abrahamspeaks · 4 years
When Esther began receiving us, and then she'd hear of other things, she'd say "Abraham, why are they lying?" or "Why are they doing it that way?" And we said to her on many occasions, if everyone were in the same place then there would only be one teacher. There are lots of different places where lots of different people are, and we just want you to know that your power is now, and that you have an Inner Being, and your Inner Being knows you intimately, and that your Inner Being is offering a powerful signal, and that anything that you do that is less than trying to tune yourself to that signal is less important and valuable to you. Reach for the signal of who You now are.
And you see, this is the thing that's so important: Through all that you've lived, your Inner Being has continued to become and become and become, and stands as the wholeness of the furtherest-most reaching that you have become. So, as you're leaning in the direction of that, and feeling the wonderful, gratifying satisfaction that comes from that, then you are allowing yourself to be as whole as life has caused you to be. And that is really, really something.
We suppose if someone were really at the beginning of understanding, and really was lost in their now, that maybe they might find some clarity in where they stand now by believing that they're understanding where they've been before, but your power is all right here and now. When you are driving your car, you're looking forward (hopefully) through the windshield and not in the rear view mirror, and even though your now is powerful, we don't even encourage a windshield in the floorboard - that's a little hard to watch. We encourage you to look out there and find the satisfaction.
Q: How can I speak and be of service to others where they're at? Because I really get this Law of Attraction, and I really want to help people, and I get frustrated with my patients, that they're complaining about pain and complaining about that, and I know it's me being frustrated with myself. So I've taken myself out during the day...
A: Here's the thing, especially if you are interacting with others - what you observe can be a big factor in the way that you feel, and you can't say to all of them "Get yourself all fixed up and then come on in, and then we'll have a nice conversation." It's about accomplishing your vibrational atmosphere, which means it's about you tuning to your Inner Being so that you are looking at them through the eyes of Source. And when you’re looking at them through the eyes of Source, you don't feel frustration. And their Inner Being doesn't feel frustration. So it's taking it in small doses and being sure of where you are.
We think that this process or focus or intention about just acknowledging if this is a satisfying thought or not will prepare you; it will put you into a place where you're steadily there. It's like you gain really good shock absorbers so that what you know about them is not jeopardized by what they think they know, because when they're coming to you, they're trying to explain to you why they are where they are, and you don't want to put emphasis on where they are because where they are is not where they want to be.
And yet, it's a sort of human tendency (you've learned it since you got here, it's not your Nonphysical nature) to justify where you are by explaining how you got there, and it's just a Law that we cannot speak often enough (and it speaks to your first question, too) - you just cannot give your attention to unwanted things without continuing to maintain a hindering vibration that will prevent you from going where you want to go. And your frustration is not with them, your frustration is that in your attention to them, you've deviated from your Inner Being's point of view of who they are.
When you feel frustration, it's not at them, it's at your inability to see where they're going, and instead, you're seeing where they are. And anybody that's looking right at where somebody is can't help them do anything except stay where they are.
Q: So how do I help them and help myself to help them to focus on where they're going, because they just want to talk about what is?
A: But you see, you're missing the point - it has nothing to do with them, it has only to do with you. You reach that place where when you see them, you just know so fully that it's going to be OK that where they are doesn't bother you. And then you don't feel this desperation to figure out some way to do it differently - you just know it's going to be OK, and you're glad for the life that they've lived, and you're happy about what's in their Vortex, and you know that it's going to be alright, and you just stand in that knowing. And when you're in that knowing, then what's inspired to you - the timing of your words, and the words themselves - will be the best that they can receive in the moment.
This is the thing - this is a room full of healers and teachers and uplifters; in other words, that's who you, for the most part, are. You not only want to know how to create your own reality, but you want to be of value to others as well. And we want you to understand that you have to find your own alignment first, and you have to have practiced it until you know you can be there often and easily before you attempt to help someone else, because when you get into an attitude of service, which means you’re looking for something that's broken that needs to be fixed, or looking for something that needs to be uplifted - when you are looking in those directions like a normal human, then you don't have your super powers.
There's so much leverage in alignment, so get there first, and then give your attention anywhere you feel like giving it. And you'll find that this Receptive Mode is also the Replenishing Mode - endless Energy and ideas will flow to you, and you will never lose patience, you will never feel like you're barking up the wrong tree, you'll never be mad at them for not paying attention, you won't feel like scolding them for not doing what you've asked them to do, because you just know that it's alright for them, and you just have endless ideas and Energy to flow in support of who they really are and what they really want.
This is a really good time for segment of refreshment.
Q: Thank you.
~Abraham speaking in Rochester, NY on May 12, 2018
Alignment and Service to Others:
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abrahamspeaks · 4 years
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