yeshowdy · 11 months
Amazing Spirituality Summit
I had the great honor of being part of an online LGBTQ Spirituality Summit in June during Pride month. Created and hosted by my friend Christian De La Huerta who is an author, teacher and activist. He helps people tap into their soul power and transform their lives. The Spirituality Summit was called “Reclaiming our Spiritual Heritage”. It specifically addressed LGBTQ Spirituality! Some of the…
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yeshowdy · 1 year
Martini Judaism
I was so pleased to join my colleague Rabbi Jeff Salkin on his podcast “Martini Judaism” the other day with my wonderful co-author Rev. Dr. Neil G. Thomas of the Cathedral of Hope in Dallas, TX. As many of you know we recently published our new book, “7 Principles for Living Bravely: Ageless Wisdom and Comforting Faith for Weathering Life’s Most Difficult Times” In this book we offer ancient…
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yeshowdy · 1 year
Passover is almost Here
Passover is almost here. It is time to prepare family food favorites, get the Haggadot ready and of course clean out the chametz from our homes and our souls! I am pleased to share with you the Passover supplement that I co-wrote with my friend and teacher Rabbi Steve Jacobs for the California Democratic Party! Click on the link below for a selection of readings to use at your Passover Seder…
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yeshowdy · 1 year
A Benediction for Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur
This past week I had the great honor of giving the benediction at the in district swearing in of our new California State Assembly member Rick Chavez Zbur. Held at UCLA’s Freud Hall, it was a wonderful gathering of community, supporters, leaders and local politicians to celebrate long time activist and attorney Rick Chavez Zbur. I have know Rick for many years. An environmental attorney and long…
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yeshowdy · 1 year
What's in a Name?
Last week the World Union for Progressive Judaism published my commentary on Parshat Shemot, the first Torah portion in the book of Exodus. Here is the video they made https://www.facebook.com/wupjudaism/videos/709873530667909 And here is the written commentary https://wupj.org/library/uncategorized/56798/a-good-name-parashat-shemot/
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yeshowdy · 2 years
Queer Theology Podcast
I was honored to appear on this episode of the Queer Theology podcast with Brian G. Murphy and Father Shannon TL Kearns! Give a listen Trailblazing for Queer Women Religious Leaders with Rabbi Denise Eger
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yeshowdy · 2 years
Aseh l'cha Rav, Aseh L'cha Chaver: Get Yourself a Teacher, and Find a study Partner
Aseh l’cha Rav, Aseh L’cha Chaver: Get Yourself a Teacher, and Find a study Partner
My second day of Rosh Hashanah sermon continues my theme of reviewing the seven most important sermons that I have given through the years. As I make my way to retirement from the Pulpit, this High Holy Days I am sharing important themes and motifs that I have touch upon during my 35 years in the rabbinate. On the Second day of Rosh Hashanah this year, 5783, I share this sermon about the value…
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yeshowdy · 2 years
Kadima: Forward
This Rosh Hashanah is my last as the Senior Rabbi of Congregation Kol Ami as I will retire next July 2023. Here is my sermon for Day 1 of Rosh HaShanah 5783.
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yeshowdy · 2 years
I was so honored to be selected by Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel to receive an honorary doctorate. It was truly moving to be acknowledged for my human rights and LGBTQ activism, my passionate Zionism and my work as a rabbi. With President Prof. Daniel Chamowitz and the Rector Prof. Chaim Hames at BGU 52nd Board of Governors Meeting Conferment Ceremony of Honorary Doctoral…
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yeshowdy · 2 years
A invocation for Yom Hashoa
A invocation for Yom Hashoa
This is the invocation I gave for the Yom HaShoa, Holocaust Remembrance, Ceremony on Sunday, May 1, 2022 at the Holocaust Museum of Los Angeles: Ruach Elohim, Holy Breath of Life: We gather  on this day to recall and remember and never to forget the millions of people who were imprisoned, and tortured and murdered during the Shoa.  They were carted in Cattle cars like animals, gassed and shot;…
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yeshowdy · 2 years
It is humbling to have your work over the life of one’s career recognized for the impact you have made. I am always a little bit overwhelmed when I am noticed. I should be over it. I have been in the public eye for a long time now. I tend to keep my head down and just do the work: teaching Torah, building sacred community; seeking to overturn unjust laws and advocating for those who have no voice…
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yeshowdy · 2 years
Torah Commentary on Parshat Tetzaveh
Torah Commentary on Parshat Tetzaveh
I recently wrote a commentary on Parshat Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20–30:10) for the World Union of Progressive Judaism. But they also made a video of it! https://fb.watch/bxdOOoj9p4/ Here is the commentary: Bring your best | Parashat Tetzave “You shall further instruct the Israelites to bring you clear oil of beaten olives for lighting, for kindling lamps regularly. Aaron and his sons shall set…
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yeshowdy · 3 years
ThereFore Choose Life: Choose Resilience
ThereFore Choose Life: Choose Resilience
Here is my Rosh Hashanah Sermon from 5782 This past year, has been very traumatic for all of us. More than 625, 000 Americans dead from Covid and millions infected, with continuing long term effects.  More than 4.75 million people have died world-wide. Each person, someone’s sibling, parent, spouse and child. A world unto themselves. Imagine how long it would take to read all the names.  It…
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yeshowdy · 3 years
Be an Ally/Chaver
The word for friend/friends in Hebrew in Chavera/Chaver/Chaverim I am so thrilled to have contributed a chapter to a phenomenal new book on being and becoming an Ally. This new book “Chaver Up!“, reminds us that being an ally is a deeply Jewish value. In the book, my fellow writers and I grapple with the complexity, messiness, and human fallibility of allyship, as well its beauty, holiness,…
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yeshowdy · 4 years
AIDS is still here
AIDS is still here
I have done AIDS/HIV work for more than 30 years. In September I participated in a United Nations AIDS-PEPFAR Faith Initiative Virtual HIV Interfaith Conference. The Theme was “Resilience & Renewal: faith in the HIV response”.
Resilience & Renewal provided a space for sharing, capacity building and advocacy among people of faith involved in the HIV and AIDS response. It was an amazing…
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yeshowdy · 4 years
Living with Uncertainty
I am sharing my Rosh HaShanah Sermon with you. It’s titled “Living with Uncertainty”. Inspiration to help us through these days and ways to renew ourselves and our faith. https://youtu.be/aoNbaFQo8ZE
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yeshowdy · 4 years
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Where Pride Dwells meets LGBTQ STORIES After many months I am so excited to present my appearance on the amazing podcast, LGBTQ Stories!
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