It's been a while, and uh.. crap happened let's just say that, my mental health has been getting better, but I'm still suffering from mental trauma, but I'm motivated to write again, but how would you guys feel if I started to write for other fandoms, like the slasher fandom, or started to write more about monsters in general? I also am open to making fics about a woman who seeks revenge in shit, cuz yah I wanna write about a bad bitch kicking ass. But yeah I can also write about some of my ocs. Like demons in shit, I'm still taking requests and still writing the requests I have been sent, so don't you dare think I abandoned you. Still welcome to feedback, so comment or send a ask.
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I hate how people are okay with doing shit with AI. It takes away the creativity. And being someone of both worlds. (Writer/artist) it suck ass when someone takes your work and turns it into a hot pile of garbage. Writing is an amazing gift that I'll always have a burning passion for. I just absolutely hate how people are using AI for stealing or making shit worse.
And yes.. I'm gonna attempt to finish some requests and see if I can finish some of the dusty ass drafts. So hold on you horny bastards
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Happy Pride Month 2022!!!
Faust the Crow loves you even more than she did last year!
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              𝐵𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒
                      First Impression
Warning: gore, angst, a lot of aggressiveness cuz yes. This is a vary long post too! So- uhh.. be prepared to read a lot!
Pairings: Mansk
synopsis: your an albino reader, who was reborn on pandora, and you meet someone you wished you could have met sooner..
      It hurt.. It hurt so much. The bruises and gushing wounds felt like they were beating, aching, throbbing waves of pain that echoed throughout you're body, you're once lively doe eyes were now replaced with eyes more dull than a corpse. Eyelashes sticking together as the redness in them, had a slight itch to them from crying so much.
Some of the wounds were deeper than others, the red sticky liquid seeped out of you're fresh wounds. As for others.. they where deep, deep enough that it looked life threatening,
Blood had stained your hair as your vision had began to blur,
   The sounds around you start to fade in
      And out.. one of the last things you see is someone rushing twords your limp body, reaching out to touch you before being hesitant from how much damage your body took, they attempted to apply pressure to one of the wounds.. but there where too meny, and so big... and it only caused you more pain, as two rough hands pushed into your abdomen.
  ..You were tired. So vary tired...
         ..You really wanted to close your eyes.
You wanted to scream, to yell out the words you so desperately wanted to get off your chest, like the rocks that made your heart feel so heavy. Opening your dry lips, attempting to hold back a painful cough, failing miserably as you coughed harshly. Bits of Blood dribbled down the corner of your lips, you only managed to wisp out a whine and a groan,
It was too painful to attempt to scream, or to beg for help.. a part of you knew you where gonna die, and you where scared, you wanted to feel the warmth of your lover again, and stare up at the stars with him. God that sounded so cheesy.. or maybe try that God awful drink that made your face scrunch up in disgust, as you remembered his lovely laugh.
     fresh hot tears poured from you're eyes like a waterfall. Coughing in choking on you're own saliva and blood as you're cries where pathetic whimpers in moans..
  A warm hand pressed against your head, hearing the person sob, "I'm sorry" and a "please hang on! They're almost here..!" Lolling your head to the side, you only managed to wisp out "I'm sorry.." your voice was so raspy, felt drier than a desert..
              "Keep... your ey... ope..n"
    was all you heard,
            ..god You felt so cold..
                                oh so vary cold..
  Your eyes drifted shut, as the thought of sleep sounded so wonderful. Like tasting something sweet, for the first time..
            The blissful feeling of sleep washed over your weak body..
        The cries of a baby wept through the room.. ears pinned back as your tiny form squirmed in the persons grasp. Blood and slime clung to your weak form.. soft grayish stripes and pale white skin had caught them off guard... you where.. albino,
     After being cleaned up and in your mothers grasp, fast asleep as another hand gently caresses your head. The woman holding you looked a lot like you, but she was a deep blue, her stripes being a hint darker. Her hair was vary long, and so curly. a few braids with jewelry where attached to some of the braids, the crown of her hair was pulled back into meny braids. The curls would occasionally wiggle and bounce ever so slightly as she moved and turned her head in body
     Years had passed and you where only 10 when it happened, your father had told you to go help your cousin with collecting some herbs. Your cousin was vary tall in lanky, he was skinnier than most of the other Na'vi you've seen. His braided hair fell below his shoulders, his skin was much darker, giving off a purplish hue. Just from being exposed to the sun for so long. His piercing yellow eyes where so pretty, especially his right eye. Which was half blue, half yellow, He always seemed so tired, but was the most energetic Na'vi you've met. But he was also the most kindest and most patient boy you've met yet,
       "Oh my Eywa! Atańwyr!!" You gasped as his cold fingers touched the back of your neck unexpectedly. Making you flinch away, he let out a soft laugh. You huffed at him "that was so unfair! I wasn't expecting it!" You yelled at him. Placing a hand on the back of your neck gently rubbing it "well, you must expect the unexpected. If you really want to be a  mighty warrior. Cousin," you pouted at him "still! Your hands are so cold!" Letting your hand fall to your side, "but we should be heading back now. We got what we needed Atań" you smiled brightly your other hand was pressing a basket up against your hip. Full of herbs, and a few fruits that where saved for yourself. He nodded in agreement as he bent down to grab his basket, after picking it up. He walked down a trail, you followed right behind him. Your tail swaying in a happy manner, your little spots had a faint glow to them. They seemed to just glow from how much of a good mood you where in, as you both drew closer to the village you called home, black smoke was seen in the distance. Which made Atańwyr stop, causing you to bump into him. "Ack- sorry!-.. wait.. why did you stop?" You moved a step back as you spoke, your big eyes moving over to the spot he looked at "smoke.." was all he muttered, you dropped your basket and started to sprint twords the smoke, as you drew closer, the bigger it got. "Nonono-" was all you managed to whimper out as tears pricked your eyes.. once you got close enough, you saw that the great tree was taken down.. and there.. there was so much fire, that the dark clouds of ash continued to thicken by the second. Atańwyr was next to you in seconds, his basket was also abandoned you felt your knees grow weak like jelly, as your hands clamped over your mouth, his hand was on your shoulder, as he pulled you into a tight hug. A cry of pain in sorrow ripped through your throat without mercy, as hot tears spilt from your eyes. Your cousin tried his best to comfort you, he helped you onto your knees as he had knelt down next to you. Pressing your head against his chest, in an attempt to shield you. All you could do was watch.. as your home was being destroyed, yelling and hollering was heard in the distance. Along with those dreadful sounds of metal hitting the ground or grinding against each other.. demons was all you thought before standing, and grabbing your cousins hand pulling on it "Atańwyr! We must run! Come! Please!" You begged. As he complied with your action,
      You both ran for your lifes, some of the yelling only grew louder. You couldn't understand what the hell they where saying, but you definitely didn't wanna find out.
         Your lungs burned and ached, begging for you to stop as the pain in your legs grew stronger. You couldn't stop, not now! You had to run away, but.. Time seemed to slow.. Where when you ran, they only drew closer
    It was getting harder to move, suddenly everything went black, your hand that was holding your cousins felt empty. Turning back, you where alone.. in the dark, "A-Atań?!.." you yelled out. Gasping for air, "(Y/n).." a raspy voice called out.. "h-help.. me.." they spoke, you turned around, to see your cousin on the ground, blood srounded his body. Two deep slash marks over his eyes where gushing blood.. falling to your knees, you reached out to him "Atańwyr..! Atań! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please hang on!!" You grabbed one of his hands, blood smearing onto your skin, hot tears burning your cheeks as you stared down at his bleed body. Suddenly, he lunged at you, his hands grasping your shoulders tightly as you stared into his ruined eyes.. "its your fault!" He snapped "w-what..?" Was all you muttered before he snapped at you "Your fault!! You should have died.. not them," you sat there in shock, not knowing what to say "you shouldn't have left me.. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT ME" his voice was harsh as blood spewed out of his mouth violently, before he was suddenly dragged away into the darkness.. and so where you, you tried to hold onto his hand but his slipped out of yours.. you wanted to yell, scream.. but you couldn't, not even a whimper left your lips..
You turned your head to see your mother's mangled corpse in front of you, her face was a centimeter away from yours,
  She opened her mouth, as she suddenly let out a blood curdling scream that ripped through her throat.
     Jolting up from your hammock, panting softly, sitting up as you leaned forward.. sweating bullets as you brought a hand to your face.. "I really hate nightmares.." you muttered softly pulling the blanket off your body, you where shaking so badly, this had to be the worst nightmare you had so far. You threw your legs off the side of the hammock before standing up. You where much older now, a young adult to be more specific. Running your hands through your hair, you walked over too that old mirror you had. It was a gift.. from demons, it was useful yes, but.. you despised them with a great passion, Looking into that old mirror, your hair was a mess, groaning softly, an annoyed expression rested apon your features
  A wooden comb was on a small stand, so you picked it up an began the painful process of brushing your hair out, and styling it. After taking care of your hair, and putting something decent on. You exited the tent, you lived with a small group of other Na'vi, some where reef people, others where one's you'd see in the forest, then there's a few ash people. You guys wouldn't necessarily call yourselves a clan, and wasn't big enough to be one either. But it was like a family of sorts. the Olo'eyktan of this.. makeshift clan of sorts, was your cousin. Atańwyr, he was an amazing leader, but the thing is.. he's blind And there's nothing wrong with that, but you did feel vary sorry for him. Or occasionally got vary worried about him, because he's all thats left of your family. So you couldn't help but worry for him sometimes,
You lived up in the hallelujah mountains, it was amazingly beautiful in all, but.. your home was much prettier. Seeing Eywa blessing the skys with meny colors as the sunlight started to rise, or seeing the tall forest that pulled at your heart strings when you saw new life being born again.. but, no matter what, you couldn't help but miss home..
Sighing softly, you walked over to the edge. Looking outside, wondering what time it was, the sun had just started to rise. "A new day" you muttered to yourself, "indeed, isn't beautiful?" A voice asked you from behind. A yelp slipped through your voice as you quickly turned around. It was your cousin "oh my Eywa! Atań. Stop sneaking up behind me!" You whispered yelled, since most of the group was still asleep. Your ears twitched in annoyance as you let out a small huff, he had chucked softly, his body was covered in pearls, and shiny purple and black stones, occasional lava rock beads in his hair or around the base of his neck. He wore two arm bands, one was carved from somesort of shell.. you forgot what the reef people called it, but it was vary colorful, bits of every color looked like it was melted into the silver bits of it, all you knew was that it basically came from somesort of clam. The other one was the one you had made him, the patterns and beads matched the one you wore, you made that when you where just 15. He also had a weaved cloth that hung over his shoulders, it looked similar to a net design, it was black, with a hint of white in some of the string. With more lava rock, pearls, and a few shells. Along side some other bits of beads where woven into it, they would softly clank together as he moved.
A part of you was surprised that he wore thats old arm band still "I see your still wearing that old thing." You spoke, he smiled softly, walking closer. Some light brushed over his face, he had wore a dark red cloth over his eyes, covering those ugly scars, that you still feel guilty for. He chucked lightly before placing a cold hand onto your shoulder "you made it, and I treasure it. More than you'll ever know," wrapping the arm around your other shoulder, he pulled you into a hug. And you wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his shoulder, "I know you miss home.. we all do," he pulled back, you where a bit confused, "what?- how did you-" you pulled back as he did, his hand moving back to its original place on your body, "I don't think you'll ever understand. But please, you should worry more about yourself." He spoke softly, his voice was as gentle as waves rocking back in forth against the sand, the roughness in his voice always reminded you of two rough rocks grinding against each other. And ever since he healed from his wounds, he said that Eywa had grazed him with her touch. Usually you wouldn't believe him, but he was always right, always honest. Never lied or did anything bad, "righht.. but, I still don't know what to do." You looked back at the sky, something was telling you to leave, but why? You couldn't leave your cousin, but you wanted to go see the world for what it really was. "You.. you're having a battle in your mind, thoughts clashing together like viperwolfs fighting for a small scrap of food." He turned to look at what you where looking at, letting his hand drop down. "You should listen to your heart," he turned his head to look at you. "You should follow your heart, there's someone waiting for you." What? Now you where even more confused, "what." Was all you mustered, looking back at him with disbelief, "You heard me." You crossed you arms, your tail wrapped lazily around your ankle "so.. your saying I should leave, find what I'm looking for, and I'll be at peace??" You said in a vary confused tone, he chuckled softly "its more than that. You'll understand when you began your journey." He smiled before turning away "you should start packing. You must not keep them waiting" you didn't even get a chance to say something as he walked away, you heard an ikran flap its wings, it grew closer and closer. So you turned around, seeing your little baby. Well, they where huge. Much bigger than an avrage ikran, but as it landed on the edge, they moved closer to you, you held out your hands to caress their head "there's my little beast" you spoke softly, they groaned softly before letting out a strange purr. Nuzzling against your chest as you laid a kiss on their head. Pulling back you went to pack, like your cousin had asked.
       It felt like hours had passed..
             ..Unsure if you needed this or that.
  "That took so long!" You complained groaned softly, Leaning back as you raised your arms to stretch them before letting them drop to your sides, you had changed your outfit for more appropriate attire to ride an ikran. A reef Na'vi had helped you pack, and made sure your ikran was also well geared up. That screeching bird was always freindly to everyone. Probably even humans if you'd meet one, walking up to them, you smiled as they nuzzled their head against you. You in return gave them chin scratches, and a few head pats. Hearing a familiar clanking sound. And the sounds of beads and shells clanking to gather, you already knew who it was. Raising your head, you brought your hand to your forehead. Fingers pressed together as you moved your hand down, greeting your cousin, a small smile grazed his head as he dipped his head in scknowledgment "(Y/n).. ill miss you greatly" he walked closer, his staff had a large crystal in it, the wood of the staff had weaved around it. As markings and string hung from it, with a few beads here in there. He placed a hand on your shoulder "and I'll miss you too cousin." You placed a hand on his wrist.. smiling softly, he pulled back, and so did you. "Well, I guess this is a Farwell." You hopped onto your Ikran after making the queue,
"shall I see you one day?" He spoke, you smiled in response, your sharp canines showed "indeed, I'll return with a gift maybe" you joked, he chucked softly. Pulling your goggles down, you let out a cry, signaling your Ikran to turn and dive down into the sky.
  You've been flying for so long..
       It was in the middle of the day. And you didn't know where the fuck you where,
You both where hungry and tired. You where flying over a thick forest, you didn't know if you would find anything good, but you had to try. So, flying down into the thick forest, "hang on my little beast. We'll get some food, and a nice rest." You readied your bow. And having a arrow ready "hmm, does viperwolf sound good to you?" You spoke softly as your Ikran twisted and turned. Flapping their mighty wings every few seconds, they had let out a soft growl. You had a much stronger connection to your Ikran than others. You two seemed to have a bond made up of trust more than the physical bond that connects you to the flying beast.
Seeing something move you locked your eyes onto it, ready to shoot. Instinctively your Ikran moved lower, so you could get a better shot it turned out to be a small pack of viperwolfs.. aiming your bow, before releasing the arrow. The arrow flu with speed, jabbing into the viperwolf, it let out a pained howl as the other scattered. Your Ikran landed onto the ground as you hopped off, pulling your queue away from the Ikrans, before running over to the heavily wounded Viperwolf.. kneling down, you pulled the arrow out before muttering the chant. As you pulled out your knife, the one your father had given you, it was a bit big for you. But you didn't mind, as you chanted, you placed your hand onto the creatures side before stabbing its heart. Ending their suffering, placing your knife back in it's sheth, and arrow back, and picked up the viperwolf
     The sounds of a crackling and snapping of the fire echoed, your Ikran was ripping up, and eating half of the meat you had given them, and you got the other half. You ate your food. "Where should we go next, hm?" They lifted their head to only huff at you in response, before continuing to violently rip and tear at the meat before continuing to eat. You let out a soft sigh,
               as soon as the sun rised, it fell back down again.. enveloping the world with darkness, as the plants and animals began to glow..
   You always enjoyed the nights, staring up at the stars, while leaned up against your sleeping Ikran. Your freckles had glowed brightly in the darkness, gently lighting up your features. Your eyes grew heavy as your tail occasionally twitched and wiggled as it layed over your legs. The sound of sleep sounded so wonderful.. as you feel your body drifting away..
          Blood stained your hands.. you.. you where covered in blood, the liquid was sticky, slowly dripping off of your body. Giving you this itchy feeling that occasionally appears, looking down, your knees felt like jelly.. it hurt to breathe, it felt like acid was placed in your lungs, there was a knife.. the knife you had.. blood was surrounding your feet, turning your head, you saw it.
     The bodies.. the bodies of humans, and those... those awful dream walkers. Some looked better than others, limps missing. Ribcages ripped open without mercy. Some even had their eyes gashed out, or their tounges cut out. Turning back you saw.. yourself? But.. Younger, they looked horrified, tears running down their cheeks, you reached out your hand. But they flinched away, like something burned them. You pulled away, stumbling back.. looking down at the puddle of blood, you didn't see yourself.. but- but.. the monster who hurt your brother... that.. that dream walker, looking at your hands, you had five fingers suddenly. Paniced you tripped and fell back,
     But instead of feeling the ground, you felt as if you fell off a cliff.
   Jolting awake yet again, you gasped for that sweet crisp air. Like it was your first breath in this world, you didn't feel the warmth of your Ikran.. panic setting in your body as you shot up, becoming light headed and fuzzy visioned for a few seconds.. before looking all around you "(N/n)??!" You called out, "come back! Where are you my little (N/n)!!?" You continued to yell out as you walked forward. You heard chuckling, you turned to look, not that far above you, you saw your Ikrams tail swaying happily. Letting out a breath of relief climbing up the rock, to see who your Ikran befriended.. you had a soft smile pulling at your lips. "Hah! Sorry. They're really freindly-" as you pulled yourself over the edge. You saw him.. your smile dropping, your ears pinned to your head, you quickly hopped onto your feet pulling out your knife. Hissing aggressively at the dream walker in front of you. He wore those strange green pants and what where those tan colored things on his hands? And what in Eywa was on his face.. they covered his eyes, where they like goggles you wore when you rode your Ikran? Breaking away from your thoughts as he raised his hands in defense and took a step back. "Woah there!" was all he said. You growled in response, you knew some English, thanks to your lovely cousin. In broken English you spoke "who.. who are you?" You spoke, its been years since you've spoken that evil language. But something in him changed, at first he was a little spooked. Before freezing in place.. "y-you.. you look just like them.." he muttered, you where stunned. What did he just say? Echoed throughout your mind like a stone being dropped into a lake, as the water rippled. "w-who?"  You spoke out in confusion, not letting your guard down "this.. this can't be, y-you.. no- it can't be you. You should be back home.. n-not here" your face scrunched up in confusion. You suddenly rushed at him,
Tackling him to the ground, your Ikran screeched in the background as you pinned his biceps to the ground by using your legs. He choked out a gasp, you pressed a hand to his forehead and the blade of your knife pressed against his neck.
but you knew enough that you looked like someone he knew, and strangely.. something felt familiar about him, but you chocked it up to be being nervous and a little spooked by his presence..
        ..maybe Atańwyr knows...
Oi! Let me know if you'd like more of this! I had it in my drafts for a while. So after editing it a bit, I posted it. Hope you guys enjoy!
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Hay guys! I am FINALLY getting back into writing, I am so sorry! I had some family issues and it took a lot out of me, but I am starting to finish some drafts slowly! I am happy that you guys didn't get mad at me lol
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My freinds to me.
Since I am so God damn lightweight..
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Hello I made a request about tonowari x reader where he was cheating on ronal with reader and ronal caught them and reader ended up pregnant. I just wanted to know if you were working on it or if you decided not to do it. Have a good day
Haha! Yeah I am. Just figuring things out, and I was stressed out for a week because of a trip I was on! I'm sorry for taking a while love, I just haven't been my best right now. Hope you can forgive me!
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Why is this so funny to me?? 🤣
And it sounds so accurate too 😭
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Hi everyone, I’m not a big blog and I mostly just lurk here but I won’t stay silent for this one.
This blog has blatantly stolen artwork from @beetlecrest and reposted it as their own. This is wrong and infuriating. They have refused to take down the stolen art or credit beetlecrest in any way and people who have messaged them to take it down have been blocked. The whole blog is full of stolen art. Please spread the word and go support the original artist!
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Here is the link to the original post! 👇 Please go support them!
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Reblog him face for good luck in 2023 (2)
Black cats are lucky. (via leahweissmuller)
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hi!! would you be able to do a tsu’tey x fem! dreamwalker reader? i always think about that scene where neytiri cradles human jake in her arms as he’s “dying” and it’s just so sweet. would you be able to do something similar but with the reader and tsu’tey? like she’s a dreamwalker with the avatar program (maybe a teacher? idk!) and she met tsu’tey and like fell in love with him so he is just absolutely frantic when he thinks she’s going to die. (let’s just pretend he didn’t die LMFAO) thank u!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
♡. "I see you." —
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synopsis / tsu'tey is yours.
gn!avatar!reader | wopwop👍🏻 reader is kind of in distress right now since unlike jake they do not know the way of battle and are actually a scientist NOT a marine @kiiyevame hi. so I heard you liked tsu'tey
tags : @bo0p0918 @somerandomweeb2 @loaqi @mylovelo-ak
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zdinarsk was a stubborn fucker.
it's what she was built to be‐ stubborn and strong. her punches were known to cause immediate knock outs — her kicks broke ribs, her forehead was so hard that when slammed onto another person's forehead— they'd lose half of their braincells. a knife was more than just a weapon in her hands, it was a scythe. every reaper needed a scythe. zdinarsk? brought death wherever she went.
you just hoped she didn't bring it to you.
"come out, come out wherever the fuck you are, you fuckin bitch —" zdinarsk sneered, knife in her hands and held in such a murderous way. you had to hold in a whimper at that. god, this woman is terrifying. "you fuckin' slashed me. seemed a bit freaked out when ya did, though. you new to killing? let me give you some pointers!" she said, feigning kindness. "number one, hold yer blade like a banana." she started, and you could hear her footsteps getting closer and closer. "number two, be smart. find a good hiding spot if ye don't wanna get caught. dumbass bitch..." she muttered, and you swear you're seven seconds away from dying right now.
your eyes don't hover from the lab, because although you can only see it from the corner of your eye— you can see it. that's enough. that's hope.
a knife is slammed into your avatar's leg—you cry in pain. and you run.
you run straight to nowhere , you run to the trees and their embrace and you hope that she won't see you. you can hear zdinarsk calling for backup, and you can hear the march. their march of fuckin' absolute death.
you are screwed.
you are so, so screwed.
you jump through the forests— your leg aching with every step you take, and yet you run. you run for yourself, you run for jake, for neytiri, for mo'at, saeyla, ka'ani, for all the friends you made on pandora — who taught you everything you needed to know in order to truly be one of the people. you fought and you are still fighting for them, because as you run, you escape from every marine's clutches while sabotaging their tech and stealing their weaponry— because you've always had good hands. it's best those hands do what they're meant to do. there is a sharp pain that grows each step , and it has been growing ever since you sped away from zdinarsk— but still.
you run.
if not for yourself, then for him.
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"FLY!" you commanded your ikran, and it obliged. way too quickly— as you screamed, the ikran accelerating at ... unbelievable heights; neytiri & jake watched in amusement. tsu'tey, however, observed you carefully. he watched as you slowly adapted — and he watched your terrified face turn into a happy one. your smile was big— your laugh was absolutely melodic. your laugh, oh— your laugh. tsu'tey couldn't get enough of it.
"join them." neytiri pushed tsu'tey, recently snapped out of his trance— "it is expected, you are their teacher." she said, and tsu'tey agreed. not because it was expected— because he got to look at you. he called for his ikran and bolted for you. he couldn't help this feeling he felt— because of you, a dreamwalker. a dreamwalker so stupid he was positive your brain was made of viperwolf shit mushed into one big miserable dough. a dreamwalker who, slowly but surely, got him to open up. a dreamwalker who ...
who was kind.
"HOLY SHIT!" you yowled, a phrase you'd seem to have adapted in your time here on pandora. you steered your ikran left, and then right— and then left again, laughing as you took ahold of the ropes and for once, were positive to say you knew how to do this. which is weird because pandora is a place full of things you don't know. you don't want to think about that. you continue to fuck around with your ikran— who seems to have grown accustomed to the name "susan." you don't know whether you should name her that or not, but it seems appropriate.
"well done!" a voice applauds, and you almost fall off your ikran— only for you to realize, oh, it's tsu'tey. "not bad." he said, you smiled at him. "I made ya proud!" you exclaimed, he can only close his eyes and nod. your eyes, however, went as wide as saucers— jaw dropped. "I made ya proud?!" you repeated, "I made ya proud!" tsu'tey nods once again— his ikran steering left as yours followed. almost like your ikran knew you'd follow tsu'tey.
now, & to the ends of the earth.
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"now that you are omaticaya, y/n.. you may make your bow from the wood of the hometree." tsu'tey explained, as he laid with you on the tallest mountain you could find— you stared at the stars, he stared at you. "really?" you asked, "really." tsu'tey confirmed. "you are also eligible to find yourself a mate." he added, "really?" you asked again, in awe, and he sighed— "really." he confirmed. you giggled, you had always been passionate about love afterall.
"who are you interested in?"
what a strange question from such a stoic man. very straightforward, you thought. who were you interested in? him , of course. it had always been him. it will only ever be him. tsu'tey, tsu'tey, tsu'tey.
"tsu'tey." you muttered, nonchalantly. to that, he got up immediately— caught off guard. you did too, except instead of being caught off guard— you were absolutely horrified. you had just admitted you were interested in the greatest warrior of the omaticaya clan. infront of him.
'that's another type of insanity, y/n' you thought, 'that's another type of insanity.'
tsu'tey could only stare at you aghast, both at your boldness and the fact that — that was the push he really needed. to realize he loved you too.
"you have chosen me?" he asks,
you sigh, and with nothing to lose, you nod.
"tsu'tey, I have chosen you."
his breath hitches, and he nods— taking in the information before he leans in closer, and you see in his eyes a galaxy— a galaxy so full of life— and his hands make their way to your waist and they're calloused and rough except what else do you expect? tsu'tey protects this clan. tsu'tey is a defender.
and as tsu'tey looks down on you, mouth parting to deliver words you've been aching to hear for centuries —
"y/n, I have chosen you."
tsu'tey is yours.
your lips lock and you feel your knees go weak, your skin melting from how hot it was suddenly getting. tsu'tey was the one who pulled away, it seemed. yet, you can't get enough — you kiss him again, and again, and again– and he has to place a hand on your chest to stop you, in order to do what he has to do. he delicately pulls his tswin , holding it out— and you do the same. you steer your tswins, closer and closer until finally —
they connect.
they connect and suddenly, you're overwhelmed with so many senses and feelings and thoughts and you can't help but shiver— your hands twitching, your pupils dilating— you gasp at the sudden sensation. you need to get your hands on tsu'tey— anywhere, anyhow. just now.
tsu'tey isn't being much calmer, naturally. his hands are balled into fists— nails digging into the palm because he's afraid if he tries to make contact with you without grounding himself, he'll break you. it isn't hard to accept the fact that you are meant to be, at this point. tsu'tey wants to feel you. tsu'tey wants to know what it's like to be trapped inside of your heart. he wants to know, if he were to show you all of him— would you feel this way too?
as his lips align with yours — you know you are fated.
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your reminiscing has seemed to have halted.
zdinarsk corners you, wainfleet and walker at her side. you hiss as you ready your knife – zdinarsk prepares to taze you, it is a duel at this point. who attacks who first? who ends victorious?
it wasn't your lucky day.
in mere seconds your avatar is splayed on the soil of Pandora— next to the lab. near a certain warrior, who seems very busy fighting off sky demons right about now. zdinarsk looks at your knocked out avatar self, and she snickers.
then an arrow goes through her head.
tsu'tey immediately flees to the scene, "Y/N!" he calls for you, and yet there is no answer. he shakes you as hard as he can, crying your name out — desperation seeping in as he prays, and as you fade in and out of consciousness, you can only point to the lab— so near and yet so far. "...lab." you mutter, " I am there. " tsu'tey looks confused. you ... are on the verge of clocking out. "go, tsu'tey. go."
then everything fades to black, and your back in the pod and suddenly it's just so hard to breathe and you can barely speak and the sirens are so loud and you're getting ... you're getting overwhelmed. everything is a bit tripper today. your eyes see nothing but rainbow color objects. you fall off your pod as you cough, reaching for the oxygen mask— except you can't. you're too weak. it's been more than 10 seconds and you can barely breathe. everything is going so much faster, right now.
It is in these seconds , you experience your life.
tsu'tey is in most of your memories. it is always him, only him. first meeting him, taming a direhorse with his help, slowly getting used to the na'vi lifestyle, flying on your ikran, falling off a tree, waking up next to him on that mountain, everything. in all your memories , he is featured.
you wouldn't have it any other way.
a slab of blue appears as your vision blurs.
"y/n?!" it calls. the voice is wary, hoarse & a voice cracking was undeniable–
that's tsu'tey.
he was horrified. he had just got you, and now he was seconds away from losing you— it's enough to make him tear up at the thought. "no, no, no —" he muttered, eyes panicky. "no! no! ma y/n! ma y/n!"
"ma y/n!" he yelled once more, then— picking you up along with the emergency oxygen mask. he placed it on your face and you could swear you heard a whimper come out of his throat at your state— you jolted out of your trance, twisting the gears of the mask — oxygen flowing into your body as you coughed violently after such long exposure to the air. "ma y/n..." he said, his voice soft. "you are safe?" he had asked then— and you nodded.
it is only then tsu'tey fully processes your human form. it is small, very small. you also seem to be very soft. your eyes are different color, and yet your features are still similar to the you he knew— and even with this little you, whose not what he expected to fall in love with, he still loves you. "tsu'tey?" you refer to him, noticing he is far too spaced out. in response, he leans closer to you and placed his forehead as close as he can to yours. you giggle— "I see you." it comes off as more than a greeting, it comes off as a profession of love. tsu'tey responds,
"I see you."
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na’vi language i would love to see being used in fics:
yawntutsyìp - darling, little loved one
yawne - beloved
tìyawn - love
‘awsiteng- together
yawnetu / yawntu - loved one, lover, beloved person
atan - light, source of illumination
syulang - flower
muntxate - wife, female spouse
muntxatan - husband, male spouse
txe’lan - heart
tsamsiyu - warrior
oeyä - my (possessive)
sevin - pretty (mainly for female)
sayrìp - handsome, good looking
lor - beautiful, pleasant to the senses
yuey - beautiful (inner beauty)
narlor - beautiful visually
tsawke - sun
oare - moon
letsranten - important
tanhì - star, bioluminescent freckle
hì'i - small, little
flrr - gentle, mild, tender
tìmuntxa - mating, marriage
kalin - sweet to the taste
paskalin - honey (term of endearment)
tstew - brave
mowan - pleasing, enjoyable (physically, sexually)
manga - hey, hey you
nga - you
ngatsyìp - little you, you little
fahew - smell
onlor - good smelling
lu - be, am, is, are
vonvä’ - butthole, asshole, dickhead (requested)
nìwotx - all (of)
mei - wet
fìtxan - so
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This is me to my best freinds, some family members, and my loving boyfriend❤❤
God I'm a sucker for characters who are so utterly loyal to someone that they're completely unhinged. Characters who have no moral compass except their overwhelming devotion to whoever they've chosen to listen to. That's the good shit
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A human Quaritch x Gender neutral reader
Hc's of this fucker starting to fall for you
Warnings: a whole lot of flirting, the old man getting jelly,
synopsis: you're this flirty person who has a bit of a big ego. you're this merciless fucker too, and have a habit of showing off the goods.
When this fucker saw you walkin' in with you swaying your hips just right, and with that buttoned shirt half way undone, he knew you'd be troublesome.
When you introduced yourself to him, he gave you a quick glance up and down your body, he had to hand it to you, you where attractive. So he decided to play along with your little game.
As you two got to know each other. You always grew bolder with each action. Starting with a hand touching his back softly, before dragging it across his side before pulling away.
"Y'know.. you're quite attractive for an old man" he scoffed. You where leaning against a table with your arms crossed, as he had you caged against it "old? Well, this old man still has some moves." He joked as he grabbed your chin with a hand and smirked down at you.
One time you hooked your arms around his waist before murmuring something in his ear, before slipping the folder you had between his belt and pants. Then just pulled away and walked away, acting like nothing even happened, leaving him flabbergasted with a hue of pink dusting his cheeks
If he saw someone flirting with you, and if you where uninterested. You'd flip them off, but if they touched you? You'd pull out your taser and shock them before walking away. How in the ever living fuck did you get a taser?? (Remind him not to piss you off)
He definitely would get soo fuckin' jealous if you and a freind of yours where jokingly flirting with each other. (Why am I thinking about Lyle gettins his ass beaten when I'm typing this-)
If you have a avatar, you'd totally mess with this man and say shit you know you'd definitely regret
"your so small Colonel,"
"Watch what your tongue, before you regret it (Y/n).." he shot you a glare,
"Maybe I will when you get on my level. Shortie," you had this shit eating grin plastered on your face, little did you know. When you get back into your human body he'll be waiting for you,
"Is that spot taken?" You boldly asked
"No, it isn't-" before you let the man finish, you walked closer to him, sitting down onto his lap. Your shoulder leaning into his bicep, he took this opportunity to hook an arm around your waist, as a smirk crossed his lips.
"A little bold there ain't you, cupcake?" His voice sent chills down your spine, a faint pink blush dusting his cheeks
How did you meet? Well, it all started when...
"Oh my God! I'm so gonna fucking beat you Lyle!" You yelled at your best friend, Lyle. He had grabbed the folder you where holding, and held it above his head "why don't you make me then (y/n)? " you tried to jump up and grab the folder from him, but he moved it to his other hand. Pulling away, you glared at him "I will kick you in the dick again! I won't hesitate you dick-wad!" You threatened him, as his eyes darted to something else, and that smirk of his dropped "why don't you give it back to the little lady?" A gruff voice spoke from behind. You where wearing a pencil skirt and a buttoned shirt, so you weren't surprised that he called you a lady. Turning to face him, your eyes met his. "And who are you?" You quirked an eyebrow up at him "Colonel, Colonel Quaritch." Thats when you realized thats who you where supposed to give the folder to, so when Lyle was distracted, you snagged it away from his grasp. Shooting him a glare. While he playfully scoffed at you, you then handed Quaritch the folder
"I was told to give this to you. So here you go!"
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