2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
glyphs final animation, this one already had the google colour pallet so I have kept it this way. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
I have now changed it to yellow as I think it having each animation have a main google colour would be quite fitting. So this one has become google’s yellow pallet. 
Alphabet has become blue and I have sped up the timing of some frames as the animation was initially more than 15 seconds. In the main places I have sped it up are transitions like the roboto word coming into the frame and pauses like after a new line of letters is revealed. I have kept half the animations having coloured backgrounds and half with white backgrounds as I feel it gives variety.
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Updated version of the Roboto about animation, I have looked at my works I have created so far and decided the green I used for 3/4 of my animations was not quite right. I have thought about this and decided to try and take the colour pallet of all my final animations and try them out using the google colour scheme from my glyphs animation. I chose a colour scheme mimicking googles official logo colours as a strong link the typeface has to its parent company, google. I kept the main text of the animation green but changed it to googles official green as a way to keep the connection to both the font being used on android operating systems which have a green logo and to keep the colour connection with my type specimen book. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
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While reviewing my languages frame by frame animation I noticed that when I initially created it the type in almost every frame was not correctly centered, this isn't incredibly obvious side by side but I have gone through and corrected this error.
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
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Current look of how the Languages frame by frame animation looks. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Changed the leading on the hello in different languages section so that the text with descenders does not overlap with the line of text below it. I have also gone through and made sure all text is a pale green to match the alphabet animation rather than an off white. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
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I have brought the text down to 75pt to bring it within some margins I have set up for guides for how close to the edge of the canvas text is allowed to be. 
Now that I have done that I can see I need to fix the spacing between each line to make sure it is even.
To do that I learned where the distribute vertically button was and used that to make the lines even lengths apart as they were all individual lines of text. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Plans for refining animations
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- Fix the varying speeds each time more letters are revealed to give them even timing. 
- Explore if there is something a bit more visually interesting I can do with the animation’s movement.
- Make sure the animation is definitely 15 seconds 
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- Make the text all the same light green colour as the first animation I created. 
- Tidy up the list of languages and make sure there are proper margins around the edges of the canvas 
- Correct the leading of the text as they are far too close together 
- Remove the ligature on Kamusta  - Explore if there is something a bit more visually interesting I can do with the animation’s movement. 
- Make sure the animation is definitely 15 seconds.
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
From Paper to Screen
I have had a look at some of the ways in which the scenes of this video change as they transfer into the next screen and will be putting some short analysis of these transitions below. 
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This first transition with the text sliding out to the same writing in different weights and then sliding up removing the extra lines and transitioning into another letter is particularly interesting to me. I think it does a couple things that would be interesting to incorporate into my work. the first being the way the multiple lines expand out from the first line creates a lot of visual interest, I think this could be used somewhere in my work in a place where I have a lot of similar pieces of text I want to show off. I could also take away the way in which it transitions out of the style section by sliding up over other words and then becoming a new one. I would not have thought to leave the new words its revealing fully visible under the text but it still works well. I think there could be an opportunity to explore that transition method in my about roboto video. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
I chose to create this animation on some of the glyphs Roboto has available. I wanted to especially show off its variety of glyphs for different languages. I chose to do this one in the red, blue, yellow and green colour palette of the google logo.  Storyboard 
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Here is a rough storyboard of my second video, I want to show off some of the more common glyphs Roboto supports with this one. Some of the ones I want to show larger at the end are ! ? ; : and “”
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Here is my first video created in the photoshop video timelines. I used masking to create the typing effect. The android robot at the end is meant to slide up from the bottom of the screen rather than just pop in. Going forwards I will definitely be correcting this. I feel like the sliding texts featured in the video are not quite snappy enough or timed right so I will look into how to improve those. An idea I might explore with the google logo is to have it masked and have the letters all revealed bit by bit as if they're being drawn rather than having a plain bit of text coming in and getting larger. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Video Timeline animation One
Plans: I plan to try and replicate the feel of typing and movements on a computer in the first half of the animation and then try to replicate the movements of an android device in the second half. 
To do this I may need to screen record and analyze how these movements look on computers and an android phone to work out how to break down the movements. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Week 8 SDL
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Week 8 in class
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Semester break sdl
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I need to get more familiar with photoshop and making smoother movements. IK also need to work out how to time my animations properly as they have to be 10 seconds and at the correct frame rate. 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Photoshop animations week 1
For week 1 in class we made a pair of gif animations to learn to use adobe’s timeline features 
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2022-504-sebastian · 2 years
Adobe technical use
Through this assignment I have learned quite a few new skills related to the technical use of Adobe products. 
Colour swatches were an important new tool I learned early on in the development of my type specimen book. It was fairly easy to follow along and learn how to make my own within a document in order to keep consistent colours throughout. Libraries took slightly more for me to understand but I found them incredibly useful. Once I learned how to load my swatches into libraries and where to find them across Illustrator, Indesign and Photoshop I found the use of libraries essential to my workflow as it meant I could move my colours between the different programs and keep track of them with ease. 
Accessing the Glyphs panel was another vital toll within Adobe I learned in the process of working on this assignment. This made finding particular glyphs much easier and writing in languages that varied in alphabet from English far quicker. Tables were also something I learned. I struggled with learning this for a little bit as I found editing the text within the tables hard at times and I had some difficulty finding the setting to change the colour of the grid of the table. I did eventually find the settings I was looking for and it went smoother from there. 
Creating text outlines in Indesign was also a new process to learn, this was quick and easy to learn. Learning this skill was incredibly important because it helped me understand that it was something I needed to know how to do, especially when uploading my work to places where others may not have access to the fonts I had used. 
Something I learned on my own was that pdfs that were going to be printed as imposed spreads and stapled together needed to be created in multiples of 4s for the imposed spreads to work. This was learned part way through the assignment when doing test prints. I did have a slight hiccup near the end where I had forgotten about this requirement and added 2 extra pages to my book that made it uneven. I remedied this in the end by tweaking my pages and removing a page I deemed unnecessary and condensing a spread down into one page to get to the right number of pages.
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