I just have to say that David fools audio is CRAAAZYY
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Guys I just wanted to let you know that I headcannon darlin as half African American and half Turkish. The mom is Turkish and the dad is African American.
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Guys I don’t think David will switch to submissive for April fools. I think it will just be a personality swap between him and Angel. Like imagine Angel is a stoic tsundare and David is the unapologetic flirt. I’d like to see him that way actually. I don’t really care much for submissive David, but I really like the thought of unapologetic flirt David 😉
Can you imagine David acting bold and brave with his feelings and desires. It would be like a dream for me to see that for him. Omg can you imagine him being an absolute tease. Teasing Angel all day long and shit, just the same way they do with him.
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This could be Darlin when they were dating Quinn. I imagine it’s a video they sent to Marie.
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Legit me tho
me when i make a random redacted post and it unexpectedly gets more than 20 likes
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Redacted Headcannons Shaw pack & Solaire Clan (again)
William’s maker forced him to turn the exact same way Alexis forced Sam, except William and his maker were in bed together when that happened
Angel works as a manager of some sorts to a modeling agency
Babe inherited their biological mother’s company after her death, so babe became the CEO of the company, but they eventually stepped down to be one of the executives/managers (idk) in the company instead
Alexis’s current favorite song is “vampire empire” by Big Thief
Lovely has 6 sisters
When Marie first was befriending William, she wanted him, he was just too perfect of a man, and super kind, I like to imagine she was in the first weeks of pregnancy and William was so kind to her and such a gentleman
Alexis did everything she could to get Marie to back off of William cause she knew Marie wanted him, and Marie eventually backed off after realizing that William will only see her as a friend and he will never love her or care for her the way he does for Alexis since she is his progeny and she’s more important
Amanda was in love with David, but extremely insecure at that time, so when David first brought Angel to a pack meeting to meet the fam, Amanda got extremely jealous to the point where she judged Angel really bad
Christian was in love with Darlin. He was always trying to reach out to them but Darlin was so estranged with the pack that they didn’t bother letting him close or even having a deep conversation with him at all. He never told them he loved them though and because of the way they were so guarded, he assumed it was rejection.
Amanda knew about Christian loving Darlin and always teased him about the rejections. Christian knew about Amanda loving David and when Angel came in the picture, he teased her back about how David loves someone else. Amanda would complain about Angel to Christian like this “what do they even look like” “I bet they must be beautiful” “ but they can’t be Mr/miss universe or something” and when she meets Angel : “ omg of course they’re blonde and pretty, ughhh what do I do now? How do I compete?” “I have to find something lacking in them so I can go warn David” “Christian, come, let’s stalk them for a bit to see what shady lies they might be making” and then Christian is like “wtf? How desperate are you? Like damn.” And that’s how they got closer and started fucking and started falling for each other while simultaneously healing each other, and the great results are that Amanda is no longer insecure.
Treasure is the eldest child
Lovely has never had a job, they always either lived under the care of their parents, ex-husband, and now Vincent
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Redacted Headcannons
(Shaw pack & Solaire Clan)
Angel is 4 years older than David
William and Lovely are the gossip girls, whenever they have tea they have to tell each other
Babe has slashed scars all over their body and neck from their abusive adoptive father (that’s why babe was a little self conscious in the first few audios)
Lovely is divorced
Amanda is a booktok girl
Babe was born with red hair but they dyed it brown as a way of changing their identity and moving on from their past
Angel is also a booktok girlie and they always ask David to repeat some of the lines in books with his rough, growly, and low voice, he says Angel is weird for that but he secretly doesn’t mind knowing his voice is good for Angel
Sweetheart had a younger brother that their parents loved more
There were many times in Milo’s life where he had to hide money from his dad so that he wouldn’t take it and spend it on booze or gamble it
Alexis was born blonde but right before she turned she dyed it black
Sam was born with 11 other siblings in a poor southern home, he also had to hide money from his mother and father cause they’d use it to buy alcohol or drugs
Sam’s oldest sister took care of the whole family, he’s the second oldest so he helped her too
He’s dead but, Adam had multiple personality disorder
Angel is blonde (upper back length)
Sweetheart has long white hair (hip length)
Babe has mid back brunette hair
Lovely has black hair (end of butt length)
Alexis has her hair mid shoulders
Vincent has long hair (dark blue, like I’m talking dark blue), mid back area, he usually has it tied up in a low, very loose ponytail on the side
William has black hair reaching his neck, but also has two grey streaks on either side of his head
Darlin has curly hair reaching mid shoulder, brown with blonde streaks all over it
That’s it for today!
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Redacted Headcannons (Shaw Pack and Solair Clan)
Asher is Chilean (meaning his parents are from Chile)
Sweetheart is Chinese (born in China, their parents were farmers, Sweetheart helped their father grow crops)
David is half American (his dad) and half middle eastern (his mom is Syrian)
Babe is half Japanese (their father) and half Dutch (their mother), but their father was abusive to their mother when she was pregnant, so the mom was scared he would hurt her child too when it gets born, so she abandoned Babe somewhere in Japan, and a Korean family visiting Japan found them and took them in, but the Korean family lives in Australia, so now Babe mostly and usually identifies as Korean and Australian, but when they found out about their bio parents, they learned Dutch and Japanese on top of them already knowing Korean and English
Babe and Angel have known each other since they were six, they kept the friendship for their whole lives but they couldn’t always be together since they had different lives, but when they started dating Asher and David they didn’t know about each others parter until David and Ash decided to introduce them to one another, they realized that life had brought them together yet again and from that moment on they knew they were soulmates They were like “omg this is the guy you were texting me about” “who knew that our boyfriends are best friends” “I didn’t know that when David said Asher now has a mate it meant YOU” “how have you been? it seems like fate keeps bringing us back together, my soulmate”
Gabe met David’s mom on a trip to Syria, a trip that he happened to take along with William, they coincidentally met at the airport and decided to might as well do the trip together
Lovely is half Punjabi (their mom) and half Iraqi (their dad)
Alexis had a daughter when she was human, but when she turned her daughter was still growing, her daughter died a 16 years old in a CAR ACCIDENT with her mom in which the daughter was a really good healer and promised her mom that she could heal herself and that she didn’t need to be turned but died before she could even try
In the early days of Vincent’s vampiracy, he lost control of his emotions with William a few days after William evoked him to feed, and ended up killing a pregnant woman by snapping her neck (stole this from the vampire diaries)
This might be controversial but what if Porter was a Jew survivor of the Holocaust (when he was human)
Babe and Angel both know 20 languages, they studied them together, but there are two sets of languages in which they differ, Angel knows Russian and Spanish but doesn’t know Dutch and Korean (but they know a little cause they used to hang out with babe and their Korean family, and babe is starting to officially teach them Korean now), while Babe knows Dutch and Korean but not Russian or Spanish ( Asher is teaching them a few words in Spanish, and they have an awful accent in it, I mean they speak 20 languages fluently and with barely any accent but their Spanish accent is god awful lol)
William has only been in love 3 times in his entire 500 years of living
That’s it for today but I got more I need to share, so maybe next time!
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Guy and Honey core (guy against the wall)
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Vincent is a Chase Atlantic song
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