yintechnicolor · 6 years
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me reading people’s posts complaining that they bought AP but never received it
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
I agree. I mean, I love lok, it’s soooo much better that a lot of tv shows right now. BUT atla is just in another level for me... 
Tbh, on my opinion, “The Legend of Korra” will never be 10% of what “The Last Airbender” still is.
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
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So I opened a Ko-Fi for commissions and stuff, you can check the prices in a post I made in the page.
I really need the money, guys, so please considerate it at least ;w;
Even if you can’t/won’t commission or donate, a reblog is very much appreciated as well
Thank you in advance ♥
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
Making your own ending sounds like a great idea! I'm sure you will make many people happy!
Aw! Thank you so much, anon!! I really hope so. It’s the idea!
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
Thanks to all the people who support the idea!
Tbh, when I thought in this I was thinking in like a gameplay sort of way. A video, not something interactive... So, it would be like if someone else was playing it, recording it, and posted it later in youtube. Like a gameplay! 
But mostly because I don't know how to code (yet). So if you do know, and want to help, it would be awesome! If don't, I think a gameplay is better that nothing... I'm really sorry guys :( I promise I'll do my best! Or if you have any other idea, i'm all ears :3
So, quick facts: 
For now, it is not going to be interactive. 
If everything comes ot well, the idea is to make 3 differents endings. One for each boy left behind. 
If you have something that really want to happend in this sort of epilogue, let me know! Is OUR ending, after all. 
The same way, if you have any suggestion, or want to colaborate with the illustrations, story, (possible traslation?) or anything else, tell me! It would be marvellous and it's going to make me really happy! 
And yeah, I think thats all for now hahaha. 
Like I said, I'll try to do my best! 
Thank you a lot for the support!
And, as usual, sorry for my english. 
¡Gracias a todas las personas que apoyaron la idea!
Para ser honesta, cuando ideé esto, estaba pensando más que nada en una especie de gameplay. Un video, no algo interactivo ... Sería como si alguien más lo estuviera jugando, grabando y posteando más tarde en youtube. Como un gameplay! Sobre todo porque no sé trabajar con código (aún). Si tu sí sabes, y quieres ayudar, ¡sería increíble! Si no, creo que un video es mejor que nada ... Lo siento mucho  muchachos :( ¡Prometo que haré mi mejor esfuerzo! O si tienes alguna otra idea, soy toda oídos: 3
Entonces, datos rápidos:
Por ahora, no va a ser interactivo.
Si todo sale bien, la idea es hacer 3 finales diferentes. Uno por cada chico dejado atrás.
Si tienes algo que realmente quieres que pase en esta especie de epílogo, ¡decime! Es NUESTRO final, después de todo.
De la misma manera, si tienes alguna sugerencia o quieres colaborar con las ilustraciones, la historia (¿una posible traducción?) O cualquier otra cosa ¡decime! ¡Sería maravilloso y me haría muy feliz!
Y sí, creo que eso es todo por ahora jajaja. Como dije, le voy a poner toda la buena voluntad para que salga lo mejor posible. ¡Muchas gracias por el apoyo!
Our own ending PROJECT!!
So, I was thinking (I have an exam but who cares). 
WHAT. IF. I. MAKE. MY. OWN. ENDING?? For my candy love, of course. 
‘Duh, that is fanfiction’
Yes, sir. It would be fanfiction BUT I will try to make it in mcl editor, so it would look like a real episode!! WITH AN EPILOGUE AND A HAPPY ENDING!! Like the one we deserved. 
Of course I am going to need some help for the illustrations (‘cause I can’t even draw a square… ), and maybe some redisigns? Idk. I’m thinking out loud lol
But what do you guys think? Is anyone interested in help me? Maybe it sound dumb. 
Please let me know!
Estaba pensando (tengo un examen, pero a quién le importa)
QUE. TAL. SI. HAGO. MI. PROPIO. FINAL?? Para Corazón de melón, obvio
‘Duh, eso es fanfiction’
Sí, señor. Sería fanfiction, PERO trataría de hacerlo en el editor de mcl, así que se vería como un episodio real!! Con un epílogo y un final feliz!! Como el que merecíamos. 
Obviamente necesitaría ayuda con las ilustraciones (porque no sé dibujar absolutamente nada) y quizá algunos rediseños? No sé, estoy pensando en voz alta, jajaja. 
Pero qué opinan? Estarían interesados en ayudarme? Quizá suena tonto. 
Por favor, díganme!
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
Our own ending PROJECT!!
So, I was thinking (I have an exam but who cares). 
WHAT. IF. I. MAKE. MY. OWN. ENDING?? For my candy love, of course. 
‘Duh, that is fanfiction’
Yes, sir. It would be fanfiction BUT I will try to make it in mcl editor, so it would look like a real episode!! WITH AN EPILOGUE AND A HAPPY ENDING!! Like the one we deserved. 
Of course I am going to need some help for the illustrations ('cause I can't even draw a square... ), and maybe some redisigns? Idk. I'm thinking out loud lol
But what do you guys think? Is anyone interested in help me? Maybe it sound dumb. 
Please let me know!
Estaba pensando (tengo un examen, pero a quién le importa)
QUE. TAL. SI. HAGO. MI. PROPIO. FINAL?? Para Corazón de melón, obvio
‘Duh, eso es fanfiction’
Sí, señor. Sería fanfiction, PERO trataría de hacerlo en el editor de mcl, así que se vería como un episodio real!! Con un epílogo y un final feliz!! Como el que merecíamos. 
Obviamente necesitaría ayuda con las ilustraciones (porque no sé dibujar absolutamente nada) y quizá algunos rediseños? No sé, estoy pensando en voz alta, jajaja. 
Pero qué opinan? Estarían interesados en ayudarme? Quizá suena tonto. 
Por favor, díganme!
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
I relate so much with you, anon. I think people usually tend to downplay fiction, and how much it matters to some of us. How much it helps us get through our lifes. I never watched HIMYM BUT I feel the same way about Naruto's ending lol. Anyway, if I can give you an advice, as a disable person who get to involve with this kind of stuff is to keep you busy. And don’t think a lot about the game/ending. Find a new obsession! haha. Create your own story! Or read Rick Riordan books. Or Cassandra Clare ones. They have a HUGE univers. Also, Marvel is a good option too. Idk, like I said: Try to keep you busy. And if you even want to talk, I’m here for you, or anything (lol that sound so cliché... )
As pathetic as this may sound, this is going to end up a legit trauma for me if they don't fix it. I have a disability so I'm unfortunately prone to being traumatized... I've never gotten over what happened with HIMYM... it still causes me a lot of pain when I'm reminded of the show, and this is going to go the same route, where any reminder of it can cause sudden pain... beemoov is so cruel
If possible, maybe talking to someone professionally could help? :/ 
And oh god, I’m still so annoyed about how HIMYM ended… like… so much character development gone for that ending. I’m not going to rant here into it, but I’m glad the DVD gave an alternate better ending at least, but it was just… terrible. 
I just keep hoping Beemoov will add some option to get back together with those who were removed even if we don’t actually see them >
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
Whoever makes the character designs, please consider this:
Okay if you guys decide to make the boys pop up, I have an idea as to how Kentin should look (or how I want him to look).
I like how the hair was positioned in the prom illustration
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A few outfit designs to consider:
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I mean…. It sounds obvious that they probably will come back. Thank you for looking at this :)
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
A proposal: For the girls that were EXCLUDED can we AT LEAST get a closure episode for the 3 other boys? They all had rushed arcs and a rushed ending and it’d just be nice if we could say we ended up with our preferred boys too. I have no problem playing the second game as a n e w p r o t a g o n i s t as long as I know I got a good ending in the last one.
Edit: And when I say closure episode I mean they get their nice new sprites and redesigns too. I’d like to see them like that at least once.
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
What’s beyond me is that they decided to kill off the most realistic date option (Armin) that i’d actually date irl & the two sweet/gentlemanly guys from the original date options to keep TWO bad boys who’ll probably treat us like shit for a while.
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
Why can’t Beemoov just stop lying?
After reading their latest facebook post, I got so upset, I nearly broke my laptop. So, they are reading all of our comments but can’t get their shit together and act like adults, giving us real answers and not just sending us automatic mails as answers to our complains?
I seriously doubt that there is any will left in them to change the game in our favour. They just see the money. We’ve been complaining ever since the beginning of the beta and they ignored us but a beta is there to change things which are not right. But they ignored all of this. Instead, they wanted to make MCLUL accessible as fast as possible and now they are looking after the bugs? We’ve never even recieved an acceptable apology from Beemoov for all the bugs over the last six years.
Look, I played Naruto Online for two years and every time something went wrong or they had bugs, we’ve recieved something plus a written apology. Like, I don’t know, gold coins, dollars, I don’t know if you’re familiar with that game. But Beemoov has given us every new episode with a bunch of bugs and now that we had the beta, they didn’t even try to fix them in the first place before making the game accessible.
Before you can sell a product, you have to make sure that it is acceptable and compatibe with the customers. We have given Beemoov so many reasons to change the AP-system before the beta ended, after the beta ended and even now that the game is online and everyone is complaining and crying. 
“and maybe consider making changes to it”
MAYBE. God, Beemoov, how stupid can you be? Your priorities are minigames? I say it again, they will be useless since we can only go up to 1000 APs! Why would we need minigames? The APs we could gather will just disappear within the next stupid monologue or to press (next) or whatever.
Guys, no matter what, do not spend a single penny on them. You can obliously spend your money in a better way. Beemoov is not worth our support because we’re apparently just little piggy banks to them.
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
I’m the only one that still want the boys back?
It’s so sad that everyone forgot alredy... Like, I get it. The AP sistem is also important. But if we want them back, we need to keep doing some kind of campaing! Please, don’t forget that 3/5 of the fandom is still left out... Sorry for my english, but I'm really disapointed...
Es súper triste que todo el mundo ya se haya olvidado...  O sea, entiendo que cambiar el sistema de PAs es igual de importante. Pero si queremos volver a jugar sus rutas necesitamos seguir haciendo algún tipo de campaña! Por favor no se olviden que 3/5 partes del fandom sigue siendo excluído... 
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
Hello I miss Kentin so much that I’m crying while singing ANY slow song such as Safe and Sound
I mean
Fucking Safe and Sound
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
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“I have always been crazy for you“
It hurts me. Kentin, Lysander and Armin got kicked out the game. Why do players only complain about AP system (which it’s a disaster)? We need to change everything Beemoov has done wrong. 
I don’t ask to add them right now but in the near future, please. And the way of using aps is insane, so it has to be removed. 
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
Me too :(
What if getting rid of all the boys but leaving Castiel and Nathaniel was all thought out and we're going to get the rest back on their debue episode from mclhs (Lysander at episode 4, Armin at episode 12 and Kentin at episode 12/13) I mean, probably not Because effort
Armin debuted in Episode 10.
…I’d take it though :( Even though I know it’s unlikely.
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yintechnicolor · 6 years
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Kentin true end ~
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