zodiac-sines · 4 years
venus + and -
venus in aries
+: active approach to connecting, knows how to instantly link with strangers, above-board about affection; believes we’re all brothers and sisters; tells it like it is, takes the initiative in sex and in love, exciting, independent, warm, passionate, demonstrative, gives love openheartedly
-: bores easily, rides roughshod over subtleties, naive, too idealistic, impulsive, comes on too strong, sees love as a contest, lacks ability to express tenderness or romance, selfish, impatient, emotionally immature, wears themselves and their lovers out with their fiery intensity, lacks stability
venus in taurus
+: sensual, tactile, loyal, decadent, loves beauty, has innate good taste, often dresses well, affectionate, emotionally vibrant, romantic, intuitive, graceful, loves nature, knows how to please their partner physically, believes in love, generous to a fault, steadfast and true
-: boring, stingy with resources and with love, possessive, jealous, territorial, lazy, only appreciates what they can see and touch, wants constant companionship, feeling > thinking, less than understanding of their lover’s shortcomings, cloying, demanding
venus in gemini
+: verbally charming, witty, has a way with words, light and effervescent, artistic, complex, outgoing, curious, warmly expressive, loves to communicate, reinvents themselves, enjoys intelligent people, aesthetically gifted, fun, lively, experiments with possibility, free spirits, intriguing, flirty, loves variety, open to all the possibilities of life, others often find them very attractive
-: flighty, bores easily, noncommittal, evasive, disloyal, shallow, faddish, relationships are often impermanent, changeable in relationships, romantic attractions are often sudden and causal, often feels stifled and restless, promiscuous, thinks too much, talks that talk but doesn’t act on it, hates to feel bonded to something or someone, not fond of emotions/emotional scenes, flesh and blood often falls short of their ideals
venus in cancer
+: gentle, generous, caring, loving, sympathetic, devoted to their loved ones, nurturing, compassionate, artistic, romantically idealistic, vividly imaginative, emotionally strong, loyal, attentive, warm, domestically gifted, supportive, sincere, wants the best for their lovers, good business sense
-: insecure, allows loved ones to take advantage, clingy, needy, undisciplined, too sensitive, mawkishly dependent, susceptible to flattery, possessive, shy, excessively emotional, takes things for granted, bad at communication, emotionally blackmails their loved ones, unrealistic expectations of their lover, codependent, manipulative, controlling, secretive, often tries too hard to create the type of environment from which their partners dare not leave
venus in leo
+: warm-hearted, fun-loving, romantic, heartfelt, playful, courtly, surprisingly sensitive, makes grand gestures of affection, often sets standards of beauty and fashion, generous, exciting, ardent, loves others as they love themselves, likeable and friendly, stylish, makes others proud to be with you, desirous and has a healthy sexual appetite, colourful
-: very selfish, dramatic, love standards are often too high and this placement looks down on those who don’t meet them, too preoccupied with appearances, too prideful, sulks childishly when they feel unappreciated, ostentatious, uses others to bolster their own self-image and ego, self-serving, domineering, overindulgent, bossy, honest yet calculated
venus in virgo
+: neat, conscientious, dependable, has high standards for their love and won’t settle, patient, will talk about how to resolve issues in their relationships, helpful, often extremely romantic, creative in love, kind-hearted
-: highly strung, too practical, overcautious, overanaylzes emotions and relationships, nothing is ever good enough for them, inhibited, covers up their many insecurities and inadequacies in love by being hypercritical of their lover, too self-conscious and neurotic
venus in libra
+: charming, polite, socially skilled, loves the concept and reality of love, promotes peace and harmony, aesthetically gifted, gracious, good-natured, often conventionally attractive, a friend to all, diplomatic, tactful, refined, doesn’t hold grudges, sophisticated, thinks the best of everyone whether they deserve it or not, can’t love someone they don’t respect, emotionally direct
-: fake, too nice, often goes along to get along, their relationships lack substance and depth, tries too hard to be liked and perfect, often quite contrived, terribly vain and will hate when old age takes away their looks, lacks integrity, easily hurt, superficial, can’t handle honest displays of emotion, insincere, social climbers
venus in scorpio
+: dynamic, sexy, desires orgiastic merging with another, expresses their sexuality like no one else, believes in transformation when it comes to love and relationships, their love is deep, seductive, magnetic, believes that nothing of value comes easy, not afraid of the darkness of life or the soul
-: obsessive, jealous, territorial, volatile, suspicious to the point of paranoia, touchy, becomes so intertwined in their lover that they can’t tell their emotions from their lover, vengeful, unforgiving, self-frustration, destructive, too intense, domineering, controlling, manipulative, takes love too personally and seriously, bitter, has no sense of humour
venus in sagittarius
+: generous, intentions are good, exciting, rapturous, adventurous, light-hearted, demonstrative, honest, open, wild yet ethical, has a natural and healthy appetite for sex, friendly, outgoing, loves to laugh, funny, needs spontaneity, dares to feel, is unafraid of love and will push the boundaries of race, religion and class in order to find their true love
-: tends to love the unattainable, lacks perspective, may be a bit wanton, immodest, impersonal, wants their lover to behave in the upright manner that they feel they themselves ought to but fail to, needs game-playing more than a relationship, is as anxious for a stable relationship as anyone else but they want to be the one to stabilize it
venus in capricorn
+: strives to make their loved ones happy and secure, controls their desires very well, steadfast, creative, responsible, patient when it comes to building a relationship, offers unconditional support to their loved ones, devoted, deeply emotional but controls it well, enduring, trustworthy, has a slow-simmering sexuality
-: emotionally cold, opportunistic and calculating in love and relationships, repressed, fearful, selfish, tremendously insecure, relationships are based on what someone could do for them, self-abnegating, their ability to love is hidden by a self-protective wall, judgmental
venus in aquarius
+: believes in fairness and equality, believes in universal love, can’t stand jealousy or possessiveness, independent, open-minded, unusual, easily bored, objective, friendly, needs excitement and experimentation, stimulating, needs a relationship based on friendship, often one-of-a-kind, sensuous but not sensual, excellent as friends
-: fears getting too close to people, cool, distant, impersonal, a bit outlandish, affections are often unstable, sexual habits are often eccentric, has stubborn emotional attitudes, too idealistic, spreads their love around, generalities > specifics, may be superficially attracted to beauty
venus in pisces
+: loves unconditionally, sensitive, unselfish, accepts their lover as they are for better or worse and doesn’t hold it against them, affectionate, helping others makes them feel better about themselves, understanding, has a wonderful sense of fantasy, romantic, can be compassionate
-: sentimental, maudlin, suffers from a martyr complex, insecure, expects their lovers to read their mind, too fanciful and is unrealistic about their relationships, naive, easily trusting, often refuses to see the ugly truths in front of their face, escapist, deceptive
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zodiac-sines · 4 years
Fact: Venus is never more than 2 signs from the sun. Your venus sign is either one of the two signs before your sun sign, one of the two signs after your sun sign, or the same sign. There are 60 sun x venus combos. Here they are:
i’m a/an...
ARIES ☀️ w/ a
aquarius venus: the calm & confident aries
pisces venus: the smooth & soothing aries
aries venus: the fervent & enthusiastic aries
taurus venus: the affectionate & prudent aries
gemini venus: the light hearted & aware aries
TAURUS ☀️ w/ a
pisces venus: the dependent & loyal taurus
aries venus: the powerful & fulfilling taurus
taurus venus: the loving & alluring taurus
gemini venus: the intellectual & charming taurus
cancer venus: the friendly & emotional taurus
GEMINI ☀️ w/ a
aries venus: the lively & adventurous gemini
taurus venus: the rational & loyal gemini
gemini venus: the fun loving & introspective gemini
cancer venus: the providing & kind gemini
leo venus: the rewarding & lavish gemini
CANCER ☀️ w/ a
taurus venus: the faithful & generous cancer
gemini venus: the relaxed & open cancer
cancer venus: the familiar & sweet cancer
leo venus: the extroverted & exuberant cancer
virgo venus: the direct & introverted cancer
LEO ☀️ w/ a
gemini venus: the flirty & progressive leo
cancer venus: the appreciative & secure leo
leo venus: the dramatic & encouraging leo
virgo venus: the communicative & stimulating leo
libra venus: the easy going & artsy leo
VIRGO ☀️ w/ a
cancer venus: the considerate & reserved virgo
leo venus: the enjoyable & organized virgo
virgo venus: the modest & prospecting virgo
libra venus: the suave & friendly virgo
scorpio venus: the intimidating & private virgo
LIBRA ☀️ w/ a
leo venus: the selfless & empathetic libra
virgo venus: the strict & practical libra
libra venus: the careless & theatrical libra
scorpio venus: the mysterious & possessive libra
sagittarius venus: the rational & compassionate libra
SCORPIO ☀️ w/ a
virgo venus: the thoughtful & precise scorpio
libra venus: the colorful & warm scorpio
scorpio venus: the faithful & imaginative scorpio
sagittarius venus: the independent & carefree scorpio
capricorn venus: the motivated & stable scorpio
libra venus: the philosophical & conscious sagittarius
scorpio venus: the intuitive & trusting sagittarius
sagittarius venus: the idealistic & hopeful sagittarius
capricorn venus: the earnest & grounded sagittarius
aquarius venus: the hyper & energetic sagittarius
scorpio venus: the evasive & emotionally driven capricorn
sagittarius venus: the free & passionate capricorn
capricorn venus: the wise & pragmatic capricorn
aquarius venus: the simple & delighted capricorn
pisces venus: the sensitive & doting capricorn
AQUARIUS ☀️ w/ a
sagittarius venus: the lustful & experiential aquarius
capricorn venus: the calculated & rational aquarius
aquarius venus: the youthful & clever aquarius
pisces venus: the sympathetic & inspired aquarius
aries venus: the heartfelt and honest aquarius
PISCES ☀️ w/ a
capricorn venus: the intelligent & subtle pisces
aquarius venus: the ecstatic & worldly pisces
pisces venus: the gentle & optimistic pisces
aries venus: the fiery & intense pisces
taurus venus: the steady & creative pisces
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zodiac-sines · 4 years
I’ve always felt my sun sign seeks to protect my moon and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me. Our sun is our ego and in order to preserve it, we have to protect what’s underneath: our emotional landscapes/most vulnerable point (moons). I hope this post resonates.
~ MOON ~
Can check 12th house as well.
“I’m afraid of...”
Aries moon: being degraded/made to feel weak
Taurus moon: being left/alone
Gemini moon: being controlled/manipulated
Cancer moon: being unloved/uncared for
Leo moon: being forgotten/unwanted
Virgo moon: losing control/feeling weak
Libra moon: being unwanted/unliked
Scorpio moon: being betrayed/abandoned
Sagittarius moon: commitment/vulnerability
Capricorn moon: failure/feeling shame
Aquarius moon: being controlled/loss of emotional control
Pisces moon: the future/reality
~ SUN ~
Can check rising as well.
“I hide this fear by...”
Aries sun: being aggressive and overly confrontational
Taurus sun: being stubborn and dismissive of what I don’t agree with
Gemini sun: being vague and not forthright with my intentions/thoughts
Cancer sun: being reactionary and making others feel sorry for me
Leo sun: portraying myself as an ideal and pretending I’m not heavily affected by others’ opinions
Virgo sun: being critical of others and portraying the idea I have everything together all the time
Libra sun: being judgmental and passive aggressive
Scorpio sun: putting pressure on others and being intentionally hard to read
Sagittarius sun: avoiding difficult discussions and hyper focusing on the “fun” parts of life
Capricorn sun: burying myself in my work/duties, portraying the idea I have everything together all the time
Aquarius sun: avoiding emotional topics and maintaining a distance between myself and others
Pisces sun: avoiding my responsibilities, hiding in my comfort zone
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zodiac-sines · 4 years
Bad Moon
Addictions, insecurities, habits, and the unconscious side of the personality – May I present to you the negative aspects of the Moon in the signs:
Aries: the Firestarter; loud, bossy behavior looks for a battleground to defend against boredom and personal attacks on the ego; short-lived and short-tempered feelings and impulses cause emotional volatility and childish tantrums; addicted to action and anarchy.
Taurus: the Sensualist; resistant to force or change, the slothful temperament, with sedentary and stubborn feelings, is unable to forgive or see impartially; gluttonous appetite desires constant comfort resulting in snobbish and bratty behavior; addicted to indulgence and the familiar.
Gemini: the Busybody; feelings are imitated and analyzed, and prying curiosity looks for trouble and disorder to soothe inner restlessness; moody mischief maker with an inability to connect deeply due to extreme shallowness; addicted to questions and commotion.
Cancer: the Grudge; lack of boundaries and objectivity, and inability to let go of antique injuries leads to sulking, accusing, and doubting behaviors; clinging dependency and subtle manipulation stemming from fear of abandonment result in irrationality; addicted to the past and pity.
Leo: the Autocrat; haughty temperament vulnerable to rejection and criticism demands obedience and attention from others; excessively self-serving and inconsiderate, emotional displays and reactions are over-the-top and intended to draw a crowd; addicted to theatrics and threats.
Virgo: the Skeptic; feelings are sterilized with cold, critical judgement and stringent handling to avoid the spread of infectious mysticism and foolishness; suspended affections and harbored hatreds build and cause anxiety, hairsplitting and complaining; addicted to routine and practicality.
Libra: the Politician; preoccupied with unattainable perfection, the fear of being disliked or considered unfair or ugly force artificial reactions and passive aggressive behaviors; emotional indecisiveness and uncertainty results in multiple mood swings; addicted to idealism and partnerships.
Scorpio: the Sadist; vulnerability and unmentionable motivations are fanatically concealed in attempts to keep jealousy, bitterness, and a fear of betrayal secret; obsessively searches for ways to test strength through emotional manipulation and pain-inflicting challenges; addicted to payback and power.
Sagittarius: The Maniac; fugitive from restriction and monotony, runs wildly from the gravity of reality to the falsehoods of fiction; unequipped to handle sincerity and consistency which results in the inability to ground down and take things seriously; addicted to risk and popularity.  
Capricorn: the Control Freak; inner core is guarded by rigid routines and restraint which hardens the view of self, forcing deep self-doubt and distrust of modernization; will attempt to unscrupulously manage and control the emotions; addicted to suspicion and structure.
Aquarius: The Nuclear Bomb; feelings are ignored and blocked by the brain until logic and equanimity spontaneously split from consciousness, resulting in a cataclysmic and unexpected release of emotions; thermonuclear implosion of immaturity that directly opposes civilized composure; addicted to absent-mindedness and analysis.
Pisces: the Masochistic Martyr; self-sabotage and suffering act as anesthesia to limit the experience of pain in hopes of numbing the senses and calming nerves; evasion and deception of self & others are used to avoid responsibility and reality; addicted to fantasy and escapism.
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zodiac-sines · 5 years
What the signs don't tell you (sun or moon)
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zodiac-sines · 5 years
The Signs Expressing Affection
*check venus signs* Aries: takes you on adventures, challenges you, shows you off, protects you, tries hard to impress you, flirts and plays around with you, always strives to keep things exciting, seeks your attention and recognition
Taurus: shares their belongings, cooks for you, buys you things you want, invites you to concerts, museums, or for a day at the park or beach, gives physical affection, always wants to be around you
Gemini: listens to you, talks with you about anything and everything, laughs at all your jokes, plans dates and adventures with you, writes poems and writings about you, shares their deepest thoughts and ideas with you
Cancer: acts shy around you at first, looks at you like you’re a dream come true, nurtures and cares for you, brings up sentimental memories, opens up about their past to you, invites you to watch movies and shows with them, cooks for you
Leo: treats you like royalty, shows off their charm and talents when around you, encourages your self-esteem and self-expression, makes you their main focus, lets you know exactly how they feel, public displays of affection
Virgo: supports your goals to achieve, plans and organizes their future with you, checks on you frequently, cleans themselves up more around you, is the first to let you know when you’re doing wrong, works hard to keep the relationship balanced and healthy
Libra: changes their mannerisms and style to fit your aesthetic, gives you all the attention, admires your beauty and appeal, tries hard to keep their appearance up to par, acts flirty and alluring around you
Scorpio: gives you an obsessive amount of attention, does what you ask of them, publicly acts relatively normal but in private acts extremely intimate and passionate with you, expresses their passion physically, may be distant at first but watch for their smirks and gazes
Sagittarius: tries to be more humorous around you to make you laugh, surprises you with dates and gifts, is open and honest with you, always tries to keep things fun, has deep conversations with you
Capricorn: works hard for your attention, gives you anything you want that they can offer, remains devoted and loyal to you, follows your demands, expresses emotions and inner thoughts to you
Aquarius: settles down for you, adores your individuality, makes you feel special, talks to you about their feelings, supports your beliefs and opinions, shows you off on social media, has deep, intellectual conversations with you
Pisces: is vulnerable and open around you, may be shy and not the first to admit it, gives you sentimental and romantic gifts, always knows how you’re feeling, their romantic feelings towards you are pretty obvious, creates fantasies about you, listens to your every word, idealizes you
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zodiac-sines · 5 years
moon signs in love
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zodiac-sines · 5 years
The Signs Expressing Affection
*check venus signs* Aries: takes you on adventures, challenges you, shows you off, protects you, tries hard to impress you, flirts and plays around with you, always strives to keep things exciting, seeks your attention and recognition
Taurus: shares their belongings, cooks for you, buys you things you want, invites you to concerts, museums, or for a day at the park or beach, gives physical affection, always wants to be around you
Gemini: listens to you, talks with you about anything and everything, laughs at all your jokes, plans dates and adventures with you, writes poems and writings about you, shares their deepest thoughts and ideas with you
Cancer: acts shy around you at first, looks at you like you’re a dream come true, nurtures and cares for you, brings up sentimental memories, opens up about their past to you, invites you to watch movies and shows with them, cooks for you
Leo: treats you like royalty, shows off their charm and talents when around you, encourages your self-esteem and self-expression, makes you their main focus, lets you know exactly how they feel, public displays of affection
Virgo: supports your goals to achieve, plans and organizes their future with you, checks on you frequently, cleans themselves up more around you, is the first to let you know when you’re doing wrong, works hard to keep the relationship balanced and healthy
Libra: changes their mannerisms and style to fit your aesthetic, gives you all the attention, admires your beauty and appeal, tries hard to keep their appearance up to par, acts flirty and alluring around you
Scorpio: gives you an obsessive amount of attention, does what you ask of them, publicly acts relatively normal but in private acts extremely intimate and passionate with you, expresses their passion physically, may be distant at first but watch for their smirks and gazes
Sagittarius: tries to be more humorous around you to make you laugh, surprises you with dates and gifts, is open and honest with you, always tries to keep things fun, has deep conversations with you
Capricorn: works hard for your attention, gives you anything you want that they can offer, remains devoted and loyal to you, follows your demands, expresses emotions and inner thoughts to you
Aquarius: settles down for you, adores your individuality, makes you feel special, talks to you about their feelings, supports your beliefs and opinions, shows you off on social media, has deep, intellectual conversations with you
Pisces: is vulnerable and open around you, may be shy and not the first to admit it, gives you sentimental and romantic gifts, always knows how you’re feeling, their romantic feelings towards you are pretty obvious, creates fantasies about you, listens to your every word, idealizes you
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zodiac-sines · 5 years
One taught me love: Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Pisces
One taught me patience: Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius
One taught me pain: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio
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zodiac-sines · 6 years
the signs as fairies
Aries: adorns herself in red silk with shimmering wings the color of fire. can be found in environments with fire or heat, like volcanoes. is immune to the heat. can manipulate and create fire and spends her days playing with phoenixes and friends she creates out of burning embers. usually has swirling gold tattoos.
Taurus: a gentle fairy who can be found in forests. she spends her time playing with forest animals and making flower chains. she wears clothes made out of pieces of cloth she finds and always has some type of flower in her hair. her wings are soft as a feather, translucent and give off a golden glow. she can talk to animals, and she attracts them wherever she goes.
Gemini: the ultimate trickster. very petite, with razor sharp blue wings. she almost always wears a hat that covers her dark tresses. she wears a short dress with high boots. she is never without her staff. covered in her trinkets, her staff is her main tool to help her practice voodoo. other fairies come to her for potions and spells, but beware, she will turn on you if it benefits her.
Cancer: can most often be found in water. everything about her is silvery blue, from her skin to her hair to her eyes. she looks like she is made of moonlight. she only comes out at night, to sing songs to the moon. her wings are made of millions of tiny water droplets, but she rarely shows them. she can craft moonlight into beautiful pieces of art.
Leo: if you ever manage to get a glimpse of this fairy, the first thing you’ll notice about her is her hair. her thick red curls spiral out everywhere. considering wings are sacred to this type of fairy, it’s no surprise that hers are extravagant. like the wings of a monarch butterfly, her wings are especially strong, even though they look especially fragile. her clothes are made out of autumn leaves she finds in the woods where she lives. she usually has leaves decorating her hair. her favorite pastime is playing with the butterflies she shares her home with.
Virgo: like Leo, this fairy has wings like a butterfly, but hers are shades of deep blue and rich green. she looks delicate, but will defend her home fiercely. she wears clothes she creates from natural materials, and will typically have flowers in her hair. she spends her days protecting her home from humans and predators alike.
Libra: this dainty fairy spends her time high in the clouds. wears clothes made of pure white feathers and clouds. though she doesn’t have wings, she has a naturally ability to control air, and uses that to her advantage. she is an amazing dancer and spends her time dancing in the clouds to beautiful music only she can hear. 
Scorpio: the rumors surrounding this fairy are plenty. with her swirling black tattoos, dark hair, and leathery, deep purple and blue wings, she intimidates most who venture into her home, which is how she likes it. skilled in the most ancient magic, she spends her days making potions for those willing to pay the price. 
Sagittarius: perhaps the most daring fairy, her favorite pastime is to give humans glimpses of her, but she never shows her face. she only comes out when the leaves are changing colors. she wears a dress spun from pure gold, with a beautiful crown made out of golden feathers. her wings look like feathers but are actually very sharp, and are also gold. her favorite trick is, once you get a glimpse of her, she hides herself among the leaves until you go mad looking for her.
Capricorn: no human has ever gotten a look at this fairy, who is always found in cold environments. cold as ice, she’s as small as the snowflakes she crafts. her crystallized wings are more beautiful than any snowflake, and she wears a dress and jewelry crafted out of pure ice. her silver hair matches the color of her eyes. 
Aquarius: one of the rarest fairies, every part of her is silver, except her fragile, translucent wings. she only comes out during a full moon and is found in quiet, moonlit forests. she wears a dress made out of silvery moonlight. her favorite accessory is a crown made out of moonflowers. 
Pisces: this fairy frequents vast meadows, looking for a flower to make her home in. she makes her beautiful dresses out of stray flower petals she finds. her huge, butterfly-like wings are as big as she is. her most prized possession is her wooden flute, which she can use to call animals to her.
based off of this post
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zodiac-sines · 6 years
love styles
use sun, moon, and Venus.
a psychologist created this concept of love styles that includes: agape, eros, storge, manic, ludic, and pragma. 
agape. being selfless in love. it is wanting to suffer before ever seeing your lover suffer. it is bending yourself and sacrificing for the sake of your partner. cancer and pisces.
eros. the passionate love. it needs physical intimacy and needs it quickly, it craves falling in love, and the rush of stereotypical romance. aries, taurus, leo, libra, scorpio
storge. friendship-based love. it is stability and common interests binding two people and love evolving from there. virgo, capricorn, aquarius
manic. possessive and dependent love. it is needing to know everything your partner is doing and needing them in order to feel happy, while willing to be everything for them. aries, taurus, cancer, leo, scorpio
ludic. casual love. it is love comes and goes and should be shared. it is not wanting to be tied down, wanting to have fun, and wanting to experience it with many people as possible. gemini and sagittarius 
pragma. practical love. it is check list love, love as a choice. it is if someone truly better comes along, i leave. taurus, virgo, libra, capricorn, aquarius 
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zodiac-sines · 6 years
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my- 
Aries: ability to make last-minute plans when a sudden urge to go out pops up, and my lack of patience for people who can’t decide where to go
Taurus: secret sensitivity under a tough layer of unflappability, and inability to focus on anything else when i’m in a bad mood 
Gemini: habit of distracting myself with random things that catch my eye, but demanding your attention nonetheless
Cancer: unexpected lashing out when i’m tired or stressed, then 1 hour later, my constant apologies to know if we’re still okay 
Leo: need for our relationship to be a whirlwind romance full of sweeping moments, love confessions and emotional rollercoasters
Virgo: need to be alone after minor work failures and also an intense desire for you to distract me from the pressing daily issues that haunt me
Libra: ability to spend a discretionary fund on vanity products and clothing within 30 minutes as a distraction from personal, deep-rooted issues
Scorpio: “you’ll never see me cry” mentality coupled with an expectation that you, too, would kill for our love, like I would
Sagittarius: reluctance to rely on you for anything and extreme discomfort when talking about deeper emotions
Capricorn: carefully planned schedule and working routine that i will not abandon for an hour of spontaneous romance 
Aquarius: extremely friendly approach to romance because of my fear of opening up on a deeper level
Pisces: need to fully experience every human emotion ever and fluctuating emotional states depending on who’s around me 
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zodiac-sines · 6 years
Advice To Signs
Aquarius: Don’t be afraid. Don’t hold yourself back.
Pisces: Remember what reality is, don’t lose yourself to something that’s not really there.
Aries: It’s okay to let your guard down and just cry.
Taurus: You are the strongest person I know, never give up.
Gemini: Somebody loves you, and somebody cares about you.
Cancer: Sensitivity isn’t a weakness, make sure you don’t bottle up your emotions.
Leo: Sometimes your too generous, that’s why you get trodden over.
Virgo: Sometimes you’re wrong. And that’s okay.
Libra: You are wanted by someone special.
Scorpio: You don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Sagittarius: Follow your heart, but make sure your brain is with you.
Capricorn: It’s okay if your not the best at everything. Do the best you can do, that’s all anyone could ask of you.
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zodiac-sines · 6 years
The Signs & Fall Things
Aries: Cold morning grass, plucking fruit from damp branches, herbal teas in vintage cups, the first Christmas song on the radio, driving in the rain, heavy pillows, matches.
Taurus: Pilled wool blankets, broken cinnamon sticks, hot cider steam that seeps into your cheeks, decaying branches that wake in a coat of crystal frost, stargazing in the frigid air.
Gemini: Oatmeal cookies, tea light candles, thrifted sweaters, early sunsets, mismatched mugs, leaves in the pool, board games, a full moon.
Cancer: A fluffy loaf of bread, lacing your boots, a vintage thermos, gloomy lights, smoking chimneys, Pinterest recipes, flooding gutters, live music.
Leo: A burning log that falls and sends sparks into the sky as it impacts with the dirt, your first bite into a crisp apple, gingersnaps, mini pumpkins, breakfast waffles, rumbling thunder.
Virgo: Wrapping up in an oversized flannel, the first snow, stray cats in the night, hot chocolate, fallen trees, county fairs.
Libra: Collecting pinecones, warm breasted birds that procrastinate their departure, dark red leaves, classic fall movies, burning incense.
Scorpio: Picking an apple from a mound of colors, melting butter on a fresh baked muffin, wool socks, extra blankets on your bed, storm sirens.
Sagittarius: Cinnamon sprinkled in the top of your latte foam, shiny copper mugs, boot imprints in the mud, caramel sauce, rain that only dries by the fireside, hot flakey biscuits that burn the roof of your mouth.
Capricorn: Wind blowing through tall dying grasses, peanut butter cookies, the sound of migrating geese, farmers markets, harvest festivals, a breeze that blows out your candle.
Aquarius: Fog that mutes your perception, wood carved trinkets, warm donuts, hearty stews, spinning vinyl, coat buttons, dusty bookshelves, lampposts.
Pisces: Vintage ovens cooking autumnal pies, whipped cream on the tip of your nose, dogs wearing sweaters, scones, leaf piles, misty rivers.
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zodiac-sines · 6 years
Water energies- I feel I have to override any sense of softness, receptivity and fluidity just to survive. If I don’t, the world will punch holes in me. It will see a weakness and exploit me.
Earth energies- I like my lists, my plans, my sense of being prepared but then all I hear is how I am not liberated. How I should get in the flow. How we can prepare ourselves into a early grave.
Fire energies- My bluntness, my sense of being in the now, reacting as I react on the inside is called childish. “The real world won’t stand for it.”
Air energies- What is the use of all these fantasies and ideas if they cannot be built with solid blocks?
Long story short, if we listen to every piece of criticism, we won’t know who we are, what comes naturally to us and what our unique state is. 
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zodiac-sines · 6 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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zodiac-sines · 6 years
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An astrological take
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