afterhvrs Ā· 2 years
šŸ Ā * Ā ā€• Ā š–š€š‹šŠ Ā šƒšŽš–š Ā šŒš„šŒšŽš‘š˜ Ā š‹š€šš„. Ā  ( Ā sendĀ  inĀ  aĀ  symbolĀ  toĀ  receiveĀ  aĀ  drabbleĀ  orĀ  metaĀ  aboutĀ  aĀ  muses'Ā  memory. Ā )
šŸŒ¼ ā€• a happy memory. šŸŒ§ ā€• a sad memory. šŸŒ¹ ā€• a romantic memory. šŸŒŖ ā€• a scary memory. šŸ‘ ā€• a sexual memory. šŸŒ‘ ā€• a fading memory. šŸŒ• ā€• a vivid memory. šŸ’« ā€• an obscure memory. šŸŽ€ ā€• a childhood memory. šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§ā€šŸ‘¦ ā€• a memory involving a family member. šŸ‘„ ā€• a memory involving a friend. šŸ• ā€• a memory involving a pet. šŸ’„ ā€• a memory you wish youā€™d forget. šŸ— ā€• a memory you never want to forget. šŸ§  ā€• a memory that had a big impact on you. šŸŒˆ ā€• a memory youā€™re not sure actually happened. šŸ™Š ā€• a memory you donā€™t ever talk about.
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afterhvrs Ā· 2 years
āœ§ ā€” ā‹†Ā  Ā Ā š’šŽš‚šˆš€š‹ šŒš„šƒšˆš€ & š“š„š—š“šˆšš† šš‘šŽšŒšš“š’ .
sendĀ  šŸ“˜Ā  forĀ  aĀ  facebookĀ  statusĀ  aboutĀ  yourĀ  museĀ 
sendĀ  šŸ‘»Ā  forĀ  aĀ  snapchatĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  museĀ 
sendĀ  šŸ¦Ā  forĀ  aĀ  tweetĀ  aboutĀ  yourĀ  museĀ 
sendĀ  šŸ“øĀ  forĀ  anĀ  instagramĀ  postĀ  aboutĀ  yourĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ·Ā  forĀ  aĀ  drunkĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ˜³Ā  forĀ  anĀ  embarrassingĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ’‹Ā  forĀ  aĀ  flirtyĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ˜±Ā  forĀ  aĀ  scaredĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  āœØĀ  forĀ  aĀ  randomĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ˜”Ā  forĀ  anĀ  angryĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ˜¬Ā  forĀ  aĀ  worriedĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ˜¢Ā  forĀ  aĀ  sadĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ˜Ā  forĀ  aĀ  happyĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
sendĀ  šŸ’•Ā  forĀ  aĀ  lovingĀ  textĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  muse
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afterhvrs Ā· 2 years
send me a ā° for a memory from my museā€™s past
send +ā° for a positive memory or -ā° for a negative memory
you can also add +šŸ‘¤ for a memory involving the senderā€™s muse, if applicable
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
Send me a sibling relationship and Iā€™ll tell youā€¦
Who was the favorite child?
How ride-or-die they were as kids?
How ride-or-die they are as adults?
Which one of them wanted a pet and which one of them ended up caring for it?
Which one of them saidĀ ā€œDonā€™t tell Mom and Dad!ā€ and which one always did?
A secret/inside joke/story only they know?
How affectionate they are?
Which one of them always tagged along with the otherā€™s friends?
How often they fought as kids and about what?
How often they fight now and about what?
Something theyā€™re each envious of about the other?
Something they each admire about the other?
What games they played as kids and what that was like?
What family traditions they had and which of them keeps them up in adulthood?
Which of their parents each is most like?
What things they did as kids (and do as adults) that annoy each other?
What things they did as kids (and do as adults) that they love about each other?
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
send me šŸ‘¶šŸ»and iā€™ll hc about our musesā€™ child
can be an already created child or a new one
personality headcanon:
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it:
did they get in trouble in school:
which parent were they more attached to:
what was their favorite toy:
did they cry a lot as a baby:
movie they watched over and over:
what was their favorite subject in school:
were they social growing up or quiet:
which parent do they take after:
what do they grow up to be:
three random headcanons:
likes & dislikes:
do they get along with their parents:
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
šŸ˜ƒ : a happy voicemailĀ 
šŸ˜ : a loving voicemail
šŸ¤Ŗ : a goofy voicemail
šŸ˜ž : a disappointed voicemail
šŸ˜” : a sad voicemail
šŸ˜Ÿ : a worried voicemail
šŸ˜  : an angry voicemail
šŸ˜³ : an embarrassing voicemail
šŸ˜Ø : a scared voicemail
šŸ˜Æ : a surprised voicemail
šŸ„± : a sleepyĀ voicemail
šŸ„“ : a drunk voicemail
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
16 OC Questions
šŸŒ² What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has done to another person?
šŸŒ³ What does your OC do when they see others upset or in pain? An upset friend? A stranger?
šŸŒæ What is something true about your OC that they refuse to admit about themselves? Is there any reason to this besides embarassment?
šŸƒ Describe a regular day for your OC. What is their schedule (if they have one).
šŸ‚ How does your OC think they will die? Does death scare them? Is there any reason for this?
šŸ What is your OCā€™s most traumatic experience? (If they donā€™t have just one traumatic experience either pick one or describe them all!)
šŸ„ How would your OC react to the death of a friend/family member/loved one? Is there anyone they can confide in?
šŸŒ¾ What would your OC be like if they were evil. Or if theyā€™re already evil what would they be like as the good guy?
šŸ’ How would your OC react to somebody telling them that they love them? (+ bonus give another characters/OC name!)
šŸŒ· What does your OC hate about themself? What lies about themself do they believe? On the flip side, What does your OC love about themself?
šŸŒ¹ Does your OC have any scars? How and when did they get them?
šŸ„€ What is something your OC blames themself for and is it really their fault? Does it keep them up at night and is there any lingering trauma?
šŸŒŗ In what situation would your OC be pushed to commit an act of violence? Would they go as far to kill someone if they had to? How would this affect them and their relationships with others?
šŸŒø What would your OC do if they were given god-like powers or the ability to change anything about the world for a whole day?
šŸŒ¼ Describe one of your OCā€™s worst nightmares.
šŸŒ» What advice would your OC give to their younger self? What advice does your OC need now?
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
Peek into my character's past!
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
Send ā­ļø (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses. Send ā˜Ž for your museā€™s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent). Send šŸŽ¼ for a song that reminds me of our muses. Send šŸ‘‹ for three things that describe our muses relationship. Send šŸ‘‚ to overhear my muse talking about yours. Send šŸ‘¤+ a muse name for my museā€™s opinion on that muse (with the other muse/munā€™s permission). Send šŸ˜ for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them. Send šŸ’¤ for my muse to say something about yours in their sleep. Send šŸ“– for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours. Send āœ‰ for a written letter from my muse. SendšŸ“±for a voicemail my muse left yours. Send šŸŒ€ for my museā€™s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours. Send šŸŗ for my muses drunk reaction around yours. Send šŸ’° for your muse to ask mine for money. Send āœ”ļø for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours. Send šŸ‘€ for my muse to compliment yours Send šŸ’‹ for how my muse would seduce/flirt with yours. Send Ā šŸ‘ and what your muse will do to fluster mine. Send šŸ˜™ for my museā€™s reaction to yoursĀ being super affectionate. Send šŸµ and my muse will reveal one of their biggest regrets involving yours. Send šŸ˜¶ and my muse will confess to something they wish they didnā€™t do that affected your muse.
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
give me a paring + an au setting and I'll tell you all the headcanons I've made about that
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
Your Museā€™s Backstory
1. Where were they born? What is the story behind their birth, if any?
2. Has their living situation changed from when they were born?
3. What occupations did their parents have when they were born? Did this job influence your muse in any form?
4. Did they have any childhood enemies? Any friends? Enemies that became friends?
5. What sort of religion was practiced in their home? Did religion play a role in their upbringing?
6. How many siblings did they have? What was their relationship like? Were they an only child who wished for siblings?
7. What is their fondest memory? Their worst?
8. If they could name the worst moment of their life, what would it be? Did this change them as a person or change how they perceived the world, themselves, and others?
9. If they were to make a timeline with their life events, which ones would they list? Which would they leave out? 10. What was the hardest lesson they had to learn as they got older?
11. What occupation did your character want to have growing up? Is this the same as what they wish to be, or are in, now?
12. Did they face any kind of bullying or abuse growing up?
13. Are there any moments of their past they keep secret?
14. Did they live near extended family in the past? How did this shape their environment? Are any of their relatives near their age? What are their feelings towards extended family in general?
15. Would they rather go back and relive their childhood? Why or why not?
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
slightly angstier ship meme
send me a ship and iā€™ll tell you:
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks
who worries more about the other
who is more afraid about the other leaving them
who is more likely to leave (for any reason)
who is more likely to drunkenly confess
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason)
who picks fights more often
who usually apologizes first
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other
who is more likely to lash out at the other
who gets more jealous
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else ā€œas long as theyā€™re happyā€:
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
Send ā€œšŸŒŒ+ A Museā€ and Iā€™ll describe their aesthetic!
Bonus: Provide examples of the aesthetic! Make an Aesthetic Board! Go crazy!
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
domestic ship : java <3
domestic shipĀ for ava & jamie.
who reaches out to new neighboursĀ ?Ā definitely ava. within a week of moving into the loft, she probably became bffā€™s with mrs. walker, who gives her pastries and stuff all the time now.
who remembers to buy healthy food ?Ā i feel like maybe jamie, just a bit more than ava ??Ā 6 packs are made in the kitchen after all ;P
who remembers to buy junk food ?Ā definitely ava. gotta have her cheetos.
who fixes the oven when it breaks ?Ā 100% jamie, or itā€™s jamie who tries. and we both know it was ava who broke it while attempting one of mrs. walkerā€™s recipes :)))
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s) ?Ā ava ofc. sheā€™s always coming back from the farmerā€™s market with some new plant that she named bcuz the loft needs some green energy.Ā 
who wakes up earlier ?Ā ava, but mostly bcuz of her morning starbucksā€™ shifts and bcuz jamieā€™s always working late at the bar.
who makes the bed ?Ā ava bcuz a clean room = good juju. if jamie didnā€™t before, he definitely started doing it after ava started going into his room more often to watch the sunsetĀ šŸ‘€
who makes the coffee ?Ā ava learned to make a big pot of coffee every morning so that after eddie and liv drink theirs, thereā€™s some left over for jamie when he wakes up. bcuz... sheā€™s a good roommate... that is all...
who burns breakfast ?Ā hAH definitely ava. after she moved in, jamie didnā€™t even need to set an alarm for the morning anymore bcuz the fire alarm would always go off when ava makes breakfast ;P
how do they let each other know theyā€™re leaving the house ?Ā lol i think they just shout out that theyā€™re heading out, if anything at all ?
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home ?Ā ava always says hi. jamie probably skips the greeting and just asks what sheā€™s doing bcuz heā€™s always coming home to ava ( and eddie ) doing some weird shit.
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often ?Ā 100% ava on the reg. but then jamie starts lowkey doing it too once he starts liking ava, even tho he tries to play it off like itā€™s nbd and avaā€™s totally oblivious to it. but liv sees you, jamieĀ šŸ‘€
who picks the movie for movie night ?Ā ava lets jamie pick bcuz she wants him to think sheā€™s a cool roommate. but then he notices that she only ever asks eddie or liv to watch cheesy romance/rom-comā€™s with her, so heā€™s like, ā€œĀ why donā€™t you ever ask me to watch them with you ? ā€ and sheā€™s like, ā€œ oh, i didnā€™t think they were your thing. ā€Ā and they arenā€™t, but he says heā€™s down anyways, and thatā€™s how heā€™s stuck watching these movies with ava now.
their favourite kind of movie to watch ?Ā ava genuinely thinks jamie likes watching rom-comā€™s too, but we kNOW he only watches them with her so they can spend time togetherĀ šŸ‘€
who first suggests a pillow fort ?Ā ava ofc. eddie and liv are out somewhere, while jamie and ava are stuck at home bcuz of a big thunderstorm and the powerā€™s out everywhere. theyā€™re both bored with nothing to do, so ava suggests a pillow fort, kinda half joking, but to her surprise, jamie agrees. so they build a pillow fort in the living room, and theyā€™re just hanging out with snacks and a flashlight, and itā€™s just cute af vibes !!
who builds the pillow fort ?Ā jamie ends up having to build most of it cuz ava is clumsy af and keeps knocking things over in the dark.Ā 
who falls asleep first ?Ā continuing with the pillow fort hc... ava falls asleep first in the pillow fort. theyā€™re both laying super close to each other cuz itā€™s a tight space. then thereā€™s that cute cliche moment where jamie brushes avaā€™s hair back and heā€™s just got the softest feelz for her in that momentĀ šŸ„ŗ
who is big spoon/little spoon ?Ā most of the time, jamie is the big spoon and ava is the little spoon. but sometimes ava will insist on being the big spoon bcuz he deserves to be little spoonā€™ed too. jamie will try to be all macho and say no, but he eventually caves and lets ava cuddle himĀ šŸ˜Œ
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
domestic ship meme!
send me a ship and iā€™ll tell you:
who reaches out to new neighbors
who remembers to buy healthy food
who remembers to buy junk food
who fixes the oven when it breaks
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
who wakes up earlier
who makes the bed
who makes the coffee
who burns breakfast
how do they let each other know theyā€™re leaving the house
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
who picks the movie for movie night
their favorite kind of movie to watch
who first suggests a pillow fort
who builds the pillow fort
who tries to distract the other during the move
who falls asleep first
who is big spoon/little spoon
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
jarcy for the long ship meme! any or all q's ;P
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š‰š€š‘š‚š˜ š‡š„š€šƒš‚š€šššŽšš’
did your muse fall in love with mine quickly, or was it a long process? as long of a process as you can GET. jimmy and darcy met when they were late teens, when jimmy was homeless and darcy was on a treasure hunt. it wasnā€™t love so much, as it was he wanted to protect her for a reason he could not disclose. but as the two grew closer and continued their adventures, that feeling turned into a deep passion and love for her, so much he couldnā€™t get darcy out of his head.
whatā€™s something they do when my muse is down? whenever darcyā€™s in a bad mood, you know itā€™s bad. so jimmy will do absolutely everything that she would do for him. get her out of the house, a nice dinner, dancing (even if he loathes it) all he wants is her happiness and damnit if he wonā€™t try.
whatā€™s a topic theyā€™re scared of talking about with my muse? the one thing he never wants to discuss is....what if something happens? not only because he doesnā€™t like to think of failing, but because he genuinely cannot imagine his life if something were to happen. he has a plan and sticks to it...no matter what.
do you see them as the marrying type? it was hard for jimmy to even think of marriage, even when he was with darcy, marriage was something that hardley crossed his mind, without thinking how awful marriage has gone for others. until the colombia mission, where he knew all he wanted to do was marry her and run away. even though that didnā€™t happen....
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afterhvrs Ā· 3 years
If they had a kid meme? Naddy
if they had a kidĀ for addy & niko. bcuz bap said angst :))
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name : ajax, but goes by jax
gender : cis man
personality : hellooo fuckboy ! jax is a lover, not a fighter, like his mom, but like his dad, can cause conflict ( intentionally or not ) wherever he goes. whether itā€™s from scorned lovers or interfering with otherā€™s relationships, he has a tendency to leave a trail of broken hearts and messy feelings behind him. jax is equal parts his parents in that he is the representation of the conflict and chaos involved in love ā€” manipulation, jealousy, unrequited feelings and lust.
special talents : jax is all four of the erotes ( eros, anteros, himeros & pothos ) wrapped up in one, so his powers are similar to aphroditeā€™s and are related to love, lust and desire.
who they like better : heā€™s kind of a mamaā€™s boy, but gets on just as well with his dad.
who they take after more : mostly addy, but also niko in some ways.
headcanon : jax takes peopleā€™s relationship statuses with a grain of salt, which basically means everyone is single and available in his eyes, even if theyā€™re technically not. he claims that people are responsible for their own actions, so if someone cheats on their s/o with him, thatā€™s not on him. ā€˜ lust is lust ā€™ is his motto and he especially likes to use it when he ruins yet another relationship bcuz he couldnā€™t keep it in his pants :)) safe to say that monogamy is not for him.
faceclaim : felix mallard
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name : scarlett
gender : cis woman
personality : scarlett is a force to be reckoned with. she may get her beauty from her mom, but she is definitely her fatherā€™s daughter. she comes off very harsh and abrasive, and seems to not care much for otherā€™s feelings. but underneath her rough exterior, she truly has a heart of gold, like her mother. believe it or not, she hates bullies and always looks out for those who canā€™t protect themselves, though her methods are often frowned upon. sheā€™s a big believer in karma and assholes getting whatā€™s coming to them. scarlett tends to scare people off with her resting bitch face, but once she lets you get to know her, she can be a very loyal friend. but break that trust, then you better sleep with one eye open.
special talents : scarlett is adrestia ā€” the goddess of revolt, just retribution ( aka revenge ) & the balance between good and evil. mayhaps she is nemesis 2.0. she is definitely a fighter like her dad.
who they like better : pretty sure sheā€™s a daddyā€™s girl
who they take after more : niko, no doubt about it, but also subtly addy too
headcanon : scarlett has a hard time making friends. unlike her twin brother, she doesnā€™t exactly give off the friendliest vibe. in fact, she comes across as a big bully, but sheā€™s only a bully to other bullies. scarlett likes to stick up for the little guy and wonā€™t hesitate to use her fists to do so, even if her opponentā€™s twice her size. this means sheā€™s often coming home with bruises and cuts that addy has to patch up. but niko taught her well and sheā€™s never lost a fight yet.
faceclaim : bridget satterlee
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