yourtherapy12 · 3 years
COVID-19: The Last Leg of the Race—Stay Strong, Stay Safe!
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On the night of Sunday, December 13, 2020, a cargo jet touched down at Mirabel International Airport in Montreal, carrying Canada’s first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine. And it’s not a moment too soon, because we’re all tired. We’ve had our fill of lockdowns,  unhappy, cooped-up kids,  wearing masks, canceled birthday parties, and not being able to hug our grandparents. We all long for the return of normal life. But the fight isn’t over yet. In fact, these final months may be the most critical time of the entire pandemic. Managing our own anxiety can go a long way toward helping our loved ones steer clear of mental health issues and keep the ill-effects of anxiety at bay.
Pandemic fatigue is very real, but it’s also dangerous. Now that we know a vaccine is here, it may be tempting to drop our guard too soon. But acting like the pandemic is over before it’s actually over, is a recipe for disaster. Easing up too soon could bring unnecessary suffering and death that we’ve seen in other places, where the pandemic ran wild. After sacrificing so much, that would be truly tragic.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/covid-19-the-last-leg-of-the-race-stay-strong-stay-safe/
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yourtherapy12 · 3 years
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Are you struggling to get one toddler to calm down and listen to you while her other siblings get less of your attention? Is your child labeled the class ‘squirrel’? ADHD is a brain disorder that many parents fail to recognize. Timely treatment can be life changing. Call Your Therapy at 647-749-0447 or contact us onlinefor more information about Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder treatment.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/adhd-treatments/
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yourtherapy12 · 3 years
How to talk to someone who’s having suicidal thoughts
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Few experiences in life are more distressing than hearing someone express thoughts of suicide. Not only is it shocking, hearing suicidal thoughts can leave you feeling helpless—paralyzed with fear that you might say or do the wrong thing. It’s one of the most difficult conversations imaginable. But even just listening to a suicidal person helps them. And you can help even more by knowing what you should do next. Understanding how to talk to someone who’s having suicidal thoughts is like learning CPR—it’s a skill you hope you’ll never have to use, but if the need arises, you’ll be glad you can help.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/how-to-talk-to-someone-whos-having-suicidal-thoughts/
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yourtherapy12 · 3 years
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Don’t deny yourself the need to be comforted just because you are an adult. Understand that it’s unnatural to feel sadness for sustained periods of time. Retreating into a corner in the hope that you can fight depression alone is not advisable, nor is it proven to be effective. Call Your Therapy at 647-749-0447 or contact us online for more information about adult depression treatment.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/adult-depression-treatment/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
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A group of people who care about each other and consider themselves ‘family’, strive to communicate effectively, understanding and working out their challenges together. A breakdown in communication or disruption of family life can be caused by a variety of factors. Family therapy helps the group resolve their challenges rather than find fault, to achieve a positive outcome with lasting effects.    
For more details: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/family-therapy-toronto/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
Understanding Adult Depression And Treatment Options
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For those who’ve never experienced clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder), it’s hard to understand how crippling it can be. In fact, depression is not just a mental health challenge—it’s a health challenge. In North America, depression is the leading cause of workplace disability claims, affecting millions of people each year.
With many illnesses, the effects are obvious and acute, leading you to seek help right away. But the terrible irony of depression is that its most common aspects—sadness, hopelessness, disinterest in life, feelings of emptiness, loss of mental acuity—make it especially difficult to seek or even accept help.
But from decades of research, we know that depression treatment works. That said, if you’ve never sought any kind of psychotherapy, the idea can be intimidating. So, in this blog, I’ll talk a little about what happens when you reach out to a mental health professional for help with depression.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/understanding-adult-depression-and-treatment-options/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
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Do you experience unexplained body pain, tremors, headaches, nausea, vomiting, numbness, non-epileptic psychogenic seizures, speech, and vision difficulties? Don’t be disheartened if doctors are unable to reach a diagnosis. You may be experiencing somatization, also known as Conversion Disorder or Functional Neurological Disorder. Talk therapy can help you understand the triggers and manage the physical symptoms for a better quality of life.    
For more details: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/conversion-disorder-treatment/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
Dealing With Back-to-School Anxiety in the COVID-19 Era
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In this crazy year of 2020, the back-to-school season is unlike any other in our lifetimes.The new school year has been a time of excitement for parents and kids, but in this year, anxiety and stress levels are off the charts.
Many parents have already wrestled with the decision of whether to send kids back to school or not, but that’s just the beginning. Both parents and children—from kindergarten age right up to high school—are facing an unprecedented list of worries. For one, kids may fear getting sick, or making a loved one sick. Then there’s the uncertainty about what the first weeks of classes, recesses and lunch hours will be like under new health measures. And all this comes after a long, often unstructured, break from school, sports and clubs, plus normal socializing. Clearly, we’re all in for a stressful few weeks and months. So, in this blog, I’ll suggest ways parents can help their kids cope with this anxiety—and their own, as well.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/dealing-with-back-to-school-anxiety-in-the-covid-era/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
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A chronic illness can make it seem like your life is taken up entirely by a medical focus. While treatments may be working to alleviate your symptoms, you don’t feel good. Talk therapy can help you regain a sense of balance and control over your life. You’ll feel more positive and energized. A chronic illness therapist can help improve your overall quality of life.   
For more details: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/chronic-illness-therapist/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
Sleep Tight
Getting Rest Amidst a Pandemic
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Most of us can agree that there’s nothing more refreshing than a good night’s sleep. While we’re all doing our part to stay safe and make the most of an unexpected situation, it might be more challenging than usual to get those precious hours of rest. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, a partner’s loud snores or the cliff hanger from a great show on Netflix might occasionally keep those eyes wide open, but right now, we’re all feeling the strain a little more than usual. It’s important to know that you’re not alone – we’re all going through this together. I’m here to offer some insight into why we may be missing out on quality sleep, and to give you some tips to help you navigate these rough new waters for the next little while.
Why We Might Be Feeling Sleepless
There are many factors that might affect our sleeping patterns, like working from home, changed routines, and work hours that extend into the evening. For teenagers, there’s also the loss of missing important milestones in their life, like graduation, prom, or final performances and competitions. These can be discomforting and tough to acknowledge. However, we are not alone. According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, Canadians are twice as likely to experience consistent stress since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes can be difficult to adjust to, but there’s comfort in knowing that we’re all going through the same motions in our own ways.
So how does all this change affect your sleep? These changes may trigger some stress, affecting your mood and your sleep patterns. During the day, it’s easy to keep your mind occupied with work and responsibilities. However, as you wind down in the evenings, your emotions have more room to surface. Unlike physical tiredness, which enables you to rest, emotional fatigue can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Even simple tasks, like grocery shopping may feel a little more cumbersome than usual.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/sleep-tight/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
Understanding and Treating Somatization (aka Conversion Disorder)
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Of all the people I see in my practice, few are more distressed and discouraged than those dealing with somatization disorders. There are many factors making this condition difficult to deal with, including  the fact that it’s not well known to the general public, and that it’s often an afterthought to medical practitioners.
Somatization – An Overview
Simply put, somatization occurs when psychological concerns are converted into physical symptoms. By contrast, most mental health disorders are characterized by mental symptoms. That is, people have unusual or disturbing thoughts, moods and/or behaviors.
However, with somatization, mental factors and stress present as pain, weakness, fatigue, nausea, heart palpitations, seizures, or any number of other bodily sensations.
I developed an interest in this condition while working at Toronto’s renowned Hospital for Sick Children (aka SickKids). I worked with a young person who was experiencing non-epileptic seizures, with no medical cause, which was a real lesson in just what the mind can do. Over the years, I saw many people who suffered like this or with other distressing symptoms. With support and education, I learned how to treat this condition and, with my colleagues, developed a group treatment that has been helpful. Since then, many patients have been referred to us, and we continue to run several treatment programs for youth and families dealing with somatization.
Read More:https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/understanding-and-treating-somatization-aka-conversion-disorder/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
Overcoming Anxiety with Therapy
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Anxiety is, without question, one of the most common mental-health concerns I address in my practice. Literally millions of Canadians deal with anxiety disorders, and the condition affects people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. Although this sounds alarming, the news is not all bad. With professional help, anxiety disorders are also among the most treatable mental health issues. In this blog, I’ll explain a little more about how psychotherapy is used to treat anxiety disorders.
When is Anxiety a Disorder?
In the simplest terms, an anxiety disorder means having excessive and persistent feelings of nervousness, anxiety, and even fear. The terms “excessive” and “persistent” are crucial. It is, of course, perfectly normal to feel nervous, anxious, and afraid from time to time. However, people with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, worry and fear about everyday situations. Click here to see a full list of symptoms and effects of anxiety. But the bottom line is this: If feelings of anxiety and panic interfere with your daily activities, are difficult to control and are out of proportion to the actual risk, you would likely benefit from professional help.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/overcoming-your-anxiety-with-therapy/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
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If you’re struggling with depression, the right therapist can make all the difference. It’s not easy to open up about your life and seek help. Speak with an experienced therapist who makes you feel safe and counsels you without judgement in a welcoming manner. With proper diagnosis and timely treatment, you can overcome depression and live life to the fullest.
For more details: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/depression/ 
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
Adult Depression Treatment: How Can Self-Care Help
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In this blog, I’m going to talk about self-care for depression. But I need to offer some important background, and be very clear about what exactly what can—and can’t—be accomplished via self care.
Depression (also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common, but chronic and serious mood disorder.It’s very different from the usual mood fluctuations and day-to-day emotional challenges of adult life. Depression can affect how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide.
Fortunately, there are effective psychological and pharmacological treatments for moderate and severe depression. But self-care on its own is NOT a treatment for depression. Many adults with depression are so overcome by its symptoms (sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, fatigue, lack of concentration, and so on) that they can barely manage the basics of day-to-day life, let alone engage in proactive self-care measures. So, if you are in a major depressive episode, you should first seek help from your physician and/or a mental-health professional.
Read More:https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/adult-depression-treatment-how-can-self-care-help/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
How to Talk to Your Teen
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It’s a common joke that “Can we talk?” is the scariest thing any romantic partner can hear from another. But for many of us, initiating a difficult conversation with your spouse is a picnic compared to conversing with your teenager. They roll their eyes and sigh, your nerves fray, and tempers are quickly lost. You may even be tempted to just leave them alone as much as possible, but that’s just not healthy. It is important to have a trusting relationship with your teenage son or daughter, and that’s built by being able to talk together.
Teens tend to go through crises as they figure out who they are, their beliefs and their values. It’s an emotionally fraught time, and they need parents in the background, ready to catch them if they fall. We are their safety nets, and knowing they have us there makes it easier for teens to survive these crises. That said, our job is to be there, but not to take over and solve things. That’s because navigating peer relationships and life challenges is a key part of adolescent development, and it’s important for teens to hit their developmental milestones. It’s no different than when they were young. For example, potty training is a key milestone for toddlers. We teach, support and help our toddler achieve this goal. But we can’t do it for them. And if toddlers  don’t learn it on their own by age 4 or so, they’ll be distressed or embarrassed.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/how-to-talk-to-your-teen/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
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Somatization, functional neurological disorder or conversion disorder manifests in physical symptoms that are difficult to explain medically. In this state, emotional distress or psychological issues affect the body’s nervous system or neurological functions. Timely treatment with therapy and counseling can aid in minimizing symptoms. Call Your Therapy at 647-749-0447 or contact us online for more information about conversion disorder treatment.
Read More:https://www.yourtherapy.ca/conversion-disorder-treatment/
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yourtherapy12 · 4 years
COVID-19—We Are in This Together
Useful Tips from Your Trusted Anxiety Therapy Professional in the GTA
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While we hunker down in our homes to help flatten the curve of the corona virus COVID-19 outbreak, the feeling of isolation may be discomforting. But we are not alone, we are in this together. And together we will get through this. For many of us, the surge in social media updates has increased stress levels. It is normal to feel anxious during this time. However, you can overcome this sense of overwhelm and helplessness. Here are some tips to help you cope over the next while. If you would like to know more about anxiety therapy, I will be happy to answer your questions.
Read More: https://www.yourtherapy.ca/blog/covid-19-we-are-in-this-together/
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