1arkspur · 1 year
Noms de flors en català, castellà i anglès
Acabo de comprar una guia de flors de Catalunya que posa els noms en català, castellà, i anglès així que pensava que potser us interessaria i vaig decidir penjar-los aquí! // Acabo de comprar una guía de flores de Catalunya que tiene los nombres en catalán, español, e inglés así que pensaba que tal vez les interesaría a ustedes y decidí colgarlos aquí! // I just bought a guide to the flowers of Catalunya that has the names in Catalan, Spanish, and English so I thought maybe they’d interest you guys and I decided to post them here!
Nom scientífic/scientific name - nom en català - nombre en español - name in English
Cirsium arvense - calcida - cardo cundidor - creeping thistle
Galactites tomentosa - calcida blanca - cardo cuajaleches - purple milk thistle
Silybum marianum - card marià - cardo mariano - blessed thistle
Pallenis spinosa - gravit - estrellada - spiny golden star
Urtica dioica - ortiga - ortiga mayor - stinging nettle
Dipsacus fullonum - cardó - cardancha - common teasel
Parietaria judaica - parietària - albahaquilla - pellitory of the wall
Matricaria recutita - camamilla - manzanilla - (wild) chamomille
Anacyclus clavatus - panigroc - manzanilla loca - whitebuttons
Centaurea aspera - bracera - brasera - rough star-thistle
Bellis perennis - margadoida perenne - margarita - daisy
Cichorium intybus - xicoira - achicoria silvestre - chicory
Achillea millefolium - milfulles - milenrama - yarrow
Leucanthemum vulgare - margarida - margarita mayor - oxeye daisy
Inula viscosa - olivarda - hierba mosquera - sticky samphire
Calendula arvensis - boixac de camp - maravilla silvestre - field marigold
Sonchus olerachus - lletsó d'hort - cerraja - smooth sow thistle
Urospermum dalechampii - amargot - lechugilla - smooth golden fleece
Sonchus tenerrimus - lletsó - cerraja fina - slender sow thistle
Taraxacum officinale - pixallits / dent de lleó - diente de león - dandelion
Senecio inequidens - seneci del Cap - senecio del Cabo - narrow-leaved ragwort
Ornithogalum divergens - llet d'ocell - leche de pájaro - star of Bethlehem
Aphyllanthes monspeliensis - jonça - junquillo de flor azul - blue aphyllanthes
Muscari comosum - calabruixa grossa - jacinto penachudo - tassel hyacinth
Muscari neglectum - calabruixa petita - nazarenos - grape hyacinth
Dipcadi serotinum - marcet - jacinto bastardo - Dipcadi
Allium roseum - all - ajo de culebra - rosy garlic
Aspholdelus fitulosus - porrassí - gamoncillo - pink asphodel
Asphodelus cerasiferus - porrassa - gamón - branched asphodel
Anagallis arvensis - anagall - hierba coral - blue pimpernel
Antirrhinum majus - conillets - conejitos - common snapdragon
Misopates orontium - gossets - berrecilla - small snapdragon
Veronica persica - verònica pèrsica - azuletes - Persian speedwell
Convolvulus althaeoides - corretjola de serps - campanilla rosa - mallow bindweed
Convolvulus arvensis - corretjola - corregüela - field bindweed
Verbascum sinnuatum - trepó ploraner - gordolobo - wavy-leaf mullein
Verbascum pulverulentum - trepó pulverulent - gordolobo - hoary mullein
Scandix pecten-veneris - agulles - agujas de pastor - shepherd’s-needle
Foeniculum vulgare - fonoll - hinojo - fennel
Daucus carota - pastanaga - zanahoria silvestre - wild carrot / Queen Anne’s lace
Eryngium campestre - panical comú - cardo corredor - field eryngo
Conium maculatum - fonollassa - cicuta mayor - poison hemlock
Tordyllium maximum - tordili - tordilio - hartwort
Sanguisorba minor - herba de tall - pimpinela menor - salad burnet
Erodium malacoides - filamaria - relojes - soft stork’s-bill
Erodium cicutarium - cargola cicutària - aguja de pastor - common stork’s-bill
Geranium rotundifolium - suassana rotundifòlia - geranio de hoja redonda - round-leaved geranium
Geranium dissectum - gerani de fulla retallada - geranio cortado - cut-leaved crane’s-bill
Althaea hirsuta - altea hirsuta - cañamera azul - hairy marshmallow
Malva sylvestris - malva major - malva común - common mallow
Malva neglecta - malva de fulla rodona - malva enana - dwarf mallow
Hypericum perforatum - herba de Sant Joan - pericón - St. John’s wort
Himanthoglossum roberantium - bàrlia - orquídea gigante - Robert’s barlia
Sedum acre - crespinell - pampajarito - biting stonecrop
Sedum reflexum - crespinell rupestre - uvas de gata - blue stonecrop
Umbilicus rupestris - barretets - ombligo de Venus - pennywort
Plantago coronopus - cerverina - hierba cervina - buck’s-horn
Plantago lanceolata - plantatge de full estreta - llantén menor - ribwort plantain / English plantain
Diplotaxis erucoides - ravenissa blanca - rabaniza blanca - white wall rocket
Erucastrum nasturtiifolium - ravenissa groga - oruga salvaje - watercress-leaved rocket
Lobularia maritima - caps blancs - mastuerzo marítimo - sweet alyssum
Borago officinalis - borratja - borraja - borage
Capsella bursa-pastoris - sarronet de pastor - zurrón de pastor - shepherd’s purse
Cynoglossum creticum - besneula crètica - lengua de perro - blue hound’s tongue
Echium vulgare - llengua de bou - viborera - viper’s buglass
Papaver rhoeas - rosella vera - amapola - common poppy
Glaucium corniculatum - cascall banyut - adormidera cornuda - blackspot horn poppy
Fumaria capreolata - fumària enfiladissa - conejillos - white ramping fumitory
Fumaria officinalis - fumària oficinal - palomilla - fumitory
Delphinum verdunense - esperó de sembrat - espuela de caballero - larkspur
Chelidonium majus - herba d’orenetes - celidonia - greater celandine
Ranunculus arvensis - ranuncle arvense - gata rabiosa - buttercup
Nigella damascena - barba d’ermità - ajenuz - love-in-a-mist
Trifolium stellatum - trèvol estrellat - estrella - star clover
Trifolium pratense - trèvol de prat - trébol común - red clover
Bituminaria bituminosa - trèvol pudent - trébol hediondo - scurfy pea
Vicia sativa - vecera - arveja - common vetch
Vicia cracca - garlanda - alverja silvestre - cow vetch
Lathyrus clymenum - guixó articulat - arvejón - Spanish vetchling
Lathyrus aphaca - gerdell - afaca - yellow vetchling
Lotus corniculatus - lot corniculat - trébol de cuernos - common bird’s foot trefoil
Stachys ocymastrum - espinadella peluda - rabo de zorra - hairy woundwort
Calamintha nepeta - rementerola - calaminta - lesser calamint
Origanum vulgare - orenga - orégano - oregano / wild marjoram
Salvia pratensis - tàrrec de prat - salvia de prado - meadow clary
Salvia verbenaca - tàrrec comú - balsamilla - wild clary
Lamium amplexicaule - flor-robi - gallitos - henbit dead-nettle
Marrubium vulgare - malrubi - marrubio blanco - white horehound
Silene vulgaris - colís - colleja - bladder campion
Silene gallica - silene gàl·lica - carmentilla - common catchfly
Silene nocturna - silene nocturna - silene nocturna - night-flowering catchfly
Stellaria media - morró - pajarera - chickweed
Dianthus hyssopifolius - clavell de pastor - clavel de monte - fringed pink
Cerastium glomeratum - cerasti aglomerat - oreja de ratón - sticky mouse-ear
Paronychia argentea - paroniquia argentada - sanguinaria blanca - silver nailroot
Galium aparine - apegalós - amor de hortelano - cleavers
Galium verum - espunyidella groga - cuajaleche - lady’s bedstraw
Mercurialis annua - melcoratge - mercurial - annual mercury
Portulaca oleracea - verdolaga - verdolaga - (green) purslane
Euphorbia characias - lleteresa - euforbia encarnada - large Mediterranean spurge
Euphorbia helioscopa - lleterola d’hort - lecheruela - madwoman’s milk
Euphorbia serrata - lleteresa serrada - asnaballo - serrate spurge
Some of these names are a bit more official (like in English a lot of times we’ll just call it “spurge” instead of the specific type of spurge), but hopefully this helps you get an idea for what to call these plants in one (or more!) of these languages.
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1arkspur · 1 year
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Pavuchky’s gilded webs
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1arkspur · 1 year
Can someone explain something to me? How does Sapphism work? Can men be cottagecore?????? If they are cottagecore are they homosexual gay cottagecorers? How does this work
Is it bad luck to be a man and like cottagecore?????
I know men in my life, i have brothers and one dude who i call my brother but is not related i would talk to a lot and he likes cottagecore and ecology and science and stuff and he lives in England
I want to be sapphic i feel drawn to it, ykno, but i think im privileged compared to him!!! I dont know what to make of all this
Im very confounded
i might make an anonymous question
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1arkspur · 2 years
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𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘰 𝘨𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘱 + 𝘫𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘺𝘧𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨
1st Designer/Artist: Tomihiro Kono (河野富広)
2nd Designer/Artist: 𝘎𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘯𝘻𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘻
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