acopperowl · 3 months
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acopperowl · 3 years
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Inside of my head.
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acopperowl · 3 years
Sorry I’m late I was obsessing over herb spirals
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acopperowl · 3 years
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acopperowl · 3 years
Finally added some stuff to my Book of Shadows, did pages on the four elements. Figured it was about time I actually wrote stuff down in it!
Earth (my favorite of the pages):
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I think they all turned out well! Painting the dusk/dawn skies were a lot of fun!
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acopperowl · 3 years
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Been working in my grimoire tonight. This is by far my favorite page
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acopperowl · 3 years
Grimoire/book of Shadows decoration ideas and ideas of what to put in them:
I struggle sometimes with what to write in my grimoire, so I thought I’d write a list to help myself and others :) and even though I keep my personal grimoire plain on the covers, I will include decoration ideas because not all people want theirs plain, and the decoration could also be for the inner pages :)
📖 paint the covers a colour or pattern that gives you energy
📖 a picture collage
📖 a pressed flower and leaf collage
📖 draw sigils, which are practical as well as pretty
📖 draw a pendulum or ouija board in your book, which is also functional as well as decorative
📖 washi tape borders, book marks and page keys!
📖 when writing in your grimoire, you can separate bits of information in boxes. Using coloured pens/pencils or patterned lines looks nice :)
📖 carefully paint the edges of the pages. I like it when this is done with metallic paint but the colour is a personal choice :)
Content ideas
✨ write a list of trees, types of animals, flowers etc that you feel a connection to if you think nature is important to your craft
✨ you could also do a list of objects in general
✨ write magical recipes that you like into your grimoire and what properties you feel the finished product has
✨ a list of your crystals and stones and what vibe they give off, and their properties
✨ write about solstices if you follow them
✨ when you do a spell, I recommend writing down your method and what result you got, for future reference. This way you can repeat the spell easily and it can be tweaked if necessary :)
✨ write about deities you have a connection to, if any
✨ write about your familiar if you have one
✨ If you feel drawn to a certain type of animal, you could write about what animal you have this feeling towards. It may be worth looking into getting one if your situation allows it! I believe that the animal I feel drawn to (more so after practicing witchcraft for a while!) could be a future familiar for me. For example you could write about how to care for them, whether they have any magical connotations, and name ideas if you think you’ll get one! :)
✨ tarot card spreads
✨ results of tarot/pendulum/ouija sessions
✨a list of sigils so you can remember them (they don’t have to be activated if they’re just for reference)
✨ if you feel drawn to a particular tarot card or one of your pendulums (if you don’t have multiple pendulums that’s fine! You could write about the one you have) write about it and how it makes you feel
✨ magical correspondences of herbs
✨ general information about the path you follow (or if you are eclectic, parts of each type that interests you :))
Obviously there is way more to write about and way more decoration ideas! Feel free to reblog and add ideas if you have any!!
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acopperowl · 3 years
🐝🌿 honey correspondences
• happiness
• warmth
• healing
• love
• encouragement
• prosperity
• abundance
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🍯 honey makes great offerings to most deities/spirits due to its alluring and sweet nature, top on the list being fae, aphrodite, apollo, and demeter.
🍯 placing honey over your lips can be a great natural lip moisturizer
🍯 add honey to your tea to attract kindness
🍯 honey is an amazing preservative and has strong antibacterial properties, making it an ideal addition to any salves etc
🍯 use honey as a natural cough aid
🍯 try to source local honey, this also helps with allergies!
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acopperowl · 4 years
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acopperowl · 4 years
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☾An Essence Of Autumn☽
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acopperowl · 4 years
Instead of reblogging every witchcraft post I come across and clogging feeds, I’m going to link them here as I find them. Check the original post for updates!
PLEASE do what you can. Go to protests. Support protestors. Share information. Educate yourself (x). Donate to bail funds and organizations. Support black artists and black-owned businesses. Watch videos that generate ad revenue. Sign petitions. Witchcraft is most effective when rooted in mundane action.
7 Spells to Cast When Protesting
A Spell to Protect BLM Protestors
BLM Personal Protest Protection Jar
BLM Protest Protection Jar
Protect Protesters Spell
Protection Spell for BLM Movement
Spell to Help the BLM Movement
Black Lives Matter Spell
A Spell for BLM
BLM Simple Protection Spell
White Supremacy Curse
Protection Spells and Hexes for the BLM Movement
Runic Candle Spell for BLM
Bay Leaf Burning Ritual for the BLM Movement
Black Lives Matter
For Protection During Protests
Safety + Unite
Justice Is Served
Sign of Sedition
Justice Is Brought; POC Are Safe; Protestors Are Safe
I Am Safe From Violent Officers (and others helpful for protesting such as protection + bravery)
Collection of Sigils
Incorporating witchcraft into your action:
Using the Craft to Strengthen Your Support
Different Ways You Can Help
I Call to the Sisters of Spilled Blood (Hellenismos)
How to Channel Your Energy on June 5th
Tips for Witches on June 5th (and Beyond)
Reminder: Just Because the Full Moon is Over Doesn’t Mean Your Work Should Be
There are whisperings about another mass spell event on the next full moon (July 4th). Will add more info as I find it.
Black-owned occult businesses to support:
Check out this tumblr thread!
This post has been updated 10 times <- use this as an easy reference for updates!
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acopperowl · 4 years
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🌸Each flower and flower part has a magic correspondence
🌼you use bouquets to focus your intent, like some use charm bags
🌸you curse with rotted flowers
🌼you can protect or help someone prosper without being noticed
🌸every customer received a bit of positive energy with their plant or bouquet
🌼charging your plants with crystals
🌸burying your hands in dirt every day
🌼secretly blessing people by charging with luck or prosperity energy the plants/flowers you sell or give
*** Don’t hesitate to add your own ideas***
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acopperowl · 4 years
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✨🌧 rainy day witchcraft 🌧✨
some little things you can do on rainy days, as a witch ✨
🌧 collect rain water in bottles and jars to use later for spellwork
🌧 fill a basin with rain water and use it to soak your feet or wash your hair to cleanse
🌧 make tea with rain water and any herbal tea blends used for cleansing and renewal
🌧 make hot soup, stew, etc. with a little bit of rain water to put intent into your meal
🌧 go outside and stand in a downpour, dance in it, jump into puddles, yanno, enjoy it
🌧 or stay inside, and meditate to the sound of raindrops on your windows
🌧 practice spells concerning renewal, reinvigoration, cleansing
🌧 draw sigils with rainwater for protection, calmness, or focus
🌧 admire rainbows right after a rainstorm
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acopperowl · 4 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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acopperowl · 4 years
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“Who’s been eating my plants?”
Top two:
Tends to be mid height on plant (picture where a deer’s head naturally ends up when eating). Will also eat tips of shrubs and trees.
Ends are torn, fibers sticking out; deer don’t have upper incisors so they rip the stems with their lower incisors and their tough palate. (This is true for all ungulates).
Bottom two:
Tends to be closer to the ground (remember they can stand on their hind feet to reach higher up). Will occasionally eat lower parts of shrubs.
Ends are neatly clipped between incisors, often at an angle. (This is also true for rodents).
It’s worth noting that these are tendencies! Animals don’t always follow the “textbook examples” when it comes to track and sign. I’ve seen neatly clipped deer browse plenty of times (there’s even one in the picture; pay attention to the common theme, outliers happen). Behavior varies per region as well (I’m in the PNW). But these clues are how I begin to narrow down species.
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acopperowl · 4 years
Gentle Witchcraft
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Just a collection of witchy things that give off a gentle, loving energy without being focused on self love or romantic love specifically <3
It’s the little things:
Gentle little witch things to do
Witchy blessings
I AM… spells
Witch’s morning routine
Glow like the moon
Shine like the sun
To radiate a loving aura
To attract kindness
Soft shores bath spell
Quartz wellness bath
Here comes the sun
My love soothes you pet spell
Dandelion wish spell
Restful sleep and sweet dreams
Rose water spells
Room healing spell
Ease the pain
Tarot spreads:
Good morning!
Reduce anxiety 
The new you
Let go and grow
Shimmer and shine
Radical softness
To promote peaceful feelings
Inner peace
I will make it through this
I am comfortable in my own skin
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acopperowl · 4 years
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🍄🥧🍄🥧 @gingertoothandtwine on IG
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