aegisroleplay · 2 years
The Haunted Cubicles
Every year, there is a contest through all of Commonwealth – every office turns its public lobby into an open haunted house. This year, your character gets to be in charge of their own 10×10 foot section of the Baltimore office. With a budget of $200, what are they going to do?
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aegisroleplay · 2 years
A different kind of costume
A different kind of costume
This Halloween, what will your character be wearing? Will they go as themselves, in a proper cape, or will they dress up as their own favorite hero? Or perhaps, as someone from a different world entirely/
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aegisroleplay · 2 years
50 Random Character Questions
What’s one memory with a friend that you’re fond of?
Past relationships? How did they go? Do you still speak to each other?
In what ways has someone hurt you? Who?
Talk about a happy experience.
Talk about a traumatic experience.
Do you have any siblings? Family? What’s your relationship with them?
Talk about the last argument you’ve had with someone. What was it about? 
Do you have a job? What parts of it do you like/don’t like? What do you? 
Talk about the people you know at work. Do you like them? Do you hang out with them after work? 
Pick a scar/injury you have/had and talk about how you got it.
What do you look for in someone you wish to date? What do you find attractive? 
Name something that you like that you’re embarrassed about 
Who’s the last person you kissed? Is there anyone you’d like to kiss? 
What do you do to relax? 
Are you happy? 
Talk about one person you’ve met recently. 
Talk about one person that you haven’t spoken to in awhile. 
What your favorite color? Foods? Weathers/Seasons?
What did you do on your most recent birthday? 
At what age do you feel that you stopped being a child and “grew up”? 
Do you make friends easily? Talk about them for a little bit. 
What’s the last thing you’ve heard someone say about you behind your back? 
What’s your reputation with the people around you. Do they like you? Dislike you? Why? 
When’s the last time you got drunk? Do you remember what you did? Do you regret it? 
What habits/tics do you have? Do you annoy people with them? 
When was the last date you went on? How did it go? 
Are you an open person or are you closed off? 
What’s in your closet? 
What’s in your dresser/desk? 
What kind of soaps/shampoos/lotion scents do you use? Which ones do you not like? 
Do you like candles? How many do you have and what scents? 
On average how many hours of sleep do you get per day? Do you have problems sleeping or waking up? Has this affected your daily routine with other people/your job? 
When’s the last time you went on vacation? What did you do? 
When was the last time you were angry? What were you angry about? Did you get violent or pent it up? 
When was the last time you were happy? What caused it? 
When was the last time you were sick? What happened? How long did it take until you were better? 
Are you allergic to anything? 
What kind of music do you like? Do you like/not care letting people know what you listen to or do you have certain songs/bands/genres you keep secret out of embarrassment/fear? 
What brings you nostalgia? Why?
Talk about school. Did you go? What classes were you the strongest in? The weakest? Did you do any sports? Were you popular/loner? Bullied? A bully? College? What degree did you get? 
Can you swim? At what age did you learn if you did? Have you swam in the ocean/lake or just in a pool? The last time you did swim? 
What kind of holidays do you celebrate? Do you not? Do you celebrate with friends/family or alone? Which one is your favorite? 
Is there anything that you collect? Hobbies? Do you share with others what you do/make or is it not their business? 
What temperature do you keep your home at? Do you prefer it warm or cool? 
How many blankets do you sleep with? How big is your bed? How soft/firm is it? Can you sleep anywhere or under certain conditions? 
What kind of skills do you have? 
When was the last time you cried? What happened? 
What kind of drunk are you? Emotional? Angry? Clingy? Has this caused trouble for you? 
Do you believe in god(s)? Do you go to church or religious celebrations often? 
Free space. Add your own question. 
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aegisroleplay · 2 years
Tinkering with feeds
Just keep walking.
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aegisroleplay · 2 years
The return of Aegis
The return of Aegis
Guess who’s back, back again? This time, we’ve graduated from the school setting, and we’re moving on to proper superhero work! Bring your Blue Card and update your will, because things are about to get astronomically weird.
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: And, It's Going Fast, And...
Writing Prompt: And, It’s Going Fast, And…
Your character is on a boat. Maybe there’s a boat adventure, whether the adventure takes place on their boat or involving several boats in contest. Maybe engine troubles? Maybe pirates? Maybe a kraken? Maybe… Skittles? Or maybe not.
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Alakazam!
Your character gets into an adventure involving a stage magician, but not that one. Unless your character is Lars, in which case it must do. What’s going on? Is this magician fighting your character? Are they on your character’s side? Or do they merely appear to be? Is there perhaps more than one magician or group of magicians, seeming to cast spells at each other? Is there any question in your…
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Denouement
After their strife, hardship, and conflict (internal and external), your character finds peace. Perhaps it concludes only this particular arc of their life, and hard times are to come again. Perhaps this is a peace that will last them the rest of their life (however long that may be). Either way, at this moment, they probably don’t care (or they try not to think about it for a while). What does…
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Passion Project
Writing Prompt: Passion Project
What is your character really passionate about, preferably that hasn’t come up in canon yet? A hobby? A sport or game? A field of trivia? What got them started on this passion? And what is their experience of it? Do they talk about it all the time, or are they shy about it?
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: I Am The Night
Writing Prompt: I Am The Night
Your character goes in for some real vigilantism, as in vigilante justice. How high on the chaotic alignment do they land? Do they engage in some sabotage for the environment? Or for their own gain? Do they bring consequences to a villain who is untouchable by the law? Or something even less savory?
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Pirates' Booty!
Writing Prompt: Pirates’ Booty!
Your character unearths an old treasure map! Its rhyming instructions lead to a series of deadly-looking traps, which would permit only the most moderately worldly or puzzle-oriented to pass, but at the end of the red dotted line lies an X, and X means treasure! Where on earth did your character find such a thing? And do they feel at all inclined to seek this treasure? Are they better suited to a…
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Moment Of Silence
Writing Prompt: Moment Of Silence
Something bad happens in Baltimore. A disaster, or a supervillain, or something else. Heroes enact their heroism, and the immediate danger passes, but a lot of people die before it’s done. Among them, someone, or several someones, close to your character. What happened? Was your character involved in trying to prevent it? Either way, how do they take it? Who was it they lost? And what do they do?
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Dammit, Josh...
Writing Prompt: Dammit, Josh…
Which animal is your character’s LEAST favorite? Why does your character have a least favorite animal? Are they afraid of this animal or do they just kind of disapprove of its actions? Tell the story of why this animal is your character’s least favorite of all the animals, or tell a better story about a more interesting time they encountered this animal, when they had already previously…
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Bug-Out Bag
Writing Prompt: Bug-Out Bag
Your character needs to run. Maybe a supervillain has found them, or maybe they are a supervillain and the law has found them. Maybe there’s a more mundane reason, like extended family, or going on an unplanned vacation. In any case, they have time to grab five (5) things from their house, base, and/or lair before they have to get out. What do they bring? Why?
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Fallout 108
Writing Prompt: Fallout 108
This week, your character has to deal with a threat related to radiation. Maybe they’re near a power plant that goes into meltdown, maybe they’re pursuing an international supervillain into Pripyat or some other Doctor No style nuclear lair. Maybe the seals fail under Facility 108 (our own Doctor No style nuclear lair). What do they do? What can they do? (I thought about titling this one…
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Fakepolitik
If AEGIS has taught us anything in these five years, it’s that even without powers, superhumans are just as complicated as normal humans (if not more so). In this prompt, your character gets wrapped up in some super complicated interpersonal drama. Whose is it, if not theirs? Who started it? How did your character get roped in? And how might their powers make it all worse? She said what? Well,…
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aegisroleplay · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Apart From The Aqueduct And The Roads...
Writing Prompt: Apart From The Aqueduct And The Roads…
Your character uncovers a massive public health risk. Maybe in the course of your typical supervillain chase through a sewer, they discover intermingling with the drinking water. Maybe they’re looking for clues in a meat packing facility and find… you know, whatever you’d expect. What do they do? To whom do they report, if they prioritize this? What do they do if no one cares?
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