Ruhan Rajput: Indian Pharma Inc shifts to high gear in filing patents
Indian pharma is thinking beyond generics and is investing considerably in developing new drugs and filing patents. This change is attributed to the post 2014 drug patent guidelines and facilitation by the Indian government for promotion of innovation, manufacturing and developing India as drug hub, according to Ruhan Rajput, Director, Einfolge. In an email interaction with Nandita Vijay, he elaborates the current patent scene in the country and challenges the companies face. Excerpts. In the wake of the government’s efforts to drive innovation and R&D, how would you describe the current scene for patents in India? Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM) under the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry has shown consistent growth over the years. This year, India witnessed an enormous surge of about 30 per cent in filling of intellectual property applications compared to the previous year. But in comparison with countries like China, India is still lagging. The Global Innovation Index, 2017, ranks India 60th out of 127 economies where China is at 22. Clearly, India’s innovation performance is abysmal. Proposals for strengthening India’s inventiveness have been made by public policy experts, notably, the World Bank and (World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). Suggestions fall into three broad categories: one is to create and support world-class universities. The second is to cut bureaucratic red-tape, and the third is to foster an entrepreneurial culture. Recently the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance had appealed to USTR to remove India from Priority Watch List. Your comments? In the last few months there have been many developments which are a pointer to the fact that Indian pharma is thinking beyond generics with a big change in approach. They are investing a lot in developing new drugs and are also aggressively filing patents. This change is attributed to many factors. One such is the post 2014 drug patent guidelines and facilitation by the Indian government for promotion of innovation, manufacturing and developing India as a drug hub. India being one of the biggest consumer markets of drugs due to its high population brings in a lot of competition among the players. Besides domestic pharma, there are also global majors who have made huge investments in R&D and filing patents globally. What do you have to say about the objections to grant of patents and patent-related litigations in various courts in the country? A patent is an exclusive right granted to the original inventor for a novel product or a novel process that provides, a unique way of doing something, or which discloses a new technical solution to a problem. It provides monopoly rights to the inventor to make, sell his invention or product. Hence it is essential that patent is only awarded to those innovations which justify the exclusive right and comply with the patentability criteria. Opposition proceedings are structured to restrain wrongful obtaining of patents and claiming of the frivolous or petty inventions. Laws provided under Indian Patent Act for pre-grant and post grant of patent are essential to obstruct the unlawful grant of patent. Under Indian Patent Act, there are two provisions when opposition may be filed either via pre-grant opposition or post-grant opposition provision depending upon the stage of the patent. Do you feel that Evergreening of patents is a bane to the pharma industry? In recent times, it has become a practice by innovator companies to extend the patent term of their innovative molecules to maintain market dominance. The extension of the monopoly term ‘Evergreening’ is a predominant aspect of pharmaceutical patenting. Evergreening refers to different ways wherein patent owners take undue advantage of the law and associated regulatory process to extend their IP monopoly particularly over highly lucrative ‘blockbuster’ drugs by filing disguised/artful patents on an already patent protected invention shortly before expiry of the ‘parent’ patent. In India, under the Patent Act 1970, the term for a patent is given for 20 years. The Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement also provides for a minimum length of 20 years for any patent. At the same time, Article 1.1 of the TRIPS agreement recognizes every party’s right to implement more extensive protections in their laws. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) allow for an extended patent term in cases where an unreasonable delay occurs in granting the patent which is Article 15.9 of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) that is also compliant with the TRIPS agreement. From a global perspective how does Indian pharma appear in patent filing? India is a leading producer of generic medicines and caters to the most developing nations by providing lower priced drug formulations. The industry is also one of the leading filers of abbreviated new drug applications (ANDA) in the US and supplier of finished formulations to the European region. However it is generally observed that the Indian patent scenario is not robust and is witnessing lower number of patent applications despite the tremendous growth in terms of market presence. What are the challenges that you see in patent filing by India? The new patent regime in India has raised several contentious issues relating to the right for health, which is in conflict with the economic right of patent holders. It is also likely to restrict access of allopathic medicines to only the affluent, affordable and more privileged class in India and other countries in the immediate future. The institutions associated with enforcement and protection of right to health of human beings whilst upholding the rights of patent holders are faced with the daunting task and challenge of devising ways to fulfil their defined, roles so that the conflict in rights of intellectual property owners and health of human beings is minimized whilst balancing the prevailing hierarchy of human rights to achieve the social and economic objectives. Could you dwell on Einfolge expertise in pharma patents? Einfolge has a dedicated team related to pharma patents. We have also collaboration with another US pharma contract research organisation: Pharmasci. This brings on table the expertise of their talents who have had many years of industrial R&D, especially in process development for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). We have plans to expand to the US, Europe, China and Japan. These are the biggest markets for pharma patents. We plan to double our employee strength in next two years and a chunk will be pharma experts. We see a big potential in near and long-term on advanced medical care related technologies and innovation will be a key to all such developments. We are gearing up to excel in pharma and healthcare to handle critical analysis and projections How important is pharma in the company’s growth plans and what are your future efforts to increase presence in this space? Pharma is one of the key sectors of the economy. We are targeting 25 per cent of our work from the pharma sector. We regularly participate in the annual Indian pharma -medical devices expo organised by Government of India. Besides this, we aim at collaborations with pharma focused institutes and research centres. A number of research institutes are contacting us for collaborating on various fronts including educating their staff and students on IPR matters, supporting them in protecting and monetizing the crude research and help them to take it to industry level. In future, we are also planning collaborations with medical research centres, medical device pioneers to shape further strategies in IP protection for the pharma sector. We are also planning to organise pharma patent camps in collaboration with other strategic partners for highlighting our expertise and excellence.
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Accelerated Examination Search
Our approach has been carefully shaped to take advantage of our unique combination of strategic insight, deep industry expertise and technology.
We provide pre-examination searches as per the guidelines of the USPTO’s Accelerated Examination Program. An Accelerated Examination requires the applicant to submit a pre-examination search document (PESD) and an accelerated examination support document (AESD) to illustrate how the claims of an application are allowable over known related art.
We search in all the prescribed resources and our report comprises all search related information in accordance with USPTO requirements, and organize our deliverable for easy review and ensures fast and affirmative response from the patent examiner prosecuting your application.
This search helps in significantly reducing the total cost and time frame for obtaining a patent. The accelerated examination search also proved to be useful for technologies with short lifetime, rapidly growing portfolios and to get coverage in a new technology in time to establish a position.
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Validity /Invalidity Study are executed post issuances i.e. grant of patentWe run an exhaustive prior art search on the claims features. The purpose of the validity/invalidity search is either to validate the enforceability of a patent’s claims or to invalidate one or more claims of a patent respectively. These two searches are identical except for the desired outcome (valid or invalid patent claims) of the search. The search is restricted to a cut-off date determined from the priority date of the target patent. This is an extensive search of patents, technical publications and/or any other available written materials that may be relevant to the patented invention. All publicly available documents or evidence of public disclosure prior to the filing of the target patent are analyzed.A validity search is requested even when no lawsuit has been filed, to identify potential attackers and/or references that challenge the presumption of validity of a subject patent. This study is helpful in determining the validity of a patent’s claims prior to licensing agreement, royalty negotiations and patent valuations. Invalidity study is mainly used as a defensive tool against alleged infringement by invalidating claims of the infringed patentValidation / Invalidation Study
Our validity/invalidity searches help you in validating the enforceability of claims or to invalidate the claims of an allegedly infringed patent.
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When you want to protect your invention in more countries, PCT is the ideal route to protect your inventions and patents. We at Einfolge perform both, PCT and National stage filing; working with us will reduce your additional cost and save 30-40% less expensive than your current expense. Einfolge PCT filing process includes translations to respective country languages, preparation and filing of PCT national stage. Within 30 months from the priority date, the application enters the National Phase.Einfolge has the required infrastructure, resources and attorney strategic tie-ups to file patents both at national stage and PCT Patents.We file national stage patents in US, China, Japan, Canada, UK, Australia, Europe, Germany, Brazil, India, Mexico, South Korea, Malaysia, Macau, Columbia, Saudi Arabia and Middle East, Vietnam, Philippines, South Africa and all other major countries.Patent Filing- National and PCT
Our approach has been carefully shaped to take advantage of our unique combination of strategic insight, deep industry expertise and technology.
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Drawings are integral part of the patent documents.We provide both Utility and Design patent drawings as per the standard requirements of all major Patent offices. Our drawings are formally created using latest software and computer equipment by skilled illustrators.We translate our clients inventive and artistic concepts on to paper and help them in filing for IP protection with patent issuing authorities.Patent Illustration/Drawings
Our approach has been carefully shaped to take advantage of our unique combination of strategic insight, deep industry expertise and technology.
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State-of-art Search
Our State-of-art searches will help you to make informed decision in relation to your patent strategies.
Our State of the Art Search is designed to provide up-to-date information and progress in a specific technical field. It is the broadest of all patent searches which also provides an overall perspective of a particular technical field and is typically conducted prior to making a patent application, or prior to amendment of an existing patent application.
This search involves a comprehensive review of all patent and non-patent literature thereby allowing client to update with the state of the art that exists already in a particular technology and then to build on it. It will also allow a company to spot new competitors and to identify new technological trends. Our State of the art search will help in making informed decisions in determining the direction for steering the R&D and prior to making further investments, mergers and acquisitions.
Our state of art searches will also help you to make informed decisions, before incurring additional costs in relation to your patent strategies. This search includes all issued patent, published patents and other publications.
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Freedom to Operate (FTO) Search
Our FTO search helps in identifying potential patent barriers to the commercialization of your products or technologies.
Freedom to operate (FTO) searches,also known as Clearance Search or Right to Use Search identifies potential patent barriers to the commercialization of products or technologies.
We identify published applications and unexpired patents (in a specific jurisdiction or worldwide) containing claims that could possibly indicate a risk of infringement by an inventive product or process of the client. The product/process features are mapped against the claim features of relevant patent references that are in-force in order to determine the degree of freedom to operate without infringing on existing patents.
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Patent Writing & Filing
Our drafting team equipped with good drafting ability and technical understanding to draft your idea into a patent application based on appropriate guidelines for the adequate scope of protection.
Our Patent Writing & Filing Services are:
Patent Writing
Patent illustration/Drawings
Patent Filing-National And PCT
Patent Licensing
Patent Assignment
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We work with various organisations such as startups, pharma companies, SMEs, scientists, the agricultural sector and PSUs through customised solutions in patent and intellectual property rights (IPR).  Starting from the initial research to the filing of the patent is done by an expert team that understands the hurdles faced by the startups in the initial stage and accordingly tailors solutions to meet their requirements,” says Binod Singh, Co-founder of Einfolge Technologies.
In short, Einfolge plays a crucial role for all those who deal with innovations and wish to protect their IPs across the globe.
Ruhan has a background in Computer Engineering and worked in corporates for a decade. He had worked for JP Morgan besides IT companies like Wipro, and Mastek in Oracle-based database developments projects. He is the technology brain behind Einfolge.
Binod has a M Phil degree in Biotech and also a PGD in Patent Laws from Bangalore University. He worked in the patent sector for 14 years and consulted for independent inventors, CEOs of many large companies and experts from a number of publicly traded companies and research heads of institutes.
Before Einfolge, the duo founded a consulting firm called KNOURA. Over a period of time they realised that they had to productise their knowledge and Einfolge was born in 2014. The word Einfolge is derived from two words - ‘EINBLICK’, which is the German word for insight/intelligence, and ’FOLGE’, which stands for result.
The platform allows clients to do the following:
Helps clients understand competitive landscape with quick dashboard and analytics.
Helps them ideate, innovate, protect and monetise their IP assets.
Provides assistance by way of consultation to clients in every step, from scrutinising the availability of their innovation to securing From pre-filing, post-filing to post grant dated. They provide them a fully integrated solution.
Conducts research on the patentability of various innovations.
The founders point out that the startup gives confidentiality of data great importance. “Our platform deals with lots of confidential data and is securely delivered to the client,” says Binod.
The business
The business model for the company is the cost of using the platform, which is pay per query and then the consulting fee. The company also charges a yearly retainer fee for organisations with long-term innovations.
In terms of growth, the firm will be doubling their manpower, from the current number of 30, in the next two years. It wants to focus more on new regions such as South Korea, China and Japan.
A good  example of Einfolge’s work would be with an Australian manufacturing company that came to them as they were sued for infringement by a multi-billion-dollar US company. Einfolge gave them a solution with detailed infringement studies and probing facts showcasing that the Australian company had not infringed on any of the US company’s product. The Australian company used the data in the US court the US-based MNC had to admit that it made a mistake and went for an out-of-court settlement of the case. Einfolge’s client saved millions of dollars from that.
Some of their big Indian clients are Navratna Oil Company and ONGC. The latter used Einfolge to protect innovations on 126 products.
The startup has invested a seed capital of Rs 2 crore and has crossed Rs 7 crore in revenues. It has on-boarded 150+ clients and has been profitable since the first year itself.
In India the company competes with all law firms and Brain League IP Services. But the founders say that its product-led solutions gives it an edge over the others.
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Einfolge Technologies makes patenting research easy for startups and corporates
Naveen Kanan is a researcher at Bangalore University studying electrolyte composition in modern-day lithium ion panels and figuring out how to make batteries more efficient. He wished to know if he could patent his research but was confused as to whether he had to approach a lawyer or an industryexpert. He was desperately in search of a platform that has all the data of global patent research, and which could help him discover whether his research could be patented or not. This is where a startup like Einfolge Technologies comes in handy. Founded by Ruhan Rajput and Binod Singh in 2014, the firm runs an active platform that allows researchers to use patent analytics and market research fields to help them discover their research patent worthiness.
If you are an astute technology person, you would know the importance of filing a patent and getting it granted. But any technocrat can tell you that filing a patent can be cumbersome, time consuming and requires patience, which means you have to spend money for the best IP lawyers. If you are a new startup or a researcher then chances are you may not have too much funds. So what if a platform can do this for you and take all the pressure off filing?
Einfolge’s platform helps clients to streamline operations, reduce cost and enhance business efficiencies through its expert solutions. Say, a startup wants to patent a communication protocol. Einfolge crunches data and is able to let the startup know whether the protocol has already been patented or has similar technologies that require some technical answers. That’s when Ruhan and Binod also offer 
personalised and customised services in the form of consulting with strict adherence to deadlines.
“We work with various organisations such as startups, pharma companies, SMEs, scientists, the agricultural sector and PSUs through customised solutions in patent and intellectual property rights (IPR).  Starting from the initial research to the filing of the patent is done by an expert team that understands the hurdles faced by the startups in the initial stage and accordingly tailors solutions to meet their requirements,” says Binod Singh, Co-founder of Einfolge Technologies.
In short, Einfolge plays a crucial role for all those who deal with innovations and wish to protect their IPs across the globe.
Ruhan has a background in Computer Engineering and worked in corporates for a decade. He had worked for JP Morgan besides IT companies like Wipro, and Mastek in Oracle-based database developments projects. He is the technology brain behind Einfolge.
Binod has a M Phil degree in Biotech and also a PGD in Patent Laws from Bangalore University. He worked in the patent sector for 14 years and consulted for independent inventors, CEOs of many large companies and experts from a number of publicly traded companies and research heads of institutes.
Before Einfolge, the duo founded a consulting firm called KNOURA. Over a period of time they realised that they had to productise their knowledge and Einfolge was born in 2014. The word Einfolge is derived from two words - ‘EINBLICK’, which is the German word for insight/intelligence, and ’FOLGE’, which stands for result.
The platform allows clients to do the following:
Helps clients understand competitive landscape with quick dashboard and analytics.
Helps them ideate, innovate, protect and monetise their IP assets.
Provides assistance by way of consultation to clients in every step, from scrutinising the availability of their innovation to securing From pre-filing, post-filing to post grant dated. They provide them a fully integrated solution.
Conducts research on the patentability of various innovations.
The founders point out that the startup gives confidentiality of data great importance. “Our platform deals with lots of confidential data and is securely delivered to the client,” says Binod.
The business
The business model for the company is the cost of using the platform, which is pay per query and then the consulting fee. The company also charges a yearly retainer fee for organisations with long-term innovations.
In terms of growth, the firm will be doubling their manpower, from the current number of 30, in the next two years. It wants to focus more on new regions such as South Korea, China and Japan.
A good  example of Einfolge’s work would be with an Australian manufacturing company that came to them as they were sued for infringement by a multi-billion-dollar US company. Einfolge gave them a solution with detailed infringement studies and probing facts showcasing that the Australian company had not infringed on any of the US company’s product. The Australian company used the data in the US court the US-based MNC had to admit that it made a mistake and went for an out-of-court settlement of the case. Einfolge’s client saved millions of dollars from that.
Some of their big Indian clients are Navratna Oil Company and ONGC. The latter used Einfolge to protect innovations on 126 products.
The startup has invested a seed capital of Rs 2 crore and has crossed Rs 7 crore in revenues. It has on-boarded 150+ clients and has been profitable since the first year itself.
In India the company competes with all law firms and Brain League IP Services. But the founders say that its product-led solutions gives it an edge over the others.
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Naveen Kanan is a researcher at Bangalore College finding out electrolyte composition in modern-day lithium ion panels and determining tips on how to make batteries extra environment friendly. He wished to know if he might patent his analysis however was confused as as to if he needed to method a lawyer or an tradeprofessional. He was desperately in the hunt for a platform that has all the info of worldwide patent analysis, and which might assist him uncover whether or not his analysis may very well be patented or not. That is the place a startup like Einfolge Applied sciences is useful. Based by Ruhan Rajput and Binod Singh in 2014, the agency runs an energetic platform that enables researchers to make use of patent analytics and market analysis fields to assist them uncover their analysis patent worthiness.
If you’re an astute know-how particular person, you’ll know the significance of submitting a patent and getting it granted. However any technocrat can let you know that submitting a patent will be cumbersome, time-consuming and requires endurance, which suggests you need to spend cash for the perfect IP attorneys. If you’re a brand new startup or a researcher then likelihood is you might not have an excessive amount of funds. So what if a platform can do that for you and take all of the strain off submitting?
Einfolge’s platform helps shoppers to streamline operations, scale back value and improve enterprise efficiencies by way of its professional options. Say, a startup desires to patent a communication protocol. Einfolge crunches information and is ready to let the startup know whether or not the protocol has already been patented or has related applied sciences that require some technical solutions. That’s when Ruhan and Binod additionally supply personalised and customised providers within the type of consulting with strict adherence to deadlines.
“We work with varied organisations comparable to startups, pharma firms, SMEs, scientists, the agricultural sector and PSUs by way of customised options in patent and mental property rights (IPR).  Ranging from the preliminary analysis to the submitting of the patent is finished by an professional group that understands the hurdles confronted by the startups within the preliminary stage and accordingly tailors options to satisfy their necessities,” says Binod Singh, Co-founder of Einfolge Applied sciences.
In brief, Einfolge performs an important function for all those that take care of improvements and want to shield their IPs throughout the globe.
Ruhan has a background in Pc Engineering and labored in corporates for a decade. He had labored for JP Morgan moreover IT firms like Wipro, and Mastek in Oracle-based database developments tasks. He’s the know-how mind behind Einfolge.
Binod has a M Phil diploma in Biotech and additionally a PGD in Patent Legal guidelines from Bangalore College. He labored within the patent sector for 14 years and consulted for unbiased inventors, CEOs of many massive firms and consultants from numerous publicly traded firms and analysis heads of institutes.
Earlier than Einfolge, the duo based a consulting agency referred to as KNOURA. Over a time frame they realised that they needed to productise their information and Einfolge was born in 2014. The phrase Einfolge is derived from two phrases – ‘EINBLICK’, which is the German phrase for perception/intelligence, and ’FOLGE’, which stands for end result.
The platform permits shoppers to do the next:
Helps shoppers perceive aggressive panorama with fast dashboard and analytics.
Helps them ideate, innovate, shield and monetise their IP property.
Offers help by means of session to shoppers in each step, from scrutinising the supply of their innovation to securing From pre-filing, post-filing to put up grant dated. They supply them a totally built-in resolution.
Conducts analysis on the patentability of varied improvements.
The founders level out that the startup offers confidentiality of information nice significance. “Our platform offers with plenty of confidential information and is securely delivered to the consumer,” says Binod.
The enterprise
The enterprise mannequin for the corporate is the price of utilizing the platform, which is pay per question after which the consulting payment. The corporate additionally fees a yearly retainer payment for organisations with long-term improvements.
By way of progress, the agency will likely be doubling their manpower, from the present variety of 30, within the subsequent two years. It desires to focus extra on new areas comparable to South Korea, China and Japan.
instance of Einfolge’s work can be with an Australian manufacturing firm that got here to them as they had been sued for infringement by a multi-billion-dollar US firm. Einfolge gave them an answer with detailed infringement research and probing information showcasing that the Australian firm had not infringed on any of the US firm’s product. The Australian firm used the info within the US courtroom the US-based MNC needed to admit that it made a mistake and went for an out-of-court settlement of the case. Einfolge’s consumer saved tens of millions of {dollars} from that.
A few of their massive Indian shoppers are Navratna Oil Firm and ONGC. The latter used Einfolge to guard improvements on 126 merchandise.
The startup has invested a seed capital of Rs 2 crore and has crossed Rs 7 crore in revenues. It has on-boarded 150+ shoppers and has been worthwhile because the first yr itself.
In India the corporate competes with all legislation companies and Mind League IP Providers. However the founders say that its product-led options offers it an edge over the others.
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Agrochemicals leading patent activities for Agri sector: Study
New Delhi [India], Feb 9 : During 2014-2017, the India Patent Office received 5,448 patent applications from the agriculture sector, majority of which were filed in the agrochemicals segment (biocides, pesticides, herbicides, pest repellents), according to a recent Study conducted by Einfolge, a Patent and Market Research Organisation. The study revealed that compared to developed countries like USA, the number of patent filings in agriculture sector is much less however the Indian agriculture sector is witnessing gradual increase in patent activities. According to the study, the agrochemicals sector leads the pack with 2880 patent applications, followed by animal husbandry (775 applications); tissue culture technique (488 applications); horticulture and forestry (404 applications), harvesting and mowing (213 applications); planting, sowing and fertilising (194 applications); soil machinery (159 applications); threshing and storing (93 applications). The study further said despite the ongoing White Revolution, dairy products segment received only 48 applications in the last three years. "Innovation is the key of advancement of any field of technology and it holds true for the agriculture sector also. The eco-system talks only about farmer loan waiver schemes and agricultural products players have focussed on biocides, pesticides, and so on. But nobody has thought about permanent solutions which can be fulfilled by innovations, which is in terms of agricultural machinery tools and techniques (planting, harvesting, threshing and storing techniques). There is a dire need for innovation in the field of agriculture," said Ruhan Swain Rajput, Director, Einfolge. India's GCI ranking of 40 can be significantly improved with a growth path focused on innovation. A recent report by PwC examined India's potential growth through innovation under three scenarios: investment in human capital, in physical infrastructure, and in innovation. It concluded that the maximum gain can be derived from investments in innovation. Even as India has made the large strides in increasing food security, the sector remains constrained by low productivity, excessive dependence on monsoon and weather conditions, continuing fragmentation of land and preponderance of fragmented markets. However, the government has engaged in fresh thinking on the development of the agriculture sector, but India is still lagging behind in terms of innovations and protecting indigenous technologies through Patent process. As per estimates by the central statistics office, the share of agricultural products/agriculture and allied sectors in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which was 51.9 per cent in 1950-51, has come down to 13.7 per cent in recent years. However, this is mainly due to the farmers' inability to generate income from their crops and curb their growing debt.
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Agrochemicals leading patent activities for Agri sector: Study
New Delhi : During 2014-2017, the India Patent Office received 5,448 patent applications from the agriculture sector, majority of which were filed in the agrochemicals segment (biocides, pesticides, herbicides, pest repellents), according to a recent Study conducted by Einfolge, a Patent and Market Research Organisation. The study revealed that compared to developed countries like USA, the number of patent filings in agriculture sector is much less however the Indian agriculture sector is witnessing gradual increase in patent activities.
According to the study, the agrochemicals sector leads the pack with 2880 patent applications, followed by animal husbandry (775 applications); tissue culture technique (488 applications); horticulture and forestry (404 applications), harvesting and mowing (213 applications); planting, sowing and fertilising (194 applications); soil machinery (159 applications); threshing and storing (93 applications).
The study further said despite the ongoing White Revolution, dairy products segment received only 48 applications in the last three years. "Innovation is the key of advancement of any field of technology and it holds true for the agriculture sector also. The eco-system talks only about farmer loan waiver schemes and agricultural products players have focussed on biocides, pesticides, and so on. But nobody has thought about permanent solutions which can be fulfilled by innovations, which is in terms of agricultural machinery tools and techniques (planting, harvesting, threshing and storing techniques). There is a dire need for innovation in the field of agriculture," said Ruhan Swain Rajput, Director, Einfolge. India's GCI ranking of 40 can be significantly improved with a growth path focused on innovation. A recent report by PwC examined India's potential growth through innovation under three scenarios: investment in human capital, in physical infrastructure, and in innovation. It concluded that the maximum gain can be derived from investments in innovation. Even as India has made the large strides in increasing food security, the sector remains constrained by low productivity, excessive dependence on monsoon and weather conditions, continuing fragmentation of land and preponderance of fragmented markets. However, the government has engaged in fresh thinking on the development of the agriculture sector, but India is still lagging behind in terms of innovations and protecting indigenous technologies through Patent process. As per estimates by the central statistics office, the share of agricultural products/agriculture and allied sectors in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which was 51.9 per cent in 1950-51, has come down to 13.7 per cent in recent years. However, this is mainly due to the farmers' inability to generate income from their crops and curb their growing debt.
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Einfolge Technologies makes patenting research easy for startups and corporates
Naveen Kanan is a researcher at Bangalore University studying electrolyte composition in modern-day lithium ion panels and figuring out how to make batteries more efficient. He wished to know if he could patent his research but was confused as to whether he had to approach a lawyer or an industry expert. He was desperately in search of a platform that has all the data of global patent research, and which could help him discover whether his research could be patented or not. This is where a startup like Einfolge Technologies comes in handy. Founded by Ruhan Rajput and Binod Singh in 2014, the firm runs an active platform that allows researchers to use patent analytics and market research fields to help them discover their research patent worthiness.
If you are an astute technology person, you would know the importance of filing a patent and getting it granted. But any technocrat can tell you that filing a patent can be cumbersome, time consuming and requires patience, which means you have to spend money for the best IP........
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Why Patent filings in agriculture sector is much less?
Compared to developed countries like USA, the number of patent filings in agriculture sector is much less however the Indian agriculture sector is witnessing gradual increase in patent activities, a recent Study reveals.  
During 2014-2017 India Patent Office received 5448 patent applications from the Indian Agriculture Sector and majority of them were filed in agrochemicals segment such as Biocides, Pesticides, Herbicides, Pest Repellents and others, according to a recent Study conducted by Einfolge, a Patent and Market Research Organisation.
The Study recently conducted by Einfolge to understand the trend of Patent activity in agriculture sector especially when so much is talked about Skill India and Made in India. The Study was for the period 2014 to 2017.Based on findings, it reveals that 5448 patent applications were filed in the Indian Patent Office for the said period and it is no coincidence that the top 10 countries on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) score highly in the ‘innovation’ parameter.
According to the Study, agrochemicals sector leads the pack with 2880 patent applications, followed by Animal husbandry (775 Applications); Tissue culture technique (488 Applications); Horticulture and forestry (404 Applications). Other segments include Harvesting & mowing (213 Applications); Planting, Sowing & Fertilizing (194 Applications); Soil Machinery (159 Applications); Threshing & Storing (93 Applications). The Study says that despite ongoing White Revolution Dairy Products segment received only 48 applications in the last three years. “Besides only four applications were filed for Shoeing of animals’ related innovations. These numbers are much lesser than what is filed in USA or other developed economy where agriculture plays a crucial role,” it reveals.
Commenting on the findings of the Study, Ruhan Swain Rajput, Director, Einfolge said, “Innovation is the key of advancement of any field of technology and it holds true for the agriculture sector also. The eco-system talks only about farmers loan waiver schemes and agricultural products players have focussed on Biocides, pesticides etc. But nobody has thought about permanent solutions which can be fulfilled by innovations, which is in terms of agricultural machinery tools and techniques (planting, harvesting, threshing and storing techniques). There is a dire need for innovation in the field of Agriculture.”
“Efficiency has always been at the heart of any innovative undertaking, and each invention invariably leads to an increased level of productivity and economic growth,” he emphasized.
India’s GCI ranking of 40 can be significantly improved with a growth path focused on innovation. A recent report by PwC examined India’s potential growth through innovation under three scenarios: investment in human capital, in physical infrastructure, and in innovation. It concluded that the maximum gain can be derived from investments in innovation.
Even as India has made the large strides in increasing food security, the sector remains constrained by low productivity, excessive dependence on Monsoon and weather conditions, continuing fragmentation of land and preponderance of fragmented markets.  However, the government has engaged in fresh thinking on the development of the agriculture sector, but India is still lagging behind in terms of innovations and protecting indigenous technologies through Patent process.
Read : Einfolge Article
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