zackfea · 4 years
ooc || New icon, who dis.
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
How long had he been laying there? A few minutes? Hours? .... Days?  At the beginning, once the shooting stopped and the dull pain in his middle started to fade, Zack thought he was past the worst; that he made it- alive. .. but the more time passed, the harder it started to be to keep his eyes open. This should’ve been a casual job, he was told. Something easy-going. In and out, Sephiroth had mentioned. Then again, the white haired was being weird for a while now, and probably didn’t even read the briefing before throwing the case towards Zack.  Truth be told: Zack had been around Ren every now and then. They didn’t really have lengthy conversations or much time together, because he was busy on his own and frankly not tasked with babysitting any other SOLDIERS but if he would’ve been aware that it was her, saving his life right now, he’d apologize for all the times he might have looked past her before. There was a voice.. coming from somewhere.. - right? /CURA/ was the word he heard- or thought to hear anyway, in one of those moments where his eyelids fluttered and he tried to somehow gain consciousness and get aware of what was happening but to no avail. — then he felt his frame rattling; being moved in one way or the other. Zack wasn’t stupid and knew he must’ve been in bad shape, given he couldn’t talk, had his mouth full of blood -on which he actually felt like choking on!- and couldn’t even open his eyes properly, but there was someone. Her voice sounded familiar. It was a woman, right? Right. Ren..  Whatever strength there was left inside him, Zack decided to use and try force himself awake. He had no recollection on how much time had passed since he heard that cura-word and then, but finally managed to open his eyes long enough to see /her/ face above him; mako eyes staring back at him. It was then that he jolted to one side and spat out what almost looked like half a liter of blood; his body clearly fighting the remnants of his wounds, while his skin healed just enough to close up after her magic interference. His voice raspy, almost inaudibly shakey.. but clear enough for her to hear him anyway (or so he hoped). “... Ren.. - right?” One thing after the other. 
Ren could smell the blood as soon as she got there. It was so strong, it made her stomach turn. She got off the motorcycle and rushed toward the scent. She hadn’t felt his return to the Lifestream so it couldn’t be she was too late…could it? She rushed forward. “Zack?”
Only a few more steps and the cliff overlooking Midgar came into view. She stopped in her tracks. Her hand flew to her mouth to try and stifle her gasp. “Goddess…” He was absolutely riddled with bullets. The attack was unnecessary…malicious…overkill. Emotions chased themselves through her heart one after another; anger, sorrow, pain…and then a slow dawning of an idea. If his life hadn’t slipped away…maybe there was a chance…
She rushed forward, fighting down nausea as she waded through all the blood and went to her knees at Zack’s side. “Zack…are you still with us?” She took off one of her gloves and reached out to pick up the other SOLDIER’s wrist. She placed her fingers in the right position to take his pulse, silently praying to Minerva that she would find one. A small thump brushed against her fingertips. Had she imagined it? No…the pulse was there…thready and weak, but there. It wouldn’t be there much longer if she couldn’t stop this bleeding and get the First Class stable, however. “Zack…hang in there for me, okay? I’m gonna try to get you out of here…” 
She rushed back over to the motorcycle and pulled a shoulder bag out of its center compartment. She’d been in a hurry when she grabbed this stuff, and she just hoped she grabbed the right things. As she rooted around frantically in the bag, a small curse left her lips. “No Cure materia. Great.” She had managed to bring an emergency kit with her, but an emergency kit wouldn’t be enough on its own to save Zack’s life. She pulled the kit and a couple of potions out of the bag and jogged back over to where Zack lay. Nervously, she chewed her bottom lip as she got back down into a kneeling position beside him. “Well…sorry, Zack. Guess I’m not really a good thief. You’ll have to make due with a little healing from me. It’s not much…but it’s better than nothing, right?” 
Why did she keep talking to him? It wasn’t like he was conscious to talk back. Still, somehow it made her feel better, like reminding herself that he was still alive. She fought down another wave of nausea as she placed her hands together. “All right here goes…CURA!” The spell activated and she could feel the power leave as it spread over Zack’s body, doing its best to heal what it could of the injuries he’d incurred. A fully leveled Cure materia would have done a better job but at least some of the injuries were closing, and the bleeding was slowing.
Maybe if she was lucky…she could stabilize him enough to move him now. Ren decided to give it a try. She started to pull bandages and medicine out of the kit. Then, with a silent apology, she pulled out a pair of scissors and started to cut away Zack’s ruined shirt so she could remove the fabric from the wounds and at least get them bandaged.
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zackfea · 4 years
What the future holds - [Spoiler]
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zackfea · 4 years
“As important as a sack of potatos!”  Zack sort of snapped back, his frame still shaking as he remained in the same position; eyes focusing onto the ground beneath him. He was well aware that Sephiroth cried; shed tears of his own.. but couldn’t find it in him to feel sorry for the white haired. If anything, it was the opposite. Clearly: Sephiroth knew what he sent Zack out to do; who he’d have him kill. Part of him understood why Seph couldn’t do it. Him and Angeal were.. close. Very close, to say the least but that didn’t make it any better. Zack would have to carry that burden for the rest of his life; the weight of having not only hurt, but killed one of the most important people in his life, while another of his superiors just watched and hid away. After a few more moments and deep breaths, Zack eventually pushed himself away from the spint he leaned against; closing it as silently as possible once the trainee sword was placed back into it. He didn’t look at Seph. Didn’t even bother trying and just marged towards the door then and just before going through, he stopped; one hand on the frame. “I hope you know what you’ve done; the weight you’ve put on someone else’ shoulder, Sephiroth; Soldier 1st Class...” With those words he left, planning to go back to his room. One of many in that big maze of a building. Hurt. Probably broken.. and determined not to let anyone or anything get the better of him again.
Chasing Hopes
Zack wouldn’t look at him and, in all fairness, nobody would blame him for that. With everything that happened, it was his good right to never look at Sephiroth ever again. Perhaps, it even was for the best.
He didn’t want to think about it too much, but there was this ghastly fear that for the rest of their days they would only ever serve as a reminder for what had happened to the other. That every time they would meet from now on would just awaken those gruesome memories again. Then, their only hope was to never see each other anymore.
Sephiroth did not know how to handle that thought. The thought of losing his last friend as well. He had leaned on him from the beginning, but giving him this mission might have taken it too far and he had collapsed under the weight he was being burdened with. And not once had Sephiroth even considered asking about it. Not once had he offered his help. In fact, up until he passed on this mission, he had failed to see the selfishness in all of his actions.
He knew the other was very much aware of Sephiroth crying, but at the very least, he owed him this. It was too little too late, but at least he allowed himself to be vulnerable now.
Zack’s words felt like he was being gutted. Had that been on his mind throughout this mission? That Sephiroth did this to him on purpose, to hurt him? But the more he thought about it, the more he understood. Yes, he had betrayed Zack. That was it. Giving him this mission, sending him out to kill-
He had betrayed his only living friend. And now he had lost him. Rightfully so.
“I don’t-“
His voice cracked and he had to swallow. But he would not keep silent now. He couldn’t. Silence would take everything away from him in the end, it already did and now he had to concede his failings and make up for them. And if it wasn’t enough, he would have to fall and there was nothing he could do about it. But if he didn’t even endure this situation that was much worse for the other than it was for him, then how could he keep on going?
“I never meant to hurt you.”
The words seemed to clump together, his lips were wet from his tears and he slowly became congested.
“You are…very important to me.”
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
I am weak
I’m sorry. I need to share. Nothing story related, just some cloti scenes under readmore. 
Keep reading
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
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( I LOVE HER.  ahem . . i mean here.. look at her beautiful faaaace. )
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zackfea · 4 years
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zackfea · 4 years
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Final Fantasy VII Remake // Jessie
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zackfea · 4 years
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World’s a crazy place right now, isn’t it?  Kinda putting a lot of stress on quite a lot of people ‘nd I sincerely hope every single one of you’s alright. This is just a little quick ‘in between’ update?! Don’t think I’m ignoring you because I didn’t get to answer yet; Please.  Pretts sure you know that ain’t the case anyway. But just to have it said: it’s one of those ‘staring at the wall’ kinda weekends. My messages are always open ‘nd I’m making sure to get back to every single one soon. In the meantime: take fine care of yourself! Hydrate and sleep! Over & Out.
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