actuallybabe · 3 months
I Owe You
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TW: Smut. Language. Sexual blackmail/extortion. Degrading Language. Cheating. 
SUMMARY: Rafe sends you to settle a financial score with his dealer...but you find something worth staying for...
Can you do a Barry smut where Yn has to pay for rafe dues 
I Owe You
Cursing beneath your breath wouldn't keep you from venturing from the comfort of Figure Eight to the trailer park set on the outskirts of The Cut. Having sat at half of the lights and stop signs with the one-sided argument to simply turn back around, you knew what you would be returning to. To keep from being a reason Rafe bloodied his knuckles in another wall of Tannyhill, you agreed rather quickly to a task he should have had to endure. But with the promise of an afternoon spent shopping without a single whimper from him, it would be enough to send you to settle the debt between him and Barry. 
"Barry" was a figure you had only heard from Rafe's lips. You had never seen him prior to today. And what a way to make a first impression. 
"I'm here for you." You spoke nervously as he stood before you with a towel set around his hips. A surprising Adonis belt drew your eyes beyond his torso and lower still before you were met with his grin. 
"For Rafe." You corrected. 
"This should be enough..." You tossed a small wad of cash on the table as he moved across the trailer and to a small counter harboring a makeshift bar. 
"Never took ‘country club’ for sending his bitches to do things for him." You knew you should have scolded him for the title. But it was true. A promise of shopping, you were certain he'd worm his way out of somehow, and you were getting your hands dirty for him once again. 
"Is it enough?" You asked rather quickly as he took a sip of his amber liquid before taking a leisurely set of steps to only stand before the cash. 
"I have to-" He revealed a pistol from a deeper cavern of the couch, reiterating that his order was not, in any way, a request. 
"That kid has a habit of coming up short with me..." You raised a brow as he found humor in your response. But silence would fill the space as he counted the bills rather swiftly. 
During the time, you assessed him throughout from your peripheral vision. You couldn't help but feel drawn to him in every way you had been advised against. He was prohibited in every way you'd felt pulled with intrigue with Rafe, only without the polished security of his father's influence. Barry was a scrapper through and through. It exhilarated and frightened you to the same depth that pooled between your thighs. 
"Not sure what you know, Mrs Country Club, about supply and demand...but it seems your boyfriend doesn't understand a debt needs to be paid. And he just keeps diggin’ himself a deeper hole there…"
"He said it would be enough.".
"I sure hope for your sake he isn't short in all ways..." You looked to the side, not validating this intentionally, as Rafe was as endowed as he was privileged, but he was selfish where you needed the attention you gave. 
"Maybe we could work something out..." He pulled the gun back to view. 
"A compromise?" You swallowed hard. "A bit of...demand to the supply he takes advantage of?" 
"Wh-what do you want?"
"Strip." Your eyes flashed to the direction of the front door as you looked back at him. 
"Anyone sees you, they'll just think you're some pretty little coke head needing your fix. Nobody will think twice...wouldn't dare say anything because then they'd have to admit why they were here." He reclined further back on the couch. 
"If I have to say it again, you won't like where this gun ends up." Your heart nearly leaped from your chest at the remark. Your mind ran wild to what it was he could reference. The more sexual of options validated by the carefully crafted smirk visible from his lips. 
"All those assholes on that side of the island get to have all the pretty things around just handed to them without lifting a finger. Bet he doesn't even know how to make you come without getting off first." You blushed to your sex life broadcast by deduction alone. 
" Girls with manicures should never have to masturbate." He suddenly moved closer to you. 
"Sit." He instructed as he tapped his leg. You sat crossed legged on his knee as he kept his gun at your hip, his second hand at the buttons of your sweater. 
"But I'd bet that's the only way you get to feel anything that you don't have to wait for. So I'll give you a choice for me here..." 
Your eyes focused on his deep chocolate irises, swallowing you whole, and making you already agreeable before he gave either condition or alternative. 
"You can let me use you to send ‘country club’ a lesson..."
"Or you find a way to make up the difference...fifteen hundred dollars difference." Your eyes widened to just what Rafe had purchased where that was of cash had still lacked such an amount. 
"Didn't think I'd notice that...but he knew I'd notice you. Hoping sending you would make me forgive him...but it seems to me you need to be taken care of too...So..." He pulled your hair over your shoulder before leading the tip of the gun to your chest, teasing the remaining buttons. 
"Should we send Rafe a message? Teach him a lesson about supply and demand-" The way you'd kept yourself at bay and broken as a bough of water. The dam of forbidden desire set forth as you ran your hands through his hair to unintentionally dishevel his ponytail constructed as you'd entered. 
A smirk broke the kiss for a moment before you were taken over him in a straddle. 
"Not sure what he's doing but I'll take care of you...You might even want to stay." He scoffed as you moved back against him. Only now it had been in purposeful glides over his cock. 
"I remember asking you to strip..." He took a sudden hold of your shirt, tearing it directly down the center and tossing it away. 
"I'm not patient." 
"I'm not either." You confessed while lifting yourself enough to take hold of the knot made of his towel to keep himself concealed. But instead, he took hold of your wrist. 
"If your expecting me to take you out to dinner or some shit-" 
"I'm expecting you to send him a message." He grinned. 
"You're more agreeable than I thought you'd be..." His words confused you for only a moment before the feeling of his naked cock made you tense over him. 
"Condom." He reminded you as you were used to being bare for Rafe. 
"You don't have one? I'd have thought country club always needed to fuck you..."
"He prefers when he doesn't have to wear one."
"I don't have an interest in you roping me into anything here..."
"I'm on the pill..." 
"Then if he gets to have you like that-" You were suddenly guided to take his cock. 
"So do I." A hand to the back of your neck guided you over his lap for only a minute as he grinned. 
"You feel better than I thought." He snarled before taking your lips once again. Only now, it had been deep enough to taste the whiskey on his breath and long enough to feel his change of breath as he brought you harder against him. 
"How does he like to try and make you come?"
"Behind." You were suddenly arranged this way. Ass projected against his hips as you were in reliance on the grip made of your shoulder and the arm of the couch itself. 
"Does it feel the same?"
"Why's that? Tell me..."
You could only moan. 
"Am I bigger?" 
You nodded, nails at a threat to tear into the fabric beneath you. 
"Am I better?"
"Yes..." He pulled you to his chest, his breath hit against your ear as you felt him make a path to your breasts. 
"He takes you for granted?" You bobbed your head. 
"If I make you come on my couch...think you can make me come inside so you can go back to him, make our little point?"
"Please..." He nodded, the gun set on the table as your eyes rolled in relief. A momentary trust was established as he stationed that second hand to your quivering clit. 
"Spit." He orchestrated as he lifted two fingers to you. 
"Just so I know you want it."
"You can't tell?" 
"I want to know you'll do anything I ask. Just like you would for him. Coming here to pay his debt...although...I'd take this pussy over cash anyway...and that says something about it .." he playfully slapped your sopping lower lips. 
"Please, Barry..."
"You wanna come?" He almost teased as you nodded. 
"Then you can come...but only if you get on your knees just like you would for him." You rested your head against his shoulder as he was gluttonous for your body. 
"You should be covered in hickies and scratches...don't worry ..I'll leave my mark." He explained while kissing and sucking on any exposed skin he could reach, as his hands accommodated what was lower until he came to a rest at your clit. 
"Oh my God!" 
"Want them to hear you back home?" He huffed as you nodded. 
"I don't care!"
"Bit desperate? Don't worry girl, I'll fuck you just right. Send you back to him with instructions written clearly on ya...leave part of you here? Maybe your panties? More than just cum...it dries too quickly..."
"Then make me cum twice!" You whined as he scoffed. 
"Greedy little whore...you get what I give. Need to learn more about the supply than the demand." He withdrew as you groaned. 
"Knees." You obliged, taking position before holding your hair back. 
"I'm supplying the hold of your hair. And you demand my cock to come. I know those pretty lips have done it before....But this time it's for someone who deserves it." He teased as you were quick to show how you were deserving of it. 
"No wonder he puts up with such an attitude! Fuck!" He breathed deeply. "Best head I've-" You focused on his balls, a stripe made between them as he clenched your hair. You were laid out on the table before the couch, bottles and wrappers compressed and forced to collapse, all while you were penetrated once again. 
"No more teasing. I've gotta come after that little stunt..." 
"Oh!" You gasped. 
"Lucky for you, I understand giving and receiving too...so you get to come, too." He battered into you in a slow but thorough acceleration. Your body was at the mercy of gravity apprehended by his grip until the sweet from your skin and this effortless. Residual drugs and former payments lay as evidence around you as he cursed your name once bowing in those final thrusts. 
"Say my name. Gotta know you're well aware whose cum is about to run doewnthose pretty little thighs.'
"Barry!!" You belted into a gasp as he drew the perfect collection of rushed rubs over your clit that pulled the deeper orgasm from your natural cavern. Ribbons of his cum came to a collision of your cascade of ecstasy as he pulled back from you slightly. 
"Let's get you some water before you go back. Can't have you returning to him dehydrated. God knows you lost a lot." You nodded, half phased by the stars still present behind your eyes, before you were left to dress. 
"We're even now." Barry's phone Illuminated with this message from Rafe. Your curiosity led for you to read the earlier correspondence that set your gut into a twist. 
"Offered you as collateral...yes...Didn't expect you to be so...compliant..."
Tears filled your eyes to the betrayal and broken trust. Even if Rafe wasn't your true love or even a love, he was still someone you trusted to some degree. 
"Shit..." Barry realized the depth of this hurt. 
"How about I make you a deal-" 
"I don't want anything from you-" you shit, disgusted with the touch you craved just moments before. 
"An I-owe-you...however...whenever you want...a favor...any time..." He slipped Rafe's money back into your hand. 
"What are you doing?".
"Can't put a price on how you felt, I will take these though..." He explained while leading your panties into his grasp. 
"For proof."
As he disappeared into a back room, you couldn't help but feel confused. Buzzing from peace he'd brought in that kind blowing orgasm. But also the pain from the betrayal. No reason to go back but every reason in morality reminding you that you couldn't stay. And yet at the sound of his steps returning, the sight of the money you’d taken from Rafe’s payment had fallen from the back pocket of your jacket you’d arrived with. Having been successful as to what it was you’d truly come here for…
"Too drunk on my cock there-" you undressed again, sitting on the table he'd left you on. 
"I'll take that I-owe-you now. I want you to send me back to him completely spent. I want him to know he's lost me."
"And that means I have you then?" You widened your legs so he could see the mess he made you once again. 
"However you want..."
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916
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actuallybabe · 3 months
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TW: mentions of cocaine. Language. Mentions of abusive/toxic relationship. Smut. Dom!Barry.  Cheating. 
SUMMARY: The aftermath of your drug overdose brings you into a set of unlikely sheets...
You took the first line to forget. About him. About her. About going back home. About staying here. You took the second to feel anything but the pain the encompassed ordeals left behind. The dull sting of betrayal you shouldn't have been surprised to endure and yet it was somehow all consuming. All because you trusted Topper's words when he said he didn't care about her that way anymore. And yet, you found him wrapped around Sarah as if she were the only thing tethering him to reality. The irony of your need to escape reality not lost on you as you took a third bump. 
Then everything went black. The mix of alcohol and drugs along with your emotion and indifference for anything but the numb high your decision brought you tonight had been the medicinal edge you needed. And yet, it was taunting your morality. 
Those friends you made since wearing the title of girlfriend for Topper had fled the second you began to tremor. Not one lifting a phone for assistance as you were left to die on the floor of some unnamed Kook's house. 
The drugs and death danced a perfect tango with your life between their grasp, infiltrated by a grasp as unexpected as it was enigmatic. But your body and awareness were too stained to make out any of the lights as your eyes fluttered closed, your body left at mercy of the grim reaper himself. 
At least you thought. 
There wasn't a side effect you would be spared as you awoke in sheets vaguely familiar. A scent you knew to be marijuana set in the distance and music of an emo metal inspiration playing even further. As your head throbbed, you attempted to assist yourself to your feet before feeling nausea keep you still. It was only when looking down that you noticed the change of clothing and a sudden fear of being taken advantage of obliterated the thought of anything else. 
"You're gonna want to move slow." A voice explained over your shoulder as you chilled. It was such a set of unfortunate circumstances in which you knew his voice. That distinctive twang accompanying the way he spoke and you were well aware you were in the "care" of Barry. 
"What happened?" You groaned, a hand to your stomach as another came over your mouth. 
"You up and overdosed." You shot to your feet, the memories in fragments but returning slowly the longer you existed in consciousness. The details of how everyone abandoned you and the sudden presence of his strong grasp made you narrow your eyes in confusion. 
"Most people would say thank you..." 
"Most people would have left me..."
"Most people did..." He explained, upset at his own remark. 
"You need to eat...." He left you at the edge of his bed, the familiarity in his sheets reminding you of when you'd accompanied Topper and Rafe here to obtain the drugs a week prior. Never knowing they would be the first thing you'd notice added a near death experience such as this. 
"Not exactly the buffet I'm sure you're used to, but..." But the smell of half burnt toast only made your expression sour. 
"Why did you?" 
"Why did I what?" He asked upon pulling his own buttered toast between his former grin after his eyes had taken stick of the available skin his oversized shirt left on you. 
"Save me..." 
He scoffed. "Never thought of it that way...more of keeping future problems away from me. Your body and all...bad for business..." Your eyes lowered before moving towards the door. 
"Wasn't a question." He explained, bringing a gun to view. You swallowed hard. 
"I'm curious...I have girls like you come through here every other day looking for an excuse...but why you? You seemed smart enough to know when to cut yourself off..." 
"I didn't want to think..."
"About which car to take to the club or-"
"What do you want?" You interrupted, frustrated by your mix of embarrassment and your pains. His jaw cocked to the side before he slowly nodded. 
"I would estimate a couple grand of my product was taken last night...by you..." 
"Topper and Rafe paid-"
"Pulled one over on me. Used it all without paying me what I was owed..." His head cocked. "Seems to me they take advantage of everything, don't they?"
"What does that have to do with me?"
"Well you're gonna entertain me..." You swallowed hard as he pulled himself closer to the gun. 
"I'd start by giving me my shirt back..." You hesitated. 
"I'll just go...have Rafe-"
"He'll just have daddy bail him out...But I want interest even papa Cameron can't fix...something only you can offer..."
"How much?" 
"How much what?"
"How much was it?"
"I don't want your money..."
"You said-"
"I want my shirt..." He stood, moving slowly towards you as you swallowed hard. 
Barry was intimidating. Enough that his closing proximity or sole gaze kept you focused on him indefinitely, watching each and every move to ensure it wasn't fatal. 
"They should keep a close eye on you..." Your jaw clenched as he kept the gun at his side and yet you kept it on your like or focus. When he noticed this, he set it back on the table. His hand rested over the barrel as he sat on the edge of the surface, his second hand close enough to trace the hem of his shirt met with each of your strained breaths. 
"I'm not going to hurt you. Wouldn't make much sense to help you last night only to hurt you now. Just like it wouldn't make sense to take you by force when you'll give in to me anyway .."  He moved closer to you, close enough to press you into the very edge of the small table. 
"To be numb. Right? Country Club ain't treating you right and you shaking for me already in the way you only hoped to for him...So I'll ask one more time..." He lowered over you close enough to feel his breath on your parted lips. 
"Or you can go back to the same people who left you last night...or stay and find out what I can offer-" The unspoken depth behind his eyes along with the taunt of his lips sent you towards him. Fingers to his shoulders stabilizing you as his came to your hips. His thumbs hooked beneath his shirt as he lifted it from your body and left the bra you intended for Topper. 
"Show me..." Your fingers wrapped at your back to remove the clasp as he set you onto the counter. But he was not quick to fuck as you'd imagined. Instead, he lowered to his knees. 
"Bet they've never made you come this way without a bit of help..." You blushed as he pulled your panties away until you were completely bare. 
"And I could do it with only my tongue.." Your eyes rolled as he began at your clit. Your breath shuddering and sporadic before your hands ran through his hair. The slight grip you made over his tresses motivated him to deepen himself between your thighs as you were taken to the very edge, dependent on his hold of your thighs. 
"You a good girl?" Your eyes came open as he licked slowly, enough for you to witness each stroke. He widened your legs and slowed as your mouth drew slack. You nodded in fear of him withdrawing. 
"You never touch yourself?" Your eyes darted. 
"I want you to...I got another job to do..." He sucked two fingers, forcing them both inside you at once as you gasped. 
"Why would they be stupid enough to leave you alone when you taste like fucking candy?" He scoffed. "Bet you're perfectly tight, aren't you?" You nodded. 
"I want you to give me what I want...I wanna watch you rub it until you're dripping on my table for me...don't fight it...I know you want to..." When you hesitated, he pulled your hand between your legs. 
"Slowly...no coming." He lowered back down to you, sucking and fingering your entrance in exchanges as you rode into him. 
"Barry?" A knock came to the door as he deepened his ambitions. 
"Moan...loud." you obliged.
 "Again." He groaned, pulling honest reactions from you until he turned you over the edge of the table. Your breasts taken in sharp grasps. 
"Make it clear to them that I've got my own high right here..." His cock teased your core, a mystery when he had undressed, but not one you cared to question. 
"But I'm not gonna force you...no matter how you're dripping on it..." He brought it directly underneath you, your lips stroking him as he guided you to slip over his shaft. 
"Oh you feel good...like silk..." 
"I want it..." 
"Want what? There's a lot of things I could do..." He played with your nipples as you moaned. 
"Especially if it gets you sounding like that..." You nodded. "Mmm…yeah…like that…"
"Say it..." But you blushed. 
"I know you think you're a good girl, but you're too fucking wet right now to stay one...let me have the bad...give me it...tell me-"
"Fuck me...Please..." 
He answered with a thrust. A single thrust that bottomed out within. Your fingers pinned beneath his on the table as he began a steady pace. His thick cock making your eyes roll as he pulled you harder against him. 
"You feel expensive..." He spoke into your ear. "Worth the trouble of last night..." 
"Thank me..." He pulled your hair when you hesitated. 
"For last night. For now. For being good and not forcing you on your knees..." He paused. 
"Show me. Show me you're grateful...be good." He teased as he led you to your knees. You licked your lips and took him in stride. 
"See how you taste? Think you deserve to come?"
You nodded. 
"Then rub yourself. Get real close...but keep those eyes on me. I wanna know why my floor's stained after I make you stand." You struggled to keep a pace as he instructed you faster. 
Faster. Your fingers were quick but the pleasure was enough to focus on him. 
"One finger. Two, just like I did..." You mimicked this as he groaned to the shift your suction made around him. 
"I'm close-" 
"No." You slowed. 
"Did I say you could fucking stop?!" He lowered done to you, hand in your hair as another forced your fingers back inside. You were fucked thoroughly with your own fingers as he basked in the contortions made of your expression.
"You owe me...and I want my floor fucking stained as payment...yes…" 
"It's too fast!" 
"And you're gonna come hard!" He forced you deeper into yourself before directing your hand to his cock, still wet with your spit. The tip crying as he watched you respond to yourself. 
"I'm gonna-something else is...Barry!" You gasped, a foreign gush between your legs coating you both as he smirked wildly. 
"I was hoping you were a squirter...now do it again on my face..." You angled back as he tightness the hold on your hair. 
"Sit on my face, pretty girl..." You obliged as he took you again. 
"You won't squirt again if I go slow...and you want to...don't you?" You hesitated. 
"I want to make you come..."
"Then make me..." He guided you to face his cock as you lowered over him, resuming your pleasure as he has to you. It became a game of oral fixation and ecstasy to see which one of you would expire first. 
"Mmm...Barry..." You groaned as he nodded, lapping you up. 
"I want you inside me..." He suctioned to your clit one final time before withdrawing with a popping sound. 
"Then ride me, pretty girl..." You sunk yourself onto him as he positioned himself upwards, enough to feel you against him. 
"Don't worry about them disappointing you again...you got me now..." 
"Fuck!" You hissed as he took a breast in either hand until you reclined against him. His hips raised, forcing your ass to follow as you relief solely on him. This position remaining until he came close. 
"Knees...I'm gonna come...then you're gonna squirt for me again..." You nodded as you finished him off with your mouth swallowing him effortlessly as he kept you wrapped around him. The gun now visible. 
"This turn you on?" 
You nodded as he traced your cheek. 
"Stand up..." 
"Barry..." You gasped as he traced your lower lips with the barrel. 
"I have another idea for you..." Your eyes widened as he set the gun in your palm before his middle finger came to your clit. 
"You deserve that money as much as I do after how they left you...So you're gonna go get it...and come back..and I'll show you how proud I am of you, baby..."
"Ride my hand..." You mindlessly agreed. 
"You think you came hard before...just wait until you come back with my money..." He withdrew his hand, smacked your ass, and threw his shirt back at you. 
"And don't even think of cleaning up. I want them to know how you paid for their mistakes. And how I'll reward you for them…"
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916
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actuallybabe · 3 months
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Pairings - Barry x fem!reader
Summary - You catch Barry jerking off. Based off this ask
Warnings - Masturbation, blow job, sexual intercourse. (18+)
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Laying your bike against the gravel1 and fixing your shorts you began your walk to the trailer, it was suspiciously quiet. Barry had texted you not even 40 minutes ago asking if you wanted to come over, instead of responding you got yourself ready and hopped on your bike.
“Barry?” You called, you went unanswered. Taking the steps slowly you enter the trailer, the radio hummed softly and you expected to see him asleep on the couch, so when your eyes landed on his stark naked body laid upon his bed you couldn’t stop the gasp from leaving your lips. Your eyes wander down to where he fisted his hard cock between his fingers, you could see his stomach clenching with each pump. “Fuck… y/n”.
Your eyes widen, heart racing and thighs shaking. The sight of his cock had you dripping, you could feel your arousal spreading across your panties. The sound of his hand jerking his lubricated cock bounced off the walls, slipped through your ear drum and tunneled into your brain, you’d never forget this sound. You’d never forget the way he moaned your name, you had no doubt he was imaging your tight cunt around his cock. Just that thought had you shaking, you wanted to reach your fingers into the waistband of your shorts. “Oh shit.. fuck”.
Spurts of white cum paints his stomach, his hand moves lazily up and down his cock and he drains his balls. You stay hidden as he lays there in silence for a moment before reaching for a towel and cleaning himself up, a new found confidence hits you and you're walking through the small living room straight into his bedroom. “Shit! Y/n, I didn’t hear you come in” he chokes, going to grab the towel he just threw on the floor to cover himself. Your foot meets the soiled towel and he turns to look at you, his hand covers as much of his cock as it can. “What are you doing?”
You're kneeling in front of him, pressing your palms to his thighs. “Think you can get hard again?” Your lips are so close to his, you can smell the weed on his breath. His pupils are blown, filled with confusion. “Will you kiss me?”.
He didn’t need to be asked twice, his lips were on yours. Fingers in your hair, you could feel him hardening against your stomach. His tongue assaulted yours, asserting dominance to gain back control. But you weren’t having that, pulling away and ducking your head low, gripping the base of his cock. “Knew you’d have a pretty cock” you mewled, blowing softly over his moistened tip. The low throaty groan gives you the confidence to drop your tongue, tasting his saltiness. “Oh shit”.
Hallowing your mouth around him until the tip of your nose brushed his groomed pubes, his fingers laced through the back of your hair. Choked moans spewed from his throat, thrusting his hips up and further into your mouth. Gagging around him only had his grip tightening, abusing your mouth for his pleasure. Tears pricked your eyes, blinking roughly to rid them before they stained your cheeks. “Fucking sweet Jesus… your- fuck” he growled, cupping his balls in your palm sent him over the edge. His already sensitive cock throbbed on your tongue, his load shooting to the back of your throat. You're quick to swallow, using your thumb to swipe across your lower lip. “Did you like that?”
His eyes are hooded, leaning back on his elbows as he stares at you in shock. “What was that?”
“Me.. sucking your cock? And now I’m going to ride you”
His mouth drops as you pull your dress over your head, followed by your underwear. You stood bare between his legs, your arousal painted down your thighs. “Touch me”
His fingers are gripping your thigh tightly, pressing his mouth just above your belly button. “Barry” you breath, your cunt pulsed, a deep ache in your lower belly as his fingers danced up the back of your thigh to grasp the flesh of your ass, massaging it roughly. Pressing his lips to the apex of your chest before enveloping his mouth around your nipple, a sharp breath leaves your lips pressing your body closer to his mouth.
Your knees meet the mattress, straddling Barry’s lap. You can feel his hot cock between your thighs, rolling your hips against his length. Your arousal coating his shaft, his blunt nails dig into the flesh of your hips keeping you from moving. “Damn girl… I didn’t know you wanted me this bad huh? I can smell your sweet arousal”
You're nodding your head roughly, fighting against the strength of his palm to create friction between the two of you. His hand is quick to grip your throat, giving you the smallest of squeezes before pulling you closer to his face. “So damn fucking needy” his mouth is pressed firmly to yours, pulling you closer to him until his cock nudged your opening. “Please Barry… fuck me” you beg, antagonisingly slow he pushed himself into your opening, spreading you wide for his thick cock.
“Oh yes yes yes yes” you cry, when he bottoms out you drop your forehead to his shoulder. A delicious sting courses through your pussy as he stretches you to fit all of his cock, your hips begin to roll and bounce. The sounds of him fucking you sent shivers up your spine, goosebumps littered your naked skin. “Fuck your so tight… taking my cock so well.. that’s it baby girl, ride me!” He praised, leaning himself back into his elbows he let you take full control.
Your palms pressed to his chest as you used his cock to your liking, angling your hips, bringing him almost all the way out only to drop back down.
Your tits swayed with each thrust and he knew he was close, eyes focused on where the two of you joined. “Faster baby, I need you to cum. I need you to cum now before I blow my load in you” he grunts, clamping his fingers around your throat and tightening. The lack of air tips you over the edge, vision blotching and toes curling. Your pussy sucks him deeper, nudging him against the sweet spot inside, your orgasm floods you.
You're an incoherent mess above him, hair wild, sheen of sweat over your skin, mouth wide as you cry out. Just the sight has his balls tightening and his load shooting deep inside of you, his cock throbbing inside your tight walls. “Jesus fucking Christ!” He shouts, his third orgasm flooring him. Sending his body back onto the mattress, chest heaving as he tries to regain normal breathing.
“Are you okay?” Your soft voice brings him back to reality, opening his eyes to see your naked body above him, hovering over his limp cock. “I’ve not had that many orgasms so close together… I’m wrecked” he states, his hand holds your thigh to stop you from moving off him, giving you his famous smirk. The apples of your cheeks redden at the realization that you just fucked your best friend. “So… how long have you wanted to do that?”
Tag list - @tracymbcm @dilvcv @drewstarkeyslut @jethro-mcgee-tony @meli-137 @auximi @d4adf4iry @lnlr444 @lexyysworld (tagged because you interacted with this post)
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actuallybabe · 3 months
MY MF MANNNNNNNNNNNN i want him to split me in half
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actuallybabe · 3 months
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actuallybabe · 3 months
"Oops" | Eddie Munson
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
summary: Part 2--Reader now confronts Eddie about his text last week. Feelings are spilled and sheets are ruined.
warnings: oral (f. receiving), praise kink, pet names (good girl, baby, sweetheart, sweets, honey), dom!eddie, fingering, cunnilingus, degradation (brat, slut, whore, cockslut), squirting, aftercare
word count: 3.8k
a/n: This is part 2 to "Oops", which we now get into the real reason you all are here.
Part 1
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He had to lie about talking to Callie from chem but it was better than the truth. He knew then that you didn’t feel the same way as him, and it hurt him. He meant to delete the photo after you ended the call but his mind was too clouded so he took a walk and forgot about it later on. If only he knew what you did that night looking at said photo.
“The truth?” Eddie didn’t know why there was this sudden burst of courage rushing through him, maybe it was the beers, or the weed or maybe it was just the fact that he needed to tell you how he felt, no matter what your answer was.
You nod your head at his question, turning to get a good look at him. His eyes were shut as he leaned against the wall, his neck stretched enough to show his adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly.
“Yes.” You’re confused for a second, yes he didn’t know or yes he did know? “I knew it was you, I mean.” 
Oh. Oh, OH! Your brain scrambles thinking back to the picture and the text, ‘Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you’. That’s what the text said, so did that mean it was you he was jerking off to?
“So the text…”
“Was about you. Yeah.” His shoulders rise a little before falling, like a weight had literally been lifted off his shoulders. His eyes are still closed, scared that if he opens them he’ll be met with a grin on your face before you laugh at him.
“Eddie,” You say softly, moving to sit up on your knees. He doesn’t open his eyes or move his head, “Eds. Look at me.”
You scooch forward, sitting next to him, your thigh touching his own. His eyes crack open at the touch, his gaze locked at the ceiling still.
You reach your hand up and cup his cheek, guiding his face to look at yours. His eyes are glossy, like he’s trying not to cry. You give him a soft smile, your own eyes begin to well up with tears. 
“I need you to listen to me, got it?” You wait for him to nod before continuing, “I love you Eddie. Both as a friend and more. I didn’t realize how much I loved you until you sent that photo, that wonderful, hot, sexy photo,” He tries to move his head away but you pull it back to you, “That photo that I ended up looking at as I made myself cum that night.” That caught his attention. He opened his mouth to say something but you were quick to stop him, resuming your speech.
“Eddie, why didn’t you just tell me you liked me? I wouldn't laugh at you or anything, if anything I’d probably realize I did too. I just don’t understand why you had to do that to tell me. Not that I didn’t love it, I did. Just, I need you to say it.”
He looks at you for a second more, making sure you’re done talking before speaking himself.
“Sweetheart,” His hand reaches up to hold your own, the one on his cheek, “If I’m being completely, 100% transparent with you. I didn’t think I was worth your time. You are way out of my league and the fact that you chose to stick by me all these years just made it even harder not to fall for you. But you,” He squeezes your hand, “You are the one I want to be with. Always have been, always will be. I don’t want anyone else. I love you so damn much baby.”
The new pet name made a smile creep onto your face, the tears finally breaking the barrier and spilling down your face. 
This man, your best friend, the one you didn’t know you loved as much as you truly did until a week ago, loves you back. You’re so happy that he loves you back that you can’t even stop yourself before you launch forward and pull him in for a kiss. It’s soft, your soft lips meeting his chapped ones, a perfect pairing.
You pull away after a few seconds, needing to breathe. Your foreheads are touching as you stare at each other, love and lust filling your eyes.
“Can I kiss you again?” You nod and Eddie leans in for another kiss. This one being harder than the other, more passion and lust thrown in. Eddie’s tongue brushes over your bottom lip, wishing for access that you give without a second thought.
You moan at the feeling of his tongue meeting yours, the taste of weed, beer and pizza still lingering. Eddie’s hand moves from its place over yours and to your waist, being met quickly with his other. He holds you tightly, afraid that if he didn’t you’d slip away from his grasp. You move your leg over his going to straddle his thighs. He helps you situate yourself on top of his lap, lips never once disconnecting.
The new position lets you feel just how hard he is under his sweats, the boner that you’ve only ever seen through a screen under only a few layers of clothing. You start to grind your hips on him, making him groan into your mouth at the friction. His hands move down to your hips, helping your movements, while yours tangle themselves in his hair, feeling just how soft it really is.
You grab a handful of it at the base of his neck, pulling lightly as you continue making out and grinding on him. On one particularly rough thrust, his sweats hit that perfect spot on your clit making you moan into his mouth and pull his hair hard. He lets out a deep groan at the feeling, which makes you smile into the kisses, now knowing a little secret about him.
“Shit baby,” Eddie breathlessly says as he pulls away from you, “Need to taste you. Please.”
The words go straight to your core, making the wet patch between your thighs grow.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to.”
“I want- I need to. Been dreaming of this forever,” He pulls further from your face, gauging your reaction, “Will you let me take care of you?”
You nod your head, “Words baby. I need words.”
“Yes, please Eddie.” The words come out more whiny than you’d wanted but you could care less at this point, all you can think about is him between your thighs.
Eddie flips the both of you over, laying you down so your head is on his pillows. He goes back to kissing you, leaving kisses all over. Your lips, your cheeks, your forehead, before roaming further down, to your neck, sucking little hickeys wherever he goes.
You just lay there relishing in the feeling of his mouth on you, your hands still in his hair. He glides down to your collarbone, sucking another hickey there. His hands are sliding all over your body, up your thighs, gripping your hips, towards your waist, pushing the shirt you have on up, exposing more skin to him.
“Can I take this off princess?” He looks at you, his big brown eyes almost black with lust.
Without responding you sit up quickly and yank the shirt off of your body, tossing it somewhere on his floor. You lay back down, now in only your underwear in front of him. There’s something about Eddie still being fully clothed while you were there basically naked in front of him that turned you on more.
“Jesus, princess. You’re so damn pretty,” He guides his hands towards your boobs, looking at you for permission, which you give, before palming them, “These perfect goddamn tits.” 
He leans down and starts sucking on one, kissing it softly at first before taking the nipple into his mouth, nipping it lightly. The other is being rolled between his fingers, pulling delicious moans and whimpers from you. He removes his mouth from one with a pop before giving the other the same treatment.
You try to buck your hips up into him, needing some type of friction, but his weight stops any possible movements. You can feel his bulge against your thigh and it’s driving you crazy not being able to see it, and have it inside you. Eddie bites a little harder causing you to scream out in pleasure/pain.
“That’s it baby. Let me hear you, I want every little moan and whimper,” He’s smiling at you as he goes back to trailing kisses down your body. He stops just at the waistline of your panties, slipping one finger through, pulling it back just to release and snap it against you.
You moan out, the slight sting feeling good. Your eyes followed him as he continued down, kissing your hips, and thighs. The teasing is driving you crazy but it feels so good at the same time, you love the feeling of Eddie’s lips on you. Eddie reaches your knee, planting a light kiss there before pulling away from you completely.
“You sure about this? We can stop now if you want,” His words seemingly far away in your ears.
You look at him and shake your head, his hair is disheveled from your fingers raking through it, his eyes blown wide at the sight of you, his sweats are tented containing the thing you want most right now. You sit up, crossing your legs beneath you as you reach for the hem of his shirt.
You tug at it until he gets the hint and pulls it over his head, tossing it down next to yours. Your eyes roam over his chest, eyeing the dark tattoos that contrast with his fair skin. You let your fingers wander over them, tracing the outlines and shapes etched into the skin forever. Eddie’s breathing quickens at the feeling of your fingers on him, he swears he could watch you do this all day but right now he needed to taste the girl of his dreams.
He grabs your wrists lightly, pulling them away from him much to both of your protest.
“Please, let me taste you. I wanna make you feel good,” He pleads with you for the second time that night. You stare at him above you before you look down at the ground; you’re scared now because you’ve never had someone go down on you, especially since you’ve only ever had one boyfriend who thought about himself more than you.
Your hesitation makes Eddie worried, he squats down in front of you to be in your eyeline.
“We don’t have to go any further. I’m okay with just going to bed now if that’s what you want.”
“No!” You quickly reply, “No I- I want this.”
“Are you sure? We don’t have to.” His eyes are soft, caring and full of truth.
You nod your head, “I want this Eds. I’ve just-” You sigh, “I’ve never had anyone…you know, go down on me.”
Eddie’s eyes widen at your words. He knows you dated someone a few years ago, assuming that the both of you did a lot together. But knowing this only fueled his need to please you more.
“Then let me be the first. I promise it’ll be amazing, for both of us,” He grabs a hold of your hands, “I want to make you feel amazing. Will you let me?”
You look at him, the lust in your eyes turning to pure unbridled love for the man in front of you. You nod your head, “Yes, I trust you.”
A smile breaks out on Eddie’s face as he goes back to his full height. “Lay back down for me sweet girl.” You follow his instructions, resuming your previous position on his bed. Legs wide and waiting for him.
He crawls over you, kissing his way towards your mouth. He plants one on you that has you moaning and bucking your hips into him again. He smiles into the kiss, pulling away and kneeling down so he’s eye level with your dripping cunt. His hands move like feathers over your skin reaching your underwear and slowly peeling them off of you.
His eyes never leave yours, making sure you’re comfortable as he pulls them off of you and throws them behind himself. Once he knows you’re safe and good he kisses up your thighs, towards your core.
You whine under him, he’s going too slow. You need his mouth on you and now. Eddie finally places the gentlest of kisses to your clit, pulling a squeal out of you before you buck your hips up in return. He smiles and goes in, licking and sucking the little bud until you’re a writhing mess under him.
Then he moves his tongue down, circling your hole a few times before slowly inserting it. He groans at the feeling of you pulsing around him, his hips rutting against the bed as he enjoys this just as much if not more than you.
The feeling of him inside of you, even if it is just his tongue is amazing and you can’t wait for more. Once Eddie thinks you are warmed up enough he glides his hand up to meet his mouth, replacing his tongue with one finger. The stretch it gives you is so new and pleasurable, once you get past the slight pain of it all.
“You’re doing so good, baby. Taking my finger so well, think you can take another one? Hmm?” Eddie looks back up at you wanting to see you fall apart for him. You nod frantically and mewl at his question, falling deep into the pleasure he’s giving you.
“Aw look at you, already so cock drunk and I’ve not even given it to you yet. You gonna be a good girl for me and take another finger so I can stretch you out for this cock?”
“Yes, please. Ed-” Once the word leaves your mouth another finger enters you, the pain shooting through you before being taken over by blinding pleasure.
Eddie pumps his fingers in and out of you at a slow pace, not wanting to hurt you, yet. But all you want is to cum, to feel yourself fall apart at his doing. The feeling of your core tightening signals both you and Eddie of what’s about to happen.
Eddie then attaches his lips to your clit again, sending you over the edge, cumming all over his fingers and face. He pumps his fingers until he feels you loosen around him then takes them out.
“God you taste so damn good sweetheart,” He crawls back on top of you, face to face before guiding his fingers that were inside of you to your mouth, “Taste yourself baby.”
You oblige and open your mouth, sucking his fingers clean of your juices. He groans at the sight, the way your eyes roll back and you moan around his fingers. He pulls them out because if he didn’t he was sure he’d cum just watching you like that.
Eddie goes to take off his sweats but you stop him, “I wanna make you feel good too Eds.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide, he’s thought of your pretty little lips around him so much and you offering it right now is like heaven but he knows that the moment your mouth touches him he won’t be able to hold back. “Sweets, you have no idea how much I want to watch that but right now I need to be inside of you. I’ve waited long enough, you can suck me off another time, promise.”
He kisses you then pulls his sweats down along with his underwear. His cock springs free, red and leaking precum just like the photo. You can’t stop yourself once you see it, you reach out and take it into your hands, stroking it slowly, softly, taking your time to relish in the feeling of your hand around him.
Eddie seems to be doing the same thing, moans and groans falling from his lips until his hand grips your wrist to stop your movements, “Gotta stop baby, or else I’ll bust right now.” He laughs a little before leaning down to give you a small peck on the lips.
He lifts himself up onto his hands and reaches for his bedside table, opening the top drawer and pulling out the small, aluminum square. He rips it open with his teeth before sliding the latex over his hard on, pumping it a few times before lining it up with your entrance.
He looks up at you, eyes locking, “You sure about this? We can still stop.” He’s so sweet and kind it makes your heart ache. You place your hand on his cheek, he leans into the touch.
“Please Eddie. I’ve never wanted anything more.” You give him a kiss, filled with love and lust and passion. With that he slowly pushes in, just the tip to get you used to the girth of him.
Your head falls back onto his pillows, one hand moving to grip his hair the other his back. He pushes in a little more, inch by inch until he is finally all the way in. The groan he releases when he feels you clench around him, getting used to his size, is like music to your ears. A song that you could listen to on repeat for hours on end.
“Need you- need you to move Ed, please.”
“Gimme a sec baby, wanna make this last.”
A few seconds later he pulls out only an inch or two before going back into the hilt. The feeling of him moving sends shivers down your spine, loving every moment of it. He gains more confidence and pulls out all the way to the tip before slamming back into you. The way your tits move from the force makes Eddie’s mind go blank.
Eddie’s pace is slow and rhythmic, just trying to let you adjust to him, but you need more.
“Faster Eddie. Faster.” It falls out of you as a moan, barely audible to yourself but he hears it and grants your wish picking up the pace. Your moans grow louder as his pace speeds, you start mumbling incoherent things.
“Good girl, take this cock like the little slut you are. Bet you love it when I call you my little slut huh?” You squeeze around him at his words, “Oh I felt that baby. You like it when I degrade you don’t you my little whore, hmm? Gonna always be the little cockslut that I know you are. Falling apart with me inside of you.” 
You’re not even trying to hold anything back at this point, the feelings being too good to try to stop, “God Eddie you feel so good. You’re so big, dammit!” He hits that sweet spot inside of you that has your eyes rolled back and mouth wide open but nothing coming out.
“Oh, is that the spot honey? That the spot that makes you feel good?” He moves against you to hit that spot over and over again. Your brain goes numb, not registering anything that’s happening around you, too shrouded in pleasure to care.
Eddie’s talking to you but you can’t hear what he’s saying. Next thing you know he’s circling your clit with his fingers again, pulling a particularly loud whine out of you.
“Ed, I’m gonna- Shit! Feel like I’m gonna pee, gotta stop.”
“Oh but sweetheart that’s what I want you to do, wanna see you cum and squirt all over this cock of yours. Come on cum for me baby girl. I know you got one more in you.”
His words ring in your ears, but they sound so far away. The feeling of his hand gripping your hip and the fingers on your clit and the dick inside of you all becoming too much and you just let go. There’s a gushing sound as Eddie pounds into you faster and harder, now chasing his own orgasm. It rips through him just as hard as yours did you, his white sperm spilling into the condom. A small part of you wishes it wasn’t there, to feel his seed inside of you, maybe even have it stay there until you get pregnant.
Eddie collapses on top of you, breath hot and heavy against your neck. He’s planting small kisses along your shoulder and collarbone, waiting out the wave of pleasure that just overtook the both of you. Sooner than you’d like he’s getting up and pulling out of you, making you whine at the loss of him.
He exits the room for a short amount of time, returning to you in the same position. He starts to wipe you clean with a warm towel, being careful of your sensitive clit before pulling your shirt and underwear back on you. He puts his own clothes on, neglecting his shirt this time around. He goes to the side of you, picking you up bridal style and carrying you into the living room to lay you down on the couch.
He returns to his room to change his sheets and lay a towel down to soak up what seeped through. Once his sheets are changed he goes back to get you and places you back in his bed, pulling the covers up over you. He gets you a glass of water for when you regain consciousness and some pain killers he knows you’ll probably need.
Eddie gets in beside you, pulling you close, rubbing your arm as you breathe softly into him. A few minutes pass before you start to open your eyes. He looks down at you, brushing some hair away from your face.
“Hey there you are. How’s my girl doin’?” That smile you love so much is spread across his face.
“Mm, tired. Sore. And very happy.”
“I got you some water and painkillers,” He reaches over and grabs them from his bedside table, “Take these and drink this.”
You sit up a little and do as he says, drinking all of the water in the cup before resuming your position curled up at Eddie’s side.
“So how was it?” A smirk on his face.
“Eh, it was okay I guess. I’ve had better.” Eddie scoffs and hits your arm lightly, which just makes you giggle.
“Damn guess I gotta kill you now. Can’t have you going around telling people I’m only okay in bed,” He retorts back.
You look up at him, “And who else do you think you’ll be sleeping with? Cause if it’s not only me then I’ll keep my promise of castrating you.”
“Oh so you want to do it again, even after it was just okay?” You slap him in the chest.
“I’d do it a million more times if it feels that good after every one,” You say before giving him a kiss, “Will you be my boyfriend?”
“Already am sweetheart,” You give a quizzical look, “Since the day I met you I was yours. Always will be.”
You smile at his words, planting another kiss on his lips, “And I’ll always be yours.”
Eddie Taglist: @ali-r3n @dixontardis @witchwolflea @micheledawn1975 @daydreaming-mood @idfwfeelings @adaydreamaway08 @preciousbumplingbee @rustboxstarr @plk-18 @teary-eyed-egg @needylilgal022 @exploding-bonbon @gagasbee @eddiemunsonsguitarpic @aol19 @thatwitchyoucouldntburn
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actuallybabe · 3 months
Best friend Eddie has had a *thing* for reader since middle school. But is worried to go for it (reader is sweet, smart, and funny. Probably would be popular if she didn't spend so much time with the "freaks".) So he'll take any little bit of affection he can get from her.
(I think we've all seen from the show and the interviews that JQ's love language is touch.)
Maybe Eddie starts hugging her and holding her a lot until one day at lunch he puts his hand on her knee and she moves it onto her thigh under her skirt (?).
You can take it from there 😂 that's the extent of my genius.
thank you for requesting!🖤
part two
Eddie Munson had always been an affectionate and touchy guy. 
You had been friends with him for many years and it was an undeniable fact the boy loved to show his affection through physical touch. Whether it was an arm thrown over the shoulders of the younger boys in the club as they make their way to the classroom to start the latest campaign, or whether it was knocking shoulders and excitedly hugging his bandmates when they make a breakthrough on a song they had been working on. 
Eddie was an affectionate guy and that treatment was extended to you too. 
It also just happened that he had a massive fucking crush on you and felt like his heart was going to burst through his chest every time he touched you.
It had been a normal Thursday. Classes had been long and torturous, but Eddie was practically bouncing in his seat to head towards the cafeteria for lunch. When he walked into the room, he saw you sitting in your usual seat—the one right next to him at the head of the table.
It was difficult to wipe the grin off his face as he made his way towards the table, slumping down into his seat and not even wasting a moment before he was gripping the back of your chair, dragging you close enough until your thighs were pressed together. He did this every day but something about you liked the way your heart skipped when he pulled you closer. 
It baffled Eddie why you always sat with them. You weren’t in Hellfire, not really. You never played but you enjoyed listening to them rant and ramble about it. You had other friends you could have sat with, ones that wouldn’t have made you seem as though you were a ‘freak’ along with the rest of them. But despite Eddie’s insistence that he wouldn’t be offended if you sat somewhere else, you still chose the seat right next to him—to make your own point. 
You were very happy and content where you were, settled under Eddie’s arm with your head resting against his shoulder as he continued to discuss the latest campaign with the other boys. You smiled softly, watching how excited and animated they got and the way Eddie’s face glistened in pride at how much they loved his campaign. 
But then your thoughts started to wander and you felt something warm just above your knee, your eyes darting down to see Eddie subconsciously place his hand on your thigh and gently stroke the skin exposed by your skirt. 
You pressed your lips together, not saying anything. You didn’t want him to move his hand, maybe because you weren’t sure Eddie saw you as anything but a best friend. And with this—with this, you could pretend it was something more. 
Then his hand moved up a little, the movement almost a little hesitant like he was waiting for you to push it back down. 
But you didn’t. 
You waited for him to shift higher but it stayed firmly where it was, a couple of inches below the hem of your skirt. Your eyes darted up, seeing the boys still screaming and yelling at each other across the table and lost in their own conversation. You stole a quick glance at Eddie, finding his eyes firmly stuck on the boys but the hint of a smirk on his lips gave you another idea. 
Your fingers slowly wrapped around his wrist, giving it a soft squeeze before you began to guide his hand higher up your thigh. It inched closer and closer until—
Eddie cleared his throat when you pushed his hand under your skirt, your thighs clenching together to trap his hand there. He pressed his lips together, forcing himself to keep his face neutral as though blood wasn’t roaring in his ears and going straight down to his cock. 
Your legs parted a little, just enough for him to move his fingers once again. You kept your gaze anywhere but your lap, the heat rushing to your cheeks warning enough that you would instantly blow your cover if you saw the sight of his hand between your legs. 
Eddie’s fingers slowly crawled further up your leg, his fingertips teasing your clothed cunt. You let out a small gasp, quickly covering it up with a cough as you felt his fingers press more firmly against your panties.
You nuzzled yourself against his side, the action not uncommon and, therefore, ignored by the rest of the group. Your face was practically pressed against the fabric of his jacket, muffling the small sounds that left your lips as his fingers grazed up and down your cunt—the touch too light but enough to make you squirm.
Nobody even questioned it when Eddie ducked his head down, his lips pressed against your ear and his warm breath fanned across your skin. 
“You’re so wet, baby,” he muttered, his voice low enough that only you could hear him. “And I’ve barely even touched you.” 
“Eddie,” you breathed out. 
“I didn’t know you liked this kinda stuff, sweetheart,” he murmured, his fingers pushing against your clothed clit as you fought the urge to squirm. “Letting me do this to you when anybody could see.” 
“Shit,” you hissed, the fabric of your panties soaked. 
“Who knew my best friend was such a slut,” he cooed softly. 
“Eds,” you whined slightly, your cheeks flushing when you felt his thumb press slow circles on your clit. 
“Or maybe you’re just a slut f’me,” he teased, grinning a little when you nodded your head. “A shame, baby.” 
Before you could even process his words or the way your stomach twisted in delight at his words, he was pulling his hand away and resting his hands on the table like nothing happened. 
You gaped at him, your panties now soaked and your body desperate to feel his touch again but the boy just shot you a look. 
“Later,” he said, eyes darkening a little when he noticed the way your thighs clenched together. “Keep ‘em on all day and you’ll get a reward later, in my van.” 
You bit your bottom lip. 
His lips grew into a smirk. “Gonna make sure that pretty little skirt of yours is fucking ruined, sweetheart, don’t worry.”
And then he returned to the conversation about his campaign like nothing was wrong.
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actuallybabe · 3 months
𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐦: 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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PAIRING: Barry x Reader, Rafe x Reader (later on)
SYNOPSIS: You chose the wrong time to return home in the cut, you're sent on an adventure with your boyfriend and his so-called-friend. An adventure you can't escape.
WARNING(S): SMUT!! Reader recieving, Exhibitionism, getting caught by Rafe, P in V, Violence, Drug Dealing, Gun use-ish, Guns, Fighting, Argueing, Revenge obsessed Rafe, threatening, Drug use, Kidnapping, Stalking, dealer!Barry, dealer!Rafe, Canon!Rafe, Dark!Rafe, Dangerous!reader, Cheating? CONTAINS DARK CONTENT 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT SONG FOR CHAPTER: Drugs & Money - Chase Atlantic: Drugs & Money - Chase Atlantic
AUTHORS NOTE: Imagine this Barry with Season two Rafe!! oh my god!! You have no idea how long it took me to write this chapter; however, the other chapters are more entertaining. So be ready for a series filled with drama and action.
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The scent of saltwater lingers in the air as you step inside the beach house, a wistful smile on your face. 
You’ve returned to the Outer Banks for the summer holidays needing a break from your studies in on the mainland. and each and every year for the past four years you’ve stayed at Barry’s house. Y/n, having just returned to the Outer Banks from her college life in Raleigh, was eager to reconnect with her friends and spend time with her little brother, Timmy, who was staying at a foster home in the area. Her heart was divided between her old life and the new one she had built in Raleigh, but she was determined to find a balance.
You both banter as he helps you unpack, only packing light as most of your time would be spent in his house, which mostly involves you wearing his clothes. Barry walks in to his room noticing you’re wearing his basketball shirt, “Doesn’t my girlfriend look hot in my clothes” You roll your eyes at that statement, your relationship with him is complicated. He imitates your rolling of the eyes.
Barry jokes back, “Hey now, what's wrong with being my girlfriend?”
You turn to him with raised eyebrows, “There’s too many things to count, babe”
Barry chuckles, shaking his head teasing you back. “Well, you know, when you're staying in my house” he pauses, taking a step towards you, fingering the collar of his shirt, “wearing my clothes, you're my girlfriend, k?”
Your lips curled into a playful smile.“Is that how it works?” As he bites his lip, his infamous smirk appears as you continue, turning away from him going back to unpacking your things “Good thing I'm only here for the summer then.”
Barry laughs, realizing the truth in your words. 
Your relationship has always been a summer fling, a sweet escape from the realities of your separate lives.
He smiles down at you, “You know you're welcome here anytime, Y/N. Summer or not.”
Your smile softens, a hint of fondness in your eyes. Answering back affectionately, turning back to him with a wink, “Thanks. It's good to be back.”
Barry comes closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder, “I've missed you, Y/N.”
You lean into him with a smile, “I missed you too. Now, enough of the mushy stuff K” Meanwhile, in the figure eight.
Rafe stands in his dimly lit living room, surrounded by photos of his late father. His face is etched with anger and determination.
“Those Pogues will pay for what they did to you, Dad. They took everything from us, but I'll make sure they suffer just like we did.” Rafe’s eyes filled with a mix of desperation and defiance decides he needs a distraction and  seeks solace from his chaotic life. 
He knows there's only one place where he might find it, Rafe decides to head to Barrys to get his fix. He raps his knuckles on the doorframe, impatience gnawing at him. His heart races, knowing he's on the verge of crossing a line he never thought he would. Realizing that everything he's done in the past few years, the cross, getting the gold, Peterkin, has been for his father; since he’s not here anymore there’s no one to stop him.
“Barry, it's me, Rafe. Can I come in?” There's no immediate response, just a brief pause, followed by a nervous chuckle. Rafe's heart starts pounding, his instincts telling him that something isn't quite right.
Frustrated, voice trembling,  “Barry? Dammit, Barry, open up!” He raps his knuckles on the doorframe, impatience gnawing at him. His heart races, knowing he's on the verge of crossing a line he never thought he would.
His voice broke, “Barry? Are you there?” Rafe releases a huff stepping off of Barry’s porch, he hears a sound coming from inside so he goes to investigate.
Walking to the side of the house, he begins to hear a screech. Rafe becomes antsy as he approaches the noise, needing his fix as soon as possible.
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He gets a shock seeing the naked back of a girl, her face hidden from his view. Rafe’s seen plenty of naked girls in his time, but it's the sight of his friend knelt before him that was shocking. Rafe had an obscure view, but with the movement of his friend's head he can picture what he’s doing. He watches you, arch your back; your face finally coming to his view, sadly for the kook your eyes are closed. Your hands thread in Barrys curls, mouth open releasing a small moan: so that’s the sound he heard earlier. Rafe stands there still, conflicted whether to walk away or to head in and disrupt your fun. But till then he remains where he stands. Barry groans against you, as you tremble, clutching him between your thighs. He’s been down there for what feels like forever, even though it's only been five minutes. It all started when you both debated on the perfect afternoon snack; yours was Doritos and his was, well, you can imagine. You’ve only been back in the outer banks for one day and already you and Barry are having sex. Rafe watches on with a clenched jaw, feeling annoyed that his friend is preoccupied still needing his fix, while also jealous that he can bag a girl like that. 
Barry’s fingers moved down to where he just was, teasing your clit, slipping one in you. You gently gasped at the feeling. 
“You like that baby?” he teases, flicking your clit for good measure making you flutter your eyes. As he caresses you, whimpering on his countertop, your eyes flutter as you spot his erection straining against his shorts. "So delicate" He slid his fingers inside your pussy, your mouth begging him to let go but your body giving in. 
"So wet" He almost sounded delighted, thrusting his fingers in farther, curling them, snarling at the slick sound of your cunt, his lips twisting into a sneer at the way you struggled to bite back pleasure cries. "Such a needy little thing" 
Your body is unsure whether it wants to lean towards the pleasure or escape it, which is why it wriggles. His fingers continually probe that point deep within you, causing you to spasm and toss back your head. Finally cumming on him. Barry lifts up from the ground, kissing trailing up your body as you release a hum of delight of your recent orgasm. He pulls back for a second undoing his shorts, pulling it down displaying his happy trail. You both lock eyes as he takes a step forward, smirking down at you as he roughly pulls your body down, so your pelvis’ touch. Barry releases a groan bottoming out, and you reach back and hold onto the window as he thrusts in and out of you. Rafe freezes in his position, hands clenched. His patience wears thin, he needs his fix more than ever. Your hands fall onto Barry's ass, pulling him deeper into you. He jutters, loving how you clench around him, “Fuck thats it” he whispers against your neck. He groans as you wrap your thighs around him, his fists clamped into the countertop. 
You lift your left arm, cupping his cheek pulling him into a passionate kiss. Both moaning at the taste, getting lost in your pleasure. Barry opens his eyes and stares out the window and notices his kook friend, smirking at you. His speed accelerates, making you whimper, and his grin grows watching him squirm.
He suddenly slides two fingers through your slit making you shake against him, butterflies fill his stomach with excitement knowing that Rafe is watching him fuck you. Barry wants nothing more than for him to watch you come for him: again. You continue to jerk, pleasure shoots through your body as he circles your clit.
He’s teasing his cock just where he just licked it, pressing it into your swollen clit until your hips buck. Moving it down to your entrance and giving you his tip, feeling you tighten around it and want to suck him in farther. 
Then he gently gives you the entire length, dragging it in and out a few times, painfully slow, and you attempt to grind against his pelvis as he bottoms out, seeking that final bit of contact to make you come. 
When he gets to the end of you, he notices how your hips move, how your face contorts, and he knows your body so well that he can tell you're going to come.
When he touched you, your eyes rolled back. Your hips begin to twist and wiggle, and you hear him gasp as he accelerates up, allowing you to come back on his cock and ride it out completely before he returns his hands to your hips. 
Then he establishes a punishing tempo, pressing the centre of your back down so you arch further for him and grabbing your arms to pin your hands together behind you while fucking you so rapidly your g-spot is always under pressure. "Just like that, honey, you're so fucking tight, fuck," his words begin to slur as he approaches, "this pussy just does something to me... Jesus Christ." As he penetrates you with his cock, his hips twitch.
"I-I’m gonna cum." 
On his final push, you feel the pounding throbs of his cock, the swelling and spewing ropes of his spend deep into you, and hear one final, drawn-out, guttural moan fill your ears. Barry carefully releases your hands, strokes your wrists, and sets them on the counter before massaging the back of your hips. "I think we have an audience" he whispers, low and husky, his mouth on your back, his breath on your moist skin, and his nose tracing up your shoulder blade. Your eyes widen, turning to look behind you and there stands Rafe Cameron, and he just saw you cum. Truthfully, Barry’s known of the kooks presence for some time now, maybe even before he went down on his knees, and god did it feel good to give him a show, something over the kook king: if there’s one thing Rafe can’t have and that’s you, and he just proved that.
Barry pulls back, seeing you’re red in the face embarrassed. He just smirks down at you, “you go change, while I deal with him yeah”
You nod, your heart finally slowing down from the previous actions with him.
Rafe now knocks on the front door, startling you. Barry groaned, his head falling on your shoulder before yelling out, “Uh, just a sec!” He gives you one last sloppy kiss on the cheek and buckles his pants.
Rafe hesitates for a moment, but before he can turn and leave, Barry swings the door open with an awkward smile. True, he holds no regret with his little show, but he feels some remorse when he sees the position his friend is in.
The dimly lit living room of Barry's house is filled with a heavy atmosphere as Rafe stands before him, his desperation evident in his eyes. He does all he can to forget about your naked back, your groan; anything else, but his anguish and pain with the loss of his dad returns.
Rafe becomes anxious,”I need something to forget about my dad. Can you hook me up?”
Barry turns to him concerned and a little annoyed that he was interrupted for this,  “I don't think that's the best way to deal with this.”
The kook is even more irritated. “I don't care. I just need to get my mind off things.”
Barry hesitates, torn between helping his friend and wanting to keep him safe from harmful choices. “This won't solve your problems. It'll only make things worse.”
Rafe’s angry, a fire in his voice, “You don't understand, Barry! I can't deal with this pain anymore!”
He takes the offered drugs from Barry and quickly ingests them, the substance rapidly taking effect. His emotions escalate, and he starts to rant about the Pogues, his anger and pain consuming him. In typical Rafe Cameron fashion his mood changes. His eyes burning with revenge as he straightens up in his seat, sniffing up the substance, and a smirk appears on his face, “I've got a plan, and I need you by my side. The Pogues will pay for my father's death.”
Barry looked at him pleadingly, “Rafe, revenge won't bring your father back.”
Rafe just shakes his head, his voice tense, “Barry, we have a problem, and we gotta solve that problem right now!. Do you understand?! “
Barry stands there silent, not knowing what to do or say, Rafe just continues his rant voice getting louder each second, “They ruined everything for me! They ruined my dad's life!" You enter the room at that moment, hearing Rafe's outburst. Concern crosses your face as you observe the state he's in. You're still a little ashamed about your display earlier , but everything else fades away when you observe the kook king. You'd heard about his notorious outburst and the tales around town that he's volatile, known for his many fights, and his gun, and you didn't want things to escalate, especially here.
Standing there with your arms crossed, staring at him, recalling how he was in high school; he hasn't changed, still the same; unfazed; your arms crossed; your voice firm; “Barry, don't do this.” Rafe turns to you, licking his hip while also squaring you out, “this isn’t any of your concern sweetheart” You take a step towards him, provoking him, “It is if it involves Barry” Rafe just shakes his head, “who the hell is this?” sure you look familiar, but the outer banks is a small island, so he must have seen you at a bonfire or two. But you shouldn’t be more important than him, he’s never seen you at barry’s before. Barry takes a step toward you and you just place a hand on his shoulder letting him know that you can handle the kook king, turning to the blonde, “I’m his girlfriend,” Barry's stomach flutters at the notion of you finally saying your title out loud, after four years. It's unfortunate timing, but he can't help but be overjoyed.
Barry looked torn between you two,  “I don't know what to do, Y/N. I want to help him, but I don't want to enable him either.” he more-so murmurs against you, still intimidated by his coked out friend.
Rafe’s even more furious than before, “So, you choose to listen to her instead of me?” Barry clasps his hand with yours, “Y/N is important to me,” Rafe just clenches his jaw, taking a step towards him trying to intimidate Barry, “I mean, if you wanna be a pussy-.”
Barry shakes his head interrupting his friend, “Do you not realize what you're doing, bruh?” He approaches him, chest to chest, intimidating each other.
Rafe raises his voice, “Get the hell out of the way! If you're not gonna help, then I'll find someone who will!” Barry becomes concerned with his kook friend, “Rafe, I can't get involved in whatever you're planning. It's not the right way to handle things.”
He becomes increasingly frustrated, “Come on, man! They've been messing with us for too long. It's time to show them what we're made of!”
Barry just stands his ground, “No, Rafe. I won't be a part of this. I’ve had enough of your games. You need to find a healthier way to cope with your feelings.”
The kook looks to him defeated, “I don't know how, Barry. It hurts so much.”
Barry tries to shift the conversation to another topic in an effort to divert Rafe's attention.
“Look, I'm throwing a welcome party for Y/N tonight. You should stay, help me sell some of my supply for some extra cash”
Rafe releases a breath,calming down, looking at his friend then to you “Yeah, that sounds like a plan.”
Barry's attempt to keep Rafe occupied offers a glimmer of hope, a chance for Rafe to channel his emotions in a different way. But the underlying issues remain, and Rafe's pain and desire for revenge on the Pogues are far from resolved.
Rafe's emotions continue to weigh on him throughout the night, but hey, he has access to more coke if necessary.
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Next Chapter
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actuallybabe · 3 months
Barry (Outer Banks) with Bimbo! Reader
Was cleaning out tha drafts n found this. Barry is actually so underrated and so fine 😜
Warning: mentions of daddy kink, tummy bulge, praising, sub! Reader, dom! Barry, dumbification, size kink
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Okay this dude is fuckin scary
but you feel safe with him
You both met when he became ur neighbor
You saw him around and u asked him to fix ur car
he obv accepts
instantly flirts with you
“Free of charge for such a pretty girl” (you blush so much, and dumbly reply “you think I’m pretty?” and he jus grins at you)
so you let him fix your car like every time it messes up
you two grow sort of close
you see him outside one night and ask for a hit of the joint he was holding
you two get high with each other a lot
You kiss him one night, stupidly intoxicated and horny . His hand slides under ur cute lil skirt and that’s jus how it is from then on
You start going over to his house
after 9 pm tho
Cus he established this rule to the ppl he sells to not to come past 9
fucks you on every surface
big dick
loves seeing his cock in your tummy <3
spends his money on you all the time even if it means not being able to pay the bills
Praises 💖💖
“You’re doing so good, little one. just like that, goin’ so dumb on my cock, aren’t you?”
love holding him close to you n feeling his weight
he’s such a big teddy bear for you <333
jus wants you to be safe
would kill for you n hurts anyone who disrespects you
explains a lot of things to you bc ur too dumb to understand <333
kisses your little clit every time he goes down on you >:(
he loves trying to fit all five of his fingers in your tight little snatch
he’ll never admit it, but he always makes sure his trailer is at least a lil bit presentable b4 you come over bc he doesn’t want you thinking low of him
aftercare is a must :)) spoils you as much as he can, holds you close n tells you how good u were 4 him
Goes CRAZY when you call him daddy for the first time
“Say that again, angel. Fuuuuuck yes, daddy’s gonna take such good care of this little cunt..”
trains your pretty throat to take his big cock whenever and wherever he likes
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actuallybabe · 3 months
Cherry on Top
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A/n: So this was a request by an Anon but I copied the request, closed out of tumblr, went back to tumblr and tumblr had deleted the ask so :/
Description: Barry snaps at you and then makes up for it.
Word count: 2k
Content warning: Barry x Reader, pet names (baby, doll), yelling and arguing, reader cries a little bit but gets over it, fluff
Barry came home mad. That much was apparent, when he stormed in slamming the door behind him hard enough the pictures on the walls rattled. He walked right past the kitchen, down the hall and into the bathroom without a second glance. You know when he comes home angry he goes into the bathroom to collect himself for a few moments before coming back out to vent to you about his day, so you shut off the tv and wait a couple moments till the bathroom door opens.
He’s stripped out of his mechanic’s jumper, leaving him in a white tank top and boxers.
He walks out into the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge.
“Hey baby, long day?”
He grumbles something under his breath, opening one of the drawers and pulling out the bottle opener.
You stand up, moving around the coffee table as you say, “I didn’t hear-”
“Damnit!” He curses suddenly, slamming the hand holding the bottle opener down ont he counter as he whirls to look at you, “Can’t I get five fucking minutes to fucking breath? I just got home from working a shift at the shop, where there’s no fucking air conditioner, in 90 degree wheather! I’d like to come home and just get a fucking beer without being badgered. Is that too much to fucking ask?” He shouts at you.
You’re taken aback by the sudden outburst, and against your will tears start to well in your eyes. Usually when Barry gets home he immediately wants all of your attention, sitting on the couch and pulling you into his lap as he vents to you about his day, pressing his face into your hair and running his hands up and down your sides. Affectionate, needy, lovey. You knew he had been stressed lately. His only employee at the pawn shop had quit, so he was juggling dealing and his pawn shop all by himself. He had even dropped his ‘mechanic for hire’ side job, the only job he had that he actually liked, because he just didn’t have the time for it. But as stressed as he’s been in the past month he hasn’t once taken it out on you.
“Babe, I didn’t mean-” You try to reason, wiping your eyes.
“I don’t fucking care what you meant! You have no fucking clue how stressed I am, I am being stretched so fucking thin with dealing, and the pawnshop, and taking care of you and this house, and all you do is sit at home all day and do nothing! What, some dishes here, making dinner once a week, that’s it! Leaving me to do the fucking rest of it!” He spits, then storms away, hands thrown in the air. He enters your bedroom, slamming the door behind him so hard the cupboards rattle.
It had been Barry who had told you to quit your job. Before everything went down with the pawnshop, things were good. You had a steady cash flow, and they didn’t really need your income, so he had told you to quit your job and focus solely on your studies. Barry also knew you hate cleaning, and the only cleaning either of you did was on Sundays, when the two of you clean together and make a game out of it. As for dinner, it’s so damn hot in the summer that using the stove would cook the both of you alive.
Besides, you aren’t some fucking maid, it’s not your job to do the cooking and the cleaning!
The more you think about Barry’s speech the more angry you get, and the less sad you get, and quickly your tears begin to dry up. Fuck him! Furiou.
It took Barry just over an hour to reappear. The sun had set, and your stomach was starting to grumble, but you hadn’t moved from your seat on the couch. You were adamant you weren’t going to make dinner. Not with the shit he had said! You weren’t gonna give him the satisfaction.
When he does reappear, he’s slinking out of the bedroom, beer in hand, and long hair hanging down to cover his face as he shuffles into the kitchen. He sets the empty beer bottle in the sink, and leans against the counter to face you. He waits a moment, obviously expecting you to react to his presence in some way. No, if he wants your attention he can work for it.
He runs a hand through his hair, pushing it away from his face, then says in a soft voice, “I’m sorry, baby.”
“I'm not your fucking maid.” You hiss, not taking your eyes off the screen.
“I know.”
“I’m not going to do your cooking and your cleaning, and act like some fuckin’-” Your words come to a halt for a second as you look for the terminology you want, “1950s housewife!”
“I know, baby.”
You finally break, grabbing the remote and slamming your finger on the pause button before whipping your head to glare at him. “And you’re the one in the first fuckin’ place who told me to quit my job, so I can focus on my classes! You told me not to worry about working and money, that you would take care of it! You told me that, and now you’re getting angry at me?! For doing what you fuckin’ wanted??”
He’s silent for a moment, letting the words hang in the air.
“I’m sorry, doll, I-” He cuts himself off, rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that shit to you, it was just a really hot day at the shop and only three people came in today so there was no reason to suffer there for 8 hours. But that isn’t an excuse, there’s no reason for me to be treating you like that.”
You can hear the authenticity in his voice, and you can see the shame written all over his face, and in the way his head’s still hanging and his shoulders are slumped.
The anger in your chest starts to fizzle out, your mood softening. You could never stay mad at Barry for long. You stand from the couch, walking towards him wordlessly.
He immediately accepts your hug as you wrap your arms around him, burying his head in your hair. “I’m sorry.” he murmurs into your neck, then burrows deeper till his nose and lips press against your warm skin.
“I know, and I accept your apology.” You whisper back, bringing one of your hands up to cradle the back of his neck. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He says quickly, arms tightening around your middle.
“But you can’t treat me like that again. If you’re having a bad day you need to communicate that with me. If you need a couple moments when you get home, then just let me know. Okay?”
The two of you stand in silence for a moment, just holding each other, before you half-joke, “You better have some sort of plan to make this up to me.”
He chuckles, pulling back enough to look at you. He thinks about it a moment, eyes bouncing around your features before landing on your own. “How about I take you out to dinner? The Wreck?”
You smile widely, nodding. “Yes! Let me get dressed!”
The date was perfect. By the time the two of you had reached the restaurant, there was no longer any festering anger or hurt, and the restaurant itself was great. The temperature was just right, it was crowded enough you didn’t feel awkward, and it wasn’t so crowded the service was slow. You both got your favorites off the menu, and when it was over Barry paid.
As he guides you out of the restaurant and towards the bike, he pauses. He looks to his right down the street and you follow his eyes, trying to notice what he’s noticing. He steps up behind you, pointing to a sign that reads, ‘Cherry On Top.’
“Want to try out the new ice cream place?” He asks, and you nod excitedly.
The two of you choose to walk, since it’s only a couple buildings down, and stand off to the side as you read the menu.
“They have so many flavors!” You whisper to him, surprised at the variety. You then point down in the corner, “Look, they even have vegan and vegetarian options. And gluten free cones!”
“Okay, this has to be owned by a kook- '' He mutters, cutting off when you elbow him in the ribs playfully.
You both decide what you want, and step up to the counter to give the lady your order. You barely have to wait, and then you’re being handed back your cones. The two of you walk around the other side to the sitting area, choosing the table with two chairs in the back corner.
You sit, enjoying your ice cream and chatting while you eat, until suddenly Barry holds out his hand and his ice cream.
“A bite for a bite?” He asks.
“... you bite your ice cream?” You ask, knowing he doesn’t but wanting to fuck with him anyways. “What are you, a psychopath?”
“No, I don’t bite my icecream-”
“I dunno, do I know that, you said ‘a bite for a bite’...” You trail off and he rolls his eyes at your antics.
“You know what I meant-”
“Do I? Or have I been dating an ice cream biter this whole time-”
“You saw me, just now, eating my ice cream-”
“I wasn’t looking at you.” You state, admitly. You had been looking at him the entire time. Of course you had been, how could you look at anything else. You fumble for something else to be looking at, then spot the scene behind him. “I was looking at the string of lights behind you.”
“Oh really?” He snarks, looking over his shoulder at the lights, and without even thinking you scoop up some of your ice cream onto your finger and smear it across his cheek.
He gasps, and jumps back a little, looking at you with wide eyes. He reaches up, touching his cheek and then looking at his hand. “You didn’t!” His hand darts out, smearing the same ice cream onto your cheek faster than you can move away.
Your eyes nearly pop out of your head, “You didn’t!” You mimic, watching as a mischievous smile splits his features, “Oh you’re on!” You leap forward, smearing your ice cream on his face, and he jumps up, quickly scooping some ice cream onto his hand and touching it to your nose. The two of you trade swipes of ice cream until you realize you’ve run out of ice cream you can reach.
“I’m out!” you shriek as he goes in to swipe at your cheek. “I’m out of ice cream! Mercy!”
You try to turn your face away, cackling as he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you back against his chest. He uses the other hand to smear the ice cream across your face. You squeal, squirming in his hold, and he only holds you to you tighter. The ice cream runs down your face, making you feel sticky and gross as it begins to dry and get tacky.
“Ew, the ice cream is drying.” You complain in between giggles.
“Oh here, let me get that for you,” He says, and you’re so sure he’s just going to wipe more ice cream on you, but then something hot and wet is running up your cheek.
“Are you licking me?!” You screech, squirming again. He laughs so hard he can’t lick you again, his chest shaking against your back, and you can’t help but laugh too.
“Um, excuse me-”
The both of you jump apart immediately, to see the employee who took your order standing there. “Um, if you’re going to be um… can you guys leave? You’re disturbing the peace.”
The two of you take one look at each other, and then you’re both dying of laughter. Barry grabs your hand, pulling you away and you two walk as fast as you can out of there and up the street. You don’t stop until you’ve reached the bike, then Barry is laughing so hard he has to sit down on the bike. You lean on his shoulder, laughing as well.
“The first thing I’m going to do when I get home,” You say in between laughs, “Is take a shower.”
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actuallybabe · 3 months
act like a brat, get punished like a brat
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words: 1k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, exhibitionism, spanking, punishment, drugs (reader is high, rafe is a dealer), established relationship, fingering (in front of barry), barry tastes reader?? lol
you knew you were being a brat, you knew you would get punished for it later, but you didn't care as you whined and pressed your face into rafes bicep, wanting more attention from him.
“baby, i love you.” rafe hums. “but shut the fuck up.”
you pout, your hands trying to grab at his, to lace your fingers together, but he's busy, busy chatting with barry, going over whatever business stuff, when the next coke shipment is coming in, plans for upcoming parties where people will buy from rafe.
your boyfriend never tried to hide his dealing from you, and you honestly didn't care if it meant access to free drugs. he doesn't let you do them too often, not wanting you to get addicted and strung out like some of the people he sells them too, but he let you take a hit of weed so you would sit happily through his talk with barry, but it just made you needy instead.
you manage to stay quiet for an entire minute before you whine again, trying to force rafe to put his arm around you, to let you get closer, to let you snuggle into his side.
“she's a needy little thing, huh?” barry questions, raising his eyebrows. you glance briefly to him before burying your face in rafes skin again.
“goddamn it, y/n.” rafe groans. he takes your face in his hands, smushing your cheeks together, forcing you to keep your reddened eyes on him. “stay quiet baby.”
“kiss me.” you plead, puckering your lips.
rafe sighs, hating showing this type of affection in front of barry, but he hopes a kiss will keep you quiet as his lips press against yours.
you moan into his mouth, making rafe pull away with a glare. “you got your kiss now keep quiet.”
you nod, leaning your head against his shoulder. you manage to distract yourself by tracing shapes on rafes thigh, mostly hearts and stars.
rafe and barry move on to talking about some people whose names you don't recognize as your patience begins to dwindle again.
“rafey.” you complain.
he pulls away from you, an angry look on his face that says you've finally pushed him over his limit. 
“stop being such a brat.” he grunts.
“rafe, man, it's fine. if your girl needs you to go-”
“no, she can have a bit of fucking patience.” rafe interrupts barry, pulling you down onto his lap, moving you to line your stomach up with his thighs. 
“rafe!” you shout when he flips the bottom of your skirt up, putting you panties on display, not caring that barry is watching with his dark gaze.
“you act like a brat, you get punished like a brat.” rafe says, bringing his hand down on your ass, the slapping sound echoing throughout the room.
“ill be good.” you whine, squirming on his lap. you try to reach and pull your skirt back down, but rafe takes your wrists and holds them together, pressing them into your lower back.
“stop it.” rafe says, giving you another spanking. he looks back up to barry, not caring about the surprised look on his face. “keep fucking talking barry.”
barry continues whatever he was saying, even as rafe delivers another spanking to your bum.
you feel tears welling up in your eyes and bury your face in the couch in shame, especially when the next spanking rafe gives you makes you let out a muffled moan.
“first you act like a brat in front of barry and now a slut?” rafe questions, looking up to his friend. “man, do you see what i have to deal with?”
barry just nods, looking at the smooth curve of your ass. he won't say that he wishes you would act that way for him, clearly needy and desperate, not caring how depraved you're acting.
rafe doesn't miss the spaced out look on barrys face, the way his eyes track down your exposed thighs.
“baby girl, why don't you tell barry you're sorry?” rafe questions.
you squirm again, letting out a muffled sorry, before you shout when rafe delivers another hard spanking.
“you look at someone when you apologize.” rafe says, tugging your oanties down your thighs. you squeal and press your legs together, not wanting barry to see your leaky cunt.
you turn your head as rafes hand rubs over your exposed red skin. “‘m really sorry bear.” you say, using the nickname rafe chastised you not to use, just to feel another spanking delivered, this time to your bare skin.
“it's okay, doll face.” barry says, licking his lips as he leans forward from the couch across from you, trying to get a better line of vision to your pussy.
“open up your legs.” rafe says. “show barry how wet you are.”
rafe doesn't really want barry to see you like this, but he needs you to learn your lesson, whether from the spankings or the embarrassment of barry seeing you this way. maybe every time you think about him it'll be a reminder to behave.
you spread your legs, tilting them towards barry as your pussy spreads. rafe smiles down at you, moving his fingers through your folds, spreading the wetness around.
“you gonna offer barry a taste?” rafe questions, letting go of your wrists.
“that's your girl man…” barry says, not sure if rafe is trying to set him up.
you reach down anyways, swiping your fingers through your cunt. you hold them out to barry, keeping your eyes on his mouth as he leans over the coffee table separating the couches, wrapping his lips around your fingers. he sucks the juices off your digits, his tongue briefly flicking against your fingertips before he pulls away and sits back.
rafe grabs your hands to hold them behind your back again, not ready to let you move freely as his other hand continues stroking over your pussy.
your eyes stay on barry, even as he spreads his thighs, showing off how hard he is in his shorts.
rafe suddenly pushes a finger into your cunt, making your back curl as you let out a moan.
“happy now, slut?” rafe asks, thrusting his finger with very slight movements. “you got the attention you needed?”
you whine, burying your face in the couch again.
“answer me.” he commands, pulling the finger out and spanking your ass.
“yeah.” you say as rafes finger retakes it's place lodged inside of you. “gonna be real good now.”
“that's what i thought.” rafe grunts.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries
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actuallybabe · 4 months
scotty doesnt know
in which demetri has no idea that you're enemies with benefits with the man you two hate the most
this is 2 make up for the huge ass hawk thing i made yesterday el oh el!!!!
fem!reader x hawk word count; 2.5k warnings; lowk sexual, hook up buddies, alcohol, angst for like 2 seconds but ends in fluff
hawk's fingers rake harshly through your hair. you're on your knees, doing what you do best. and he's enjoying it, as his head lulls back and he bucks towards you.
unfortunately, your ringing phone interrupts his enjoyment. you pull away unapologetically, smirking at the whine that immediately fell from his lips. you raise a finger, showing him that the contact is demetri. sighing, he zips his fly and crawls into the front seat of his van. the back is seatless, filled with karate shit that you don't understand. you don't mind, more room for your thoughtless hook ups.
"what's up, d?" you answer cooly.
"you're never gonna guess what eli did to me yesterday! i mean, the nerve on that man. he makes me so mad sometimes-"
"d, i'm kind of busy" you cut him off. you can practically hear his eyes roll. "uhm, okay? stop whatever you're doing then?"
"whatever i'm doing, huh?" you make cheeky eye contact with hawk through the rear view mirror. "yes!" he exclaims, unaware of his ironic sentence. "i can't, i'm uh- shopping with tory?"
"tory? you know that girls crazy!"
"yeah, but her taste is crazy too. i'll call you once we're done, okay, d? love you" your best friend sighs, obviously annoyed but not willing to start a fight with you. "fine. love you too. just avoid talking to her about eli, okay? i know you used to have a massive crush on him, and we don't need that starting up again" you turn pink.
"yeah, yeah, whatever. bye" you squeak, quickly hanging up. you're glad you didn't have him on speaker phone. you make eye contact with hawk in the rear view mirror again. "am i taking you to demetri's again?" his tone is unfamiliar, almost jealous. you smirk at him,
"no, you're coming back here and we're gonna finish what we started"
you feel almost guilty as hawk crawls into the back. hiding this from demetri is horrible, but demetri finding out would be worse. the two of you are supposed to hate hawk. he's a bully, and an asshole, but god do you find him hot.
especially right now, as his lips attack your neck.
the next morning, you try desperately to cover up the deep purple marks he left behind. love bites that trail from your neck to places luckily covered by your shirt. your concealer barely helps, and it takes a call to moon to ask if she can cover them up in her car for you to be able to step into school without worry.
you're in chemistry when your secret is revealed. you reach up to grab a beaker from the shelf when demetri audibly gasps. "what is that!" he says harshly, pointing at the part of your boob that has been exposed as your tank top shifted. you curse your idiocy. moon had asked if you wanted her to cover those up too, but they were under your shirt. you were too cocky. your eyes flash to hawk's who's at the table behind you two. he has a mocking gaze, as if to ask 'what is that, then?'
your eyes flash back to demetri before he can catch on. "lacrosse game! some girl nailed me here and my head. hate those bitches" you lie. you haven't had a lacrosse game in weeks, there are practically no teams in the area. "why didn't you tell me!" demetri says, "i would've come. me, sam, and robby could've supported you. better us than those cobra kai assholes" he finishes, sending a glare towards hawk. you follow his gaze and see hawk smiling cockily.
"so trusting" he whispers later, as you two find yourselves settled in his van again. he traces your features with the tip of his fingers. "lacrosse? please" he mocks. his words are hushed and his touch is soft. he speaks weakly, enamoured by the way your skin feels under his touch.
yet again, ringing interrupts you two. you're actually disappointed this time. you felt like tonight was going to be one of the nights he acts sweet and loving. he scowls at demetri's contact. "again? is he in fucking love with you or something?" he hisses. you reach for the phone but he quickly moves, hanging up. "come on, hawk. i've got to call him back." you say. he pouts, "otherwise he'll know" you add.
hawk groans, but hands you your phone. quickly, you call demetri back. "hey, d! was trying to pick up, but it wouldn't let me" you say.
"did you read the nightwing i gave you? volume two of rebirth?" he asks quickly, not doubting your lie. you nod, but remember he can't see you. "yeah! yeah, i read volume three as well." you tell him.
"oh my god! isn't it so sick? i mean, dr pyg, and defacer, it's insane. i think the blade deathwing uses is so cool and-"
"what are you doing?" you blurt when hawk begins to crawl towards you. his smirk is visible and he places a finger on his lip to tell you to be quiet. then he attacks your neck once more. "oh-"
"what am i doing? well, i was watching doctor who, then i thought i would ask you what you thought. speaking of, do you want to come over to watch with me? we can rewatch 11 if you want."
"uh- i don't know d- maybe- mm- not now" you say roughly, trying hardly not to moan as hawk pulls down the straps of your tank top and brings his lips farther down. "tell me about the episode" you say, setting him on speaker phone. as demetri begins to ramble, hawks head shoots up. you almost laugh before attaching your lips. he grunts, pulling you onto his lap. you pull away. "quiet" you whisper into his ear.
"are you okay?" demetri asks. you flush, worried.
"yeah, yeah, d. i just- i think it's dumb that they keep bringing the daleks back" you say, pushing him towards another tangent. he starts up again, and hawk dives for you. you pull on his roots and he has his fingers tangled in your hair.
"anyways, are you free tomorrow? i thought uhm.. maybe we could go to a party together?" you break free of hawk's intoxicating kiss to respond. "sure, whose party? who else is coming?"
"oh- moon. i think" he coughs. hawk scowls, his eyebrows furrowing and his eyes flashing with jealousy yet again. "and sam. definitely sam"
"okay, cool. i'll call you for more details later, okay? i've got to go... walk my dog" you say. before he can answer, you hang up. you go to reconnect your lips, but hawk stops you. "what's wrong? are you okay?" you ask, looking at him in concern.
"he just asked you on a fucking date" he spits, pointing angrily at your phone. "no he didn't" you scoff.
"yes, he did!" he exclaims. he shakes his head in anger, leaning back on his palms. "are you- are you jealous?" you ask.
"what? no! i told you when we started this, no feelings"
"actually, no you didn't" you point out. that was one of the reasons you were so willing to be his little play thing. before your feelings for him had never really left, and you hoped this was his way of reciprocating them. he avoids your gaze, turning pink.
"hawk, there's nothing to worry about. i don't like demetri like that- i spent my time with you on purpose" you reassure him, bringing up a hand to tuck his ungelled hair behind his ear. he leans into the warmth of it, eyes fluttering shut. "i like your hair down, by the way" you add.
"my hair was so bad before the mohawk" he chuckles. you shake your head. "no, i always thought it was cute." he smiles at your compliment, pulling you closer. "and what do you think of the mohawk?" he asks teasingly, eyes flickering down to your lips then back up. "i think it's hot"
you leave the van with more hickies than you had that morning and wobbling legs.
when you go to the party that night, you make sure to get moon to cover every hickey this time. when you arrive in a revealing top and bell bottom jeans, demetri's eyes rake up and down your figure before he turns pink and looks away. you shift anxiously because of it. you worry for a second that hawk might have been right, but you quickly dismiss the thought.
"what happened to your bruise?" demetri asks.
"covered it up, don't need people here thinking i'm not here to mingle" you lie. you definitely aren't here to mingle, and instinctively you look in the crowd for hawk. you spot him quickly, his tall red hair standing out. no matter how much of an ass he is, you almost feel relieved to see it.
the night becomes a blur once you're a few shots in. you hate the taste of alcohol, and you've got a high tolerance, so this is the poison you pick. you and demetri are chatting happily together, his drink is nearly spilling out of cup due to his exaggerated movements as you two discuss the most recent character in your favourite video game.
"i like him, but i can't believe he's a sword character! i think swords are totally dumb! claymore's are the way to go- they're huge. and powerful"
"no way!" you argue, "sword characters rule. their movements are so smooth and it's so easy to switch between them while they're moving. with claymores you have to wait like an eternity for them to stop swinging"
he scoffs, tossing his head to the side dramatically. "you confound me, really, how can someone have such bad taste?" he questions.
"please! you're the one who doesn't think luke skywalker is hot!" you retort, laughing. he laughs as well, "well, excuse me for thinking han solo is much better! not that i uh- casually find men hot" he says, glancing around at the hot girls nearby. "you are such an idiot" you tease. he just rolls his eyes. "yeah, you love me though"
"course i do, you're my best friend" you say. his smile falters for a moment. "d? what's wrong?" you ask. he just gives you a false smile and shakes his head. "demetri, come on, what is it?"
"just-" he breathes out. "recently i've uh- been feeling a little different. and i think it's just a phase, and i'll get over it- but..." he trails off, refusing to make eye contact with you. "whatever it is, you can tell me. you know some pretty embarrassing things about me" you tell him. there's a pause, you see conflict in his eyes.
then he surges forward and kisses you.
it's an awkward kiss, he's leaning over across the distance between you two and your eyes are wide open. his hands move from beside his body after a moment, reaching for your hips. you look around you, is this happening? what do you do?
you catch a flash of red and scramble to push demetri off you. you wipe his spit off your lips. he seems embarrassed. "i'm- i'm so sorry"
"you can't just kiss someone, d" you say softly. as much as you hate him for doing that, he didn't know you were into someone else. you can't blame him. "i'm just... i like someone else"
he can tell from the look on your face. he pulls back from you, "eli? are you kidding me? you still like him? after everything he put me through?"
you feel bad. "he's changed" you say quietly compared to his angry words. demetri shakes his head. "i can't fucking believe you" he spits, turning away from you. "shit" you mumble as his back disappears into the crowd. tears begin to prick at your eyes. "shit" you repeat, you can't cry. not now, not in front of everyone.
you scan the crowd for moon. you arrived together, you want to leave together. instead, you catch the eye of the person you want to see most. "hawk" the word falls from your mouth desperately, needing to find comfort in him. although he can't hear you, you can't help it.
and yet his gaze is steeled. his eyes are red. is he high? or has he been crying?
then it hits. the flash of red. he saw.
"hawk" you say again this time, softly. you step towards him but he steps backwards. hurriedly, he turns and begins walking away. but he's the one you're not going to let get away. you head after him, weaving through the crowd like your life depends on it.
when you finally catch up to him, he's sitting by himself by the pool. everyone's inside. you two are completely alone. "hawk" you breathe out. this time he finally hears you, lifting his head and locking eyes for you. his eyes are red, but this time you know why. there are tear streaks down his cheeks. "i was looking for you-"
"get the fuck away from me" he spits, standing up. you recoil.
"you heard me. i told you he was asking you on a date. i can't fucking believe you. or him! what a nerd, moving in on my girl" he yells.
"your girl?" you ask, "you said it yourself- no feelings involved. i'm not your girl"
"no feelings? i've been practically in love with you for years! and you just let demetri slobber all over you. i told you! i fucking told you!" his volume doesn't decrease, and you find yourself yelling back. "oh please! i've had such a thing for you since last year, if you liked me so much why didn't you ask me out" hawks nostrils flare and he squares his shoulders. "you like- he knew? demetri fucking knew. i'm gonna kill him"
hawk goes to push past you but you place a hand on his chest. "i think you're focusing on the wrong part, hawk" you say softly. his eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you can see the cogs turning. then he smiles, sweetly, like he used to. "oh my god" he says. he places his hands on your hips and spins you around. a squeal falls from your lips. "oh my god!" he exclaims happily, attaching your lips. "you like me- really? you're not just saying that?" his grin is huge. you don't think you've ever seen him this happy. "of course i like you, you idiot. there was a bit of a break, when you went all cobra kai crazy. but now? hell, i'd be happy to be your 'girl'" you tell him.
he kisses you again, and you laugh against his lips. "calm down there, hawk. as lovely as this moment is, we've still got something to worry about" you tell him. he pulls away, pouting.
"how the hell are we gonna tell demetri?"
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actuallybabe · 4 months
Drunk Dial: Eddie Munson blurb
18+ Minors DNI
"I just wanted to tell you something, as a friend." Eddie goes on. You've been on the phone for 15 minutes now. You can tell he's had one too many beers. His words running together a bit, his voice a little louder than usual.
"Of course." you tease, a giggle falling from your lips. You had just finished a joint when your phone rang, Eddie insisting he had something important to tell you.
"Your body is bangin.”
"Bangin' huh?" you giggle, your cheeks reddening immediately, grateful that he wasn't standing in front of you.
"Listen.. even friends can appreciate their friends uh-parts." he slurs, a little giggle slipping his lips.
"That skirt the other day, baby. Fuuuck." He groans dramatically. "Your ass.. your fucking curves."
"Eddie." you whisper, barely able to speak as compliments continue pouring from his lips. This wasn't the first time Eddie had said something like this but he wasn't usually so blunt.
"Shhh! I'm just trying to tell you." he chuckles again, "I would have bent you over right then and there if you woulda let me." his playful tone darkens in an instant.
"I-" Suddenly you wished he was standing in front of you.
"Mmm.. I can picture it now." he hums. "Pushing your skirt above your hips. Teasing you first. Do you like to be teased, sweetheart?"
"Fuck, Eds." you breathe out, your heart pounding in your chest, your pussy beginning to throb from his words.
"Shit, sorry baby.. I'm a little," he pauses to hiccup loudly, "a little drunk."
"It's okay.. I-I do like to be teased, by the way." you whisper into the phone, not wanting the conversation to end. Your high giving you a little boost of confidence.
"Yeah? Can I tell you what I'd do first?Hypothetically.” he rasps.
"Please." you whimper.
"Shit.. yeah, okay. First I'd bend you over.. like we talked about." he says giddily.
"Then I'd run my fingers up your thigh slowly until I reach your panties. I bet they'd be wet. Would they be wet, sweetheart?"
"So wet." you purr, escalating the situation further, resulting in a deep moan from Eddie.
Fuck, he's hot.
"I would bring my fingertips to your clit, starting slow. Teasing you just a bit. Then I'd move lower, feeling your soaked panties."
"Soaked?" you egg him on.
"Fucking drenched." he groans.
"What next?"
He chuckles lustfully at your eager tone. "I'd slip them to the side.. what color are they, baby?"
"Red. Lacy."
"Fuck me. Mmm.. okay. I'd slip the lace to the side, finally feeling you on my fingers.."
"Fast or slow?"
"Slow, in and out, I bet you feel so fucking good.”
“How many fingers?" he moans growing hard at the thought.
"Two.. yeah.. two sounds good. I'd start slow, gliding them in and out, speeding up, listening to your sounds.. finger fucking you real good, sweetheart. Make you cum all over my hand. God, know you'd be so wet."
"So wet for you, Eddie. My pussy would be so wet for you." you purr, surprising yourself with your words.
"Sweetheart... you're gonna make me cum." he blurts out at the same time that you blurt out your own sentence. "Do you wanna come over?"
"Yes. God, yes." he answers hastily.
"Wait, Eddie.. I don't think you should drive right now."
"No, no, no. I'm not driving. Stevie here is gonna drive me. Aren't ya buddy? Oh, here. You wanna say hi?" You hear a rustling on the other end of the phone. Oh god.
"Uh.. hi." Steve mutters awkwardly through the phone.
"Heh.. hi Steve." your face blushes profusely as you realize Steve must have been there the whole time.
"So. uh- need me to bring him?"
"Mhmm.. yeah. Please."
"I'm about to fuck your brains out." Eddie's voice comes through the phone again. CLICK.
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actuallybabe · 5 months
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It was just a normal day at DX. You and Steve were just chilling out inside while Sodapop was flirting with girls. It was always like this, Steve and you were kinda just there while Soda talked to like 6 or 5 girls. Today was different, though. It made Steve feel different. Of course, Steve was insecure, Soda had the looks while Steve had nothing. Or that's what he thought.
"Y/N?" Steve said kinda nervously and softly. "Yeah, buddy?" You said, looking up at Steve, placing your magazine down and putting your full attention on him. "Am.. Am I ugly? To you, am I ugly? It really seems like I am. I mean.. I never can get chick's to look at me like Soda can! If I try to get in a relationship it goes downhill, they're scared of me cause of my fucking ugly teeth..i-it ain't my fault." Steve started to tear up slightly, looking away from you. "I-I..im sorry about askin' that. I know it's weird..I never really just ask that. I'm just sick of being single, Soda's my buddy and all but it really slaps me in the face when I see him with those broads everyday. I'm basically in his shadow Y/N..No one wants a greaser with jacked up teeth and no looks. Never had a girl to call my own, never did anything. No kiss..nothin. No gal wants me." Steve crossed his arms while he was looking away, wiping a tear forming in his eye.
You looked at him, sighing softly. "He's so clueless," you thought to yourself. You've always liked Steve. You've always thought he was handsome and just so kind. Yes, Steve had a temper. He was reckless, he was loud, he was messy, but he had a kind heart. "Steve, you're not ugly. You're really handsome. Your teeth are fine too, and you're right it ain't your fault they are like that. Those chicks just go for looks anyway. They judge, you don't want no chick like that, Stevie. When I look at you, Steve, I see a very cute, funny, amazing guy. You deserve the world Steve..don't listen to those girls. You aren't ugly or scary." You stood up, walking over by him. You touched his arm, and he instantly looked at you. "Steve.. I've always liked you for you, I find you really cute. Even hot if we wanna go there. Who needs those judgmental girls anyway? They'd take away your happiness. How about we go in the break room, and just talk, okay?"
You saw him blush. It wasn't that noticeable, but you could see it. You grabbed his hand, guiding him towards the break room door. Once you both enter, you sit on the couch. "Is..is it true? You like me? A gal like you likes me Y/N? I mean.. I'm flattered, but I'm just surprised." Steve looked into your eyes, his bluish green eyes filled with confusion and passion. You looked at him, smiling widely "I have for about a few years now, never wanted to tell ya cause I wanted to see how long it would take for you to realize I've always been here for you. Steve.. I wanna be yours. I wanna make you happy when your sad, calm you down when you're pissed off, have fun with you, clean ya up after a rumble, or when you bang your head on the ground from your back flips off of cars. I wanna treat you right."
You blush slightly with a slight laugh when you mention the back flips. He couldn't help but blush, too, looking away. "Then be mine..to be honest, I never noticed. Never thought you'd like me..thought I was just a friend." You put a finger under his chin, making him look at you. You smile again, which makes him smile a tiny bit. "I'm glad you're not just a friend. You're perfect steve.." You look down at his lips, leaning in and placing your lips on his. He was shocked at first but went for it, kissing back. He was actually a good kisser for his first time. You place both hands on his cheeks. Caressing them with your thumbs. He pulled you in a hug while you kissed. Then, after a minute, you broke it.
"Wow Y/N..That was amazing. How about after work I take ya to the dingo or something..buy us dinner and we can watch a movie at the drive-in? How does that sound, Darlin?" He put some hair behind your ear, smiling slightly while still in shock from the kiss and the confession. You nod, smiling widely at him. "I would love to! Then we can head back to my house, my parents aren't home and we can just hang out!" He nodded, kissing you again, then broke it. "That sounds amazing, Darlin. Now, let's head back to work, shall we?" You nodded, grabbing his hand. You both walk out there, carrying on with the work day. You and Steve were finally a couple. After so long, he was yours, and you were his. It was perfect. He found someone who loved him dearly, which was you.
My first story! I love it so much, lmk if you want a part two or something. I love Steve so much. BTW, text me for requests, I do all the greasers, no socs. Have a good night, yall!
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actuallybabe · 5 months
The Outsiders x Reader fluff - Steve Randle
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Authors Note - I think this man gets slept on way too much. I don't know his character well, but enjoy.
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Steve Randle -
▪︎ Let's start with the basics
▪︎ He has the guts to ask you out, yeah, but his ego is too fucking big to allow that
▪︎ He spent weeks trying to figure out how to ask you out
▪︎ Eventually landed on the classic "take them out as friends but we all know it's not as friends" date
▪︎ Asked you to go to some diner with him
▪︎ Literally said "It's a date", completely forgetting his plan
▪︎ Still worked though, win-win.
▪︎ Wore his basic jean vest, but he put on a cleaner t-shirt and his best pair of jeans
▪︎ Looked in the mirror for a bit either hyping himself up or admiring himself 💀
▪︎ Actually showered for once
▪︎ When he saw you he nearly passed out
▪︎ Here he was in a jean vest and you looked ready to be on the cover of vogue
▪︎ You both just talked the whole time
▪︎ He was way too hyped up to be nervous, so it was actually laid back and fun
▪︎ Really shitty jokes
▪︎ You both shared a milkshake, probably shared chocolate cake too
▪︎ Whenever you went back home and you kissed him on the cheek he almost ate dirt again
▪︎ Told the whole gang about it
" We shared a shake Soda, that ain't somethin' just anyone does "
" It's been two hours, Steve.. "
" Ya shoulda seen 'em! I mean- "
▪︎ Once you two started seeing each other more often, you sort of just stayed as best friends but added some perks
▪︎ Really shit inside jokes and really comfortable around each other + kissing and touching
▪︎ Whenever he finally worked up the guts to kiss you he almost broke your nose
▪︎ You were both laughing too hard to actually kiss
▪︎ Whenever you finally shut up it was a really good kiss though
▪︎ You know how Johnny moved down on Dal's leaderboard?
▪︎ On Steve's ranks he moved down cars and chocolate cake for you
▪︎ That's saying something
▪︎ Not a lot of pet names, some basic ones though
▪︎ Baby, babe, darlin'
▪︎ Probably some sweetheart scattered in there if he feels like it
▪︎ Spends an ass ton of time with you
▪︎ I feel like quality time would be one of his love languages?? I don't really know, I just think it fits him
▪︎ Whenever the gang has their own shit and he's done at DX he just hangs out with you
▪︎ Considers anything and everything a date.
▪︎ You getting bored so you start tracing the outline of his tattoo, not even realizing how many butterflies you're giving him
▪︎ If you get cold he offers you his vest, completely forgetting its a fucking vest
" God it's cold.. "
" Ya' want my jacket? "
" .. that's not a jacket- "
" It's real' warm, I swear! "
▪︎ Doesn't do shit but you wear it to make him happy
▪︎ Always has his arm either around your shoulders or on your thigh
▪︎ I think he's actually pretty affectionate?
▪︎ Not in public, gotta be tuff, but in private he'll just hold you
▪︎ No reason, he just likes holding you
▪︎ Let's you touch the swirls in his hair or run your fingers through the longer pieces in the back
▪︎ Practically melts everytime you do so
▪︎ Always tells you stories about DX
" So I was tryna fix an engine when a possum just flew outta' nowhere! I swear, it was like it was sent from God or somethin'. Hada' get a rabies shot that day. "
▪︎ Suprisingly good with hair?? Not just good at it, he's obsessed with playing with your hair.
▪︎ You could be in the middle of an equation an he'll be twirling your hair around his fingers or braiding it.
▪︎ Either really quick kisses or deep makeout sessions, no in-between
▪︎ Always smells like gasoline and some weird cologne
▪︎ The thing is he doesn't wear cologne?
▪︎ You and the gang have played guessing games trying to figure out where the cheap cologne smell is coming from
▪︎ He's basically a sweeter Dallas
▪︎ Like he's tough and acts tough but he'll hold you in public he doesn't really care
▪︎ He's a dumbass but he's sweet
▪︎ 👍
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actuallybabe · 5 months
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: carl grimes x michonne’s daughter!reader
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friends to lovers
he probably was suspicious of u at first but became friends very quickly
he realized he had a crush when he couldn’t find u after the prison falling
there’s definitely a point where you’re teaching HIM some things in the apocalypse
but either way, he is very protective
always wants to make sure ur safe
let’s you borrow his flannels
mostly because he loves to see you in his own clothes
rick AND michonne sitting u guys down for the “talk” (definitely awkward)
i dont see him being a huge PDA guy other than the soft touches
hand holding, hugs, & hands on ur waist >
DEFINITELY a cuddler !
when you wake up in the morning, don’t plan to get up right away because he’s holding you like a teddy bear
you and carl babysitting judith
you helping him change his eye patch
rick treats you like ur his own daughter
a lot of the times, you and carl mess around and like to annoy everyone (especially daryl)
competitions to see who can kill more walkers during the way to terminus
never really argue but if you do, carl is always the first to apologize even tho he’s stubborn 🙄
he HAS to go on every run with you
but if he went on a run without you, he’d try to find something to bring back for you
searches for cndoms <33
he would ask enid for advice
equally hating ron together
immediate glare daggers if ron glances at u
everyone knew you guys liked each other before u guys even confessed
sneak out of alexandria to read comics in the woods
let’s you wear his sheriff hat !
definitely have nicknames for each other (some cheesy ones) ☺️
u guys definitely got caught a few times
baby feverrrr
rick and michonne are the most supportive of the relationship
when the saviors came, he always made sure you were in his sight
always reminds u how much he loves you
psychical touch >>
he’d call you “mrs. grimes”
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actuallybabe · 5 months
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Word Count: 957
A/N: This was a request so I hope you enjoy. I haven't written fluff in a while so im sorry if it's rough. My request box is always open and I love you guys <3
✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
"Move asshole" I groaned as Steve sat next to me on the couch. He rolled his eyes, remaining in my space. "You're being such a B-" A loud voice came roaring from the kitchen, almost causing a echo through out the Curtis house. " Language, Steve!" Darry. I laughed at Steve getting called out by Darry. My laugh was hard to miss causing Darry to tell me to shut up too.
Ive known the gang for a long time, especially with Dallas being my brother. Most people think that he must have such a soft spot for me but truth is he's still him. Annoying as shit just in big brother form. Me and Steve never got along. He always acted weird towards me for no reason and I just return the favor.
I stuck my middle finger up to Steve and kicked him off the couch, causing a loud thud. "What the hell was that?" Soda exclaimed from the hallway. "I kicked the cow off the couch" I exclaimed with a laugh. Two-bit who was sitting on the floor with a beer busted out laughing with me. Steve pulled himself off the floor, mumbling something as he walked over to Soda.
It seemed like we could never go day without arguing or a fight. We even fight at the Dx while working: "Thats not how you're supposed to restock those." Steve said from behind me. I shrugged acting like I didn't feel his breath on my neck from how close he was. "Seems right to me. Leave me be, Randle." I continued to restock the candy till I felt Steve grab my hand and spin me around.
"You're still doing it wrong" his voice got lower, as he had me again the wall. I rolled my eyes. Men are so sensitive... "Really? All this over restocking candy? Get a grip, Steven" I spit my words like they were poison. "Screw you, Winston" I laughed at his words as he let go and walked away.
We kept our distance for the most part but it tends to get hard when the whole gang wants to hang out together. And when we run into each-other randomly. Sometimes I don't even get the point of why we're arguing we just do.
One thing is that we both know when something too far, subjects that are off limits. Its almost as if that we are protective of each other's feelings in a way.
Dallas and Soda live for the drama but sometimes even they get fed up. Once, me and him were arguing about whether Steves tattoo is dumb or not. It is. Dallas came over smacked the back of our heads and said "Do you guy ever shut the hell up?" then walked out. I was absolutely flabbergasted at that.
Even tho were "enemies" as Steve calls it, Ive wondered what it would be like if we weren't. If he hadn't acted like a asshole all the time, I wouldn't be one too.
It was my shift at the Dx. Today was Sodas off day so I was left with Steve. He was nagging at everything I was doing. "You're doing it wrong" , "Shut the hell up, Randle" , "Ive worked here longer than you", and "And yet, I'm still better at my job than you'll ever be" were being thrown across the room. After I said my last words, I walked into the back to get away from him. God, he is insufferable!
After about five minutes, I heard the storage room open. I rolled my eyes for the 5th time this  shift because I knew who it was. "Can you do your job" Steve said to me. I flipped him off and got up, stepping in front of him. "Can you stop running your mouth, asshole?" I pushed him lightly. He looked unamused as I pushed him again.
He rolled his eyes at me before grabbing my wrist and backing me up into the same wall as last time. Unbelievable...I scoffed at him "How many times are you gonna push me against this wall before you actually do something? You're a pussy." He scanned my face, examining my reaction.
We stared at each other for a couple seconds, like we were unable to speak. Once we made, eye contact it was over, his lips desperately attaching to mine. My arms came around his shoulders making him pull into me more. I felt myself being lifted lightly off the ground as Steves hands went down to my waist, signaling for me to wrap my legs around him.
Our kiss was fierce and filled with pure ecstasy, making our feelings that were always hate into love. Or thats what we thought at first but they were always love, it just felt like it needed to be hate because it couldn't be expressed well enough yet. It feels better to be on right side of it now.
We pulled away breathless, my teeth lightly catching lip bottom left before it truly ended. My head fell down to his chest, laughing as I realized what we had just done. When I looked back up, I was met with his smirking face. "I hate you so much, Randle." I joked.
Steve pulled me into another kiss, his hand coming to my face to deepen it. " Y'know, Ive liked you since we were kids. I just didn't know how to express it. I want to apologize for the past few years. Let me take you out, to make up for it?" He said looking down ashamed. 
I smiled at his words. "I forgive you, I guess. Now kiss me." For once, we actually had a good conversation.
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