zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
You should be in the fucking hospital
Can someone write me foodkin erotica while I'm in the hospital?
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Oil. Garden. Pit. Squeeze.
O*l G*rden P*t Squ*eze
(^○^)Please don’t mention these words, as they trigger my in horrible ways(^○^)
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
It's all too far.
I’m sorry but foodkin people is taking shit too far, lmao stop
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
A U T I S T I C.
I went to the supermarket, and I went to buy canned pears, ya know? BUT OHMYGOD I SAW THE WORST THING!!! CANNED OLIVES!!! They are oPRESSING MY KIND! This is SO HORRIBLE and cannot GO ON (´・Д・)」 I HATE TO SEE MY FRIENDS CAPTURED LIKE THIS I JUST CANT(−_−;)
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Otherkin still aren’t a thing, guys~
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Fuck yes.
Otherkin do not exist. That is all.
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Not a god. You're an attention whore.
Literally every single anti-otherkin I’ve seen post hate in the tags looks the same. They all behave in the exact same way, I could almost mistake them for each other. But, I’m a god, and do not have time for them, so I’ll just block them all given the chance…
Also, hello. Newly renewed blog. Cheers, fellow deities.
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Edd would be disappointed.
Attention Eddsworld Kin
Hey guys ! Mod Edd here to say this blog is now open for any eddsworld kin to get aesthetics and stimboards ! :D yep any eddsworld kin, eddworld, ellsworld, aus anything ! So have fun and please stay safe !
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Do it and die. Nobody wants lunatics.
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If I had a nickel for every time I almost jumped off something over 10 feet high…
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Anyone can make a fake identity for attention.
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Thank you. Good choice. :)
So glad I grew out of thinking fictionkin was a thing like 10 years ago. I became an actual functioning person with real friends and grew into a proper adult instead of hiding behind an illusion dreamed up by my fucking 9 year old self that almost cost me my now boyfriend back in highschool.
If you think “well you had to give up your true self” I say “fuck you!” I have more now I ever had a chance of then. I’ve played DND with large groups and made friends with numerous cosplayers. I’ve gone to conventions in cosplay and had deep conversations about the character I wore. I’ve even pushed away people who were too into their roles because they were unhealthy mentally to interact with (especially minors).
I’m happy with a true and real love with a home for ourselves (no parents living with us) cluttered with our combined favorite fandoms and enjoying the real life instead of a fantasy.
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
I actually can't tell if this is a fucking joke. That's how much bullshit this otherkin stuff is.
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I had a dream last night. I kinshifted back and forth between being human and an Arby’s roast beef sandwich. My mind was both greymatter and the image you see above you. I could not tell you how surreal this was. To be honest i felt more at home as the random pile of mystery meat with unspecific red sauce than i did as a human with a functioning mind. I must be a true otherkin to feel these things. anyone else experience the same?
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
I know you fuckers feel mentally ill.
Hello! How do you know if you're feeling phantom limbs/ears etc? Does it count if you get recurring thoughts such as hearing a noise behind you and imagining ears on your head swivelling towards the sound, or that you know how to express emotions with your ears/tail but you can't actually do it, so you settle for imagining they're actually there and reacting in real time?
Phantom limbs are a touchy shift. The brain can create the feeling of many things, so it isn’t difficult to fabricate phantom limbs if you’re trying to. Phantom shifts come on to me similarly to being covered in water. It’s a really pleasant feeling and it sharpens over time. Meditate and try and understand what triggers your shifts. Imagining having the limbs or appendages that match your kin and having phantom shifts are two different thingsI hope this helped!~ModRJ
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Just a friendly reminder that no kintype is valid as anyone can make up a fake identity for attention.
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
I hate bronies but this is painfully true.
It's so broken...
Just looking at tumblr. It disheartens me. I mean, there are many good people who use tumblr, but those rotten eggs will get to me. The feminists, otherkin, and other bullshit that has been made due to tumblr.
Feminists, or at least the ones who know what they’re doing, good for you. Strong, independent woman. No problems with that at all. But the radical ones. You know, “kill all men!! Women are superior!!” Them? They need to chill. For one thing, men don’t allow women to do some things because their body can’t handle it. Women’s bodies are constructed to hold kids. I mean, look at the way their pevis’ look. Just stop arguing that women are better and you wanna kill all men. Because chances are, you actually won’t do that.
Otherkin, stop. You are not an animal or god or whatever in a human body. You are a normal human being. Now, thinking about being an animal, I don’t mind that. Fuck, I’d love to be a tiger. That’s be so cool. But if you act like the animal you wanna be, then you make yourself look stupid. Just stop. You’re making fools out of yourselves.
Gender and sexuality idiots, let me get this straight. There are multiple genders, huh? Oh, it’s even on a spectrum, huh? Tell me, can you prove what science has not? There are two genders, male and female. I do not count Hermaphrodite as that is a genetic mutation. Females have a vagina, to breed, and mammary glands, to feed their young. Males have a penis, a reproductive organ that provides the sperm for a full child to grow inside the mother. There are no in betweens. There are only few sexualities. Heterosexual, being attracted to the opposite sex. Homosexual, being attracted to the same sex. And bisexual, being attracted to both sexes. I would count pansexuality, but that’s just a byproduct of bisexuality. Asexual within humans does not exist. Asexuality means you reproduce by splitting and creating another version of yourself. It does not mean the absence of romance and/or sexual activity. That’s just every gamer on a Tuesday.
Will any of you put this to heart? No. Why? Because it’s the fucking internet. We don’t listen. We only wait to be heard. Humans as a whole do not care what other humans think. Now, would I offend and possibly “trigger” someone? Yes. That’s my goal. If you give me a nasty reply to this, I’ve done my job. But it’s not only that. I wanna show those who are questioning what they should do the light. I wanna try to make the world a better place. Will I do that? Nah. I can’t change hearts. I mean, I’m just a guy sitting in his bed making this.
If you have a complaint, comment, concern, question, whatever, just shoot me a message or put it in my ask box. If you made it this far, congratulations. You’ve endured this post. I’m done here. Now to watch the people complain
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Jesus fucking Christ
The White Stripes Are Racist!!!!!
So, I was in my local record store, when I saw that there were a bunch of white stripes cds there. (This day I forgot that music is a tool of the patriarchy, sorry) and I was outraged. HOW DARE THEY PUT THE WORD WHITE IN THEIR BAND NAMES! A POC MIGHT SEE IT AND BE TRIGGERED! THE WORD WHITE ONLY MEANS RACE AND NOTHING ELSE! So, understandably angered, but managing to keep a calm demeanor, I walked up to the shopkeeper and asked, “Do you know what this is?!” He responded with a dumbass look of confusion and with the words, “That’s a white stripes CD?”
WHAT?! NOT ONLY WAS HE RACIST(He was white), SEXIST(He’s a man), Homophobic(He wasn’t transgender, at least from what I could tell), Classicist (He wasn’t starving to death) But also willing to accept others racism/oppression/THE PATRIARCHY!!! So I punched him in the face, and smashed a record player on his head. His pulse stopped beating for some reason.  I then called the cops. Unfortunately, (Since the justice system in america is terrible) They refused to believe my story about how he mind raped me. I am now facing a court date.
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zecrapcrap-blog · 7 years
Thank you.
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