Overwatch Characters as Dog Breeds
” Genji- Shiba Inu: “The Shiba Inu originated in Japan and was used primarily as a hunting dog to flush out small game and birds. A small, agile dog that copes very well with mountainous terrain, the Shiba has an independent nature and can be reserved toward strangers but is loyal and affectionate to those who earn his respect.” 
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McCree- Coyote: “The coyote is a canine native to North America and one of the most adaptable animals on the planet. It is gregarious, but not as dependent on packs as more social canid species like wolves are. The coyote is a prominent character in Native American folklore (Southwestern United States and Mexico), usually depicted as a trickster. As with other trickster figures, the coyote acts as a picaresque hero which rebels against social convention through deception and humor.”
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Pharah- Pharaoh Hound: “The Pharaoh Hound is an ancient dog breed who has changed little since its development more than 5,000 years ago. They were the dog of kings and may have hunted gazelles with pharaohs, hence their name. As with any hound, they can have moments of aloofness and can be strong-willed, but in the main they are gentle and get along well with others. They love human companionship and will seek out affection and attention from people while still maintaining their independence.”
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Ana- Canaan Dog: “ The Canaan Dog is a pariah dog that has survived in the desert region of Israel for thousands of years. Canaan dogs have a strong survival instinct. They are quick to react and wary of strangers, and will alert to any disturbances with prompt barking, thus making them excellent watchdogs. Though defensive, they are not aggressive and are very good with children”
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Reaper- Presa Canario: “ The Perro de Presa Canario, A.K.A. the Canary Mastiff, is a Molosser-type dog breed originally bred for working livestock. They are large dogs with thick and muscular bodies. Their aspect denotes power. They are especially gifted for the function of guard and defense; their impetuous temperament, fighting skill, and low, deep bark make them quite formidable. They are gentle and noble with family and distrustful with strangers.”
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Tracer- Jack Russell Terrier: “Jack Russells are an energetic breed originating in England, and rely on a high level of exercise and stimulation. Jack Russells tend to be extremely intelligent, athletic, fearless, and vocal dogs. Despite their small size, they have a tremendous amount of energy, a fact which can sometimes lead to trouble involving larger animals.”
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Hanzo- Akita Inu: “The Akita is a large and powerful dog breed with a noble and intimidating presence originally used for guarding royalty and nobility in feudal Japan. The Akita also tracked and hunted wild boar, black bear, and sometimes deer. A fearless and loyal guardian of his family, the Akita does not back down from challenges and does not frighten easily.”
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Junkrat- Dingo: “The dingo is a wild dog found in Australia. They are opportunistic hunters, but will also scavenge from human settlements and even eat fruits and plants. Europeans regarded them as devious and cowardly, since they did not “fight bravely”. They were seen as predators that killed wantonly, rather than out of hunger. They were associated with thieves, vagabonds, and bushrangers.”
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Mei- Samoyed: “ Originally bred to hunt, haul sledges, and herd reindeer, the Samoyed dog breed proved a valuable companion for northwestern Siberia’s Samoyede people. To this day, the Samoyed’s reputation as an intelligent, dignified, family dog is well deserved. They often choose to dote on one special person in the household, but are affectionate with everyone in the pack. Happiest when part of family life, this breed needs to be with people. In fact, leaving a Samoyed alone too much is the best way to make them miserable.”
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Torbjörn- Schipperke: “Known for a stubborn, mischievous, and headstrong temperament, the Schipperke is sometimes referred to as the “little devil”. Schipperkes are very smart and independent; and sometimes debate listening to owners, instead choosing to do whatever benefits them. They are formidable barkers and can be aggressive with other dogs.”
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Widowmaker- Standard Poodle: “The poodle is a medium sized dog originating from France. Although today’s poodles seem to epitomize a life of leisure and luxury, make no mistake: These are real dogs bred to do real jobs. Poodles are renowned for a playful but dignified personality and keen intelligence, as well as what his fans call “an air of distinction”: a dignified attitude that’s hard to describe, but easy to spot in the dog.”
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D.Va- Korean Jindo: “Originating in South Korea, the Jindo exhibit unmatched loyalty. They are incredibly intelligent dogs with a knack for hunting, tricks, and even agility. Renowned for their bravery and intelligence, they show diehard loyalty to their owners, making them great companions, and rather reserved with strangers, making them effective watchdogs as well. In fact, they are such good watchdogs that the Korean army frequently uses them as guard dogs for military bases.”
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Reinhardt- Leonberger: “Originally from Germany, this giant breed, with their lion-like looks and deep bark, make intimidating watch dogs. First and foremost a family dog, the Leonberger’s temperament is one of their most important and distinguishing characteristics. Leonbergers are self-assured, well-composed, and self-disciplined when obliging its family or property with protection.”
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Roadhog- Bullmastiff: “The Bullmastiff is a a large, quiet, fearless dog with the speed to track down poachers and the strength to hold them. While standoffish toward strangers, they have a soft spot for loved ones. Large and powerfully built, the Bullmastiff was bred to be a silent watchdog and only rarely barks; their formidable appearance is a wonderful deterrent to would-be attackers or intruders. They are determined protectors when needed and a loving family companion the rest of the time.”
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Zarya- Caucasian Shepherd Dog: “Caucasian shepherd dogs are large, strongly-boned, muscular, and even-tempered molossers originating in Russia. They have existed since ancient times, and served shepherds in the Caucasus mountains as guard dogs, defending sheep from predators, mainly wolves, jackals and bears. They are still successfully served in this job.”
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Lúcio- Boxer: “ Boxers are large, muscular, square-headed dogs who look imposing but are very bright, energetic, and playful. They are known to be clownish and loving to their family, but also headstrong, dignified, and self-assured, especially in guard work. They often are distrustful of strangers at first, but will not be aggressive unless they perceive a threat to their families.”
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Mercy- Berger Blanc Suisse: “The Berger Blanc Suisse is a breed of dog originating in Switzerland. Most are gentle, very intelligent and learn easily. They are loyal to their family and may be wary around strangers, but are not prone to show shy or fearful behavior. They are suited for a variety of services to man from search and rescue to medical alert to therapy. They are also structured and have temperaments to succeed at performance events.”
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Symmetra- Kanni: “The Kanni is a rare indigenous South Indian dog breed used mainly for hunting. Though usually shy, it will always defend its home or master, if the need arises. They are a silent breed and are not nuisance barkers. The Kanni dogs are faithful and easy to train but they will always think independently when on a hunt. They are extremely agile and strong while remaining light on their feet.” 
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Soldier: 76- Yellow Black Mouth Cur: “ The Black Mouth Cur is a well-muscled rugged herding, hunting, and all around utility dog originating in America. The black mouth cur was bred as a homestead dog that would protect its family and home against intruders. This means that a well-bred black mouth cur is territorial; most off their ‘turf’ work well with other dogs, hunting or herding stock, but on their family property will chase the same dog away.”
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First thing that came to my mind when I saw this.
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“I’m here to heal and kick butt, and I’m all out of shits to give about healing you guys.”
-My Drow Cleric (via yourplayersaidwhat) @justice-could-use-a-nap @hippity-hop-beat-drop @tranquility-gone-wrong (via s0mbr4-h4xx3d-m3)
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My mom thinks that all prescription medication is evil and believes putting me on a cocktail of vitamins will help my severe depression and anxiety. Sure, mom. That’s exactly how mental illness works.
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“That feeling when you get a combo in QP“
By XaleGown
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Best Overwatch Lore Ending
Blackjectailworst 2.0 overthrow Michael Chu and take his place writing the Overwatch lore. It is still more complete and coherent than what we have so far.
Meanwhile, I fistfight Jeff Kaplan behind the Denny’s.
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something weird with hanzo
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Gunyatta’s mom… Oh, you mean Momyatta?  Gunmadda?  Anyway…
Original comic by rockboci!
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Reaper: I’ll Sit You In Hell
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Real Overwatch Fact #292:
Reaper is nocturnal.
Submitted by anonymous.
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in German a mobile phone is literally just “Handy” and they do tell us that it’s not the same in English, but unless you actually use the language you might not remember… or know slang for that matter
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seeing GamerBros™ fawn over kitty dva: Bad And Gross, Gave Me The Plague 
seeing The Gays fawn over kitty dva: Pure, Wholesome WLW Energies, Saved My Crops, Made Me Immortal
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follow up 
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Hanzo gets caught up (seems like Genji’s been in good hands)
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For whatever you guys’re struggling with: Awoooo’ll always believe in youuuuu.
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rp with a friend about some fluff ideas
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