24-facts-news · 2 months
Elevate Your Online Presence: Top Website Design Companies in Lucknow
In today's digital landscape, a website is no longer just an online brochure; it's your digital storefront, a vital hub for attracting customers and establishing brand authority. For businesses in Lucknow, partnering with a skilled website design company can be the key to unlocking online success. These local experts can craft a website that reflects your brand identity, resonates with your target audience, and propels your online presence to new heights.
Finding the Perfect Website Design Company in Lucknow
As a digital marketing agency, Sikaria Tech understands the importance of a strong website presence. Here's a guide to help you navigate your search for the ideal website designing company in Lucknow:
Understanding Your Needs: Before reaching out to companies, clearly define your goals and target audience. What functionalities are essential for your website? What kind of design aesthetic aligns with your brand?
Portfolio Power: A strong portfolio is a window into a company's capabilities. Look for companies with websites relevant to your industry and that showcase a design style that resonates with your vision.
Service Spectrum: Ensure the company offers a comprehensive range of services to meet your specific needs. This could include web design, development, content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), and ongoing maintenance.
Communication is Key: Effective communication is paramount throughout the project. Choose a company that actively listens to your needs, fosters open communication, and keeps you informed throughout the design process.
Client Testimonials: Don't underestimate the power of client reviews! Reading online testimonials can offer valuable insights into a company's customer service, design quality, and overall project experience.
Benefits of Working with a Lucknow Website Design Company
There are numerous advantages to partnering with a website design company in Lucknow:
Local Market Knowledge: Local companies possess a deep understanding of the Lucknow market and can tailor your website to resonate with local audiences and industry trends.
Personalized Service: Smaller, local companies are more likely to provide you with personalized attention and a collaborative working relationship. This ensures your website reflects your unique brand identity and caters to your specific needs.
Stronger Relationships: Building a relationship with a local company fosters better communication and allows for ongoing support after the project's completion.
Top Website Design Companies in Lucknow
Here are a few of the leading website design companies in Lucknow, recognized for their expertise and exceptional client service:
Webvoom Pvt. Ltd.: This highly-rated company boasts a 4.60 Google rating on over 80 reviews. They offer a comprehensive range of services, including website design, development, SEO, social media marketing, and branding.
Css Founder: Renowned for their commitment to quality and innovation, Css Founder holds a perfect 5.0 Google rating on over 70 reviews. They specialize in crafting visually-stunning and user-friendly websites that are sure to impress your target audience.
SoftMaji InfoTech: This multifaceted digital agency offers website design, development, digital marketing, SEO, and graphic design services. They maintain a 4.80 Google rating on over 200 reviews and are a trusted partner for businesses seeking a holistic digital marketing strategy.
Taking the Next Step
By leveraging the tips above and exploring the exceptional website design companies in Lucknow, you're well on your way to finding the perfect partner to craft a website that fuels your online success. Remember, a well-designed website is a powerful asset that attracts new customers, strengthens your brand identity, and drives long-term growth for your Lucknow-based business.
Partner with Sikaria Tech for a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy
While Sikaria Tech doesn't directly offer website design services, we can be your one-stop shop for all your digital marketing needs. We can help you develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that leverages your new website to achieve your online marketing goals.
Let's discuss how we can help your Lucknow business reach new heights!
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Government Sets Lower Wheat Procurement Target for 2024-25 Season
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The Indian government has set a conservative target of procuring 30-32 million tonnes of wheat for the upcoming 2024-25 rabi marketing season, which begins in April 2024. This target comes despite expectations of a record wheat harvest of 114-115 million tonnes in the ongoing 2023-24 crop year (July-June).
Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Target: 30-32 million tonnes of wheat procurement for 2024-25 season
Expected harvest: 114-115 million tonnes for 2023-24 crop year
Reasoning behind lower target: While not explicitly stated, it could be due to factors like:
Sufficient stockpiles from previous harvests
Focus on promoting open market sales and reducing government storage costs
Uncertainty in global market conditions
It's important to note that this is just a target, and the actual amount of wheat procured may vary depending on several factors, including:
Market conditions: If open market prices are higher than the government's Minimum Support Price (MSP), farmers may be less inclined to sell to government agencies.
Weather conditions: Any unforeseen weather events impacting the upcoming harvest could necessitate adjustments to the procurement target.
Government policies: The government may decide to revise the target based on the evolving situation and its food security requirements.
This development has generated various reactions:
Farmers: Some farmer organizations have expressed concerns that the lower target might affect their income.
Market analysts: Some analysts believe the lower target is a prudent move to manage storage costs and encourage private participation in the wheat market.
Overall, the lower wheat procurement target set by the government for the 2024-25 season reflects a cautious approach considering the current and anticipated market conditions. The actual procurement outcome will depend on various factors that will unfold in the coming months.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Reliance Industries Eyes Major Expansion: Bringing Primark to India
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Retail giant Reliance Industries is reportedly in discussions to bring the popular British fashion retailer, Primark, to India. This move would be a monumental shift in the Indian retail landscape, offering consumers access to Primark’s well-known affordable and trendy clothing options.
Why Primark?
Primark has gained a massive following worldwide for its fast-fashion model, providing the latest styles at incredibly low prices. Its entry into India would cater to the country’s large and fashion-conscious youth population seeking on-trend clothing without breaking the bank.
Reliance’s Strategic Advantage
Reliance Industries, already a dominant player in Indian retail, possesses the extensive infrastructure and expertise to successfully launch and operate Primark stores across the country. This partnership could prove highly beneficial for both companies.
Potential Impact
Primark’s arrival in India is likely to shake up the existing fashion retail market. Domestic brands and international competitors may need to re-evaluate their pricing and style offerings to stay competitive.
Stay Tuned
While the deal is still reportedly under negotiation, the prospect of Primark entering the Indian market has generated considerable excitement among shoppers. Keep an eye on news outlets for further developments on this potential game-changer in the Indian retail industry.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Setting an Influencer Marketing Budget for Your Martech Stack: A Strategic Guide
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In today’s digital landscape, influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for brands to reach new audiences, build brand awareness, and drive engagement. However, integrating influencer marketing into your overall marketing strategy requires careful planning and budgeting. This article explores key steps to help you set a strategic budget for influencer marketing within your existing martech stack.
1. Define Your Goals and Target Audience:
Before allocating any budget, clearly define your influencer marketing goals. Do you aim to increase brand awareness, drive product sales, generate leads, or boost website traffic? Understanding these objectives is crucial for choosing the right influencers and tailoring your campaign strategy.
Similarly, identifying your target audience is essential. Knowing who you want to reach allows you to select influencers who resonate with your ideal customer base. Consider factors like demographics, interests, and online behavior when defining your target audience.
2. Analyze Your Current Martech Stack:
Evaluate your existing marketing technology tools and their capabilities surrounding influencer marketing. Some martech platforms offer features like influencer discovery, campaign management, and performance measurement. Utilizing these features can help you manage your influencer marketing efforts efficiently and potentially reduce budgeting needs for additional tools.
3. Research Influencer Rates and Engagement Metrics:
Influencer fees vary greatly depending on factors like their follower count, engagement rate, and industry niche. Research average influencer rates within your target audience category to understand the ballpark figures. Additionally, focus on engagement metrics beyond just follower count. Look for influencers who consistently generate high engagement rates (likes, comments, shares) on their content, as this reflects a more engaged audience receptive to brand messaging.
4. Choose the Right Influencer Pricing Model:
Influencers typically offer various pricing models for collaboration, including:
Cost per post (CPP): A fixed fee for each post featuring your brand.
Cost per engagement (CPE): A fee based on the number of likes, comments, or shares generated by the influencer’s post.
Performance-based pricing: Linking influencer payment to specific campaign goals, such as driving website traffic or generating sales.
Choose the pricing model that best aligns with your campaign goals and budget constraints. Consider performance-based options if your primary focus is driving conversions or sales.
5. Allocate Budget Based on Campaign Scope and Platform:
Once you have a grasp of influencer costs and pricing models, allocate budget based on the campaign scope and platform(s) you plan to utilize. Here’s a breakdown for budgeting within your martech ecosystem:
Influencer fees: This forms the core of your budget and should be directly tied to the chosen influencers and their pricing model.
Content creation costs: If the influencer doesn’t handle content creation, factor in costs for in-house creation or outsourcing content development.
Martech platform fees: Some martech platforms may charge fees for specific influencer marketing features like campaign management or influencer discovery.
Campaign management and reporting: Allocate a budget for personnel time or any outsourced services needed to manage the campaign and analyze its performance within your martech tools.
Contingency budget: Set aside a small buffer to cover unforeseen expenses or adjustments needed during the campaign execution.
6. Leverage Martech for Efficient Budgeting and Management:
Utilize the capabilities of your existing martech stack to optimize your influencer marketing budget and campaign performance. Some potential applications include:
Influencer discovery and research tools: These features can help you identify relevant influencers within your target audience and assess their engagement metrics.
Campaign management tools: Streamline campaign communication, content collaboration, and approval processes between your brand and chosen influencers.
Performance tracking and reporting tools: Analyze campaign performance metrics like reach, engagement, and ROI (return on investment) to measure success and inform future campaign strategies.
By effectively leveraging your martech stack, you can manage your influencer marketing budget efficiently, gain valuable insights, and ultimately optimize your campaign performance.
Start small and scale: If you’re new to influencer marketing, consider starting with a smaller budget for a pilot campaign and scale up based on your results.
Transparency and communication: Maintain clear communication with chosen influencers regarding expectations, content guidelines, and payment terms.
Track and measure results: Regularly monitor campaign performance using your martech tools and adjust your strategy as needed.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Senior police officer thrashed, abducted by ‘armed miscreants’ in Imphal, rescued after 2-hr op
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New Delhi: The additional superintendent of police (operations) posted in Manipur’s Imphal (West) was thrashed and abducted by “unknown armed miscreants” — suspected to be from the radical armed Metei group, Arambai Tenggol — from outside his home Tuesday evening, ThePrint has learnt.
An AK47 was snatched from an inspector-rank officer attached to the SP and his driver’s nose was also broken by the crowd, a police source said.
The officer, M. Amit, was, however, rescued by a police team led by senior officers in a two-hour-long operation, police sources said.
Manipur security adviser Kuldiep Singh IPS (retd), told ThePrint that the officer, who sustained injuries, has been rescued and a case has been registered in this regard.
“Armed miscreants attacked the house of the officer and abducted him. Soon after, a specialised police team led by senior officers swung into action and carried out raids across the district and managed to rescue him. The officer is injured but he is doing fine. We are carrying out raids to nab the accused involved,” Singh said.
According to a police source, the officer’s house was attacked and he was abducted to put pressure on the police to release a few armed members of the Arambai Tenggol who were arrested Tuesday morning.
‘A chase, abduction’
According to the source, the Manipur Police had chased and arrested a few armed members of the Arambai Tenggol who had allegedly stolen private vehicles. Following their arrest, a group of Meira Paibis (Meitei women volunteers) blocked roads and carried out a protest outside the police station asking for their release, the source said.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Wagner Mutiny Puts Russia’s Military Bloggers on a Razor’s Edge
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THE MOURNERS CARRIED armfuls of red roses. There was a military gun salute. Hundreds of people crowded to watch the coffin be lowered into the ground. This wasn’t the funeral of a celebrity or a government official. This was the send-off for Vladlen Tatarsky, a Russian nationalist Telegram blogger who was killed in April in a mysterious bomb blast in a St. Petersburg café.Tatarsky’s funeral was emblematic of the influence that Russia’s nationalist bloggers have accrued during the war in Ukraine. Known as the voenkory, or military correspondents, they have stepped in to fill the information vacuum left by the government around what’s actually happening on the front lines. Many have accumulated giant followings, overseeing teams of people posting footage of the war. Pro-Russian Ukrainian blogger Yuri Podolyaka’s Telegram channel has 2.8 million followers. Former TV journalist Semyon Pegov, who posts as WarGonzo, has 1.3 million. Rybar, an account run by a former military Arabic translator named Mikhail Zvinchuk, has 1.2 million.
That influence means many people in Russia turned to Telegram when Yevgeny Prigozhin, longtime Putin ally and chief of mercenary group Wagner, launched an abortive march on Moscow on June 23 in a challenge to Russia’s defense minister Sergei Shiogu. But instead of receiving their usual stream of updates, the pro-war group of Telegram bloggers havered.
“The reaction across the war blogger community was very, very cautious,” says Eto Buziashvili, a research associate at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab. “They were searching for a side to take that would be beneficial for them.”
The relationship between the voenkory and the Kremlin has long been messy. Different nationalist bloggers have different affiliations. Some are aligned to the Kremlin, others to Wagner. There is a faction of military veterans, represented by figures like Igor Girkin, allegedly a former commander of Russian-backed separatist forces during the annexation of Crimea in 2014, who now has 800,000 subscribers on Telegram. But they are all pro-war nationalists, often campaigning for an escalation in violence. Like Wagner chief Prigozhin, who was among the mourners at Tatarsky’s funeral, many have also issued sharp criticisms of how the full-scale invasion of Ukraine has been managed — blaming the incompetence of the military leadership for poor performance on the battlefield. Prigozhin blamed defense minister Shoigu for the death of his troops; Girkin refers to him with the nickname the “cardboard marshal.”
As the rebellion unfolded, bloggers who had courted Prigozhin while staying close to the Kremlin took the opportunity to reaffirm their loyalty to Putin. “Pegov [aka WarGonzo], who not so long ago recorded a very long video interview with Prigozhin that was full of compliments, called the Wagner rebellion ‘a stab in the back,’” says Buziashvili.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Irish Woman Loses $820,000 Injuries Claim After Being Seen Tossing Christmas Tree
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An Irish court dismissed Kamila Grabska’s $820,000 injuries claim after a photograph showed the woman throwing a 5ft spruce at a charity event in January 2018.
Mrs Grabska, 36, had sued an insurance company and claimed she experienced constant neck and back pain as a result of the crash on Feb. 3, 2017, The Guardian reported.
The mother of two stated that the injuries she sustained in the crash had hindered her ability to work, engage in activities with her children, and perform basic chores for over five years, she said.However, during a recent hearing, a photograph from a national newspaper was presented, depicting Mrs Grabska seemingly participating in a Christmas tree-throwing competition on January 8, 2018, which she ultimately won.
Justice Carmel Stewart dismissed the case based on this inconsistency. The judge said the “very graphic picture” played a role in her decision. “It is a very large, natural Christmas tree and it is being thrown by her in a very agile movement,” she said, the Irish Independent reported, according to The Guardian.
“I’m afraid I cannot but conclude the claims were entirely exaggerated,” the judge added. “On that basis, I propose to dismiss the claim.”
According to SWNS, the woman argued that she was still in pain while participating in the competition. She also said she quit her job after the crash and subsequently collected disability.
Altogether, Grabska calculated a loss of approximately $541,615 in past and projected earnings attributable to her injuries.
She refuted accusations of faking her injuries, asserting, as per reports from the Irish Independent and The Guardian, that she was merely “endeavouring to lead a normal life.”
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Sony Lays Off 900 Workers After Warning Of Fall In PlayStation Sales
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Sony PlayStation on Tuesday said it was laying off eight percent of its global workforce, as the tech industry continues to suffer a wave of job cuts.
Calling it “sad news,” PlayStation chief Jim Ryan said that the reduction would affect 900 people across the globe, including video-game making studios.
The cuts would see the company’s PlayStation London studio, which was founded in 2002 and specialized in virtual reality gaming projects, closed in its entirety, the company said.A separate statement said that US studios Insomniac Games and Naughty Dog were also hit.
Hermen Hulst, head of PlayStation Studios, said more resources were needed as the company focused on mobile and PC gaming.
“We looked at our studios and our portfolio, evaluating projects in various stages of development, and have decided that some of those projects will not move forward,” he said.
“Our philosophy has always been to allow creative experimentation. Sometimes, great ideas don’t become great games,” Hulst added.
The cuts come after Sony this month warned that sales of the PlayStation 5 would not meet original targets, with the flagship console currently in its fourth year on the market.
Sony’s video game segment scored a hit with “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2”, which was released on the PS5 in October last year and became the fastest-selling PlayStation Studios game in the first 24 hours after release.
But the PlayStation 5 is facing stiff competition from the Nintendo Switch and could see a tougher rivalry with Microsoft’s Xbox, after the tech giant’s buyout of “Call of Duty” maker Activision Blizzard.
Microsoft in January said it was laying off 1,900 people, or eight percent of staff, from its gaming division as it consolidated the Activision acquisition.
In all, last year the tech industry lost 260,000 jobs according to layoffs.fyi, a California-based website that tracks the sector.So far this year, layoffs are at 43,957, the site showed, from 171 companies.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Indian-American Jeweller Charged In Multi-Million Dollar Trade Fraud
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An Indian jeweller has been indicted for illegally evading customs duties for millions of dollars of jewellery imports into the US and operating unlicensed money transmitting businesses, a US attorney has said.
Monishkumar Kirankumar Doshi Shah (39) — based out of both Mumbai and New Jersey — was arrested over the weekend and appeared on February 26 before US Magistrate Judge André M Espinosa in the Newark federal court.
Shah alias “Monish Doshi Shah” was released on a bond of USD 100,000, with home detention and location monitoring.He has been charged on a complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of operating, aiding and abetting the operation of an unlicensed money transmitting business.
From January 2015 through September 2023, Shah engaged in a scheme to evade duties for shipments of jewellery from Turkey and India to the US, according to documents.
He would ship or instruct his conspirators to ship goods from Turkey or India, which would have been subject to an approximately 5.5 per cent duty if shipped directly to the US, to one of Shah’s companies in South Korea, these stated.
Federal prosecutors alleged that Shah’s conspirators in South Korea would change the labels on the jewellery to state that they were from South Korea instead of Turkey or India, and then ship them to Shah or his customers in the US, thereby unlawfully evading the duty.
He would also make and instruct his customers to make fake invoices and packing lists to make it look like Shah’s South Korean companies were actually ordering jewellery from Turkey or India.During the scheme, Shah shipped millions of dollars of jewellery from South Korea to the US, prosecutors alleged.
From July 2020 through November 2021, Shah operated numerous purported jewellery companies in New York City’s Diamond District, including MKore LLC (MKore), MKore USA Inc. (MKore USA) and Vruman Corp (Vruman), it said.
He used these entities to conduct millions of dollars in illegal financial transactions for customers, including converting cash to checks or wire transfers, the documents said.
Shah would also collect cash from customers and use conspirators’ jewellery companies, also located in the Diamond District, to convert the cash into wires or checks.
The documents said that at times, Shah and his conspirators moved more than a million dollars of cash in a single day. In exchange for their services, Shah and his conspirators charged a fee.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Bill Gates Arrives In Odisha, To Meet Naveen Patnaik, Attend Various Programmes
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Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates arrived in the Odisha capital on Tuesday night and is scheduled to attend several programmes on Wednesday, including one with a focus on the use of artificial intelligence for farmers.
Besides meeting Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Mr Gates will attend other functions related to the ‘Jaga Mission’ (scheme for development of slums), the ‘Mukta’ scheme (localised employment opportunities for the urban poor) and ‘Mission Shakti’, officials said.
Since 2017, the Odisha government’s Department of Agriculture & Farmer Empowerment and the Fisheries and Animal Resource Department have collaborated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for innovation in data-driven decision-making, they said.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
What’s In A Leap Year? Eternal Youth, Wedding Bells And Tech Bugs
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An extra day every four years, what’s not to love? The calendar quirk of February 29 keeps us in sync with the seasons but it has also spawned a host of rituals and superstitions, not to mention computer glitches, which AFP unpacks here:
Why one day more?
Leap years have been with us since the 16th century, an invention of the Gregorian calendar, introduced to deal with a troublesome fraction in the solar year.
Bearing in mind it takes around 365.2422 days each year for the Earth to revolve around the sun, the extra snippet (around six hours a year) adds up over time.
Leap days regulate things — without them we would fall out of sync with the seasons, causing havoc for farmers and their crops as well as school holidays.Most leap years fall every four years, but as the extra snippet is not exactly six hours, they exclude years exactly divisible by 100.
However, years such as 1600, 2000 or 2400 are leap years as they are exactly divisible by 400.
Forever young
For leap day babies, or leaplings, being born on 29 February may mean four times fewer birthdays, but it is also, as some like to claim, the key to eternal youth.
At least, that’s what much-loved French screen star Michele Morgan liked to say during her lifetime, which lasted till the ripe old age of 96.
Among other famed or notorious leaplings are Spanish premier Pedro Sanchez, US rap star Ja Rule and serial killer Aileen Wuornos, incarnated by Charlize Theron in her Oscar-winning performance for “Monster”.
With the chance of babies being born on a leap day at one in around 1,500, there are an estimated five million leaplings in the world today.
Marry me!
In Ireland, February 29 is known as Bachelor’s Day or Ladies Privilege, when, tradition has it, women can propose to men rather than waiting to be wooed.
While some claim only a “Yes” answer is allowed, others say the man can decline, but must buy his admirer a gift.
The tradition received the Hollywood treatment in 2010 with “Leap Day” starring Amy Adams who follows her beau to Dublin in a bid to ensnare him into marriage by popping the question on the day.
The Irish government in 2004 celebrated the 10th anniversary of the International Year of the Family by gifting 100 euros to every child born on 29 February.
Rare days on the calendar are also a chance for businesses to try to drum up trade.
In northeastern US, the Legal Sea Foods restaurant chain is offering discounts on the region’s beloved dish, lobsters, on February 29.
Pizza chain Papa John’s in 2008 used leap day to launch its Perfect Pan Pizza with the tag line: “One Giant Leap for Pankind.”
Leap years also generate special deals in hotels and on flights.
As US flyer Virgin America put it with one of its promotions: “Why leap when you can fly?”
System can’t compute
The existence of an extra day around twice a decade has also created its fair share of online mayhem, never more so than in 2000.
The prediction from doomsayers that January 1 would see a total information shutdown never c
ame to pass, but on February 29 an alarming succession of system errors took place across the globe.
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24-facts-news · 3 months
Chinese-Founded Fashion Giant Shein Likely To Launch IPO In UK Instead Of US: Report
Speculation mounted on Tuesday that Chinese-founded “fast fashion” giant Shein was mulling floating on the London Stock Exchange, with Sky News reporting that the UK government has held talks with its boss.
Finance minister Jeremy Hunt met Donald Tang, Shein’s executive chairman, earlier this month “as part of efforts to convince it to list in the UK,” the broadcaster reported.
If the government succeeds, it would be one of London’s biggest-ever corporate flotations.Shein, founded as ZZKKO in 2008 in China and based in Singapore, has quickly conquered the global fast fashion market by catering to young customers through social media.
Valued at $66 billion last year with revenues reportedly over $23 billion, the online retailer is eyeing a major intial public offering, with the Wall Street Journal reporting in November that it was initially looking at New York.
However, Sky reported that it was concerned the US Securities and Exchange might reject the application.
The firm has been accused of exploiting unpaid labour, obscuring production processes and encouraging overconsumption as it faces the wrath of environmental and human rights activists.
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