zellahartdale · 11 months
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“Apparently I haven’t. When did this happen? Wait the Adonis guy?” Gabby’s eyebrows shot up, surprised considering she hadn’t heard much about him before but crazier things had happened. Especially when you were in the spotlight like she was. “I was going to keep it simple. Make some rice, stew some chicken, I know it’s summer but I could use something warm in my body right now. You can chop up the vegetables for the stew. Salad too. When am I not busy? Start chopping,” she told her as she started to get some glasses and then started on their drinks. “We finished a huge wave of graduation parties were were catering, and then wedding season hit so a lot of engagement parties and shit and then getting a lot of inspiration for my own. I think Sloan and I want to I keep it a bit more lowkey. Maybe multiple little celebrations. The idea of having this bigass wedding just seems like a lot, you know? I mean just between my family and hers we already have a pretty significant amount of people.”
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“You might be one of the only people in town. Look at this shit.” Jo pulled her phone out and tapped a few words out before turning it toward Gabby. The screen showed over 10 different publications showcasing the same photos of them kissing in the light of the moon and stage as the lake festival came to an end behind them. “So much for a chill and lowkey courtship.” She rolled her eyes, playing the part of someone who was surprised by the attention rather than the truth of someone who had helped organize it. “With you, food is never simple. Chopping I can do. I’ve been working on my knife skills I think you’ll be impressed.” Veggies were already laid out by a cutting board so Jo grabbed a knife and got to work. “Will I be invited to all of them? Or most? I guess if your moms aren’t invited I can’t expect to be invited but you know I want to celebrate you as much as I possibly can. You and Sloan are the definition of goals.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“Yeah, I can’t get enough of that shit, as you can tell by my very chill reaction.” Rob put up bare minimum effort to push Jo back, but in a way that made it obvious that they didn’t really want her to stop her assault of kisses, and the smile on their face didn’t really sell it either. “I’m ready for another round, but I can also not and just really cock tease the shit out of you. "So not subtle at all then?” Rob shifted, this time to straddle Jo’s lap, “How are you feeling about all of this though. You’re gonna have a boyfriend in the morning. Or do you already have one now since you’ve done things?”
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“I’ll never do it again,” Jo said. Her voice was softer now that she wasn’t joking around. “I promise. I am sorry.” She pressed a few long kisses along their jawline to seal the deal. “You could also not. That’s your prerogative.” Jo had every intention of dipping her hand below the waistband of their underwear until they shifted them so they were on top of her. “Exactly. Not subtle at all. We’re talking glaring at you and this other person across the room. Pulling you into closets to get you off before you go back and look at them again. That kind of thing.” Jo smiled up at them looking as angelic as she possibly could. “Technically there will be speculation about whether we are dating starting tomorrow morning. But the goal is to make it very clear that we are pretty soon which is why we have to stay under wraps starting now.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“Wowww, look who has time for me despite her many suitors.” Gabby laughed as she opened the door and then opened her arms to give Josefina a hug. She had been too busy to partake in any festivities. Between wedding planning and summer catering orders, her schedule had been full. But she was really happy with the way her life was. Which was a relief to admit to herself. “I haven’t seen you in like three days and it already feels like forever. I was just about to start cooking, you want a drink?” She ushered her best friend inside and led them towards the kitchen in the apartment she shared with Sloan. “Finally having some time off feels like a godsend.” @zella-hartdale​
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“Many suitors?” Jo scoffed and shook her head. “Haven’t you heard? I’m down to just one. I think I finally found someone who can keep up with me and give a little back.” The first mention of Jo and Adonis hit the headlines a few days ago and the pictures and rumors had only increased since then. They’d staged a meeting almost daily since their first kiss was photographed at the lake and so far things were going pretty smoothly. It was weird knowing that it wasn’t real but being unable to tell anyone, even her best friends, but that was part of the deal. “What are we cooking? I’ll be your sous and of course I want a drink. You’ve been busy, huh? Want me to make the drinks or start chopping? Fill me in.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“Okay, and if any of that changes I’m sure you’ll wait until the night before to tell me all about it.” Jo had to know at some point, Rob was going to give her shit for her execution, and Rob was going to do it often, “Well before I never had any interest in any of you being in the same room, but now I don’t know. I kind of want to see what happens when you’re fueled by jealousy.”
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“Exactly. Since now I know you love when I do that.” She pressed a line of kisses along Rob’s jaw and then finished at their lips. She was sure it wouldn’t be the last she heard of her fuck up and she was okay with that. She could take the heat when she messed up. As long as Rob wasn’t running from her she was happy. “I can show you what it’s like now if you’re ready for another round.” She teased. Her fingers dipped beneath the hem of their shirt but she just grazed them along their skin lightly. “I bet you could picture it if you tried. Think: slut for attention. But subtle. But like, subtle the way I do subtle.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“It’s cool either way, I get what you’re saying. I don’t have to be the only one right now but I don’t want to be just another either. I got confirmation that it’s not really the case, so I’m cool, for real.” Rob leaned in and kissed Jo in an effort to reassure her that they were serious and not just saying it. It would still take some adjusting to wrap their head around, but Jo seemed to really like them, and Rob really liked Jo, so that helped, “Okay, good. And since we’re being open…you brought up the fact that I see other people so I want to check in. Does that bother you?”
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“You’re definitely not just another one, babe.” Jo leaned into their kiss gladly, without hesitation. She knew it would be weird and hard in ways neither of them could predict but she was pretty sure they could get through it and to the other side relatively unscathed. “No, it doesn’t bother me. I’ve never been that traditional and I think it’s dumb to ask someone for monogamy when we only live in the same city half of the year, maybe less sometimes. You do you. I don’t necessarily want to see you all up on someone in front of me because I do get jealous but honestly, that’ll just fuel me.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“No, that’s stupid, you can call him whatever you want. I’ll get over it. Wait, so in an ironic turn of events you getting a boyfriend suddenly means that I’m the only person you’re sleeping with? Life is wild.” Rob thought out loud, gathering from everything Jo had said that the random one off hook ups would probably stop being a thing, “You too, if he turns out to be a creep or something please tell me.” Rob nodded, “I don’t think you need this but I understand the why and you’re not losing me…drama queen. And shut up, On top of everything else, I don’t want to start blushing and shit, embarrassing. You’ve already got me way too fucking open.”
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“Babe... you were basically the only person I was sleeping with before this.” She held their eye contact so they knew she wasn’t playing. With the exception of a night here and there when she was away for months, Jo spent a good chunk of her time sexting Rob. She didn’t know where they thought she had all this extra time to throw down around town. She could probably still have random one night stands wherever they were but it wouldn’t be worth the risk like Rob was. “I’ll tell you and the rest of the world, too. Nobody creeps on me and gets away with it. I love making you blush, though. Stay open with me. I won’t take it for granted and I’ll stay open with you, too.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“Donnie.” Rob, being nothing short of a brat rolled their eyes, but that was all, “Threatened, huh? Good. He should be.” Rob thought it was stupid how good it felt to have Jo cuddle into them. The arrangement seemed sus and obnoxious as fuck, but they weren’t in that world, and they weren’t completely clueless, they’d heard of PR couples before, though those things never really got confirmed as PR but now Rob was thinking there was truth to silly little rumors like that one about celebrities. “Stupid rich boy.” They muttered to themselves, despite being dummy rich themselves, “You’re trying to stroke my ego now…good.” Trying to get over themselves, Rob turned to Jo and smiled so she knew they weren’t serious, “I can commit to trying it out. I don’t like it, but I like you so… I guess we’ll see how this shit show goes.”
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“Would you prefer I keep calling him Adonis? The Grantwoods really had high hopes for that one with a name like that.” She laughed softly, shaking her head. “Yeah, he should. I told him that you’d have to know the truth and that you’re the one I’d be kissing and meaning it so he knows where he stands. I’m really sorry to put this on you.” Jo did think it would be easier when she and Donnie were in New York doing their thing far removed from Rob physically. The two of them could hack it for a few weeks, she was sure. “Stupid rich boy, yeah.” She agreed with them, snuggling in now that she knew they wouldn’t push her away. She leaned up and kissed them slowly. She wanted to show them just how sorry and grateful she was with that kiss if such a thing was possible. “If it gets too weird or makes you feel bad please tell me, okay? I don’t want to lose you over this. I need you to understand that this is a strategic career move, not a love match. If I was in a PR relationship for love I hope you know where I’d start.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
Something that Rob kept under tight lock and key was that they had a compulsion to be a people pleaser, so while they were still uneasy about things (for some reason) they were fighting themselves pretty hard to not just give in and tell Jo everything was cool unless they were really in a place where they wanted to involve themselves in an arrange such as this one. “Ah so I’m too much of a nobody, got it.” They rolled their eyes, “That was bitchy, I’m sorry. Look I need 2 things right now. My phone.” They said while they grabbed it from the nightstand, “And your dumb, stupid soft hand.” With their free hand, Rob reached out to take the hand Jo advanced towards them earlier that had not gone unnoticed. They opened instagram and searched Adnois Grantwood, “I hope his dick is small and his stroke game beyond mid.”
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Jo opened her mouth to protest but Rob got there first. “You’re not a nobody, Rob. You’re a big enough somebody that I had to tell Donnie about you. He got threatened seeing us together, you know. We were giving off so much raw sexual energy he thought it would risk our plan.” Jo let a tentative smile spread on her lips as she laced her fingers with theirs. Once she realized what they were doing, Jo moved toward them again and lifted their arm so she could snuggle in. “I’ll never find out about his stroke game, babe. And I have no interest in ever finding out the size of his dick. He and I will be friends at best. If it helps at all, I know for a fact your stroke game is better by miles.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“No, I didnt’ say no is the answer, but I’m kind of annoyed with you and I’m still wrapping my head around this okay. Me seeing other people is beyond irrelevant right now, dude. Like how fake is fake? What am I gonna see tomorrow?” They huffed and sighed, and and ran their hands through their hair more than once while they mulled over the situation in their mind, “How long have you known you were going to do this? Why do you need to fake date someone anyway? Just do it with me if you need people to think you’re in a relationship.”
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“Okay, that’s fair.” Jo quickly put her hands up in apology and shut up so they could speak their mind. “It’s fake for us because it’s all business. But the rest of the world needs to think it’s real. So tomorrow you’ll see us flirting and kissing if it goes to plan. And then there will probably be a little bit of speculation for a few weeks and then we’ll kick it up to holding hands and dates and all the PDA that I don’t really want to do anyway. We have to sell it or it’ll make us look pathetic which is the opposite of the goal.” Jo reached for their hand but stopped halfway there because she wasn’t sure how welcome that would be in the moment. “Our team was working out the details and we got looped in a few weeks ago. When I was doing that shoot in LA. When I got to Rosewood last week I just wanted to enjoy the time we had together. I’m sorry I didn’t prep you for it sooner. The whole point of the fake relationship is that it’s two kind of known people boosting each other. It had to be someone kind of famous already. If you and I are ever dating I’d want it to be for real. Not for cameras.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“Hmm…so I can keep fucking you behind closed doors, but out in public I can’t so much as touch you. Okay with it? Of course, I mean isn’t it everyone’s dream to relive their closet case days once their adults. And this is just a fun little spin so how could I not be okay with it.” The sarcasm dripped from Rob’s lips with every word so there was no mistaking her true thoughts on the ask, “Why are you just telling me now, Jo? Springing this on me when you hard launch a relationship with a guy named Adonis of all fucking things in literal fucking hours.”
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“So no, is the answer.” She deadpanned, nodding. “I’m not asking you to go back in the closet, Rob. Like you said, we’re open. I know you’re seeing other people. I want to keep seeing you but yeah, we can’t be physical in public together until we break up. It probably won’t last more than a few months and I’ll be in New York for most of it. It’s not that different than what we’re already doing, is it? Really? I don’t know, I wanted to have a good day with you before something like this happened. I didn’t know how you’d take it and I just couldn’t find a good time. And I realize this is also a bad time, okay? How am I supposed to roll something like this out in a way that doesn’t suck?”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
Rob took a pause, assuming Jo would follow things up with she was joking or something to that effect, but nope, she kept explaining further and giving her more details, that made sense but at the same time didn’t. “Are you telling me that you have a fake boyfriend and because of your fake boyfriend we can’t see each other anymore?” They asked, sitting up in the bed, not quite sure how they were feeling just yet, but it wasn’t leaning towards anything good so far.
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Jo sat up with them, keeping the sheet pulled around her as she was feeling a little more vulnerable now. “No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. Well, the fake boyfriend is what I’m saying. I want to keep seeing you if you want to keep seeing me. I just have to double down on the no PDA thing. And it applies to the little things, too. Like holding hands and stuff. I know that’s not ideal but it’s part of the deal. Temporarily. Is that something you think you could be okay with?”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
“Yeah, well not sos much putting into question if you are a goddess but more if I want to let you in on the fact that I see you as one. You might fuck around and take advantage of my adoration and I can’t have that happening. They assumed new friend was code for someone else Jo was hooking up with, which was for Rob one of those things that was understood but didn’t need to be spoken about in any real detail. "You really don’–” They were a little confused about why Jo was laying things out the way she was, “What is it then?” They asked, trying to understand better, “We’re open so you don’t have to tell me who else you’re hooking up with, Jo.”
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“More than I already take advantage of it? I would never use my power for evil, if that’s what you’re worried about.” She pressed a kiss to their shoulder. The reminder wasn’t necessary. Jo wasn’t under any assumptions that Rob was celibate and waiting around for her to visit when she wasn’t in Rosewood. “That’s the thing, right? I’m not actually hooking up with anyone. I mean, in general I’m not. I’ve had one night stands and flings but you’re the most constant-- anyway, that’s not even the point. You’re going to start seeing pictures of me and Adonis Grantwood together a lot starting tomorrow, probably. Our PR team thought it would boost our careers if we started dating and it’s just for cameras, nothing real, but it might blow up and be everywhere. And, I have to sell it that we’re together. So I can’t act like we did in the lake in public with you until this is over. If it takes off like we think it might, there will be cameras all over me and speculating my every interaction. I’ll just have to be really careful with how I act in public. Namely with you because I actually want to kiss you all the time.”
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zellahartdale · 11 months
After a small salute Rob got up and out of bed, grabbing their underwear on the way out and putting them back on and later their shirt that had been discarded in the living room. They came back with two glasses in hand and passed one to Jo, “Coming from a literal model and maybe a literal goddess, I’m gonna take that and say thank you, baby.” After drinking about half the glass, Rob put it down on Jo’s nightstand and settled back into bed. “Yeah, it was fun. Ran into the usual suspects, what about you?” They asked as they dragged their fingernails up and down the arm draped over their torso.
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“Jury’s still out on the goddess thing? I think I’ve got some undeniable power, don’t you?” Jo continued to watch them with an easy smile until they were too close and she could wrap herself up in them again. She hadn’t bothered to get dressed again so she pulled the covers over her body as it cooled down. “Yeah, it was fun. I hung out with a new friend for a lot of it.” She knew she couldn’t avoid the conversation that they needed to have for much longer. She wished they could stay in this bubble forever. Unfortunately, they would wake up and Jo would be in the news kissing Donnie if all went according to plan. She had to say something before Rob saw it and made their own assumptions. “Actually, I should probably tell you about that friend. You might see me with him on some gossip sites tomorrow but it’s not what it looks like.” She already hated how she was starting this conversation but she had no idea how to approach it that wouldn’t suck.
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zellahartdale · 11 months
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Jo was feeling that full-body relief like she only could after what they’d just done together. Rob was especially good at making her feel good like that. She laid sprawled on the bed and pulled them up to her for a lazy kiss. “Yes, please. Thank you.” She grinned as she watched them walk out of her room and was still smiling like an idiot when they walked back in. “You’re so fucking hot, Rob.” She took a long gulp of cool water and then turned to lay on her stomach with her arm tossed over therm. “Did you have a good time with the rest of your night?”
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