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You are the ruler of a kingdom. Your daughter is turning 16 very soon. Most princesses coming of this momentous age usually want something elegant and just as extravagant, like a pony or her own carriage or something. Your little princess wants a dragon for her birthday.
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the pride and prejudice musical we deserve:
darcy doesn’t sing a single note even during conversations where everyone else is singing at him that is until the argument following his first attempt at proposing to lizzy where you can see his restraint fall away
his first big solo is the letter he writes her
gelsey bell is mary and the unofficial narrator and she sits down at her piano to describe whats going on but before she can ever reveal her feelings on the matter, starting with that gelsey bell scream, mr bennet comes over and does the whole ‘that’s nice dear but give someone else a turn’
mr wickham has this huge ballad about how darcy ruined his life and its super melodramatic and touching
mr collins proposal to lizzy is an absolute bop that he gets so into he forgets for a moment what he’s doing he’s just owning the stage
wickham has a song where he’s trying to seduce lydia but she’s not even listening she’s just monologuing about how excited she is to get laid
during darcy’s second proposal he keeps hesitating waiting for lizzy to interrupt him like she has done every time before but she doesn’t say anything until he’s finished
at the end mary sits down at the piano and right where she’d usually be interrupted, kitty joins her and harmonises
 jane and bingley have the adorable upbeat romantic duet which is just them being super polite like ‘oh so nice to have you here’ ‘so nice to be here’ interspersed with their inner monologue which is just them being like fucking jesus I’m so in love
the bingley sisters probably have a really cool mean solo
lady catherine has this terrifying disney villain song in the garden
there’s for sure a song about ribbon shopping
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Moms at Any Random Moment 💁‍♀️
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They stood there and watched the statue come down. 
“Well, congrats on that.”
They both looked at each other. They’d both spoken at the same time.
“I thought you did this?”
“Me? I thought you did.”
Aziraphale’s brow furrowed. “But this is people breaking the rules!”
Crowley just Looked at him from behind his sunglasses.
Aziraphale cleared his throat. Point made. “Well, why would I…?”
“You’re a Principality.”
“Former,” he murmured, still sort of uneasy with the whole thing. The system had all made sense before: you were an Angel, you were a Demon, you were Human. He still had all his angelic abilities, but it was hard to say he was really one of the Heavenly Host any longer, and that left the question of what, precisely, he was. Most of the time, he didn’t really think on it, because quite often he could say that he was, in fact, happy. And that was more than good enough. But bringing up formal titles was still a bit dodgy.
“Protecting places and the people in them!” Crowley finished, ignoring the caveat.
“Well, I’m certainly not protecting the statue.”
“No, and I wouldn’t expect you to. But it’s good for the people here, right?”
“Well, yes, but it’s also…”
“Breaking the rules, yes, yes, I know. Trust me, I wish I could take credit for this but I can’t. It’s just… them.”
Aziraphale nodded and, after a moment, asked, “Do you ever get the feeling they’re so much better at this than we are? That they sort of make… well, made our jobs irrelevant?”
“Maybe we weren’t put here to do the jobs we thought we were supposed to. She’s funny that way.”
Aziraphale agreed entirely but wasn’t about to say so. For some reason, God hadn’t yet seen fit to smite him and/or Crowley from existence, and he wasn’t about to push his luck.
“So.” He stopped briefly as there was a SPLASH! “Well, that’s that, I suppose.”
“About time. Absolute wanker.” He looked back to his angel. “Shall we?”
“Oh, of course.” They turned and started walking, heading away from the roaring crowds. “You know, I’m quite proud of them.”
“Yeh? So’m I.”
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Star Trek TNG Uniform 3-Pack Panties
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about a year ago i got told by a tory voting old white man that the thirteenth doctor was going to be a massive failure, that the series would be boycotted and the ratings would be terrible
well look at this you tory fuck
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if you relate to having an idea for a story for 4 to 8 years with almost zero progress towards actually writing it down, clap your hands
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How daring
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I like being invited to things. I don’t necessarily like going But I like being invited.
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okay so the first time I read the harry potter books, my mom read them to me out loud in spanish. you know the part where harry puts the snitch Dumbledore left him in his mouth to reveal the words “I open at the close?” well, I remember being SO confused because the spanish translation of “I open at the close” in the books is “me abro al cierre.” Makes sense, right? Well I, a certified dumbass, thought my mom was saying “me abro EL cierre.” which is all fine and dandy except this roughly translates to “I unzip my pants” which is definitely not the same thing
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I’m a total sucker for fics where Harry is dark and gets sorted into Slytherin, but I’m also really disappointed with how Ron and Hermione are treated in them
So: dark au where the trio is sorted into Slytherin
Hermione, who wants to use knowledge to change the world
Ron, who wants to finally be free of his family’s shadow
Harry, who wants to be great, to be admired, to be free
The teachers adore quick, clever Granger, but Severus worries when he sees the way she eyes the restricted section, how her mind is filled with deadly recipes and the ways to use them
The purebloods learn not to badmouth the halfbloods, not to bully the muggleborns, because Hermione knows forbidden magic, Hermione knows the untraceable poisons and the painful curses-and Hermione knows how to avoid being caught
No one outside of Slytherin pays attention to Ronald Weasley, so quiet compared to his brothers, and that’s a mistake
Ron casts his first dark spell and the power takes his breath away, Ron sinks into the comfort of blood rituals and makes outlawed sacrifices to forgotten gods
Ron wonders how his family could abandon this happiness in favor of a flickering light
Harry, the chosen one, the special one, the abandoned one
Harry looks at the light, looks at the people that did nothing for him, and dives into the dark
Lockhart dies drinking poison, Snape finds the trio huddled around Peter’s body, the aurors that find Umbridge’s remains vomit, and the Wizarding World doesn’t notice
Voldemort rises and does not face an old man and a group of do gooders
Voldemort rises and faces a witch with a brilliant mind and no taste for mercy, a wizard that delights in bloodshed and manipulates people like he moves chess pieces, and the broken, bloody boy that’s won their loyalty
Voldemort falls
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Josephine’s backstory revealed! previous comics
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