acrossthestars · 3 years
Guys please reply to this with what your url means or references I’m really curious
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acrossthestars · 3 years
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// Just going to casually post a potential new character and see whos interested //
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acrossthestars · 3 years
// Really really tempted to try and start doing commission work as a means of income. Haven’t had much luck with jobs lately. But my arts improved some since I was last here. //
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acrossthestars · 3 years
// Im alive! Sort of. Been really busy and kinda still am but I wanna finish sprucing up this old blog again and might try again. Either that or make something new to work with. Who knows at this point //
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acrossthestars · 4 years
// So I’ve just received unfortunate news: my great grandmother apparently has a leaking heart valve. Sadly, shes too old and frail for the doctors to risk treating it, so as of now she's on limited time. I don't know how long she has at this point before she passes //
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acrossthestars · 4 years
// Doing an early shift at work today but I’ll be open the rest of the day so like this post if you want a random starter from Alveris //
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acrossthestars · 4 years
continued from here
Busyness was often the same for the altean royal; If not working with the scientists, the prince would be sent for diplomatic businesses in the stead of their father whilst he attended to other matters that were of a higher importance to the king. Not that diplomacy was unimportant, it was simply a duty that could easily be handled by the younger altean while their father was busy. Although in recent circumstances, diplomatic pursuits were growing riskier. Normally the prince would simply be attended by their own personal guard, but the Jedi Order were contacted as an extra precaution.
A hand went to their chest, as they gave a polite bow to the Jedi in front of them. The Jedi Order was as deserving of respect as any royalty, and Obi-Wan was certainly no exception to the matter.
“I do have quite a few questions, yes.”They nodded. “But first I would like to once again thank you, Master Kenobi, for agreeing to my escort. I understand the trip may have been a bit out of the way for you.”
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acrossthestars · 4 years
Terrible First Meeting Starters
For breaking the ice in the worst possible way, featuring themes including: kidnapping, murder, stalking, injury, monsters, and just general meanness. [Brackets] indicate spaces to include your own words to personalize your ask!
“Wh-who are you? Where are we? Why are we tied up together?!” “You almost killed me, so no, it’s not nice to meet you.” “Oh my god, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?” “I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.” “Get out of my way before I move you myself.” “Please, let me out of here!” “You’re staring like you’ve never seen a [monster/vampire/demon/etc] before.” “Hey. Pretend you were waiting for me. You’re being followed.” “You don’t know me, but something terrible is going to happen.” “You’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.” “Please, someone help!” “You shouldn’t be out here all by yourself this late at night.” “Stop shining that flashlight on me! I’m not a damn ghost!” “I’m sorry if I hurt you.” “Shh, don’t scream! I’m not trying to attack you!” “I’ve never seen anything like you before.” “Stand right there and don’t get any closer!” “Now that you’ve seen this, I can’t let you leave and just tell anyone.” “Ugh, my head. What happened to us?” “Is there a reason you’ve been following me for an hour?” “If you come near me, I will scream at the top of my lungs.” “Holy shit. What have you done?!” “Is that blood? Is that YOUR blood?” “Don’t panic, I can explain!” “I promise you, this isn’t what it looks like.” “I won’t hurt you if you just keep your mouth shut.” “Who are you? Where are you taking me?!” “This is for your own safety. I’ll explain later.” “What the hell was that thing back there?!” “There’s something wrong with me. I need your help!” “Please, someone, there’s been an emergency!” “You can’t leave. You’re a witness and now you’ve involved.” “I’m being hunted, and now they’ve seen you too.” “If you believe in any god, I suggest praying to them now.” “Shh! Hide here, and don’t move a muscle.” “Can I walk with you? I think I’m being followed.” “I’m so sorry. I don’t like tricking people, but I had to lure you here.” “Fuck off, this is private property!” “I’ve seen some weird shit, but you’re something else.” “Oh my god. Are you a [monster/demon/angel/etc]?” “Don’t look at me like that, with those eyes.” “That isn’t your blood. What did you do?” “I promise not to tell anyone, just let me go!” “Come with me. I want to show you something.” “You’re not going to eat me, are you?” “You should never have approached me. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.” “Go away, I’m not looking for a conversation.” “You don’t just follow people to their homes! I’m calling the police.” “Please, I’ll do anything, just untie me!” “I’m sorry if I scared you.” “I had to tie you up. You didn’t leave me any other choice.” “I don’t even know you. What do you mean, I ‘have’ to go with you?” “We almost died back there. Maybe we should introduce ourselves.” “Let go of me!” “I’m hurt. Please, I need you to call an ambulance for me.” “You have to come with me, something bad is about to happen!” “I’m not leaving until you tell me why you’ve been following me!” “Seeing as we may not survive, I should tell you my name. It’s [name].”
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acrossthestars · 4 years
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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acrossthestars · 4 years
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acrossthestars · 4 years
// I don’t know I went from plant saving to sewing, but I’m currently sitting here sewing a frog plush at 3am to give to my friends step kid. I honestly barely remember the past few hours nor do I remember where or when I learned this hand stitching technique that I’m using.... //
// Just figured out that the succulent in my room died because the little pot I bought it in didn’t have any fucking dirt.
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However there’s like 1 green leaf left on this thing that I pulled off and I’m gonna see if I can save it. Hopefully I’m not as bad at gardening as my mom was XD //
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acrossthestars · 4 years
// Just figured out that the succulent in my room died because the little pot I bought it in didn’t have any fucking dirt.
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However there’s like 1 green leaf left on this thing that I pulled off and I’m gonna see if I can save it. Hopefully I’m not as bad at gardening as my mom was XD //
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acrossthestars · 4 years
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【Multimuse OC Blog 】 【 Multifandom /  Crossover Friendly 】 【Multiship / Multiverse】 【 10+ Years RP Experience 】
✶【[ℌ𝔬𝔪𝔢] [ℜ𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰] [𝔄𝔰𝔨] 】 ✶
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acrossthestars · 4 years
// When you’re inthe process of updatign character art and realize one of your characters now has a boring outfit so you wanna start over again //
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acrossthestars · 4 years
Send my muse a fear you see them having, and they will rate it from 0-10 depending on how much it frightens them.
0 being “I’m not scared of that at all” to 10 being “NOPE NOPE NOPE”
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acrossthestars · 4 years
// Working on a promo that I’ll be posting soon, but if anyone’s interested in hashing out a plot or even just wants to chat for the hell of it my dms are open, or just throw something random at one of my muses and see what happens! //
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acrossthestars · 4 years
My Personal Headcanon on the Rift Creatures
I have a few thoughts on how the Rift Creatures work, and in this circumstance are considered an actual threat. (Since Voltron canon won’t use them I will! Haha!) They made an ish about them but then never used them or gave much explanation, so here’s my take on what they are:
Modern scientists theorize that our universe is a big bubble, where we travel the inside walls of it, and that there are millions of universes like this. According to the theory, every single possibility exists in a separate universe; An example being if you were walking a path and had two directions to walk, if you walk one direction, there is a universe that exists where you walked a different direction. Every choice or option that exists, there is a universe for that option, and any other options that could potentially exist. There’s a lot of research papers written about this and I highly recommend checking them out, it’s so cool.
Since the multiverse is canon in Voltron, this is how I perceive these alternate universes to work. Given that travel between them is plausible, this means there is a way in the Voltron universe to pass through or ‘burst’ the bubble wall to access the other universe. With how Honerva was able to do so, it is not out of the question that someone, or something else, is able to do this as well.
Bursting of the bubble requires the use of quintessence, as the lifeforce of the universe and has been shown to be abused when its power is understood. If the universe is weak and unstable, it means that the quintessence has been abused in a manner that leads to its weakening. I interpret this as the quintessence makes up the bubble wall in itself, thus when harnessed carelessly, is drained from the bubble. Generally this is the doing of the universe itself, but outside influence from the Rift Creatures can occur as well
Thus the Rift Creatures. While most life must exist in these bubbles, the Rift Creatures exist between them; Majority of the time they are unable to burst the bubbles themselves unless the universe is unstable or something on the inside allows for them to do so. Once inside, the creatures will then consume everything within it and that universe will cease to exist, expanding the rift.The best comparison of this would be a virus entering a weak cell in the body.
I perceive the Rift Creatures as something similar to eldritch horrors; They exist beyond universes and thus have forms that living creatures are unable to understand, so their appearance is typically interpreted as an ever-shifting mass of ‘void’. Because they do not follow the laws of physics established in the universe, there is not much that can harm them aside from quintessence. While quintessence is the presence of life, the rift is the nothingness, and its creatures are an extension of that. They feel nothing, they are nothing, and yet they are everything.
I feel that attempting to understand what the Rift Creatures are more often leads to a type of madness than anything else. While unable to enter a strong universe, they can still have influence over it. As a void with no real limitations, the rift can reach inside to access and influence entities that can sabotage the universe from the inside. The compulsion to harvest and utilize quintessence, alongside the pull of the rift, leads to the corrupt nature seen in Haggar and Zarkon. Their use of quintessence would eventually lead to the universe walls collapsing and being consumed by the rift.
I might think up more for this, but this is so far as scientific an explanation that I can provide for the Rift Creatures.
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