again, their dorm mates wonder why they've stopped sleeping together.
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 8 months
The person I reblogged this from is awesome as fuck.
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 9 months
Severus Snape fans who are also Percy Weasley fans are my niche. I’ve yet to meet a Snape fan who wasn’t also a Percy fan (may get attacked for this but I can make a strong argument that they’re actually the Same Guy when it comes down to it) however I have met Percy fans who aren’t Snape fans so idk where I stand in most pro Percy spaces. In a world where people were normal about fictional characters this would be fine, but I’ve seen people be told that they deserve to die for liking Snape and disliking the Marauders so like… if you love Percy and are normal about Snape and Snape fans please interact.
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 9 months
I'm Percy Weasley's biggest supporter. Fuck Arthur for trying to undermine all his hard work. Fuck Molly for not respecting his boundarys when he cut contact. Fuck the Twins, Ron, and Ginny for making his life a living hell growing up. He was 18 when they had the fight. 18 and he's done everything his parents asked of him and he still wasn't good enough. Fuck them honestly.
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 9 months
i really wish you could tie Percys name back to some kind of element
because like
Marcus FLINT
Oliver WOOD
Penelope ClearWATER
Cedric DIGgory
Update!! You can!! his middle name can be tied back to fire! Do with this information as you will
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 9 months
an edit of some fancasts I've seen recently (some are mine, some are already popular, but oh well sksjskdks)
Yes I did just put Voldemort down as Arthur Weasley. No I will not take criticism.
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 9 months
Percy: I carried an entire ministry department on my back when I was 18 years old, so I think I'm deserving of some recognition for my work.
Arthur: nuh uh
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 10 months
no bc like I’m turning 19 in less than a year and rn if some guy told me “hey I’m offering u a job no one your age is qualified for bc I think u r qualified” I’d either be like “yeah checks out I’m better than everyone” or I’d be like “yeah ok you’re offering me a job I don’t care if I’m not qualified”. either way I would take the job bc like even if it was for political gain I could simply lie and I don’t think my outlook on this will have changed by my birthday. I rlly don’t get what the weasleys had a problem with tbh like percy was offered a perfectly respectable job and he accepted bc that’s the normal thing to do???? yes yes it had rlly dodgy implications but like what was he supposed to do?? say no to the prime minister directly offering u a job??? be fr
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 10 months
And also the way Barbie and Ken are role playing heterosexuality without any inherent sexuality of their own, without any understanding of what it means, or even any genitals at all! Just pretty-girl + handsome-guy = obviously a couple. And the way it fucks them both up! Because they’re both stereotypes, neither of them is a specialist version, no brain surgery or pilots license or Nobel prize for either of them. They’re just assigned the roles of Every Man and Every Woman. And Ken ends up doing Way Too Much because he’s hanging his entire self-worth on being important to Barbie. And Barbie just isn’t interested in him, she was assigned a boyfriend she didn’t ask for and doesn’t want and doesn’t know what to do with, just because that’s what society expects of men and women, that they will necessarily couple up and fall in love because… that’s what they do. Regardless of any personal quality of either party.
It’s about heteronormativity and amatonormativity and the unrealistic expectations society sets boys and girls up for from infancy. Barbie and Ken are every pair of toddlers sharing a sandbox while the adults around them call them each other’s little “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” even though neither party understands or is capable of understanding the implied meaning of that. Or wants to.
It’s a literal funhouse mirror of that weird pressure put on kids to perform heterosexuality from an early age. It examines how that leaves us unprepared for the complicated reality of actual relationships even if it turns out that you are heterosexual and do want sex and romance. Boys and girls aren’t really allowed to be just kids on the same team, so they grow up into men and women who generally want very different things from each other and are trained to look for it in everybody because anybody is better than nobody, and try to force it to work.
Barbie and Ken letting each other go in the end was perfect. Barbie the Every Woman realizing that she doesn’t have to be special, she just has to be, and Ken the Every Man realizing he has to seek validation elsewhere and lean on his fellow Kens for emotional support, WHICH THEY GIVE.
Truly a movie of all time.
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 10 months
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an incomplete collection of tweets i consider to be short poems
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 10 months
100k notes and i'll @ my crush on this post
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 10 months
the gimmick blogs are like tumblr’s rogue gallery. yes we’ve got some heroes, yes we’ve got some villains, but more importantly if you look over here you will see some freak who devotes all their time to counting the number of “t’s” in a post
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 11 months
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 11 months
i know you were just saying how cool it would be for a book and stuff but there's actually a lot of research about what a tidally locked habitable planet would be like and it's very cool!!! some people think it would be uninhabitable on both the light side and the dark side with only a habitable strip that goes around the top and bottom called the twilight strip because it would always look like twilight, while other people think if you had a dense enough atmosphere and big enough oceans the planet could self-regulate temperature through circulation and you could live mostly anywhere on the planet but there would be the potential for really big storms because of temperature and pressure differences in a high moisture setting
sorry I'm now realizing how long this is I hope it's not too much of an info dump I just also think tidally locked planets are fucking awesome and yeah there is so much world building potential there!!
THATS SO COOL. I also think its really cool that you know all this cool stuff about planets and stuff >:] also i didnt see this for like 10 years so sorry about that :/
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 11 months
Percy Weasley is legit such a bamf??? Man lived on his own and survived the corrupt ministry all by himself. Like he was legit only 19 when the huge fight and shit took place. Bro left right then and there and went to live in his apartment all alone like. You gotta give him credit for being able to pull that lonely shit off. Mean people always act as if Percy had it easy during the war like im tired of them saying that man he's my favourite. Are they forgetting that Percy worked at the ministry for the whole 2 and a half (something) years that it slowly went to shit for??? Are we forgetting that brother in christ legitimately fully committed himself to the ministry the minute shit started to get real!!!!! Like the fact that Percy's whole argument situation was caused by a manipulative maneuver by Fudge is a testament to that. Percy was right there at the very beginning of the ministry fucker-upping and was there to witness and EXPERIENCE all of it!!!!!!!!!! Safe to say he did not have it easy. Percy is the best and if i ever see anyone being mean about him again i'll. Write a long rant.
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 11 months
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My dad after i send him a 960 word essay explaining to him who Percy Weasley is and why he shouldn't be hated
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yertle-the-turtle6678 · 11 months
Anytime i see a bunch of pride flags i have to restrain myself from saying "where mexico" bc i doubt anyone will know I'm referencing this
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